The What's For Dinner Thread - March '11 (recipe index in OP)

Kathy- As of right now it's supposed to go west of Boston, I'm sure we'll all still notice it, but not as bad a predicted a couple of days ago. The land is really going to slow it down (fingers crossed.) I've been pretty much stalking NOAA's website. Both boston and my town say tropical storm conditions, so that's promising. Keep in mind our water is much colder, about 60 degrees, and the cold weather breaks apart hurricanes. My biggest concern is the 250 POUNDS of beef I have in my basement freezer.

Marilyn- Thanks for reminding me about the car, I need to do a little cleaning in the garage. What are the weather predictions for you?

250 POUNDS OF BEEF!!! Yikes! :scared1:
Here is some of the better meals we've around here the past month or so. Most I have done in one version or another in the past. Probably have posted them before, but since Jude, my creativity & time to cook has gone way down. So this is the best I can do to contribute for now! :rolleyes1

You are killing me with all that gorgeous food!!

Well Girls, the moon was bright, the stars were lined up just right, whatever because it all worked. Doug's golf team won last night - CAN YA BELIEVE IT!! :banana: :cool1: :woohoo: :yay: They have 2 leagues - National and American. His team is the Nationals. They took first place and now next Monday they will play the first place team of the Americans for the whole banana. :woohoo: :banana: I just can't believe that they have done it.

AWESOME! Congrats to them :cool1:

Liam had an allergist appointment today and he got clearance to start incorporating food with egg in it back into his diet. We'll see how that goes. He is looking forward to being able to get a dessert at dinner tonight.

Good news! I hope it goes well!

Lindsay, good to see you!

I hope those in the hurricane path stay safe - I have friends along the East coast who are hunkering down for a rough ride. I sure hope there isn't too much damage.

I made tortellini spinach bake tonight and it was really tasty. Once I get a pic, I'll post the recipe.
Kathy- Try not to worry too much about us, the predictions really have gotten better on our local news, the weather channel not so much. I am trying to be optomistic, but also prepared. You have such a different perspective then us, so I understand where you are coming from. Heck, I live on a giant sand bar, I have to be optomistic!

Sheryl- Yup, 250 pounds of beef. I bought 1/2 a steer. It is literally the only thing in my basement freezer. It was a big splurge so I'm hoping we don't loose power for to long.
Aren't Becky & Laura in/near Boston? I've been hearing on the weather channel that they are going to have some of the most severe weather?????:confused:

Yes we are but the way the storm is tracking it looks like it will be a tropical storm when it goes over us. Robin explained it better than me as far as storm surge etc. We live in a town just outside Boston and are not close enough to the water for any surge, if there is one, to impact us.

Dinner was out and it was pretty awful. Liam, who has the "go-light" for eggs, opted for his usual egg-free softserve ice cream. :laughing:
Marilyn- Thanks for reminding me about the car, I need to do a little cleaning in the garage. What are the weather predictions for you?

We are now under the tropical storm warning. Luckily our house is not near any water so we are safe from flooding. We just have to worry about the winds.
Catching up on all the news.....

I hope the Hurricane moves out to sea and away from you all.

Nancy, Robin, Marilyn, Becky, Laura - stay safe. I hope you'll check in and let us know how you are. I'll be thinking of you all this weekend.

Lindsay - My weekend has officially started now! :yay:

Jen - I took these pictures last night....10 minutes from my home.



Glynis - Bowling? How was it? I bowl socially and occassionally participate in Corporate Games events i.e., I'm not very good.

Sheryl - How's Jude doing? Thanks for the food porn. :lovestruc

Ellen - Congrats to Doug and his golf team...but commiserations to you if this means that you become more of a golf widow.

Janice - I don't have a pressure cooker so I'll be interested to see which way you decide.

Life here continues along its normal pace. We are having breakfast out tomorrow with some friends. And are likely to head to a spring festival on Sunday, pending weather. I'm hoping to get some more weeding of my garden done and perhaps a little cooking on Saturday. We'll see how it goes.

I'll be keeping an eye on the news and watching Irene, like everyone else.

Hey, all! Thanks for the kind words. I have been battling a sore throat for about 6 weeks. It started off like a sinus infection, but I never went to the doctor. I got better, but the sore throat never went away. The past couple of weeks I have been feeling really down. And I mean BAD. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me, that I was depressed.

I finally got fed up with my sore throat and went to the doctor the other day. I was correct, I was recovering from a sinus infection. I still had a raw throat and some fluid in my ears. I got a shot of Decadron and some antibiotics. The next day I felt like myself again. Yay! I am so glad. I really struggled with depression when I was in college and I didn't want to go down that path again. Can't blame me there, can you?

Update on Ryan and Chloe: Chloe will probably have to have tubes in her ears. On top of her ears, she's very congested. You can hear it when the poor thing breathes. Now Ryan has bronchitis. Ugh, huh? All at the beginning of the school year. Poor Amanda, right?

I am thinking of all of you affected by the hurricane. Stay safe and do everything you need to to protect yourself :grouphug:

One more. A favorite Creamy Avocado Buttermilk Soup also with a Fennel Tomato Salsa.

Oh. My. Word. That looks absolutely out of this world. :love::love::love:
Lindsay Depression is nothing to play with. :hug: I am glad you are feeling better. Poor little Chloe:hug:

Last night was Library night! I brought back lots of books so many I may have to not do any housework;)

I found a website that has recipes for pressure cookers and I found that through Fat Wallet I could get a good electronic one for a really good price. If I get a cooker it will be electronic. I still can't get over that they scare me:scared1: so I am waiting to see if this feeling of wanting one passes.

Not sure yet about dinner.
Kathy- Don't get me wrong, we'll still take the prayers!

Janice- My parents got me a pressure cooker, electric, and I use it about twice a year. Then I wonder why I used it. If you are comfortable leaving the crockpot on when you are gone I think you are better off with that. I can't stand cleaning the pressure cooker. I store it in the basement because I don't want to take up the room in my kitchen. I also don't really know how to cook in it, so none of the meals were worth the trouble. I say hold onto your money, but then again you might love it.

Princess- I live about a 10 minute drive away from the Atlantic, and I can't even count how many times I've wished I had my camera. I'm assuming you are never without yours. The other day I was driving home and passed a harbor, it was lowtide, the sandflats were gorgous and the sun was setting. I thought of you, it was the perfect picture.

Marilyn- Even though we are close to the water, I'm more worried about wind than flooding too.

Becky- I love soft serve, and good to know it is egg free. I guess it makes a lot of sense since it's not a high quality custard based ice cream. My nephew is allergic to eggs, gluten, peanuts, treenuts, tagless shirt labels...the list goes on and on.

Sheryl- Your pictures are amazing, they make me want to eat outside more often.

Alright, need to get to work. I'll stop on the way home and grab a roast chicken from the store. Have a great day all!
Morning, this will be a quick post before I have to get the kids up for school.

Princess - I belong to a ladies bowling league. We are not competitive, at all, and just in it for the fun, the socializing, and the yummy food at the bowling alley! I'm not a terrific bowler, believe me! I ended last season with an average of 118. That's on the lower end of our league! We'll see how it goes this year. We start in 3 hours and I'm so excited!!! Your pictures are gorgeous, and your weekend plans sound divine! Have fun!

Kathy - I don't think any of us can blame you for worrying! You (and the other NOLA gals) have been through this before, and with horrible results! I don't think there's anything wrong with worrying and praying. I'm doing the same from out West.

Becky - Do you think Liam was a little nervous to try anything with eggs in it, at this point? That's got to be a tough position! Hope tonight's dinner is better.

I have no idea what's for dinner. We are supposed to be going to see some neighbors in a production of "Aida" in an outdoor theater. However, thunderstorms have been rumbling through the area every afternoon/evening, so I'm not sure what will happen. If we do end up eating out, I'm picking the restaurant, since Alan's last choice was a miserable flop!
My thoughts and prayers are SO with all of our East Coast girls. You all stay safe and check in when you can. God's blessings!!

Sheryl ~ OMG your meals are to die for - I want the Lamb Ragu & Cheese polenta, Avacado soup (that just looks heavenly) and the Rosotto & Scallops recipies. PLEASE!!!! Oh MY!!!:worship:

Laura ~ I would be with Liam - just a bit scared to try eggs again. I sure hope all is ok.
You and Becky are in my prayers for a safe couple of days. :hug:

Jen ~ How's the phones working? Has UR gotten hers yet?
Good luck to J and introducing peanuts back in. That would be a hard one for be to go without.
Yep, one more night of Golf league - on Monday - but I'm ok with that as I really want them to win. Especially because everyone is either pulling for them or scratching their heads wondering how in the heck they got this far. :rotfl2:

Janice ~ I am with Glynis - pressure cookers scare me to death. Don't have one and don't want one. But I have friends and both my Mother and MIL swore by theirs. I'm not much help huh? :rolleyes1

Glynis ~ Have a great time this morning. I know you will!! I am so glad to hear that Jacob got along ok yesterday.

Robin ~ I have everything crossed that you don't lose electricity for long. I would hate to see your beef be ruined. Please stay safe and know we are praying for you my friend.

Merle ~ You too!! Be safe.

Lindsay ~ feel better!!

Kat ~ Bless your heart!! I know how hard this is for you knowing exactly what our friends are in for. You are a GOOD friend!!!:hug:

Busy busy friday. I should be working but alas here I am. Quiet (lull before NE Big Red football starts - GO BIG RED!!!) weekend here. We are taking a long weekend next week so we have to get things done around here.

Please know my prayers are with you all and I will be checking in for updates.

WFDT ~ Grilled Lamb chops (I so wish I had Sheryl's recipe ;)) corn on the cob and tomato feta salad.

Make it a great day everyone!!
Becky - Do you think Liam was a little nervous to try anything with eggs in it, at this point? That's got to be a tough position! Hope tonight's dinner is better.

Maybe. He did try a small piece of cornbread and enjoyed it. We are going to bake something this weekend--maybe brownies--and see how that goes.

They have taken down all of the billboards and street banners in the neighborhood I work in, and are in the process of removing the streetside trash cans. I have to do a little yard cleanup when I get home from work tonight. I think it is still too early to tell what is going to happen, but better safe than sorry.

WFD: a baked provolone-marinated tomato dish from the current Fine Cooking magazine, with some crusty baguette and a big salad.
Marilyn – Very worried about you, please keep us posted.

Nan –Please check in! (I’ve texted her)

Ellen – The eggplant lasagna rocked, we LOVED it!

Asking for prayers for Gretchen. She had to go to work today and will be driving home this evening in severe weather. Also, Lauren’s family in Jersey will be getting hit hard.

I will continue to worry and pray for all of you on the east coast until I know you have all safely made it through the storm.:grouphug:

WFD – Going out to a French Bistro/wine bar for a four course tasting menu with wine pairings.
Kathy Your dinner sounds like something we all could use.:hug:

WFD is french toast pancakes with fresh blueberry syrup.

Praying for everyone affect by Irene.:hug:
Marilyn – Very worried about you, please keep us posted.

Nan –Please check in! (I’ve texted her)

Ellen – The eggplant lasagna rocked, we LOVED it!

Asking for prayers for Gretchen. She had to go to work today and will be driving home this evening in severe weather. Also, Lauren’s family in Jersey will be getting hit hard.

I will continue to worry and pray for all of you on the east coast until I know you have all safely made it through the storm.:grouphug:

WFD – Going out to a French Bistro/wine bar for a four course tasting menu with wine pairings.

I will. I'll post updates periodically. :thumbsup2

Unfortunately, I had to cancel. I think I have a stomach bug.:sick:

Feel better. :hug:

Dinner tonight will be whatever.
I'm keeping a prayer in my heart for all you East Coast gals! Please be careful. Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Check in with us when you can! I wish I could do more than pray for you, but it's all I've got right now!
Jen - I took these pictures last night....10 minutes from my home.

How absolutely gorgeous! :lovestruc Thank you for sharing.

Hey, all! Thanks for the kind words. I have been battling a sore throat for about 6 weeks. It started off like a sinus infection, but I never went to the doctor. I got better, but the sore throat never went away. The past couple of weeks I have been feeling really down. And I mean BAD. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me, that I was depressed.

I finally got fed up with my sore throat and went to the doctor the other day. I was correct, I was recovering from a sinus infection. I still had a raw throat and some fluid in my ears. I got a shot of Decadron and some antibiotics. The next day I felt like myself again. Yay! I am so glad. I really struggled with depression when I was in college and I didn't want to go down that path again. Can't blame me there, can you?

Update on Ryan and Chloe: Chloe will probably have to have tubes in her ears. On top of her ears, she's very congested. You can hear it when the poor thing breathes. Now Ryan has bronchitis. Ugh, huh? All at the beginning of the school year. Poor Amanda, right?

All of you need to feel better! Sending good, healing vibes. :goodvibes

Jen ~ How's the phones working? Has UR gotten hers yet?
Good luck to J and introducing peanuts back in. That would be a hard one for be to go without.
Yep, one more night of Golf league - on Monday - but I'm ok with that as I really want them to win. Especially because everyone is either pulling for them or scratching their heads wondering how in the heck they got this far. :rotfl2:

OMG. I loooove my Droid. :lovestruc I found the neatest app, called "Grocery IQ". I've already used it to make shopping lists and you can use the barcode of items to scan it into your list.

UncleR's phone hasn't come yet. :mad: On Wednesday they said they were overnighting it to us via FedEx. All day today it was stuck in Memphis. It never came. Needless to say, Verizon will be getting a call from me in the morning and they are going to need to remedy the situation somehow. UncleR is without a phone because they had already transferred her # to the phone that didn't work. I'm not paying for something that I can't use. Grrrrr.

Anyway...:rotfl2:sorry for the rant! Good luck to all on Monday night!

Maybe. He did try a small piece of cornbread and enjoyed it. We are going to bake something this weekend--maybe brownies--and see how that goes.

Good luck with the food introductions!

Unfortunately, I had to cancel. I think I have a stomach bug.:sick:

Hope you're feeling better. :hug:


Today was a looooong day. So, we had Subway for dinner.

Tomorrow, I've had a request for more mongolian beef ala Aimee. :lmao: That will be twice this week! :laughing:

J had a great first week of school. He is loooooving theater. I had a great week of work, I'm ready to start seeing all of my kids next week.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. And we're all sending special thoughts to you East Coasters. Stay safe.


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