Toasters in Studios?


Jan 25, 2002
From another thread on this board people are posting that the BWV studios now have toasters. Would like to hear from anyone who has stayed in studios at VWL, OKW or BWV to verify that this is in deed the norm now. We took our tour and purchased in January and I did ask our guide "Why no toaster in the studio?" He didn't really no why not but made a call to someone who told him that toasters are available to studio guests upon request. My concern was visiting during a busy time of the year and arriving at a studio only to be told that there are no toasters available. Has this ever happened? No toaster available? I was going to play it safe and purchase a $5 toaster at our local Family Dollar Store just to be safe and then leave the toaster behind. But I would love to have 1 less think to pack.

Let me know about those toasters. Thanks.
I was in studios at OKW, VWL and BWV in Dec/Jan. Of the three different resorts, the only one that had a toaster was OKW. I didn't need one so I didn't call about it.
Stayed in a studio at VWL in Oct. We called and requested a toaster and it was brought to us quickly. Don't know about the other resorts, haven't stayed in them, yet!! Also don't know about how many are in their supply.
Stayed in a studio at BWV 1/25 -0 1/30/02. No toaster. Had to request one.
I have stayed in studios in OKW & BWV and have never had a problem getting a toaster, but I did have to request a toaster there was never one in the room. Everytime I have requested a toaster I got one very quickly and they have always been very nice toasters too! On a trip last Feb a friend stayed with me who works for Macys in their housewares dept. and she said the toaster we got sells at Macys for $65.00!! Of course, me being the DVC owner was complaining that DVC did not need to buy such expensive toasters that might grow legs and walk away in someone's luggage and therefore up the operating costs! LOL!!
We were in a studio at OKW in November and end of January and both times there was a toaster already in the room. They were quite nice, big enough for bagels.
I just returned Sunday from a 24 night stay at the BWV. I stayed in 2 studios and 2 1-bedrooms, depending on if I was solo or not. When I first arrived, I was in a studio. After a few days there, a new toaster had been delivered while I was in the parks (I had not requested this.) Later in my trip, when I checked into a different studio, there was a new toaster in my room. It apppeared that toasters had been delivered to the studios. (Also, they were replacing the studio chairs.)

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