Throw Up on the Lap Bars Please- A June 2019 TR! COMPLETED 3/1!

I would have absolutely lost it on this manager and not cared who was around to see me scream. Wow, I hope someone followed you up over this. What a completely unprofessional way to talk to guests!

That's 100% what I should've done honestly but I was so shocked that I couldn't get out words!

It looks like you had a good morning at MK otherwise! Love the photos with the Country Bears!

We definitely did! Thank you!
That poor duck is about to get a rude awakening.


Interesting... would have been a walk on had they not made you wait!!!

For real! I don't know why they did it that way!

::yes:: Mine too and it makes no sense why they take a picture in Pirates, but not here!!

Agreed! The photo of pirates is in the dumbest spot too lol #disneytakeourideas

I can relate... I used to feel the same as Mike, but now pretty much every time I go to the parks I'm decked out in dry fit type materials that dry in no time, so I actually love them now! But I give him credit for being willing to "compromise." :rotfl:

He has some of those! Maybe I'll suggest he wear them lol
I don't think I've rope dropped in that direction, so can't say if that's new or not.

We have and it never happened before!

Ugh. "No! Let us through! We were smart enough to come this way."


Probably. Disney ducks are notorious for being mischievous.

True! I would like to be a Disney duck in my next life.

That's not bad. Stopping for an hour +... that's bad.

:eek: :eek: Someone wouldn't have survived the morning if that happened!

Kinda makes you wonder why not. every other one has one

Right. Last time it was down for refurb, I convinced myself that was why. Spoiler alert: it wasn't.

Great! Now this TR is completely ruined!

:rotfl:I knew I should've quit while I was ahead.

well, that's not right. Still... nice shot. :)


::yes:: Agreed! The drop gets all the attention, but... that part's great. :)


:laughing: The lesser known "screaming sleep".

:rotfl::rotfl:Very common around these parts.

That thing's huge!

It is! I haven't really figured out what to do with it yet since it can't go on my regular pin boards lol
Disney Always Closes Things When I Come Pt 1

We left off leaving Frontierland and on our way to Main Street to find some more character meet and greets.

On our way, I spotted the photopass photographer doing the new "magicshot" in the plaza garden with no line so we had no choice but to stop.

You get two photos added from the shot, then the video.


I had seen posts on social media of this right before we went and I was so happy to do it so easily! You have to stand very still in place while they do it (which isn't easy for me) and on the last day of our trip we did it again and there was a family in front of us who weren't able to complete it because their children were moving too much for the camera to capture them (or so we learned from the CM!)

We were headed to the flagpole to catch the special characters meet but I allotted way too much time since I thought it started at 11 and then realized it was actually 11:15. #readingishardsometimes

It was starting to rain lightly (also referred to as a drizzle) at this point and only 10:36, so we ducked into TST and swapped out my fuelrod.

We also used this time to get our Mickey and Minnie's birthday celebration invitation and sign the guestbook, even though we'd be meeting them with a FP shortly, because why not🤷‍♀️

Trying to conceal the fact that I got the meet and greet time wrong and actually wanted all this random time near the flagpole, I quickly remembered that I wanted to see the train parked at the station so I led us up there!

Hi there! Sorry your track is currently under construction forever but I appreciate the photo op!

Looking back now, I wish I had waited for a monorail to be coming to try to get them both in the shot (not even sure that's possible lol but I want to try in October now!)

Hi tapstyles!

I wanted a picture inside the train but wasn't sure if it was allowed so I made Mike ask :rotfl:

About this time, a couple probably in their 60s came up asking the CM when the train departed next. When she started going through the refurb spiel, the man spazzed out about how things are always closed when he comes to Disney! Mike will find any excuse to talk to people so he tried to tell the man about the Tron construction and how cool the ride looks but he was fixated on regaling the CM with his woes of ride refurbs so thankfully,we moved on (I try to avoid talking to people as much as possible).

We headed back in and took some more photos.

And played around with these machines, which reminded me of a flipbook cartoon! Is there a name for these machines?

A little (very shaky) video I took of what the machines do. I know you were all on the edge of your seats!


We were making our way down the stairs of the train station, but had to stop for castle shots first. It's the law.

It was still only 10:45! In retrospect, I should've tried to put our Mickey and Minnie FP before this meet. #themoreyouknow

There was still a light rain and I wasn't sure if the flagpole meet would move for it so again, I assigned Mike to ask a CM. She confirmed it would meet in the normal spot as long as the rain didn't pick up any. So, we donned our ponchos and started the line.

We passed the minutes messaging Mike's mom and I tried to get some artsy photos of my new tattoo with the castle which kinda failed.

Disney Always Closes Things When I Come Pt 2

The Move It, Shake It, some phrase they keep changing Parade started and I continued to try to take artistic photos of the characters on top of their floats.

My failing continued.

Then, it was finally time for our long- awaited meet and greet!

It was Friar Tuck and Prince John! We never met them before and were so excited!

It was worth the wait! Prince John was using his charm on me and it was a fun interaction.

We brought one of the AP cutting boards we got from Food and Wine last year to get autographed (they're too small to really be functional).

Our FP for Mickey and Minnie had started at 11:10 so we went straight there after.

While in Mickey and Minnie's line, I was able to move our 7DMT up to 12:05 from 1:45 !


I always love photos with the Roy and Minnie bench so we stopped for some.

The photographer posed me for this one which I originally thought was terrible but it's growing on me!

We only made it a little further down Main Street before it was time for more photos.

Next time: more character meets!
You got so many good pictures! I love the new picture with the panned out and then close-up video clip - it's so neat! I also really love your picture with the Minnie statue. It's different and you look very nice!

I've really enjoyed riding the train around the park my last two trips - it's a shame it was under refurbishment. I do understand the frustration of that couple, but goodness, if you're coming to Disney World that frequently I would think you should be okay?! (I would understand that frustration more for a family that does a "once in a lifetime" trip and a key attraction or two was closed.)

Thanks to a little searching (thanks, Google!), it seems the cartoon machines are Mutoscopes. I've never stopped to run them when I'm up at the train station. I'll have to do that next time as it's fun to see your video!

I'm not really a tattoo gal, but I LOVE yours!

Does the Mickey in Town Square Theatre still talk or did that change when Minnie joined him? Talking Mickey Mouse was interesting but led to my most awkward character interaction to date. I look forward to meeting Mickey and Minnie instead!
True! I would like to be a Disney duck in my next life.
So.... you're saying you're comfortable running around without pants on?
:eek: :eek: Someone wouldn't have survived the morning if that happened!
:rotfl::rotfl:Very common around these parts.
It is! I haven't really figured out what to do with it yet since it can't go on my regular pin boards lol
<puts pin on board... board collapses from weight>
We also used this time to get our Mickey and Minnie's birthday celebration invitation and sign the guestbook, even though we'd be meeting them with a FP shortly, because why not🤷‍♀️

I didn't even know these invites existed! These are so cute!

And played around with these machines, which reminded me of a flipbook cartoon! Is there a name for these machines?

I'm pretty sure this is called a nickelodeon!

We brought one of the AP cutting boards we got from Food and Wine last year to get autographed (they're too small to really be functional).

I was wondering what people were doing with those, since they looked too small to actually cut food on! This is a really good idea.

The photographer posed me for this one which I originally thought was terrible but it's growing on me!

Okay, I love this shot!!! I've never seen this before and I adore it, especially since you're wearing an ear headband!
The zoom in/zoom out photo came out great! I'm sad I didn't get to do this when I was just there.

Great pics from the train station! And with Friar Tuck and Prince John! Cool idea getting the cutting board signed.

Aww I really love the photo of you with the Minnie Statue!!
On our way, I spotted the photopass photographer doing the new "magicshot" in the plaza garden with no line so we had no choice but to stop.
I've seen that! That's pretty cool. :)
You have to stand very still in place while they do it (which isn't easy for me)
I thought it started at 11 and then realized it was actually 11:15. #readingishardsometimes
Here maybe this will help: Hooked on Phonics
Hi there! Sorry your track is currently under construction forever but I appreciate the photo op!
Looking back now, I wish I had waited for a monorail to be coming to try to get them both in the shot (not even sure that's possible lol but I want to try in October now!)
oooohhh… good idea!
I wanted a picture inside the train but wasn't sure if it was allowed so I made Mike ask :rotfl:
Just a bit shy, are we?
Do we need to add a public speaking course to your hooked on phonics course?

When she started going through the refurb spiel, the man spazzed out about how things are always closed when he comes to Disney!
"We want updated attractions, but not when I'm here!"
Mike will find any excuse to talk to people so he tried to tell the man about the Tron construction and how cool the ride looks but he was fixated on regaling the CM with his woes of ride refurbs
And played around with these machines, which reminded me of a flipbook cartoon! Is there a name for these machines?
I believe that's a zoetrope.
A little (very shaky) video I took of what the machines do. I know you were all on the edge of your seats!
oooohhhh… ahhhhhh…!!!!
We were making our way down the stairs of the train station, but had to stop for castle shots first. It's the law.
Yes. Yes it is.
I tried to get some artsy photos of my new tattoo with the castle which kinda failed.
At first I thought you meant the tattoo was a fail....
I really like it! Clever. :)
The Move It, Shake It, some phrase they keep changing Parade started
Ugh. I hate that "parade". It's a waste of space. And an annoyance.
It was worth the wait! Prince John was using his charm on me and it was a fun interaction.
Glad you had such a fun meet. :)
The photographer posed me for this one which I originally thought was terrible but it's growing on me!
Like a fungus?

Seriously... I like that shot of you. :)
Great photo opportunity. We never seem to get great shots. I sometimes wonder is the memory maker worth it. Then I see great shots like these.
We were headed to the flagpole to catch the special characters meet but I allotted way too much time since I thought it started at 11 and then realized it was actually 11:15. #readingishardsometimes
Better to be early than to be late!
Trying to conceal the fact that I got the meet and greet time wrong and actually wanted all this random time near the flagpole, I quickly remembered that I wanted to see the train parked at the station so I led us up there!
See, that was some good planning!!!
Looking back now, I wish I had waited for a monorail to be coming to try to get them both in the shot (not even sure that's possible lol but I want to try in October now!)
Always nice to have new goals!
(I try to avoid talking to people as much as possible).
I can relate.
We passed the minutes messaging Mike's mom and I tried to get some artsy photos of my new tattoo with the castle which kinda failed.
I don't know that I'd say it failed... I mean it's a neat picture of your tattoo with the castle in the background. I like the tattoo, by the way.
While in Mickey and Minnie's line, I was able to move our 7DMT up to 12:05 from 1:45 !
Wow! That's lucky that you were able to move that one!!!
The photographer posed me for this one which I originally thought was terrible but it's growing on me!
I like it!
You got so many good pictures! I love the new picture with the panned out and then close-up video clip - it's so neat! I also really love your picture with the Minnie statue. It's different and you look very nice!

Thank you! I'm always in the market for PP photos that are different!

've really enjoyed riding the train around the park my last two trips - it's a shame it was under refurbishment. I do understand the frustration of that couple, but goodness, if you're coming to Disney World that frequently I would think you should be okay?! (I would understand that frustration more for a family that does a "once in a lifetime" trip and a key attraction or two was closed.)

I agree, it's definitely frustrating to not be able to ride something on your trip but they literally list the refurbs right in MDE and like you said, it seems like they come frequently! Plus, taking your grumpiness out on the frontline CM who has no control over the situation is never a good idea in my book!

Thanks to a little searching (thanks, Google!), it seems the cartoon machines are Mutoscopes. I've never stopped to run them when I'm up at the train station. I'll have to do that next time as it's fun to see your video!

Thank you! I was gonna try to google it but I didn't know what to google :rotfl:

I'm not really a tattoo gal, but I LOVE yours!

Thank you! :lovestruc:lovestruc

Does the Mickey in Town Square Theatre still talk or did that change when Minnie joined him? Talking Mickey Mouse was interesting but led to my most awkward character interaction to date. I look forward to meeting Mickey and Minnie instead!

They got rid of Talking Mickey a little while back! I agree it led to a lot of awkward interactions but I also had some of my favorite interactions with Talking Mickey so I'm torn. Although I do like them meeting together!
I'm pretty sure this is called a nickelodeon!

Thanks! I'm learning they have a bunch of different names lol

I was wondering what people were doing with those, since they looked too small to actually cut food on! This is a really good idea.

I saw other people doing it on FB so I joined in lol. Definitely too small to cut food!

Okay, I love this shot!!! I've never seen this before and I adore it, especially since you're wearing an ear headband!

Thank you! 🥰 🥰
The zoom in/zoom out photo came out great! I'm sad I didn't get to do this when I was just there.

Thank you! Now you have to go back!

Great pics from the train station! And with Friar Tuck and Prince John! Cool idea getting the cutting board signed.

Thank you! I stole the idea from FB but I love how it came out!

Aww I really love the photo of you with the Minnie Statue!!

Thank you! 🥰 🥰

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