To the Convention organizers.....


Occasional Lurker
Jun 25, 2000
did you realize that Friday, November 30th is a full moon?


<font size=4 color=red align=left face="Comic Sans MS">I'm not bad.......I'm just drawn that way.</font>
<font size=2 color=blue align=centre face="Comic Sans MS">- Jessica Rabbit</font>
Proud member of: <IMG align=center src="">
We're all a little bit crazy anyways :) About Disney any way! Guess we'll all have to be on watch for all the other visitors there at the same time as we are. Remember, there's safety in numbers :) Gerri

That would be a great time to have a Haunted Mansion Marathon, even if it is earlier in the day..

Mac-key Mouse QOBGOC

<font color=red>Coordinator of the First Annual Official Dis Convention </font>
oh yeah Mac-key!

A villians dinner, followed by the haunted mansion, then a moon lit cruise watching the fireworks!!!

<font size=4 color=red align=left face="Comic Sans MS">I'm not bad.......I'm just drawn that way.</font>
<font size=2 color=blue align=centre face="Comic Sans MS">- Jessica Rabbit</font>
Proud member of: <IMG align=center src="">
Ooooooh, what an idea! Once, on an E-ticket night, my sister, my son and I were the only ones riding the HM. I went in the first Doom Buggy by myself. They followed in the next one. Well, I managed to creep myself out, but good! It occured to me that I was all alone in the dark HM ride and no one was in front of me as far as I could see. I was so sure someone (or thing) was going to jump out and scare me!!!! :eek: Silly me! :rolleyes:

Barb-for Real!
Been there, done that, GOING BACK!



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