The "Why do my cats do that?" Thread

Thought of some more...

We have a gas fireplace. The "top" of it is ~8-10' off the floor and is a shelf. The ceiling is another 2-3' above that. One cat will get up on the shelf and then claw at the wall.
The same cat won't eat out of the food bowl. He'll use his paws to scrape a single piece of food on to the floor and then eat that.
The same cat has meowed <5 times since we got him... maybe 2 years ago?
Nemo enjoys watching TV with us. 2 evenings ago, he seemed to really like the Hobbit.

One of mine like "The Voice".

One of our cats paws at the food dish after she eats (like she just used the litter box or something). She's so confused......

My other one does this!

My cats have always thought the vacuum was a dragon that needs to be slayed.

Both of mine run from it. If they're really driving me nuts and I need them to go upstairs, I pretend I need to vacuum.
Why does my cat just sit there while I play with her toys but as soon as I get on the computer she drives me nuts until I play?

I was actually going to start a thread about this next one to see if other cats do it too but I'll ask here since clearly people with cats will be reading...
Does anyone else's cat have a stuffed toy that they love up when no one can pay attention to them at the time?
My cat has "beary". its a small very soft and snuggly pink bear. The only place the fur is matted is its neck where she licks it and carries it by.
Say I'm not home or even I'm just watching a TV show and she knows I'm not going to pay attention to her for an hour she will give out this specific "mommy I'm lonely meow' and a little while later her beary will be in a completely different place.
It could have been upstairs on my bed and now its downstairs in the front hall etc.
Anyone else's cat do this?

My littlest cat, Rory, has 'ellie' a squeaky toy elephant that actually came with her when we adopted her. I never actually see her carry it around, but it's always in a different place. If I pick up ellie and squeak her, Rory comes running making this weird meow sound that interpret to be '*** are you doing to ellie give her back' then I'll toss it into the other room, and she bolts after it and tussles with a bit. It's actually the cutest thing.
My cats (bro and sis) start meowing at 6am and 3:30 pm if they aren’t fed.

They also wait for me outside the door when I use the downstairs bathroom.

They also wait inside the door when I come home.

Our boy is he attention seeker. He will sit on my lap and meow until he has been sufficiently petted.
One of my cats will meow til I come over to him and he'll just sit there until I lead him somewhere. Either to the door or to the bathroom to get a drink out of the faucet. He won't move til I move...I swear he is an alien. He is just too weird. Had another cat that would just stare at the wall or whoever was sitting in front of him. A stray we just got will run from flies. And my sweet little girl kitty can do no wrong...ok, so at about 6:30 pm she'll start yowling at me until I go to bed and take her with me. She'll keep it up too :)
I lost my cat on Halloween, but he used to meow this weird sounding meow after I coughed or sneezed. Only when I cough or sneeze... nobody else. I still wait for that everytime I cough or sneeze...Miss him. he would also lick my legs after I got out of the shower- weirdo. I couldn't dry off and get dressed fast enough!

Oh my gosh, my little Bella will do this when I sneeze! Just me. She won't do it for the others in my family. It's the craziest thing!! And my other cat- we lost him about 4 yrs ago-- would lick me after the shower too. One time he startled me so bad cuz he got me in the shock with that scratchy tongue!!!
My cat likes to eat plastic bags, cellophane, scotch tape and shipping tape. It makes him sick, yet he apparently can’t resist. We found out this is a fairly common condition in cats (and dogs) called pica. We have to keep these things away from him but it’s not so easy.

Mine has taken to chewing bows from the wrapped packages. But it seems to be just a seasonal thing for her.

My cat has been licking our gingerbread house to death. She's pulled candy decorations off of it, licked the frosting off the side of the roof, and for the life of me, I don't know where she put the gummy minion that was with the display.:sad2:

Even though the candy probably isn't good for her, I'm picturing this as so adorable!
Over twenty years ago, we had a cat that would make this odd meow, more like a chattering noise, to lure flies. Flies would come to her when she did this and she would catch and eat them. A few times, we saw her actually spear them with her nail and then eat it. I grew up with cats and have never seen a cat call to flies. Our two cats after her never did that.

Fast forward to today with our two new kittens and we caught one of them chattering to a fly the other day.

Does anyone else have a cat that makes that odd noise to lure flies?
@AppleDumpling My parents had a cat who would lick plastic bags like crazy!

@LCoulter When I was a teenager we had a cat that would make that noise if she saw bugs or birds outside. She must not have had the magic touch though bc she couldn't lure them!

We have a cat that loves ear wax - she will try to lick in your ear while you'e sleeping or lying down.
That same cat really loves to play with the kids' Star Wars legos after they go to bed. She messes up a display like nobody's business.
She also does this thing where she will tap you with her paw if you stop petting her. She will keep tapping til you start petting again. The kids think it is hilarious.
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Over twenty years ago, we had a cat that would make this odd meow, more like a chattering noise, to lure flies. Flies would come to her when she did this and she would catch and eat them. A few times, we saw her actually spear them with her nail and then eat it. I grew up with cats and have never seen a cat call to flies. Our two cats after her never did that.

Fast forward to today with our two new kittens and we caught one of them chattering to a fly the other day.

Does anyone else have a cat that makes that odd noise to lure flies?

Our cats make that chattering noise whenever they see a bird, but they ignore flies.


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