The Rumored Question

If you own at CRV, you will have a 4 month booking advantage over those who do not own there. We all get the ability to book our home resort(s) 11 months in advance of our planned departure date. For example, I own at AKV. If I want to use my AKV points at CRV (if it happens) then I have to wait until 7 months prior to my planned departure date. What I could do is book AKV at 11 and then attemt to book CRV at 7 months. I would then cancel my AKV reservation. That is, of course, provided that CRV had availability for the dates I need and the accomodations I am seekeing.
OK I get the point sharing/combining idea. Then what would be the advantage to actually even owning the CRV pts at all?

If you were to add-on 85 pts at CR, with banking and borrowing, every 3rd year you would have 255 pts to book at CR at the 11 month window.

I truly hope I'm not boring you w/ my questions. I understand if you own enough pts at a resort to cover your stay(not using pts from your second resort pts) then you can book 11 months out. Here is the hypothetical scenario, if I had 150pts @ the bwv and hopefully down the road added say 50 pts @ CRV. What would those 50 pts @ the CRV actually do for me if I was booking say a 250 pt stay @ CRV, where I would have to use my BWV pts. I understand I would have to wait until the 7 month point to book and I'm assuming I wouldn't have any more seniority than say someone from the BCV with no point @ the CRV. Or would I have some sort of advantage over another DVC member who doesn't own any sort of CRV pts? I'm hoping I'm making this clear enough, feel like I'm talking in circle. There are way to many thoughts and questions spinning around up there.
you are right, the 50 pts will not get you much. i have had success in booking the (usually hard to get) weekday nights at the 11 month window, and then waiting until the 7 month window to book the (usually more available) week-end nights using my other resort points.

Does this help?.........Laura
I think that I see your question. No, owning at a resort does not give you any priority at the 7-month mark for using your "other" points over any other guest wanting to do the same thing. It is first come, first booked.
That helps a little, food for thought. I'm not sure it's really worth purchasing a few pts @ CRV(if it happens) just because we really want to stay there. We wouldn't be able to afford pts at our original resort then add enough onto CRV to make it worth it for us. Not unless they're giving them away for free or there's a CRV pts tree out there somewhere. The points don't do me any good really, no type of seniority. I guess I'm better off waiting for the mysterious CVR or just going with the BWV/VWL. Am I crazy or did most people go through all this contemplating and investigating before making the actual move.
What I would do is buy one half of my points now at BWV and, while I was waiting for the announcement, decide which I prefer most - CRV or VWL.

That way, you will have enough points for next years trip, and you will be able to alternate trips with whichever other resort you prefer. YOu will also have an Epcot and a MK resort to choose from.

If you will either need 210 or 252 pts. for your trips then buy at least a 126 points of each or if you want to occasionally tack on an extra night 130 of each.

You may not always be able to get BWV standard view at 11 months notice and so the extra BWV points may come in handy.

We, mainly I, agonized over this decision ----- then again, I agonize over every decision - at least, this is a fun problem.

My comment on this thread is this.

Nothing is official about CRV at this time, however guides, etc. can get into very serious trouble about discussing the possiblity of CRV. This is a very highly guarded project right now at Disney.

I would be very careful, of sharing any info and naming the source even indirectly; and saying that a guide was responsible for opening the Chicago store is not very indirect.

DVC monitors this forum daily.
Some more food for thought is that some folks that have points at multiple locations, do the every other year banking so that they can stay at either property on alternating years. Hope that made sense.
OK I think I'm down to my last question, let's hope. If I purchase the BWV through resale now then if the CRV actually come out, how many pts can or do I have to purchased? Can I add on pts at another resort(CRV) even if I have never made a purchase through the DVC directly? If I can, do they restrict or require me to add a certain amount of pts? Could I simple add on to my second resort(CRV) with 90pts? Sorry I should have said I was down to my last SET of questions. Thanks again!!!
1. As someone said, guides can get in trouble for saying too much. They do know what's going on. Somewhat like a salesman saying, I really shouldn't do this, but because you're such nice people, or you didn't hear this from me. Makes you feel special.
2. We own at BWV and pretty much always book our long vacation in the summer. I have always had all my options at the 11 month window. I called last week for next July, could have had any of the three views. I did call within a week of the 11 month window opening, but I have never been forced to call day to day.
3. I have used points at BCV, SSR and OKW on spur of the moment trips. I would expect that the same will apply to any non sold out resorts.
4. There is an assumption that CRV will be so popular and that it will sell out quickly, but I think that's a premature assumption. It continues to be first and foremost a financial decision, and a big one for the average family (whatever that is), and I suspect that those who have made the decision already are the ones talking up CRV. Let's face it, it's not the best kept secret any more.
5. I'll take a stab at your questions. Adding on is only done through Disney. The resale market purchase would be a separate contract. I think, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, there is a minimum number of points you can buy through Disney at a different resort, but I don't know that number. I thought my AKL materials required at 120 point purchase, but I don't know if that was just for AKL or if it's standard, and I'm too lazy to go check now. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
6. Teacher here too, so I know where you're coming from.
I guess I'm better off waiting for the mysterious CVR or just going with the BWV/VWL. Am I crazy or did most people go through all this contemplating and investigating before making the actual move.

Maybe someone else said it and I missed it, but the one thing that appears missing for you to consider is length of ownership. Depending upon your age, you might want to wait for CRV (or purchase one of the newer resorts) so that your ownership will expire in 50 years rather than with the years that are left on the present ownerships. If memory serves me correct, BWV expire in 2042.

Just another factor to consider.
Once you buy a DVC contract, you are a DVC member. That means that you can buy add ons directly from DVC. The minimum add on is 25 points, and the minimum add on with financing is 50 points.
OK I think I'm down to my last question, let's hope. If I purchase the BWV through resale now then if the CRV actually come out, how many pts can or do I have to purchased?

You can buy as little as 25 points. 50 if you want to finance through Disney. You will need to wait for a published point chart to see how many points will be needed for your size of unit and season.

Can I add on pts at another resort(CRV) even if I have never made a purchase through the DVC directly?


If I can, do they restrict or require me to add a certain amount of pts? Could I simple add on to my second resort(CRV) with 90pts?

See above.

Sorry I should have said I was down to my last SET of questions. Thanks again!!!

OK, lets say I purchase 150 pts @ BWV and then down the road add on 50 pts @ CRV. Can I use some of those pts from the BWV pts to cover needed points at the CRV(still get the 11 months out and first shot @ reservation)? If we can ever get pts at the CRV then it would probably be a smaller amount but might not be able to use them for a 5-7 day vacation even if we bank and borrow pts. Any thoughts?

Your home resort 11 month priority is only good for the number of points you own there. At 7 months you can combine all points to make a reservation.
OK so if we purchased say(just throwing a number out that works perfect) 84 pts(resale) at the BWV we could bank then borrow the following year to give us the exact 252 pts we need for a one bedroom villa. Yes, I know I can't buy exactly 84 pts but just used that number because it works out perfect for our scenario. That would give us a vacation every three years. Now down the road if we purchased an add-on @ the CRV of (again just rough figure) another 84 pts we could do the same to bank then borrow to have that resort vacation for ever three years as well. If we staggered this correctly we would be off for a year then have a vacation at the BWV the the next year have a vacation at the CRV then the following year take off a year, at which point we would start the cycle back over again. I hope I explained this correctly. Does this sound like a plan that could actually work.

Yes, That would work. The trick would be finding the right resale contract that would give you close to that amount. The smaller contracts sell far more quickly.
OK so if we purchased say(just throwing a number out that works perfect) 84 pts(resale) at the BWV we could bank then borrow the following year to give us the exact 252 pts we need for a one bedroom villa. Yes, I know I can't buy exactly 84 pts but just used that number because it works out perfect for our scenario. That would give us a vacation every three years. Now down the road if we purchased an add-on @ the CRV of (again just rough figure) another 84 pts we could do the same to bank then borrow to have that resort vacation for ever three years as well. If we staggered this correctly we would be off for a year then have a vacation at the BWV the the next year have a vacation at the CRV then the following year take off a year, at which point we would start the cycle back over again. I hope I explained this correctly. Does this sound like a plan that could actually work.


Yes, that would work in theory. You would need to look at the CRV points charts if/when they are published to determine what the magic number is for the accomodations & season you want, and then divide that by 3 as in the Beach Club example. Remember that the point requirements vary by resort, and CRV could be a considerable amount of points per week.

Also, I wanted to confirm that as of today, the minimum add-on is 25 points if paying cash and 50 points if financing.
He said that the Guides were allowed to do a preview/stay before members and they had to fill out a suvey afterwards. He said that personally he and his wife said they enjoyed their stay but not enough to add on there...and would probably not stay there again. He said the model rooms at SSR aren't as dark as the actual rooms at AKV. They prefer SSR.

I'd guess that's probably because the mockups at SSR are of Kidani rooms...and the only rooms open to even "preview" stay are the rooms in Jambo. So there's bound to be some differences.
Actually I do believe him. He also was the person that opened the Chicago Store and has been working out in CA and he is one of their top guides.

It'll be interesting.....because to date (that I know of or can remember) they've not done a "premium" price per point for any resort. By that, I mean when the prices go up for a "non sold out" resort, it goes up for all the "non-sold out resorts". The incentives might vary by resort, but the per point price hasn't varied much, if at all.

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