Three Things...Gratitude Thread

1. Grandparents - I'm so grateful for my grandparents as well as my kids' grandparents. We've all been blessed with great ones. I hope to one day be able to be a grandparent to my kids' kids!

2. Gentleness - it's one of the fruits of the spirit (which I love) and so important to remember in our fast-paced lives!

3. Growth charts - when our kids were growing up, we marked their heights on a cute yardstick type thing I bought at a craft fair. I'm glad it was something that can be moved so we could bring it to our new house. Such good memories!

Being a Grandma is the greatest joy in my life. I cherish every minute.

Giggles: my DH and DGD make up games that elicit that cutest giggles from her. Again, joy.

I am very grateful for this gratitude thread. I just couldn’t muster up the energy to post yesterday since it was my first Father’s Day without my dad, and then later on in the day, my sister-in-law passed away. Reading through everyone’s responses each day is a reminder of the small things, and the big ones also, that keep us afloat. Thank you!
Being a Grandma is the greatest joy in my life. I cherish every minute.

Giggles: my DH and DGD make up games that elicit that cutest giggles from her. Again, joy.
:-) 🩷

I am very grateful for this gratitude thread. I just couldn’t muster up the energy to post yesterday since it was my first Father’s Day without my dad, and then later on in the day, my sister-in-law passed away. Reading through everyone’s responses each day is a reminder of the small things, and the big ones also, that keep us afloat. Thank you!

Love all of your replies. Gentleness and Gratitude are Great! Amen to Fruits of the Spirit!

Greeting Cards! I should have thought of them immediately.

Guideposts Magazine.

Growth both new life outside and I pray myself closer to God through my faith.

Going through life with my dad Guided by God.

Came back to add groceries. Dad and I are on a tight budget so being able to afford necessities along with some extras truly are extra graces from God to us. Plus, what a blessing to be able to at times donate groceries or money for them (anonymously, when possible, as is my preference) to the food pantry at church or give to someone else in need.
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Grandparents—and one of my grandmas even had a “G” name.
Guacamole—made some yesterday to set out before our Father’s Day dinner. It was a huge hit and I enjoy seeing others eat food I have prepared.
Giraffes—my favorite wild animal. I love seeing them at the Animal Kingdom.
Forgot to come back and post my own for G:

Another vote for gardens, both vegetable and flower,

Green spaces that make me feel calm, and

Great-grandparents ~ I was lucky enough to know two of mine when I was little, and DS met four of his (two passed when he was very young, but the other two he was old enough to remember quite well).
Three candy things...

Salt water taffy. My very first job, in the summer of 1973, was working as a candy girl at The Goldenrod in York Beach, ME. It's a candy store/soda fountain/sandwich shoppe known for its salt water taffy, called "kisses." I worked 6 days a week, 45 hours a week, for less than minimum wage (which they could get away with because we were seasonal help). While I know we were taken advantage of, it helped me learn a solid work ethic and to live up to a commitment- as well as to choose your commitments wisely! It was actually a fun summer, despite the bright orange dress-and-apron "uniforms," including panty hose, that we were required to wear!

Molasses sponge candy. My great-grandmother kept a dish of these on her bureau. It was always considered something "special" to be invited to Nana's room and to share a piece of candy with her.

Reeses pieces. I am not a huge candy fan in general, but I love these! Usually if I choose candy, it's going to be caramel, but mostly it's all too sweet for me. Reeses pieces just hit that spot of sweet-enough, nice texture, not too much crunch from the shell. I don't buy them- I'd eat the whole pack myself- but I have 2 boxes from Dollar Tree for the plane ride to WDW when DD30 and I go on our long weekend in August.

Honorable mention to Candy Corn- I love the stuff! However, only certain brands as the texture has to be right, and I never remember which brands those are! Sometimes we have bags of candy corn sitting around; I won't eat it because the texture is wrong and nobody else will eat it because it's candy corn!
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Halloween Candy - I don’t mean the big old hole of candy you get at Halloween I mean the special candy that only comes out on the shelves at Halloween that once a year candy that you only see during Halloween and of course Reese’s Pumpkins

Christmas candy - I’m going old-school here anybody remember the ribbon candy? Back in the day going to stores that used to have displays and you could pick out your candy and they have all the special candy out at Christmas? And there would be ribbon candy? I did see it at target ones couple years ago it’s just not the same

German Pavilion at EPCOT- oh how I love to get candy here!!! One of my favorite things to do I was on my last day at DISNEY is to go to Epcot and I always make a trip right before I leave to the German pavilion so I can load up delicious popcorn and then I get tons of candy and cookies of course and I take them home so I can enjoy them after my vacation !! Also in the airport and on the plane!!

Bonus - getting jelly belly jellybeans and eating them throughout the parks while waiting in line and trying to guess what flavor they are it’s a fun game to play to pass the time !!!
Good sweet morning friends:grouphug:

How much my beloved late grandma loved candy especially Reeses.

Dad and I are not big on candy. We do enjoy a Werthers hard candy every so often.

Funny memory of a friend and I trying to soften (it had been refridgerated) homemade fudge she had taken the care and time to make by putting it inside my warm car for a while. Not sure how that worked looking back. The fudge sure was tasty!
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Today's Topic (Tues, 6/18) - 3 candies, or candy-related memories, you're grateful for

1 Homemade peanut butter fudge for Christmas. Even better when its snowing outside and the fudge is cooking on the inside.
2 Marathon Candy bars. My first candy bar back in the day that they no longer make. : (
3 Symphony Candy bars. My current favorite!
Candy-related memories I'm grateful for -

My mom and one of her best friends used to make homemade hard candy when we were kids. It was so fun to watch them and the candy looked like glass! I can still smell the kitchen when they were making it.

I used to make those "candy melt" chocolates in the molds when I was a teenager - fancy ones with layers of different colors painted in. It was a fun artistic outlet and made me practice patience.

And just favorite candies I'm grateful for in general -

Ferrero Rocher, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (especially the holiday ones) and Charms Blow-Pops
Cadbury Eggs - Both the filled ones and the crunchy coated ones.

Reese's Pieces - I'm not a fan of peanut butter cups, but I love these things. I think it's the crunch.

Houses that give out the big candy bars - While I will give out handfuls of mini chocolate bars at Halloween, I have never been able to take the plunge and give out full sized candy bars. As a kid, we always felt a sense of accomplishment getting to some of the known houses before they ran out. It's been inconsistent for my kids, but the last time I remember it happening, it was an older gentleman that made the trick-or-treaters "earn" it. For those that are familiar with Dr. Who, he had a Weeping Angel effect on his front door. I'm honestly not sure how he did it as it looked more like a true moving statue vs. any kind of projected image, but the kids that approached it and reacted in a proper terrified manner got the big candy bars.

Hershey's Candy Cane Kisses- I almost forgot them. They are my holiday season must. A couple of years ago, the stores put them out in early November. I remember sitting in the bleachers at softball and I had a crowd of softball girls around me to share. They were all old teammates of DD15 who had come by to watch her play. The only condition was that they had to leave some for her...and me too!

I've mentioned it before, but my paternal grandmother's homemade Easter candies. YUM!!!

Another vote for Saltwater Taffy. We used to take a winter trip to Asbury Park in NJ for the annual boat show. It was always so cold and windy, but it was made much sweeter with our ritual stop at a boardwalk taffy shop.
Playing catch-up again


Grinders. You know, the kind you use for sea salt and black pepper. No story there, I just use them everyday and find them very ...handy! :laughing:

Having a Garden. I really appreciate having private, natural, green outdoor space. Also, Grass. I like a lawn!

Glass. I much prefer to drink cold drinks from glass (or my stainless steel water bottle) and, of course, glass gives us windows, windows, windows!!!


We had a particularly good (family-owned) candy shop in the town where I grew up. There's something about buying from that kind of business. It had such character. I can even remember the layout of where my favorites were!!!

Homemade marzipan dipped in dark chocolate.

Growing up, I always had a Terry's Chocolate Orange in the toe of my Christmas stocking. Just picturing the shape of the box in the stocking is nostalgic!! Plus, they're delicious. 😋
I knew you'd all come up with some Great Gratitude Gs!!

Groceries, of course! Grapes. Gentleness - such a Good one. Gloves, again very handy (sorry!) Gifts and Greetings cards.

And, this Gratitude Thread.

You're all Geniuses. 😍

Being a Grandma is the greatest joy in my life. I cherish every minute.

Giggles: my DH and DGD make up games that elicit that cutest giggles from her. Again, joy.

I am very grateful for this gratitude thread. I just couldn’t muster up the energy to post yesterday since it was my first Father’s Day without my dad, and then later on in the day, my sister-in-law passed away. Reading through everyone’s responses each day is a reminder of the small things, and the big ones also, that keep us afloat. Thank you!
What a difficult day. I'm glad you found some comfort and encouragement here. :grouphug:
Great-grandparents ~ I was lucky enough to know two of mine when I was little, and DS met four of his (two passed when he was very young, but the other two he was old enough to remember quite well).
I knew 3 of mine, too. :thumbsup2 Long enough into childhood to remember them pretty well. We were lucky.


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