This is us..

I like Beth. I think Randall "pushes" her away because he's a perfectionist and he wants to do it all himself. She works full time too. She got a call that her mother's hip broke and he told her to leave that he had it under control. He's a grown man that, I'm sure, has the babysitter's number. He could have made a call. Doesn't his mother live nearby? I'm sure Rebecca would have come over and helped. I don't get the whole concept that she should have done this or that. They are a team. William is dying in THEIR home. I'm sure it affects her too. They both have different ways of dealing with that.

I think her calling marriage for the chess match was ok. She doesn't know what's going on at his job in depth because he doesn't tell her. She probably thought he needed to decompress and get away from work

I like Rebecca too. I don't get all the Rebecca hate. I don't think the whole marriage and kids thing comes naturally for her but she does her best. To me she seems like she is always there for her children and Jack. After 15 years she wanted to go on a tour. Her kids are teenagers. More than capable of handling things for a few weeks. Wouldn't her tour bring in some money which means Jack wouldn't have to work so many hours? After 15 years she wants to do something for herself. I get some people believe being a mom means you are only a mom but I think she deserves to do something she loves doing that she put on the back burner to raise her family. It's temporary. I think everyone in the house can "man up" and let mom live a little.
Don't get me wrong, I like Beth quite a bit actually. But last couple of episodes she seems to be getting a bit wrapped up in her own issues/worries and doesn't seem to recognize that Randall has a lot going on.
The same thing could be said about Rebecca. She is by far my least favorite character.
I find it funny that they all just show up! I worked in NY for 13 years, no one gets in those buildings with out getting past multiple security guards and even turnstyles! It really is "TV"! :rotfl2:lol
That is the one thing that bugged me about Kevin running to Randall. Are you trying to tell me he somehow got into that high rise business building at night after hours with no credentials? I don't think so.
I like Beth. I think Randall "pushes" her away because he's a perfectionist and he wants to do it all himself. She works full time too. She got a call that her mother's hip broke and he told her to leave that he had it under control. He's a grown man that, I'm sure, has the babysitter's number. He could have made a call. Doesn't his mother live nearby? I'm sure Rebecca would have come over and helped. I don't get the whole concept that she should have done this or that. They are a team. William is dying in THEIR home. I'm sure it affects her too. They both have different ways of dealing with that.

I think her calling marriage for the chess match was ok. She doesn't know what's going on at his job in depth because he doesn't tell her. She probably thought he needed to decompress and get away from work

I like Rebecca too. I don't get all the Rebecca hate. I don't think the whole marriage and kids thing comes naturally for her but she does her best. To me she seems like she is always there for her children and Jack. After 15 years she wanted to go on a tour. Her kids are teenagers. More than capable of handling things for a few weeks. Wouldn't her tour bring in some money which means Jack wouldn't have to work so many hours? After 15 years she wants to do something for herself. I get some people believe being a mom means you are only a mom but I think she deserves to do something she loves doing that she put on the back burner to raise her family. It's temporary. I think everyone in the house can "man up" and let mom live a little.

I really think Beth is great. I suspect she and Randall are a very happy couple who have worked like dogs to be successful and have worked out a system between them to solve obstacles they've run up against. I really think that's how they arrived at "I call marriage". I think they've had some struggles before, made an agreement what their priorities would be, and would call marriage if they saw the other heading down the wrong path again.

I am a little surprised Beth has missed the warning signs Randall is struggling. I think having William become a presence in their lives, take up residence in their home and have a terminal illness to boot has been a lot. Throw in a brother crashing in on their home who operates on a very different wavelength, William's illness seemingly stirring up some of her own emotions about her father's loss, keeping up with her two children, maintaining a part-time presence in her law career (no mean feat), her sister-in-law's unknown boyfriend collapsing with a traumatic health crisis in their home, her husband having somewhat of a sudden estrangement from his mother, etc. and I can understand how Beth missed Randall's signals of trouble. Then her own mother had a medical emergency she had to rush off to. I'm giving Beth a pass.

I don't hate Rebecca. I do raise an eyebrow that a tour of the band she's in will be a plus for the family finances however. Unlikely IMO for a band of that caliber in that time period, today as well as a matter of fact.
I really think Beth is great. I suspect she and Randall are a very happy couple who have worked like dogs to be successful and have worked out a system between them to solve obstacles they've run up against. I really think that's how they arrived at "I call marriage". I think they've had some struggles before, made an agreement what their priorities would be, and would call marriage if they saw the other heading down the wrong path again.

I am a little surprised Beth has missed the warning signs Randall is struggling. I think having William become a presence in their lives, take up residence in their home and have a terminal illness to boot has been a lot. Throw in a brother crashing in on their home who operates on a very different wavelength, William's illness seemingly stirring up some of her own emotions about her father's loss, keeping up with her two children, maintaining a part-time presence in her law career (no mean feat), her sister-in-law's unknown boyfriend collapsing with a traumatic health crisis in their home, her husband having somewhat of a sudden estrangement from his mother, etc. and I can understand how Beth missed Randall's signals of trouble. Then her own mother had a medical emergency she had to rush off to. I'm giving Beth a pass.

I don't hate Rebecca. I do raise an eyebrow that a tour of the band she's in will be a plus for the family finances however. Unlikely IMO for a band of that caliber in that time period, today as well as a matter of fact.

Everything you said about Beth 100%!

I don't think the tour will bring in much money but maybe a few hundred bucks. I don't know. I was just trying to defend her a bit because I do like her. lol
I find it funny that they all just show up! I worked in NY for 13 years, no one gets in those buildings with out getting past multiple security guards and even turnstyles! It really is "TV"! :rotfl2:lol

That's all I was going on about during that scene at night. How the hell did he get up there? :rotfl2: I know, I know a big dramatic scene and I'm on that.
That's all I was going on about during that scene at night. How the hell did he get up there? :rotfl2: I know, I know a big dramatic scene and I'm on that.

He's The Manny. He was running and scribbled his autograph on a napkin as he ran by and threw it at the security guard. He was able to just run on by as the security guard was swooning. Now you know. You're welcome! :rotfl2::rotfl2:
That's all I was going on about during that scene at night. How the hell did he get up there? :rotfl2: I know, I know a big dramatic scene and I'm on that.

That's funny, how people see things differently. I didn't give it one seconds thought on how he got up there. Maybe the security guard recognized him from an earlier visit so he knew Kevin was ok. Maybe he just had to show ID or sign in or something.
He's The Manny. He was running and scribbled his autograph on a napkin as he ran by and threw it at the security guard. He was able to just run on by as the security guard was swooning. Now you know. You're welcome! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Now I know! :rotfl2: Perfectly written. I absolutely played it full out as I read. They should have added it! :rotfl:

Well I guess that hysterical scene would have wrecked the next scene. Oh well.

That's funny, how people see things differently. I didn't give it one seconds thought on how he got up there. Maybe the security guard recognized him from an earlier visit so he knew Kevin was ok. Maybe he just had to show ID or sign in or something.

I know I was being ridiculous. :drinking1 But it happened in my head regardless.

I sound like a cold-hearted snake but my head - and heart - was out of the scene with Randall anyway. It just played off to me. I know. I know. I really have a heart, I swear. ;)
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When William was talking about his new pain and how his body was failing him oh I can relate to him.
That scene, and the one with the nurse where William had an oxygen tank, finally made him being in end-stage seem more realistic. Having seen several terminal cancer patients through their journeys, it does NOT happen like in the piano scene where they simply expire in the middle of an activity. He will end up bed-ridden and on heavy pain-management, most likely unconscious for the last day or two. At least it will if they write it realistically. But then again, this show isn't really that way, is it? As well as it worked to advance the story line, nobody on God's green earth would have bailed on opening night of that play the way Kevin did. :rolleyes1
Now I know! :rotfl2: Perfectly written. I absolutely played it full out as I read. They should have added it! :rotfl:

Well I guess that hysterical scene would have wrecked the next scene. Oh well.

See, I've pretty much convinced myself this is exactly what happened. They did the scene but decided it was too much humor for what was coming seconds after so they cut it. But, yep, that's what really happened! :teeth:
I own my suspension of disbelief problems, but it is just so silly to see the husband and wife still looking the same as parents of teenagers as when the kids were born (ok they gave the wife a different haircut, lol) when they are supposed to be in their 50s. I think the writers really screwed up by making the whole 36 thing an integral part of the story line so very early on. I'm not even sure if maybe the wife is supposed to be much younger than the husband?
That scene, and the one with the nurse where William had an oxygen tank, finally made him being in end-stage seem more realistic. Having seen several terminal cancer patients through their journeys, it does NOT happen like in the piano scene where they simply expire in the middle of an activity. He will end up bed-ridden and on heavy pain-management, most likely unconscious for the last day or two. At least it will if they write it realistically. But then again, this show isn't really that way, is it? As well as it worked to advance the story line, nobody on God's green earth would have bailed on opening night of that play the way Kevin did. :rolleyes1

No kidding. The show MUST go on. Even my high school age daughter, the aspiring actress, will tell you that. A much more realistic version would have been Kevin telling his mom, or sister, or ANYONE else, to go check on Randall.
I own my suspension of disbelief problems, but it is just so silly to see the husband and wife still looking the same as parents of teenagers as when the kids were born (ok they gave the wife a different haircut, lol) when they are supposed to be in their 50s. I think the writers really screwed up by making the whole 36 thing an integral part of the story line so very early on. I'm not even sure if maybe the wife is supposed to be much younger than the husband?

I got the impression they (jack, rebecca, miguel and his wife) were all around the same age. They try to make Miguel look older by graying his hair when he is supposed to be older, but I agree, they would be heavier, rounder, older looking etc. I think they should have used a different actor for older Rebecca. I just don't think Mandy pulls it off. Her face looks so fake. I read an article that talked about the decision to use Mandy as both young and old Rebecca. It said that if she couldn't pull it off they would hire an older actress. They raved about how amazing the make up is and how Mandy pulls off older Rebecca.
I got the impression they (jack, rebecca, miguel and his wife) were all around the same age. They try to make Miguel look older by graying his hair when he is supposed to be older, but I agree, they would be heavier, rounder, older looking etc. I think they should have used a different actor for older Rebecca. I just don't think Mandy pulls it off. Her face looks so fake. I read an article that talked about the decision to use Mandy as both young and old Rebecca. It said that if she couldn't pull it off they would hire an older actress. They raved about how amazing the make up is and how Mandy pulls off older Rebecca.

Agree with the bad aging makeup. If Rebecca and Jack were the same age then at the present-day storyline she and Miguel are 72-73! She doesn't look/walk/act 73 at all. In the storyline where the kids are 16 Rebecca and Jack would then be 52 (!) and they have no aging makeup on as far as I can tell, it just seems a little strange that we are supposed to believe they are 52 and look like that, and she's gung-ho about going on tour for months, etc.
Two things...we know Jack was 36 when the babies were born, but I don't think that means Rebecca was also 36.

Regarding Kevin, I think they are doing a beautiful job developing his character. When he ran to Randall, I fell a little bit in love with him.
I thought she had the kids at 30 which would make her 45-46 when she's going on tour. The night at the bar when she got pregnant she said she was 29. Right?

Yes. I think people are thinking of the big three were 36 when the show opened. Now that you say it, I remember them saying she was 30 when the kids were born.
That is the one thing that bugged me about Kevin running to Randall. Are you trying to tell me he somehow got into that high rise business building at night after hours with no credentials? I don't think so.

Right, like when shows/movies show parents drive right up to the school entrance and get out of the car to tell their little darlings good-bye, etc. Have they ever even been in a drop off/pick up line at a school?? It's a nightmare, there is barely time to slow down and let them hop out, there is NO stopping in the drop off line lol!
Right, like when shows/movies show parents drive right up to the school entrance and get out of the car to tell their little darlings good-bye, etc. Have they ever even been in a drop off/pick up line at a school?? It's a nightmare, there is barely time to slow down and let them hop out, there is NO stopping in the drop off line lol!

My car broke down in the drop off line once. It was awful.


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