Thinking of diving into DVC - thoughts on my plan

I would recommend going with more points in your situation. Just to give you an FYI to stay at BLT in June for 3 nights I am looking at 51 pts for a standard view studio. That would be 57 points for a Lake View. That is also only travel season 4 out of 7 depending on when you want to travel. I would say maybe look into 75 points if you plan on doing your split contracts and do the banking/borrowing technique. I can't imagine the cost difference on the resale market is that much more for the extra 25 pts.

So if you really wanted to keep your points under 100 for each resort that I suggest going no less than 75 pts for each resort. That would give you just a little more flexibility when it comes to different accommodations and when you travel
I suggest newbies run a quick 3 to 5% inflation figure on Annual Fees (easy to do with an excel sheet) so they have an idea what those going forward will look like (say in 10, 15, and 20 years) - if you're in an industry and of an age where your income will outpace inflation, no biggie. But for people looking at a fixed income retirement, or putting kids thru college, those extra points might push you out of DVC. Another option is instead of one big contract, two smaller contracts, for resale flexibility (although double the closing costs Do add to the cost).
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A 50 point Riviera contract in the use year that makes the most sense for whenever you want to travel is going to be rather difficult to get your hands on. I would suggest being open to slightly larger contracts to make sure you don’t get stuck with a Use Year that costs you dearly later.
I didn't think we'd use the perks. Our first trip lined up with a moonlight magic at hollywood studios. We bought the sorcerer pass.

I really like being able to try other resorts, even though we plan on spending majority of each trip at RR. We've already used points at VB, AKL, SS. I think the extra $50pp I paid over resale was worth it. At the end of the day, I plan on using these points for a long time (knock on wood), the biggest costs will be the dues.
A 50 point Riviera contract in the use year that makes the most sense for whenever you want to travel is going to be rather difficult to get your hands on. I would suggest being open to slightly larger contracts to make sure you don’t get stuck with a Use Year that costs you dearly later.
Finding a 50 point Riviera might be hard, but you could probably find a 50 point BLT, and THEN buy a 50 point RIV Direct to match - that direct RIV would give you access to any new projects too.
I started with a 60 point resale. Jumped on the first small contract I found and it had banked points to boot. I wish I had known more about UY though. I prefer small contracts as I like to pay cash, but finding a small contract in my April UY at my favourite home resort is trying to say the least. April worked well for me in every other respect as we usually travelled in May at the time. Now it's a bit of a challenge, as I prefer to travel in the fall.

There's a chart somewhere that tells you what percentage of points were sold per UY in each resort. I can't remember where it is, but some other brilliant disboarder will probably be able to point to it.
I have found that small resale contracts at RIV are hard to find. I did get a 50 pointer last year, but usually what I see are 100 points or more in about the $150 per point range. BLT is not as hard to get small contracts at, but you may find there are many Feb use years and if you look at the point allocation for BLT you will see that Feb has the largest number of contracts. Not sure why, but I decided to buy Feb just because it was easier to find. I currently have 140 points there and just added another 50 point resale contract. I also have 150 at Riviera and one of these contracts is a 50 point resale.
I started with a 60 point resale. Jumped on the first small contract I found and it had banked points to boot. I wish I had known more about UY though. I prefer small contracts as I like to pay cash, but finding a small contract in my April UY at my favourite home resort is trying to say the least. April worked well for me in every other respect as we usually travelled in May at the time. Now it's a bit of a challenge, as I prefer to travel in the fall.

There's a chart somewhere that tells you what percentage of points were sold per UY in each resort. I can't remember where it is, but some other brilliant disboarder will probably be able to point to it.
Here's one updated as of last year:
Hi, I'd love thoughts and feedback on this idea I've been playing with. We are avid WDW goers, young family with a three year old that tend to average 1 long trip (7 nights) a year or 2 shorter ones (3-4 nights). I've rented DVC before at VGF and BLT. We prefer studios. We adore Riviera but I can't wrap my head around purchasing direct as I really won't use the perks. I'm contemplating purchasing two small 50 point resale contracts at BLT and RIV so we're not forced to only vacation at Riviera and alternate resorts each year. Any feedback on this is welcome.
Make my guide happy and just buy cabin points and call it a day 😎
As a fairly new owner of a small contract, I like your plan with this caveat. Smaller contracts have a lot less flexibility - you are tied to studios and it is easy to find yourself a few points short for your third or fourth night (or 6th/7th night every other year). Your plan - especially with resale RIV - doesn't have much leeway. You may have to be flexible around trips that are a night shorter every few years, or orphaned points sometimes. I'd recommend buying BLT first and seeing how that goes for a year or two.
50 point contracts are hard to find and come at a premium. You also pay 2x the closing costs.

You could probably buy a 125 point BLT contract for the same spend as two 50 contracts.

Addonitis is real. Moving up in size later on might be desired. You'll want more points.

I'd buy 100 of either resort and then add more later on. I'd do the MK resort first with young kids and then add on an epcot resort later.
50 point contracts are hard to find and come at a premium. You also pay 2x the closing costs.

You could probably buy a 125 point BLT contract for the same spend as two 50 contracts.

Addonitis is real. Moving up in size later on might be desired. You'll want more points.

I'd buy 100 of either resort and then add more later on. I'd do the MK resort first with young kids and then add on an epcot resort later.
Yes, my thought is until you have at least one full week of points in th room category you are most likely to use, don't buy a second resort - it makes things too complicated....

Now, some of the super high resorts if you're also thinking 2 BR you might want to make another choice, but I think completing 1 week at 1 resort is a good way to go. If nothing else, you can rent out the points for a week if you're not able to go - which will be easier than one night here or there.

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