To have Crowds or not to have Crowds, that is my question


Feb 23, 2001
I plan on visiting DL and DCA on June 7,8,9 a Thursday Friday and Saturday. What is my best bet for crowd control? Will Thursday be empty while Friday and Sat. be extremely crowded? Will Sat. be crowded at DCA and empty at DL? Any suggestions on how to split my 3 days up?
If you will be able to do early entry (or "Magic Mornings"), you should. I believe early admission is available to DL on Thursday and Saturday. Which would leave Friday for you to explore DCA.

Attendance at DCA has so far been significantly less than originally anticipated, and wait times have not been longer than 30 minutes for most attractions. Or so I've read. If that's so, you should be able to do it comfortably in a day.

<font color=blue>
<font face="Alaska">"It's the time of your life, so live it well..."

Greg K.
Forest Hills, NY
<font color=maroon>
Grand Floridian: '96,'97,'99
Disneyland Hotel: '00 '01



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