The Running Thread - 2016

Here we are in the last race weekend of October and this weekend we have the following posters with races:

29 - @Miranda - Great Bay 5K (33:00 / N/A)
29 - @derekleigh - Meredith Bay Trick of Trot 5K (21:30 / N/A)(or sub 7:00 pace)
29 - @IamTrike - Peak to Creek Marathon (3:30:00 / N/A)
30 - @DVCFan1994 - Marine Corps Marathon (NG / N/A)
30 - @roxymama - Hot Chocolate 15k (NG / N/A)
30 - @MommaoffherRocker - Evergreen Pumpkin Run 10 Miler (NG / N/A)

If you would like to revise your race day goal or any other changes, just let me know. Good luck to everyone this weekend!

@DVCFan1994 I think I may have put the wrong race or date next to this or something. please correct me if I am wrong.

Well, any time will be a PR since 15k is my longest race to date!
I'm half sick over typing this, but if I can get 1:34:31 or below then it would likely be a proof of time that would get me into Corral A of Tink...What??? I want to barf just thinking about it. So nervous. If I don't do it, I think I can maintain that pace for a 10k later but I'd rather just try now.
So I guess you can put that as my goal that only people here know about. To my family and friends I have told them I am shooting for 1:45.
Really my goal is Chocolate but I'll be aggressive this time. UGH...BARF
QOTD: With daylight saving time ending on November 6, and our runs are getting lasting longer into the afternoon, I figured now would be a good time to discuss what do you do to make yourself visible when you are running in the dark? So what items do you run with so you can be seen by others on the road? Do you have certain routes that you stick to that have more street lighting? Routes with uneven surfaces become a problem? How about safety from people who may wish to cause you harm?
Personally I try to not run in the dark. It's more of a safety thing for myself, I don't feel safe running alone in the dark even with reflective gear or whatever.
Well, any time will be a PR since 15k is my longest race to date!
I'm half sick over typing this, but if I can get 1:34:31 or below then it would likely be a proof of time that would get me into Corral A of Tink...What??? I want to barf just thinking about it. So nervous. If I don't do it, I think I can maintain that pace for a 10k later but I'd rather just try now.
So I guess you can put that as my goal that only people here know about. To my family and friends I have told them I am shooting for 1:45.
Really my goal is Chocolate but I'll be aggressive this time. UGH...BARF
This is probably easier said than done, but try not to let potential corralling make you too nervous.

There is no way to 100% predict what corral you'll be in - you can get an idea based off of past years, sure, but it all depends on what other types of times are submitted. No matter what you run, you'll get a good placement and have an awesome time at Tink. :)
This is probably easier said than done, but try not to let potential corralling make you too nervous.

There is no way to 100% predict what corral you'll be in - you can get an idea based off of past years, sure, but it all depends on what other types of times are submitted. No matter what you run, you'll get a good placement and have an awesome time at Tink. :)

Thanks @Ariel484 for the reality check. I'm already happy with my current submitted proof. I know that'll give me a good spot for fun and merriment just as is. It's the nagging lil competitive squirrel that lives in my brain that says "but what if" all the time. She's annoying. :)

At least my main goal of CHOCOLATE will be achieved no matter what, and really that is most important.
QOTD: With daylight saving time ending on November 6, and our runs are getting lasting longer into the afternoon, I figured now would be a good time to discuss what do you do to make yourself visible when you are running in the dark? So what items do you run with so you can be seen by others on the road? Do you have certain routes that you stick to that have more street lighting? Routes with uneven surfaces become a problem? How about safety from people who may wish to cause you harm?

As a general rule, I try to stick to routes with sidewalks and street lighting whether I'm running in the light or dark. When it gets dark, I will wear a Tracer360 vest to increase my visibility. I will also carry the light from a Black Diamond headlamp in my pocket to illuminate stretches without street lights and avoid tripping hazards where needed. I just use it as a handheld when needed then slip it back into my pocket. The biggest issue I have is that right now is the "tween time" where it is fully light when I go out so I don't want or think to wear the vest, but I then end in darkness and wish I had it with me. I am fortunate to live in a very safe area where I have no concerns about people wishing me harm, so no worries on that front.
Thanks @Ariel484 for the reality check. I'm already happy with my current submitted proof. I know that'll give me a good spot for fun and merriment just as is. It's the nagging lil competitive squirrel that lives in my brain that says "but what if" all the time. She's annoying. :)

At least my main goal of CHOCOLATE will be achieved no matter what, and really that is most important.
I just don't want you to barf up that chocolate. That would be sad!
ATTQOTD: I'd never thought of it, do you mean that you run on the road? I personally stick to the pavement when I run so I've never had a problem with cars. I cross at the zebra crossing and just wait till there's nobody driving there to cross (though I should say most do stop for pedestrians, as they should) and otherwise I run on the pavement. My neighbourhood is both safe and quiet and I don't think I'll go for a run so late that there's nobody out. I feel quite safe. The most wildlife we have is horses :lovestruc getting their training in before the next show, and they have their riders with them. They're not bothered by cars so I can't imagine them being bothered by someone running next to them!

@roxymama Very true! I see more and more affordable and cute running outfits around me, and especially inside the parks! We're lucky to have so many choices :)

@Flossbolna Yes they're just the only local races we've got, really! We're quite far from everything apart from Disney. Haha too true about people's look. I'm dead too after a full day in the parks. I wish I could tell them 'your hotel grounds are my local public park, don't worry!' :p

It's so nice that we get a round-up of everyone's upcoming races! Good luck to everybody running this weekend! I wouldn't mind having a race in the dead of winter but the only ones I'm interested in are all happening in either June or September/October.
ATTQOTD: I haven't ran in the dark yet... I'm a total scaredy cat!

This might change in the coming months as it's getting dark SO early. I love to run in the country and I asked my hubby the other day if there are any animals I should be scared to come across... What did he say? BADGERS! What?! I didn't even know there were badgers where we live. But apparently I'll be ok if I don't corner one.... Umm... Yikes!
I'd never thought of it, do you mean that you run on the road?

No sidewalks in my neighborhood in a somewhat rural area. The road is the only option. Even in the popular running area around the lakes at LSU's campus, only about half of the area has a running path, the other half, we share with traffic. The traffic is not that big of a deal in that area, but when we do long runs on the marathon course, a few roads get a little interesting.
@Flossbolna - you mentioned a headlamp. Does it provide enough light for you to see the surface you're running on? Is it awkward because I figure you'd have to be looking down for the light to hit the pavement?

My headlamp is plenty bright to see the ground when running. Also, many headlamps have the ability to angle them down towards the ground so you aren't looking down the whole time.
QOTD: With Halloween just around the corner, I thought I ask if you have you ever done a costume type run?
I have not (other than Disney of course) there's a local 5k this weekend with a costume contest though so who knows.

QOTD: With daylight saving time ending on November 6, and our runs are getting lasting longer into the afternoon, I figured now would be a good time to discuss what do you do to make yourself visible when you are running in the dark? So what items do you run with so you can be seen by others on the road? Do you have certain routes that you stick to that have more street lighting? Routes with uneven surfaces become a problem? How about safety from people who may wish to cause you harm?
#1 on the list is a headlamp. That's more for me to see but it helps others see me as well. Then I wear a safety vest and have a Nathan strobe on either side of it to make it more visible. I generally run local roads that I know well but the route changes just to be safe.
No sidewalks in my neighborhood in a somewhat rural area. The road is the only option. Even in the popular running area around the lakes at LSU's campus, only about half of the area has a running path, the other half, we share with traffic. The traffic is not that big of a deal in that area, but when we do long runs on the marathon course, a few roads get a little interesting.
Oh, I see what you mean now. My apologies. Yes I can see that it'd be quite a challenge to run there. Stay safe :flower3:

I'm just back from my usual 5K. Felt like a complete fool when I realised I kept thinking 'oh surely I can't stop now, it's my favourite song!' Silly girl, you made a playlist of your favourite songs to run to, if you think this way, you'll never stop (which is the point, really). Hard to stop when Enrique Iglesias's telling you that he'll follow you if you go ;) (Si te vas, yo también me voy). Yes, yes, I'll go :snail:
ATTQOTD: I run at night or early morning during the week. So winter means lots of running in the dark. I wear a headlamp, reflective vest or reflective running shirt and carrying a stinger (small/powerful flashlight). I am also lucky in that I have many route choices that include sidewalks and two local tracks to run on. I also have the privledge of being a big person so feel pretty safe on my own.
QOTD: With daylight saving time ending on November 6, and our runs are getting lasting longer into the afternoon, I figured now would be a good time to discuss what do you do to make yourself visible when you are running in the dark? So what items do you run with so you can be seen by others on the road? Do you have certain routes that you stick to that have more street lighting? Routes with uneven surfaces become a problem? How about safety from people who may wish to cause you harm?

I was struggling with this very issue recently - where to run once it gets dark so that I don't stop my training over winter.

I found a park near my house with a small track that is fully lit. I went there for the first time last night and was happy to see tons of people there - some running but most there to watch their kids play football on the field.

I'm too chicken to run out on the streets at dark.
ATTQOTD: Like @LSUlakes, only 1/8 of my run is on a sidewalk, the rest I do on the road. And there's no street lamps until you get to the freeway onramp. I bought a noxgear tracer360 but haven't worn it yet (seems to be on permanent "sale" on their website). I run on very uneven pavement so I've been collecting recommendations for headlamps. I got a cheap one on amazon and it's so weak I have to carry it in my hand to scan the ground in front of me. Very annoying and slows my pace considerably, and once it gets cold I don't think I can do it with my Raynauds. So more headlamp recs please!
QOTD: With daylight saving time ending on November 6, and our runs are getting lasting longer into the afternoon, I figured now would be a good time to discuss what do you do to make yourself visible when you are running in the dark? So what items do you run with so you can be seen by others on the road? Do you have certain routes that you stick to that have more street lighting? Routes with uneven surfaces become a problem? How about safety from people who may wish to cause you harm?
ATTQOTD: When asked, the super power I wish that I had was to be invisible (ok ok, when I was 13 it was to have x-ray vision like Superman, but I'd like to think I've matured a bit since then) - so with standard time and sundown by like 4:30 pm, wish granted!!! I just assume that I'm invisible to all at night, so I turn down the music volume and run with my head on a swivel on known paths in the neighborhood. I do have reflective gear, a head lamp, and flashing waist lights, but again I assume that no drivers can see me, especially at intersections. Thankfully our neighborhood is safe from a crime perspective (although I keep my eyes wide open to avoid encounters), but the real issue are critters that come out at night, especially during fall mating season - bears, deer, raccoons, skunks, possum, copperheads, etc.
@Chaitali I love my head lamp. I think I look like a crazy person with it, but there are plenty of runners here in the evenings with them, so I guess I I really just look like your typical German runner. Yes, it is bright enough for the pavement to be very visible. It actually has two brightness levels. One issue can be on the bright setting that you only see the lit up area. But I am not a fast runner, so things don't come up that quickly. The lamp has an angle that you can adjust. I usually adjust it so that it does not shine down to my feet, but a little further out, so I see what is coming up. It is chargeable via USB and holds the battery very well. You have to get used to having something strapped to your head, but it only took me 10 minutes or so to adjust.
ATTQOTD: I avoid running in the dark. The only time I do is with my Thursday night running club -- but the routes are on sidewalks, in a relatively well-lit area, and done in larger groups. I wear a reflective vest, a bright neon yellow or orange shirt, and carry a flashlight....and run with others similarly attired.
Training starts in the morning - and I'm so excited! I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve ... which, I know sounds weird.

But it's been a pretty rough week. We made it out here to Florida, but my oldest dog basically died in my arms on Thursday morning and my husband had to give him CPR - and while he's still here, and is totally fine at the moment, the multiple vets we've seen have NO idea what's wrong with him and it's just very stressful. I'm not sleeping well, and I'm just following him around making sure he's fine - I'm sure he's annoyed by me stressing out over him too. It's just a crap situation all around.

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Keels, how is your dog doing now?


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