Three Things...Gratitude Thread

1. The trails in Animal Kingdom: the tigers, gorillas, birds, and all the beautiful flora and the variety of fauna.

2. Fresh air: we have been having some cool nights, and I love opening the window and just breathing in non-heated or air conditioned air!

3. Trees, I just love them all, flowering, evergreens, tall oaks, etc. We bought our house in an older part of town because I loved all the big trees. (added bonus, they help lower our electric bills during the summer)
Good Tuesday Morning!

This will be hard to narrow down to three, but here we go……

#1 - For breakfast - Cereal & Milk - This is my breakfast 4 days a week (I do not eat this on gym days).

#2 - For Lunch - Peanut Butter - There’s not enough words to express my love for PB. I thought for 2 seconds that I would give it up for Lent, but quickly realized I can’t do it.

#3 - For Dinner - Meat - I use chicken, ground beef and pork in my daily dinner rotation. I’d be lost if I couldn’t have meat, because I cant be a vegetarian due to my UC. So I’m always grateful for meat.
Seafood... most all of it, but here's my lobster and steamed clams story. One summer, I was visiting my sister. It was sort-of strange, as DD and my 2 nieces were all away at camp. Lobster was on sale ($1.99 a pound!!!) so we called my brother to see if he wanted to come over for dinner. Neither of his 2 kids were available, so it was just the 3 of us. We had WAY too many lobsters and clams! Double bonus: No complaining tweens around to say "How can you eat something with a face" and "Ewww, what is that smell" and "What are WE going to eat" and so on! We spread newspapers on the picnic table on my sister's deck, melted down about 2 pounds of butter, poured the hot lobsters and clams on the table, and had ourselves a FEAST!!

Cheese. Since my bariatric surgery, it's become a go-to for a quick, high protein snack, but also the only way I really like pasta is as macaroni and cheese, and then there's pizza and calzones filled with mozzarella and ricotta, as well as all the stinky cheeses that kick things up a notch.

Potato salad, with celery, green olive slices, onions, eggs. It's not a picnic or BBQ if we don't have a great potato salad!
Chicken- it's still relatively affordable, it's a decent source of protein, and it's versatile.

Eggs- Another great source of protein, still relatively cheap, often a must for baking, they're a great binder for things like meatloaf and stuffing, and there are lots of food options where eggs are the star or at least a nice compliment.

Tuna- I've been on a tuna salad kick of late, but I also like sushi and tuna steaks.
Seafood... most all of it, but here's my lobster and steamed clams story. One summer, I was visiting my sister. It was sort-of strange, as DD and my 2 nieces were all away at camp. Lobster was on sale ($1.99 a pound!!!) so we called my brother to see if he wanted to come over for dinner. Neither of his 2 kids were available, so it was just the 3 of us. We had WAY too many lobsters and clams! Double bonus: No complaining tweens around to say "How can you eat something with a face" and "Ewww, what is that smell" and "What are WE going to eat" and so on! We spread newspapers on the picnic table on my sister's deck, melted down about 2 pounds of butter, poured the hot lobsters and clams on the table, and had ourselves a FEAST!!
That is awesome! $1.99 lb 😲 Here in the NW one would substitute lobster for Dungeness crab


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