Three Things...Gratitude Thread


1. DD17 and her boyfriend’s playlist- Yesterday was prom and both of us were recruited to help DD get ready. He kept the music going and kept it fun and relatively drama free by keeping the conversation about the music we were hearing.

2. Modern cassette players and turntables- some of us still have all of their old tapes and records.

3. TV Show theme songs- I wish we still had them. I can listen to one’s like All In The Family and Laverne and Shirley like pop music. Just the other day, I was watching The Love Boat on Pluto and started belting out…Love, exciting and new 😂

Y things

Yellow- a favorite color

Yellowstone- my favorite national park

Yearbooks- As time passes, the more I appreciate these bound time capsules.
1) I do know a Yvonne! - Definitely grateful for her.

2) Seconding the color yellow - especially thinking of yellow Forsythia right now, because they are a major sign of spring here!

3) The word "yet" - a big part of growth mindset teaching:

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(Not my creation, just a screenshot from Pinterest)
I love the power of yet! I have said that to my granddaughter a few times. Bluey has a few episodes with great examples of that idea.

1. DD17 and her boyfriend’s playlist- Yesterday was prom and both of us were recruited to help DD get ready. He kept the music going and kept it fun and relatively drama free by keeping the conversation about the music we were hearing.

2. Modern cassette players and turntables- some of us still have all of their old tapes and records.

3. TV Show theme songs- I wish we still had them. I can listen to one’s like All In The Family and Laverne and Shirley like pop music. Just the other day, I was watching The Love Boat on Pluto and started belting out…Love, exciting and new 😂

Y things

Yellow- a favorite color

Yellowstone- my favorite national park

Yearbooks- As time passes, the more I appreciate these bound time capsules.
I have noticed the diminishment (is that a word?) of TV theme songs. All in the Family, Cheers, Hill St Blues, St. Elsewhere, Friends, etc. all had long theme songs. I think the reason they have gotten so short is because of the increase in ad time and the shortening of episodes. So they don’t sacrifice show time with a nice theme song with credits, and instead roll most of the credits while showing some of the show. It’s too bad.
I think you are correct - I just watched a movie and the ads were longer than the movie parts id get like a minute of Movie and 5 minutes of ads - remember when cable was ad free ? Oh the good ole days !!! Thank God for fast forward feature !!! I had DVR the movie !! I’d seen it several times but enjoy it - Hidden Figures good movie !!
1. Yogurt—I almost always eat Greek yogurt with chia seeds and blueberries for breakfast. Today I had a brunch to go to and so ate my yogurt concoction for dinner because I missed it.
2. Yeti—I like their insulated cups. I have several for different beverages. They keep ice all day long.
3. Yeast rolls—my family loves the ones from Texas Roadhouse. I’ve tried a bunch of copycat recipes but can’t get them to be quite the same.
All the creatures we see every day. While I might not love some of them (🕷️🐍😵‍💫) I enjoy watching most of them.

The ocean.

The ferocity of weather. Once again, not necessarily something I wish to personally experience, but massive storms (rain, wind, snow) highlight the science of nature and accentuate how little we can really control. I find big storms fascinating.
1. My neighborhood is blooming right now. The forsythia, magnolias and blooming cherry trees are just about done, but the dogwoods are in full bloom and the lilacs are just starting. So pretty. We had a mild winter and I think things are a bit early.
2. The eclipse a few weeks ago. Our area was I think 97% so DH and I drove to totality about 2 hours away. So glad I got to experience it.
3. I think I mention the rails to trails paths in the woods a lot, but it is truly something I am grateful for and try to use often.
US National Parks - With the exception of Mesa Verde (still awesome, but celebrating ancient manmade wonders), the parks really showcase some of nature's biggest wows. I'm hoping to work in at least couple this summer with our softball travels.

Our current town - We live in a densely forested suburb with a river that feeds into a large lake. It's like Wild Kingdom up here sometimes. While you won't see everything every day, it's always a treat if I spot a bald eagle or a river otter. The barred owls that like our yard are also pretty cool. We have something like 75 miles of trails going through the woods and watery areas.

Celestial events- I was fortunate enough to experience nearly 4 1/2 minutes of totality with the recent eclipse. I've been known to sit outside at all hours for everything from lunar eclipses and meteor showers to prime Milky Way viewing and planetary alignments.


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