Throw Up on the Lap Bars Please- A June 2019 TR! COMPLETED 3/1!

Wow... sorry to hear about this, but glad that he's doing well. Scary stuff!

Thank you 🥰 It was SO scary but thankfully he is home now and doing well!

We've had good luck stumbling across her coming out there too. Certainly off the beaten path!

Yes! It's nice to still have some things without a huge line lol

Something about food on a stick that just always makes it better.

This is so true!

We've still not managed to meet him, but I've heard nothing but good things about him!

It was one of the most fun meets! His line was crazy long though!

Still a good picture of both of you though. Could have been somebody looking completely off to the side or something like most of the pictures you see from this attraction.

Thank you! I studied up on where it was before because I wanted a decent ride photo :rotfl:

Got the one you were looking for earlier!


Uh oh… hope that doesn't ruin the fun. Hopefully something positive!

It was positive!!
I hope your brother is doing better! What a scary situation!

Thank you 🥰 🥰 . Ugh it was so scary but thankfully he is home and doing well.

Those are two meets that I don't see very often on the boards! It's a shame that Mary Poppins doesn't have a Photopass photographer (?!), but Mike did a good job with the photos. Your meet with Peter Pan looked like great fun!

I've heard from somewhere that she doesn't have PP because of the way Disney owns the rights to Mary Poppins? Not sure if it's true but I've never seen her with one so it seems plausible to me lol. Mike is used to playing photographer at this point though lol.

It was so much fun!

I love your Haunted Mansion ride photo! I swear the line at Haunted Mansion is always crazy now due to FP+.

Thank you! I agree- some rides seem to always seem longer now. Haunted Mansion is one and Jungle Cruise too!
f you wouldn't mind keeping my little brother in your thoughts, I would appreciate it. He texted us from the bus on the way to school this morning to say his shoulder and ribs started hurting him and he couldn't breathe. My sister picked him up and I met them at the ER where he was diagnosed with a spontaneous pneumothorax.
Oh dear. Sorry to hear that. How is he doing now?
(And I didn't know this was even possible! Spontaneous pneumothorax??? How does that even happen?)
The first was to stop and examine the construction on the path next to the castle.
I always find MK construction jarring.
I quickly glanced over and saw that not only was Mary Poppins meeting in the gazebo, but Bert was with her! The best part was, there was no line at all.
Nice. You gotta go, then.
We had a lovely chat about our holidays
Jolly holidays.
Apparently we stopped for some random photopass pictures with the Rivers of America sign🤷‍♀️.
Of course! This is a must do.
Disney's description: Chicken Skewer marinated with a spicy sweet sauce 6.99 but I refer to it as glorious chicken-on-a-stick! We bought it last year with the candied bacon in that market in Liberty Sqaure but when I went there this time to buy it, I was redirected to Frontierland.
Good to know. That looks really good. I hope I can remember this so I can put it on my list (I don't have access to it right now.)
I like that!
WDWToday replied to my tweet asking me to DM them with the particulars of what happened with the CBR manager that morning!
Okay... plot thickens...
I think I may have only met Peter once before but we had Peter Pan themed shirts on this morning so it was a must-do.
He noticed our shirts right away and asked if they meant I was going to kiss him! :eek: I assured him I would not, so he made me pinky promise.
You should've leaned in with lips puckered just to see what he'd do!
Peter was hysterical and I'm so glad we did this meet and greet!
We took a pitstop to the Tangled Toilets because I can't pass them up and I wanted to change shirts now that we had met Peter. :rotfl:
Can you imagine if he saw you later? He'd be crushed!
My favorite part of the stretching room (taken without the flash!)
::yes:: She's quite popular. Love when guests dress as her for MNSSHP.
Our first Haunted Mansion ride photo! Clearly one of us knew where the photo was and one didn't.:rotfl:

Looks like no hitchhiking ghosts followed us this time!
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
If you thought we weren't stopping for more photos on the way out, you must not have been reading this report closely lol.
And one of my favorites from the trip:

I really like this photo. I can see why it'd be one of your faves. :)
I have caught up! Sorry about the exchange with the CBR manager, just odd!

I love all your photo pass pictures, so cute!

We were bad this last trip with getting pictures, it was so hot and I wasn’t feeling picture ready, if you know what I mean:laughing:
My sister picked him up and I met them at the ER where he was diagnosed with a spontaneous pneumothorax.

Oh no! Here's hoping for a quick recovery.

I feel like most people don't realize she's meeting back there because we've found her with no line at all several times now.

People definitely don't know she's there. I even had a cm tell me on my August trip that he thought she only met in Epcot now. Got me all worried until I was able to verify on the mk times guide.

He noticed our shirts right away and asked if they meant I was going to kiss him! :eek: I assured him I would not, so he made me pinky promise.

What a great meet!

That sounds like a nice morning at mk, although I don't think I would have stopped for that last set of pictures with the sky getting as dark as it was.

I can't wait to hear about your resolution to the CBR manager nonsense, because his behavior was just not ok.
Oh dear. Sorry to hear that. How is he doing now?
(And I didn't know this was even possible! Spontaneous pneumothorax??? How does that even happen?)

He's doing well! He followed up with the cardiothoracic surgeon a few days ago and is 80% healed thankfully. It happens, usually in thin, tall, white males which he meets the criteria for 100%. He had a huge growth spurt last summer and didn't gain any weight with it so he was basically the textbook example for it. So scary!

Nice. You gotta go, then.


Of course! This is a must do.

:rotfl: :rotfl: I suggest they add it to the Stacey video!

Good to know. That looks really good. I hope I can remember this so I can put it on my list (I don't have access to it right now.)

I hope you remember it too! I'm laying in bed starving now wishing I had chicken-on-a-stick!

You should've leaned in with lips puckered just to see what he'd do!

:rotfl::rotfl: I wish I had thought of that at the time!

Can you imagine if he saw you later? He'd be crushed!

Aww I hope he didn't lol!

::yes:: She's quite popular. Love when guests dress as her for MNSSHP.

So do I! I wish I had any crafting abilities cause I'd make myself a costume to do it too!
Sorry about the exchange with the CBR manager, just odd!

Odd is the perfect word choice! I couldn't believe what was happening!

I love all your photo pass pictures, so cute!

Thank you! 🥰 🥰

We were bad this last trip with getting pictures, it was so hot and I wasn’t feeling picture ready, if you know what I mean:laughing:

I know the feeling! We have so many pictures where I am not camera-ready at all and I stop to wonder why we took them! :rotfl::rotfl:
Oh no! Here's hoping for a quick recovery.

Thank you! He's recovering well thankfully.

People definitely don't know she's there. I even had a cm tell me on my August trip that he thought she only met in Epcot now. Got me all worried until I was able to verify on the mk times guide.

Oy lol. Always fun when we know more than the CMs lol.

What a great meet!

It was so much fun!

That sounds like a nice morning at mk, although I don't think I would have stopped for that last set of pictures with the sky getting as dark as it was.

I know- I was really hoping we weren't gonna get ourselves stuck in a downpour by stopping but I couldn't help myself!

I can't wait to hear about your resolution to the CBR manager nonsense, because his behavior was just not ok.

It's coming I swear! I just have to write an update :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1
He's doing well! He followed up with the cardiothoracic surgeon a few days ago and is 80% healed thankfully.
Oh, good!
It happens, usually in thin, tall, white males which he meets the criteria for 100%. He had a huge growth spurt last summer and didn't gain any weight with it so he was basically the textbook example for it.
I had no idea. I learned about them when I was 16ish and taking a SCUBA course.
So scary!
No kidding!
:rotfl: :rotfl: I suggest they add it to the Stacey video!
I hope you remember it too! I'm laying in bed starving now wishing I had chicken-on-a-stick!
I did! Here's a cut-and-paste out of my "to do" list:
Candied Bacon and Chicken Skewers at Westward Ho Refreshments Frontierland. (lvcourtneyy)
:rotfl::rotfl: I wish I had thought of that at the time!
Unless he happened to lean towards you... at the same time! 💏
So do I! I wish I had any crafting abilities cause I'd make myself a costume to do it too!
My crafting abilities are limited to buying stuff that I don't have to craft. Wish I could too.
I had no idea. I learned about them when I was 16ish and taking a SCUBA course.

I've seen it happen working in the ER, but I never expected it to happen to my baby brother!

I did! Here's a cut-and-paste out of my "to do" list:
Candied Bacon and Chicken Skewers at Westward Ho Refreshments Frontierland. (lvcourtneyy)

Awesome! I hope you like it as much as I do!

Unless he happened to lean towards you... at the same time! 💏

:rotfl: and suddenly the trip report came to an end as Courtney was removed from the Magic Kingdom.

My crafting abilities are limited to buying stuff that I don't have to craft. Wish I could too.

Same here!
Monorail Bar Crawl Stop 1

Thank you all for the good wishes for my brother! He followed up with the cardiothoracic surgeon this week and was 80% healed and is doing well thankfully.

My sister and I dragged him to hang out with us yesterday and he's a normal 16 year old boy with the attitude to match.


Onto the trip report!

As we left the Magic Kingdom to start our monorail bar crawl, my phone rang. I almost never pick up for numbers that I don't recognize because I hate talking to people on the phone, but it was a 407 number so I took the chance of answering.

On the phone was Neil, who identified himself as the general manager of CBR. Whoever runs the twitter account had passed along my issues to him and he was already aware of the highlights of what was going on. He asked for the full rundown of our magicband issues and our front desk visits. I gave him the shortest version possible, since I tend to rant a lot, especially when angry or upset lol.

He had already reached out to an IT supervisor before calling, which I really appreciated. He said that this is a known issue to IT for people who travel to Disney frequently and they are working on a way to fix it but in the meanwhile, they had a workaround where they would basically put most of our Magicbands in limbo. This way, we could call them in the future if we want to use those particular ones but they weren't in the account taking up data.

They weren't 100% sure this would work but it had in other cases and I will say- we had no further magicband issues during the trip!

We moved on to discuss our manager issues that morning and Neil agreed that Disney does give out fastpasses like candy and he had no idea why the manager said otherwise. He went ahead and loaded 3 anytime FPs to our account for us to use at MK when we returned. I realized after I hung up with him that the FPs he gave us had no restrictions, unlike most that exclude 7DMT and Peter Pan!

He then asked what else he could do to make up for the behavior of the manager that morning. Could I or should I have asked for something free? Perhaps. An upgrade to the Polynesian bungalows crossed my mind:rotfl:. I didn't though. I told him he had already been extremely helpful and as long as the manager was re-educated, I was happy.

As a side note, I find it both awesome and creepy at the same time that WDW was able to pull all my contact info to find me just from my name on twitter. #bigbrotheriswatching.

In the time I was on the phone, we had walked over to the Contemporary and were sitting in the lobby while finishing up. With issues taken care of, it was time for our first stop of the afternoon!

I was surprised by how big the bar was at the Wave and also by how many people were in there at 2:15 pm. There were tons of seats open though since it was so large and we settled in to decide on drinks. The bartender was quick and friendly and it was clear some of the other patrons had been there a while and were having a great time.

I had wanted to try the giant Seven Seas Lagoon specialty drink I've seen on social media but Mike wasn't interested in trying it with me and it's sized for 2. :sad1:

Instead I chose a Watermelon margarita and Mike chose....something. :lmao:I failed to take notes on what we ordered and I thought the drink menu would be easy to find online but it's not lol. Almost none of the specialty drinks are on the menu on MDE? I know it was a coffee based drink so based on my search, I think it was the Cold Brew XO (patron XO cafe coffee liqueur, heavy cream, Joffrey's cold brew coffee).

Whatever it was, he liked it and I loved my watermelon margarita.

There was a cool looking wall behind us and I was trying, pretty unsuccessfully to take a selfie with it.

The atmosphere in the bar was fun. We started talking to the people across the bar from us and found out they were from Long Island. We were having a great time but Trader Sam's was calling our names so we headed to the monorail.

On the monorail, we found the storm we saw looming earlier had started.


Glad we weren't stuck in that!

We quickly arrived in the gorgeous Poly lobby.

Next time: Are we able to get into Trader Sam's?
I've seen it happen working in the ER, but I never expected it to happen to my baby brother!
I would think not!
Awesome! I hope you like it as much as I do!
If I try it (no guarantees... depends on if I'm hungry or not. :)) I'll definitely write about it. :)
:rotfl: and suddenly the trip report came to an end as Courtney was removed from the Magic Kingdom.
My sister and I dragged him to hang out with us yesterday and he's a normal 16 year old boy with the attitude to match.
Good to see. :)
it was a 407 number so I took the chance of answering.
Finally! Here we go...
He said that this is a known issue to IT for people who travel to Disney frequently and they are working on a way to fix it but in the meanwhile, they had a workaround where they would basically put most of our Magicbands in limbo. This way, we could call them in the future if we want to use those particular ones but they weren't in the account taking up data.
Huh. Interesting. Weird issue, though.
They weren't 100% sure this would work but it had in other cases and I will say- we had no further magicband issues during the trip!
Phew! Good!
He went ahead and loaded 3 anytime FPs to our account for us to use at MK when we returned.
I realized after I hung up with him that the FPs he gave us had no restrictions, unlike most that exclude 7DMT and Peter Pan!
Even nicer!!
Could I or should I have asked for something free? Perhaps. An upgrade to the Polynesian bungalows crossed my mind:rotfl:.
I probably wouldn't either. But... some day... wouldn't it be nice to try?
As a side note, I find it both awesome and creepy at the same time that WDW was able to pull all my contact info to find me just from my name on twitter. #bigbrotheriswatching.
I was surprised by how big the bar was at the Wave and also by how many people were in there at 2:15 pm.
There was a cool looking wall behind us and I was trying, pretty unsuccessfully to take a selfie with it.

I'd say "successfully". :)
Next time: Are we able to get into Trader Sam's?
Hope so!
Glad your brother is doing better.

I know it's a pretty simple thing but I love this chicken-on-a-stick. It's very tasty and is a perfect snack when you know you have a meal coming and want something savory instead of sweet!
Thanks for sharing, I feel like it’s so hard to find good snacks that aren’t sweet. This is on my list now.

And one of my favorites from the trip:

I love this picture, how cute! I love the tattoo as well.

He then asked what else he could do to make up for the behavior of the manager that morning. Could I or should I have asked for something free? Perhaps. An upgrade to the Polynesian bungalows crossed my mind:rotfl:. I didn't though. I told him he had already been extremely helpful and as long as the manager was re-educated, I was happy.
That’s awesome they are truly an anytime Fastpass. I’m glad the issue got resolved. Although I do agree it’s weird they got to you just from the Twitter post.
Just a quick real life update first: If you wouldn't mind keeping my little brother in your thoughts, I would appreciate it. He texted us from the bus on the way to school this morning to say his shoulder and ribs started hurting him and he couldn't breathe.
How scary. Glad to hear he is doing better and being miserable in pictures like all 16 year olds should

I quickly glanced over and saw that not only was Mary Poppins meeting in the gazebo, but Bert was with her! The best part was, there was no line at all. I feel like most people don't realize she's meeting back there because we've found her with no line at all several times now.

I had no idea Mary was there! She used to be in the hub and we caught her a few times but never back that. I'll have to remember that as Casey is having a sudden resurgence in some Mary love brought on by Mary Poppins 2. She's even gonna be her for Halloween

Disney's description: Chicken Skewer marinated with a spicy sweet sauce 6.99 but I refer to it as glorious chicken-on-a-stick!
I like your description much better. Who needs to know spicy sweet sauce when glorious chicken is a much better descriptor

Our first Haunted Mansion ride photo! Clearly one of us knew where the photo was and one didn't.:rotfl:

You may be the only person the planet to know where this is

If you thought we weren't stopping for more photos on the way out, you must not have been reading this report closely lol.
I think you may hold the world record for % of finding photo pass photographers :earboy2:

This is amazing!!! I've never seen this one before (says the person who never stops at PhotoPass)

e then asked what else he could do to make up for the behavior of the manager that morning. Could I or should I have asked for something free? Perhaps. An upgrade to the Polynesian bungalows crossed my mind:rotfl:. I didn't though. I told him he had already been extremely helpful and as long as the manager was re-educated, I was happy.
Oh I'm so glad they made this right for you. Sad when you have to turn to twitter instead of having managers who know what they are doing

Yum!!! Your margarita looks and sounds awesome. Cant' wait to see what is ahead of you.
I'm glad you had a good resolution to your bad experience that morning! Hooray for three (no restriction!) anytime Fastpasses! Also, yes, it is a little creepy that they figured out who you were from your Twitter handle... :rolleyes1

I've learned (especially since my trip reports tend to be so delinquent!) that taking pictures of the menu is essential. I don't tend to take notes, so the pictures are even more important.

Your beverage looks quite tasty! I hope you make it into Trader Sam's - hopefully the rain didn't give everyone else the same idea!
It was great of the manager to call you and discuss the issues and offer something to make up for it!

Your monorail crawl was off to a great start! Glad you were sheltered from the rain too!


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