The Running Thread - 2018

On the ice cream topic, I eat one of these every night for dessert. It curbs my ice cream and chocolate cravings with less carbs and calories. Plus they are yummy!

Dang it I can't get it to upload! Blue Bunny Sweet Freedom no sugar added Vanilla Crunch Bars
ATTQOTD & follow-up question: I have not seen many local odd timed races but for a Christmas 5K. I considered this race because I wanted to try more 5s (I am over that now), but was concerned about (1) running on snow/ice (2) running in the dark (3) already being exhausted from a full day. I believe I run differently at different times (5:15am, noon, or 4pm are the times I can fit into life), but I cannot decide if this is also due to different paths. Do you see a difference in perceived effort or pace when running at different times of day? Does that come into play when racing an odd time?

I'd expect pace to vary based on the time of day you're running. In the morning, you're more likely to be fresh and rested, whereas at the end of the day, you've been awake for many hours and have been active all day. Your nutrition and fueling and hydration are also different at different times of the day, which will cause changes in your pace too.

Pass. It is no substitute for the real thing, but if you are looking for something totally different perhaps it works? I keep pints of vanilla (Haagen Das, Breyers, or the local creamery Zingerman's depending on price) to put in my coffee when I need to sacrifice the last of the milk for the kids.

ATTQOTD: I've done a few nighttime 5-K "fun run" type races. One was a summertime race for a charity called Blue Cure where everyone was issued blue glow sticks they could fashion into necklaces and run with. That race featured a large group Zumba class as part of the after party. I was amazed at how many people were able to do it and keep up. The other was a holidays themed "Elves on the Run" type race in December. Thanks to Houston weather it was probably in the low 80s and raining lightly during the race. It was fun to run in both the dark and the rain.

As far as ice creams go, being from Texas makes me automatically a Blue Bell kind of guy. But my California "roots" keep a warm (cold?) place in my heart for Three Twins organic ice cream.
Where is @rteetz to tell us about how delicious the ice cream is from the creamery on the UW campus in Madison?

The University of Maryland Dairy makes their own ice cream, which is fabulous. They make up new flavors and name them after well-known people on campus.

This ice cream from the Dairy is the best that was ever created: "Brenda's Peanut Butter Frese - Brownie batter ice cream, crushed peanut butter cups, brownie dough, chocolate liquor, and peanut butter fluff swirl". Oooooh, my.
ATTQOTD: I’ve never done it, but there’s a 5K in Milwaukee in July that starts at 9 pm. It’s called Storm the Bastille and is in memory of the attack on the Bastille and is the kickoff to the annual festival they have.

Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I should actually do it someday.
Pass. It is no substitute for the real thing, but if you are looking for something totally different perhaps it works?
This is tangential, but reminds me of my reaction to Dole Whip when I was a kid. I had one when I was like 9 and haven't eaten one again since because the overwhelming disappointment is burned into my brain of getting this cone that I thought was going to be pineapple ice cream and it... wasn't. I can't imagine ever being presented with a choice between ice cream and some other kind of frozen dessert and choosing some other kind of frozen dessert. :)
Do you like the Area 13.1 half? That is my "August" half marathon.

Yes! I've done it the last two years and I'm signed up again. Only one hill in the whole race - rare for Atlanta to have just one - at mile 7ish. Long, but then you go back down it. Its hot at the start but once the sun starts to go down it cools a little. Since you are around 2 hours or under you won't need a headlamp. It won't be dark for much of your race. I haven't used a headlamp either of the times I've run it. Its an out and back and then another out and back in the other direction. Part of the first out and back is run on a very easy trail - not technical at all and its only like a mile of the race. The race runs past the neighborhood where I used to live (I live in a completely different part of town now), so I used to run various parts of the course all the time.

Let's try to meet up beforehand for this one if we can! And/or after. If we met up beforehand though it would have the side benefit that I can try and chase you during the race for a better time (my PR is just under 2 hours, you are a little speedier than me). Lol.
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QOTD: Most races start in the morning, anywhere from 6:00AM to 10:00AM would be considered "normal". During the summer you will also get a few races start in the late afternoon. Todays question is have you had a race that falls outside these somewhat normal times? We are going to exclude runDisney events from a possible answer with its 5:30 AM start.

We have a few evening races every year and I love them. Most start around 7 or so and are in the summer so they are run while it is still light out but some are after dark. I don't mind running after dark or on snow or anything like that and I've done a few of them. One in June that starts at 9:00pm is my favorite but I won't be able to do it this year.

The best ice cream is from a local place called Mitchell's. They have both traditional and unique flavors including one made with some Great Lakes beer but my favorite is Lavender Honey. If you have never had lavender ice cream find some.
Yes! I've done it the last two years and I'm signed up again. Only one hill in the whole race - rare for Atlanta to have just one - at mile 7ish. Long, but then you go back down it. Its hot at the start but once the sun starts to go down it cools a little. Since you are around 2 hours or under you won't need a headlamp. It won't be dark for much of your race. I haven't used a headlamp either of the times I've run it. Its an out and back and then another out and back in the other direction. Part of the first out and back is run on a very easy trail - not technical at all and its only like a mile of the race. The race runs past the neighborhood where I used to live (I live in a completely different part of town now), so I used to run various parts of the course all the time.

Let's try to meet up beforehand for this one if we can! And/or after. If we met up beforehand though it would have the side benefit that I can try and chase you during the race for a better time (my PR is just under 2 hours, you are a little speedier than me). Lol.

Yes, let's do that please! I was signed up last year but ended up having a really bad sinus infection and didn't feel like making the drive up. I love to run in the evening though so I am hoping that will help me. I am surprised it is only one hill, that is great news. After Publix half and HOTlanta, I was beginning to dislike Atlanta runs! LOL
ATTQOTD: I've run a full that started at 10AM and a half that started at 1 PM in the afternoon, but since both races were in February, mid-day heat wasn't really an issue. It was nice to get a little extra sleep for those. I know it's runDisney, but I also ran the last Tower of Terror 10 Miler, which started at 10PM. That was fun, but also a long night. By the time we left the after-party at Disney Studios, it was close to 4 AM! My one 50 miler started at 5 AM, which required a brutal wake-up time of 2:30 AM!
We have a few evening races every year and I love them. Most start around 7 or so and are in the summer so they are run while it is still light out but some are after dark. I don't mind running after dark or on snow or anything like that and I've done a few of them. One in June that starts at 9:00pm is my favorite but I won't be able to do it this year.

The best ice cream is from a local place called Mitchell's. They have both traditional and unique flavors including one made with some Great Lakes beer but my favorite is Lavender Honey. If you have never had lavender ice cream find some.
Didn’t Mitchell’s do a Great Lakes Christmas ale beer? I vaguely remember that from a year or two back.
ATTQOTD: I've run the 3 mile at the Ice Breaker in Great Falls MT, which starts in the early afternoon - 1:00 for the 5 mile, 2:00 for the 3 mile; 3:00 for the 1 mile. It takes place in late April each year, and the name is apt--I've always assumed that it's an afternoon race because April mornings in Montana are too likely to be cold and icy. The midday start at least gives things a chance to warm up to human-friendly temperatures (I still wore a jacket for the start...).

One I've never run (not going to this year, might next year) is the Save the Tatas 5K that takes place in July and starts at 8:00 pm. Because as cold as April is, July is miserably hot (though I'm not sure 8:00 is late enough to help since sunset in summer isn't until 9:00 or so...).

Another good regional ice cream: Braum’s! I love Cookies and Cream!

Braum's!! I lived in Oklahoma for a summer and fell in love with them. First thing I did when I was back there on a work trip was stop at a Braum's.
Do cross country races eons ago count as those were all sorts of times from 10 to noon, to after 6:30. Otherwise, I did some 5ks at 7:00pm here that were cross country style races as an adult multiple times, but no more as it just makes me sick running then in the hot summer and it's not worth it for that, if it was a bigger race I might.

I'm also doing a race this July that starts at 2pm. You run a 2.62 mile loop (you see where this is going) every 40 minutes. The faster you do each loop the more rest you get in between. You can do half or full distance, I'm doing the "full". It will be a great way to get some training miles in for my fall marathons.
That sounds rather interesting and so odd at the same time. So is the full's goal to do 26.2 miles? That's how some of our track/cross country workouts would be but shorter distances so yeah you wanted finish each interval fast so you could rest, but by the time I was on my last ones I would be like getting hardly any rest, hahaha!

Grasping at straws, but has anyone here had a cervical disc replacement (or fusion) or know a runner who has. If so can you share with me (via pm or here) your status in regards to running.

Suffice it to say I am not in a good place at the moment. Sorry to bother you all.
Oh I'm so sorry you are dealing with this, hope you get info/relief.
I am just not very good at keeping up witht his thread lately, but life has not been very helpful. We recently lost my MIL and supporting my wife and girls and then all the details I just have not had much energy to read let alone reply to the always interesting conversations. So my apologies, I do hope everyone is well and out there tearing up the streets and trails!

On a much happier note I will have another reason to not keep up with the thread over the next few weeks. We are going on a much needed vacation to California and making a four day stop in Disneyland! I have not been there since 2010. On the injury front I am up to 6 mile walks now and will after the vacation begin running again. I will be SLOW and I will be tallying almost no milage for awhile, but at least I will be running!

So for today’s QOTD: I typically do not use sunscreen, I do wear a hat on all runs given my folically challenged head. But I also do not burn very easily, usually tanning up quick. So I got that going for me. I also do most of my running in the evening or morning.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Take care of your family first. Enjoy your time in Disneyland. It's my home park. I don't miss Walt Disney World when I'm at Disneyland although I do miss Disneyland when I'm in the Magic Kingdom.

@Baloo in MI so sorry for your family's loss. :(

I am super jealous you are going to Disneyland (and to California!). My son is getting married in Cali next June and I am trying to combine that trip with a Giants game and a Disneyland trip. DH of course has no idea of my scheming!
If you're a San Francisco Giants fan, they're currently taking sign ups for their Giants race in September. There is a virtual option, but it's actually more expensive than the race. They're also doing a 60 miles for 60 years virtual race only where if you run 60 miles before July 13, 2018 (the MLB All Star Break begins), they will send you a 60th anniversary SF Giants runners medal. You report your miles on their Strava Giants run club.

While I can't do the Giants race in San Francisco, my little sister and I signed up for the 60 miles for 60 years. It's a good way to get in a training groove before Dopey training formally begins.
Grasping at straws, but has anyone here had a cervical disc replacement (or fusion) or know a runner who has. If so can you share with me (via pm or here) your status in regards to running.

Suffice it to say I am not in a good place at the moment. Sorry to bother you all.

I had a friend who had a cervical fusion done a few years ago - he said the surgery was painful, but the moment he came out of anesthesia he could already tell his back felt better. He was out of running for a few months while his back healed and strengthened, but he runs now (along with CrossFit and a LOT of golf), so I wouldn’t give up hope for running after surgery! It just might not be as soon as you would like.
This week we have just one runner with a race scheduled:

16 - @DopeyBadger - Hot2Trot HM (1:29:59 / N/A)

If you need to make a revision to your goal time please let me know. If anyone else has a race they would like to add, let me know and I'll add you to the list! Best of luck this weekend buddy, the whole thread is watching you! lol. You have a solid goal and I hope you are successful. Look forward to hearing how the race goes for you.

Thanks! We shall see how it goes. The weather is doing me no favors with a T+D of 145-148 predicted for race morning. Too bad as the rest of the week is a little more tolerable in the 120s in the morning. In the end for me this race merely serves as a celebration to being injury free and close to where I was back in December. I'll race blind and to the best of my ability and let the cards lie where they may. I'm excited!

DB is technically not the only one racing this weekend. I was going to be running a Tiki Run 10k in Chicago as a fitness test for right before marathon training starts. But the race went bye bye out of existence even though it still shows up on race calanders...boooo
So I'm running a 10k time trial in my neighborhood early 6/17 morning and praying the weather is nice. Like Coach, I'll be going blind. Doing one mile loops to avoid crossing major streets and will have water bottles set out. The good news is that I'll win my age group.

I've been super busy so didn't get a chance to list it. Not sure it really "counts" as a race.
Grasping at straws, but has anyone here had a cervical disc replacement (or fusion) or know a runner who has. If so can you share with me (via pm or here) your status in regards to running.

Suffice it to say I am not in a good place at the moment. Sorry to bother you all.
Oh gosh sending you healing vibes
So sorry to hear about your loss. Take care of your family first. Enjoy your time in Disneyland. It's my home park. I don't miss Walt Disney World when I'm at Disneyland although I do miss Disneyland when I'm in the Magic Kingdom.

If you're a San Francisco Giants fan, they're currently taking sign ups for their Giants race in September. There is a virtual option, but it's actually more expensive than the race. They're also doing a 60 miles for 60 years virtual race only where if you run 60 miles before July 13, 2018 (the MLB All Star Break begins), they will send you a 60th anniversary SF Giants runners medal. You report your miles on their Strava Giants run club.

While I can't do the Giants race in San Francisco, my little sister and I signed up for the 60 miles for 60 years. It's a good way to get in a training groove before Dopey training formally begins.

Thank you! While I did know about the Giants race (can't do it, too far and too much $$ for travel), I did not know about the 60 for 60! That is very cool and I think I may do it!
QOTD: Most races start in the morning, anywhere from 6:00AM to 10:00AM would be considered "normal". During the summer you will also get a few races start in the late afternoon. Todays question is have you had a race that falls outside these somewhat normal times? We are going to exclude runDisney events from a possible answer with its 5:30 AM start.

ATTQOTD: Several years ago I did the Mock the Clock 5K in Seattle that started just before Daylight Saving Time ended. Because of the time change, I started the race at 1:50am and finished at 1:15am.


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