Those stools that Matt sells on Little People Big World


<font color=darkorchid>my TP isn't going anywhere.
Jun 3, 2005
You know those stools that Matt sells on Little People Big World? Do the WDW resorts have them? This is what I was thinking about as I was trying fall asleep last night...
Have no idea but I sure could use one of those myself. I have a hard time getting onto the bed at several of the resorts because of my short stature.
I doubt it. I love Matt and his family though. Watched them just last night (you must have also if it was on your mind when you went to bed ;) ). They got an order for 400 of those little stools! Wonder if he's ever approached anyone at Disney about them?
Who is MAtt and why are we DIS'n about his stools?


Matt is the dad on the TLC show "Little People Big World". It's on Monday nights at 8:00pm. He is also a 5 star marketing genius to show his LP stools on his reality show. I bet he'll get more orders now. I have to admit, it's a good idea for hotels to have them.
A friend of mine is a little person and she came to visit and the local hotel where she stayed had one of Matt's Stools. She said "you can't believe what a difference that stool makes".
Those stools are cool....I have never seen the show and I was confused:lmao:

Is Matt a little person?
Matt and his wife are LP.

They have 4 children.

Twin boys 16. One LP one "normal" height.

Girl about 13 "normal"

Boy 9 "normal"

Show is about thier life and is actually really good and has won a award as the best family show on tv from one of those family first or focus on the family groups.
I love the show and have it as a season pass on my Tivo. Funny, I watched the show about the order for 400 stools just about an hour ago, and wondered if Disney Resorts had them....
I love that tv show :) I'm not a short person (5'4") but I'd love to have one of those stools in my house because of my rheumatoid arthritis and the unpredictability of my knee joints. It'd be nice to have a stool with a handle like that to hold onto if I need to grab something from a high shelf in the kitchen. I think they should come up with a foldable version. :scratchin
I'm glad that they have the kits, go Matt. If they didn't have them I was going to get a little angry, but no need. I will have to check out the website, I could use one of those stools at home, I'm only 5'0" - not exactly a giant
Holy cr**!
I thought this was gonna be some whacko thread from the title! :rotfl:

Obviously tired,
I love this show. But, why, or why don't the clean their house! :scared: I couldn't believe what came out of the kids rooms when they "redecorated"! :scared1:

Anyone recognize this EWOK? Matt Roloff befire Little People Big World!
I'm confused. Why doesn't he make it easy to purchase one? Does anyone know the price??
I am betting Jillpie, that the thread was on the bottom and you clicked on it. My threads are really old threads too on the bottom, none are ever current.


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