To stroll or not?


Earning My Ears
Jan 24, 2001
My DD is 4 yrs old and does not use the stroller much anymore, But I'm not sure I am ready to give it up. I am use to pushing a stroller and having room for all our stuff. I also have bad knees and sometimes walking is hard on me and the stroller is usefull to lean on while I walk. I've been jokeing to my DH that I need another baby so I'll have an excuse to use a stroller. My 4 year old is almost to big for this stroller but I don't want to buy another. We are also flying and renting a car so I'm worried about having enough room for a stroller and 4 or 5 pieces of luggage.
What do you all think?
We were in WDW Jan of 2000...DD turned 4 that Feb and she is actually big for her age....she was 40 pounds and 46". We didn't use the stroller much at home but took our umbrella one with us... and boy did we need it!!! I even had to rent one for my DD age 6!!!!

We are going again next March 2002 and hopefully won't have to lug it around....they will be 6 and 8 at that time!!

My DD was 4 when we went last and I wouldnt have traded the stroller for anything. Those parks really poop the kids out, and if I didnt have it, I know one of us would have been carrying her.
She even fell asleep in it during the Mulan parade, and she hadnt taken a nap in 2 years!
And to top it off, My other DD who was 7 took turns riding in it too when her legs got too pooped. So it was a lifesaver.
I say definitely pack it. You wont regret it.

All Star Music 10/4/98
Next trip All Star Movies 05/3/02-05/12/02
you won't regret it, and you will find that most kids ages 3 to 5 are still in strollers at WDW.
The other nice thing about having your own is you'll have it at Downtown Disney, your resort, and the water parks if you go there. DS used the stroller until he was 7. It's a lot of walking for those little legs!


Living To Keep The Promise

I agree with all the above. Our 3-1/2 year old strolled most of the time when we were there. We took the tray/bar off of the front and so he was able to get in and out easily. He even napped in it a few times. There is no way he could have walked the whole time. The other option would have been on his dad's shoulders and that was NOT an option for his dad!
My son was 4 (almost 5) on his first Disney trip. He was always the child who would not tolerate a stroller at all...always wanted to walk. At WDW he *begged* for a stroller before we even had breakfast the first day (AK..lots of walking). I'm very thankful I had tossed our old umbrella stroller in the car trunk before we left...we used it constantly.

A year later he still used the stroller quite a bit....but much less than at 4.


1979 Contemporary
1992 Off-site
1994 Carribean Beach
1999 Fort Wilderness and Coronado Springs
2000 Polynesian and Old Key West
2002 Boardwalk Villas
Agree with all- take the stroller! I too will miss it when my youngest DD outgrows the stoller as it is great for storage- I like the assurance of taking a few "extras" into the park with me in case I need them, especially a small soft-sided cooler for juice boxes and water, really saves money and prevents waits in line. As we are taking a 2.5 and 5 year old will also take an umbrella stoller for our older daughter as she is bound to need it at some point.

'83,'84,'88 off site
3/98 CSR
6/98 Dolphin
4/99 CSR
5/99 DL
7/99 Yacht Club
5/01 CSR


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