The Year of Disney Trips: ***Update!!!! 8/20/08****

Two TRs in one? Heck yes! :cool1:

I'm excited about this one just because you're calling your cousin's sons "minions." :lmao: Sounds like we're in for quite a story, and I can't wait! :thumbsup2

P.S. I'm trying really hard not to be jealous of your "year of Disney trips." Really. I am. I just don't think I'm succeeding. ;) But I'm sure you understand.
:welcome: to all!!! So glad y'all decided to come over and join me on my crazy trips! :lmao: I'm more than happy to share with all my DISer friends. :goodvibes

Wow, Li, you're up early on this Saturday morning! I'm up earlier than usual too. Going to a Yankees' game today! :thumbsup2 What can I say...married a true fan! When I saw your new TR link, I just had to jump over to join in! Can't wait for the fun to begin!

I work at night 7p-7a at a hospital so on the weekends I'm always on the DIS at those weird hours. :rotfl: So did the Yankees win? Being from Miami I'm a Marlins fan myself even though I don't really follow baseball, so I wouldn't know how they're doin' this year. Football is my thing and the season is starting soon :woohoo: . Welcome to my Trippie!!

I'm subbing ... but I'll be back later to read!

Hey DM! Thanks for subbing! So many TRs so little time huh?

Hi Li!

I am so happy to see that you started your new report!

I totally remember Dumbo's Circus and that Winnie the Pooh show. In fact Alek and I were talking about them just the other day so when I saw you mention them I laughed a bit.

Adding the cousin on at the last minute must have been very stressful. I would have been in full freak out mode.

Can't wait for your next update!

Hey Lessa!

Yay I'm not alone in remember those shows :laughing: . I had a little panic attack adding my cousin and just wait and see what happens while checking in:eek: .

Ok I am on board.

Welcome Scott!! I've started reading your pre-TR, don't remember if I posted yet though. Very fun though with all your little trips in between.

Your title caught my attention, because that's kind of what this year is for us. We did the all-family trip last month, and we have three all-girls trips between now and the next all-family trip. We decided to take full advantage of those APs, too. We're doing our first MNSSHP in October, Candlelight Processional in December, and nothing special yet at Spring Break. Only thing is, we're ten and a half hours away! It's not so easy for us, but it is well worth the trouble to get there. We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing lots of good pictures.

P.S. I turned 50 this summer in Disney World. Maybe I can help get your dear old mom to be a Disney addict.

Welcome MeMom!! Wow 10 1/2 hour drive :scared1: . I think 4 hours is a lot :rotfl: . I figured the same thing to take advantage of the APs and visit at different times. I just wish as an AP I didn't have to pay extra for MNSSHP and MVMCP. Are you writing any TRs?

Mom is a little past 50, so 50ish, she really likes Disney, but to her going once every few years is enough for her. I'm currently trying to convince her to go late Nov./early Dec. for MVMCP with me.

I'm here, yeah I know you were just waiting around for me weren't ya?

Anywho, isn't great planning so many trips at once, I have 3 myself over the next 12 months, hopefully can squeeze a 4th in there too!

Welcome Mo! Love havin' you around, so of course I waited. ;) Can you adopt me as a niece to joing you on one of your future trips :rotfl: .

Great start

Just had to say I love how all you US DISser's now use the word whilst

Hi Jo!! Well you know we just use it to sound more like you! :lmao:
Plus I have to remember to use "box" instead of booth and now spell tire "tyre" ;)

subbing to this TR!! Loved your last one

Welcome Erica!!! Glad you enjoyed my last Trippie! I'll try not to disappoint with these.

Looking forward to more:thumbsup2

Thanks, more should me coming up soonish.

Ok, you can start the party now. I'm here.

LOL Welcome PaMom!! So glad you could join!!

Subbing, now I'm going to be readin'

Welcome!! Sorry about the confusion with the cousins, I have many of them and we're all so close. DC (the other cousin from the last TR) didn't or couldn't join us for the June trip because she was starting college. I begged her to go, but when she met our cousins aka the Minions she definately didn't want to go. :rotfl:

Love me s'more Duck Tales !

Count me in.


Duck Tales!! Ooo Ooo!!:rolleyes1 I loved that show!! Of course being a Donald lover and all (even though he was rarely on the show). Welcome Heidi!!

Waving Hi from a neighbor...we are in Plantation. SO not to far away.

We are now waiting for our 2nd trip of the year to happen. Our first was the end of July!

Cannot wait to read more.

Hi Dori!! Welcome!! Are you going to do a TR for your July trip? popcorn::

Man I wish I lived close enough to make a year of trips.

Yes it is definately good to live pretty close to The World. Welcome!!


I just transported myself to the Studios to ride Star Tours...

Sorry...having a really bad bout of PDD - Post Disney Depression - thinking that this time LAST Saturday night I was at the beach at the Poly Man, I've got it baaaaad...Gotta go plan another trip I guess...

:worship: You are my idol Z...3 trips at once? You are GOOD!!

Cool! I'm on board baby!!

With all these TR's going on, how am I ever going to have time to work on mine??

So many TR's, so little time...

Welcome LL!! I know what you mean about the PDD, it usually takes me a week to get back to normal post Disney trips.

You're my idol :worship: with all your organization and packing skills though.

Very true about all the TRs and so little time. :surfweb: Plus that pesky thing called life tends to get in the way too.:sad2:

Two TRs in one? Heck yes!

I'm excited about this one just because you're calling your cousin's sons "minions." :lmao: Sounds like we're in for quite a story, and I can't wait!

P.S. I'm trying really hard not to be jealous of your "year of Disney trips." Really. I am. I just don't think I'm succeeding. But I'm sure you understand.

Welcome Enchanted!! Actually it may be more than 2 TRs. ;) Right now it's only 2 but I'm trying really hard to get some more trips squeezed in before my AP ends.

I know how you feel about the jealous thing though. I just live vicariously through everyone on their TRs and want to go on their trips when they're getting ready to leave.
I'm here. Late as usual, but I am here! Great start. 4 boys:scared1: I only have one and he runs me ragged.

Can't wait to hear morepopcorn::
I'm here. Late as usual, but I am here! Great start. 4 boys:scared1: I only have one and he runs me ragged.

Can't wait to hear morepopcorn::

Welcome Janet! Better late than never. :)

I know I really feel her pain after only spending a week with 3 of them. At least she got to have a vacation from them though, because I literally became a mom to 3 boys. :scared:
How did I miss that in your siggie?

You did not I just added it.

Hey let me know if you ever head my way, maybe we can meet up!

That was so cool!! Thank you for sharing, Aviva is so cute

Thank you!

It is very easy to do...and it is free...go to and it will walk you through the making of a montage.
Welcome MeMom!! Wow 10 1/2 hour drive :scared1: . I think 4 hours is a lot :rotfl: . I figured the same thing to take advantage of the APs and visit at different times. I just wish as an AP I didn't have to pay extra for MNSSHP and MVMCP. Are you writing any TRs?

Mom is a little past 50, so 50ish, she really likes Disney, but to her going once every few years is enough for her. I'm currently trying to convince her to go late Nov./early Dec. for MVMCP with me.[/U]

Yep - Baby and the Tramp...and a Pop Half Century. We're not doing nearly as much as we thought we would, but it takes time, and with school starting, we're busier than we expected. We are trying to put up a lot of pictures in it, though, and that's probably way more interesting than our words anyway! I hope you can talk your mom into a holiday trip. I'll be making my first Christmas trip this year.
Well, I am not a great writer but did but together a picture and video montage of my is the link if you want to check it out.

I did the same thing, kind of. I made DVD's for everyone who went on our trip in July. The link is in my completed TR but it is very long 90 minutes but happy Disney music accompanies it. :) I think it is so fun making video memories.
Your montage was fantastic. :thumbsup2
Hey! It's me, joining another trip report Waaaaaay after it's started! Glad I found ya! Loving all the details about your family! It definetly will make the report very interesting!

You did not I just added it.

Hey let me know if you ever head my way, maybe we can meet up!

Thank you!

It is very easy to do...and it is free...go to and it will walk you through the making of a montage.

I'll let you know if I'm ever in your neck of the woods. :)

Hmmm gonna have to try that one of these days.

Yep - Baby and the Tramp...and a Pop Half Century. We're not doing nearly as much as we thought we would, but it takes time, and with school starting, we're busier than we expected. We are trying to put up a lot of pictures in it, though, and that's probably way more interesting than our words anyway! I hope you can talk your mom into a holiday trip. I'll be making my first Christmas trip this year.

Ok I've subbed onto your trippie. Do you have two DIS names?
I know how you feel about being busy with everything, I am too and it leaves little time to plan trips. Plus strapped for cash right now and working my way to financing the next trip. :rotfl:

Hey! It's me, joining another trip report Waaaaaay after it's started! Glad I found ya! Loving all the details about your family! It definetly will make the report very interesting!

Hi Glenda!!! Welcome! Don't worry I always find the TRs late too.
You're a week away from your trip to our happy place though! :cool1:
Sunday June 10th, 2007

Our plan is to drive :car: up to Orlando again. I get out of work at 7am, go home finish packing, shower and we're ready to go to pick up the car. My other cousin (who lives with us--DC from April TR) and my brother drove us up to the car rental and we transferred all the suitcases and snacks/drinks into the rental. We said our goodbyes and as we're ready to take off, my mom asks me if I brought the car insurance, and whaddya know, I forgot it at home. D'oh!:headache: So we drive:drive: back home and pick up the insurance and back on the road again. Well that took a good chunk out of our time.:sad2:

It's approximately a 3 1/2 hour drive from Miami to Orlando and that's exactly how long it takes us because Mom doesn't let me go a mile over the speed limit.

Unfortunately our first stop wasn't Disney:sad1: , first we had to pick up Minion #1, Daniel. By this time my mom has lectured my cousin that what she did wasn't right and :hyper2: blah blah and my cousin has apologized profusely and is grateful that her son is allowed to join us.

Anyhoo, as we arrive into Orlando my cousin calls her relatives that live there who are taking care of her son and we're given directions. Thankfully I didn't get lost and on our way to pick up her son but it was at that time that the skies open up and it starts pouring rain.

Once we arrive at the apartment building my cousin's relatives live the rain lets up some and the happy reunion :grouphug: takes place with mother and brothers. Meanwhile I'm in a hurry:hourglass because I wanna get to Disney already darnit! We quickly load his suitcase and we're off, to my happy place.:cool1:

Those well known purple signs start popping up and we pass through the wonderful WDW sign.


So I know by my fuzzy Disney map in my head that SSR is near DTD so I head in that direction then follow the signs to SSR. As soon as we turn onto the endless road to SSR you will not believe what happens...

Next Installment: Click Here
Ahhh! What happens?? You too have decided to adopt the use of cliffhangers for your report:sad2:

Oh well, I do it too so I better get used to it!:lmao:
Hey! It's me, joining another trip report Waaaaaay after it's started! Glad I found ya! Loving all the details about your family! It definetly will make the report very interesting!


Hey, Glenda, I noticed you're only 6 days away from your trip! :banana: Have a great time & we'll be waiting for another wonderful TR from you! popcorn::
Sunday June 10th, 2007

Our plan is to drive :car: up to Orlando again. I get out of work at 7am, go home finish packing, shower and we're ready to go to pick up the car. My other cousin (who lives with us--DC from April TR) and my brother drove us up to the car rental and we transferred all the suitcases and snacks/drinks into the rental. We said our goodbyes and as we're ready to take off, my mom asks me if I brought the car insurance, and whaddya know, I forgot it at home. D'oh!:headache: So we drive:drive: back home and pick up the insurance and back on the road again. Well that took a good chunk out of our time.:sad2:

It's approximately a 3 1/2 hour drive from Miami to Orlando and that's exactly how long it takes us because Mom doesn't let me go a mile over the speed limit.

Gotta love those moms!:sad2:

Unfortunately our first stop wasn't Disney:sad1: , first we had to pick up Minion #1, Daniel. By this time my mom has lectured my cousin that what she did wasn't right and :hyper2: blah blah and my cousin has apologized profusely and is grateful that her son is allowed to join us.
I hope she lets it go after this so you don't have to hear it the whole time. Nothing like fighting at the happiest place ever! :eek:

Anyhoo, as we arrive into Orlando my cousin calls her relatives that live there who are taking care of her son and we're given directions. Thankfully I didn't get lost and on our way to pick up her son but it was at that time that the skies open up and it starts pouring rain.

Once we arrive at the apartment building my cousin's relatives live the rain lets up some and the happy reunion :grouphug: takes place with mother and brothers. Meanwhile I'm in a hurry:hourglass because I wanna get to Disney already darnit! We quickly load his suitcase and we're off, to my happy place.:cool1:

Those well known purple signs start popping up and we pass through the wonderful WDW sign.


So I know by my fuzzy Disney map in my head that SSR is near DTD so I head in that direction then follow the signs to SSR. As soon as we turn onto the endless road to SSR you will not believe what happens...

Noooo!!! That was a good one. Although I'm a little mad at you now... :snooty:
Let me guess- you get lost? Or did that stop after the April trip? :rolleyes: Can't wait for more!!!! popcorn::
Ok so nice update but, whoever started these cliffhangers should be banished from the Disboards.

Looking forward to more.
I am so jealous that you can hop in a car and be there in 3.5 hours (or less, if you go faster;) :car: )

So you don't get lost (again)... do you?

Can't wait to read the next installment.popcorn::
Sunday June 10th, 2007
So I know by my fuzzy Disney map in my head that SSR is near DTD so I head in that direction then follow the signs to SSR. As soon as we turn onto the endless road to SSR you will not believe what happens...

I won't believe it when what happens? C'mon now you can't just leave me hanging like that! popcorn::

Those purple signs really are amazing for getting you into the Disney spirit! :cloud9: I can't wait to hear what happens next, Li! Update again soon! :goodvibes


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