Titanic experience


Earning My Ears
Jun 13, 2001
I've seen that in Orlando there is a Titanic experience museum or soething like this.
Is it good?
Can anyone pls tell me which other kind of good attractions there r in Orlando city?
thx very much
Titanic is a very well done museum/recreation using live actors. You are treated like a passenger on the ship, even given a ticket with the name of an actual passenger. At the end you can check a list of survivors to see if you made it.

Orlando is FILLED with things to see and do. You could easily spend several months there and not get around to seeing and doping everything.
Other than the Titanic Exhibition, I would go see Sak Comedy Lab. It's like a live version of "Whose Line is It Anyway?" It's been consistently voted the best comedy performance in Orlando. Check them out at www.sak.com.


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