The Rainbow Lounge - LGBT Chit Chat

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Feel the flow, here we go! Through the Universe of Energy! :dancer:

Classic EPCOT Center music songs were the beeeeest!
Yes!!!! I have a CD with those songs on it and play them often. They still give me goosebumps. I was in touch with Bob Moline's son Justin for a while (Moline wrote the two Universe of Energy "Energy, You Make the World Go Round" song as well as the Canada one) and always expressed to him how his father's music really made EPCOT for millions of us such a beautiful experience. Moline also wrote the original 'Listen to the Land' song and 'Golden dream' from the American Experience. Such a talented artist. In the "Canada, You're A Lifetime Journey" song, when it says "10,000 dawns and sunsets I could see and still not know you well" I fall in one with my partner (he's Canadian) all over again and see Canada through his eyes. When he heard this song for the first time, he cried.
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Yes!!!! I have a CD with those songs on it and play them often. They still give me goosebumps. I was in touch with Bob Moline's son Justin for a while (Moline wrote the two Universe of Energy "Energy, You Make the World Go Round" song as well as the Canada one) and always expressed to him how his father's music really made EPCOT for millions of us such a beautiful experience. Moline also wrote the original 'Listen to the Land' song and 'Golden dream' from the American Experience. Such a talented artist. In the "Canada, You're A Lifetime Journey" song, when it says "10,000 dawns and sunsets I could see and still not know you well" I fall in one with my partner (he's Canadian) all over again and see Canada through his eyes. When he heard this song for the first time, he cried.
Oh my gosh, the story of your partner and the Canada song is so sweet!! Sorry that the French was disappointing to him, though. I don't know French so I was just happily standing there like "wow this song is nice."

Oh my gosh, though, "Golden Dream"? I get that song stuck in my head so often and it makes me very weepy! :rotfl:Funny story, my mom was so impressed that I knew a few lines from the JFK Inaugural Speech as a kid... I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was because of "Golden Dream"! It's really cool you were able to have that connection with the creators.
I soooo wish I could spend my birthday at WDW! I did once, but it is on March 9 and falls right at the height of Spring Break and the crowds were awful, so I am not doing that again. You're staying at the Contemporary?! I am jealous...want company? LOL
Half of the trip will be at All Stars Sports.. the 2nd half at the Contemporary - Garden Wing. :) Company is good! I could always use a friend that likes to go to Disney like I do. :)
Oh my gosh, the story of your partner and the Canada song is so sweet!! Sorry that the French was disappointing to him, though. I don't know French so I was just happily standing there like "wow this song is nice."

Oh my gosh, though, "Golden Dream"? I get that song stuck in my head so often and it makes me very weepy! :rotfl:Funny story, my mom was so impressed that I knew a few lines from the JFK Inaugural Speech as a kid... I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was because of "Golden Dream"! It's really cool you were able to have that connection with the creators.
I have always loved the song and always moves me deeply, especially when coupled with the imagery of the Canada Pavilion film. A while back, when I played the original song for him, I was so excited. He loved the song, but said the French was unintelligible (and he is native Québécois fluent in both French/English). I know some French, so I knew it was not sung 100%, but I never knew just how bad. Also, he said some of the French he could figure was literal translation from English and a bit contrived in French. Being a Spanish and Italian speaker myself, I know how literal translation does not always work. This was disappointing for me because I have always felt the song to be very powerful. However, when we were at EPCOT in 2011 (his first time at WDW...and his last), the song had been redone and he was astounded. Supposedly, it was well know among French Canadians how bad the french was on this song and there was obvious reason to fix it. Recently, to honor his heritage I created a video for him of Canada -- video editing is part of my work -- to the song (edited down to only the sung part). He doesn't know it yet, and I will spring it on him on his birthday in January :)

Golden Dream is another amazing song. Bob Moline had a knack for composing powerful commercial jingles and songs like these. Sadly, he passed away, but his son Justin is restoring a lot of his work to release at some point. Needless to say, the Disney songs won't be there because...well...Disney owns them. I miss hearing those songs at EPCOT.
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Half of the trip will be at All Stars Sports.. the 2nd half at the Contemporary - Garden Wing. :) Company is good! I could always use a friend that likes to go to Disney like I do. :)
Now, if our birthdays didn't happen half a year apart, we'd be in business! LOL
Happy Tuesday everyone! Sorry I have been absent this weekend... my partner's sister was in town, so we were out and about a lot, and I am still battling this cold. Fortunately, it seems to have moved out of my chest, and my lungs aren't snap, crackle, and popping anymore. Now I just have that annoying tickle cough that never seems to quite go away. I have offered to sleep in the living room or the guest room, but she won't hear of it. I kinda worry she's losing sleep because of my coughing spells, but she says she's fine, sooooooooooo...

Next week I have to reserve my FP+ for our November trip. That means this week I have to fully commit to my touring plan and get settled on those FP+ I need.

So excited!
I'm glad you're feeling better, but ugggghhh I hate that tickle cough so much.

Ah, FP+s. Wish you the best of luck with those. :faint: This will be my first trip with them, I hope it's not as nail-biting as it seems.

It's my first day back at work and I'm so ready for this week to be over. :surfweb:
Happy Tuesday everyone! Sorry I have been absent this weekend... my partner's sister was in town, so we were out and about a lot, and I am still battling this cold. Fortunately, it seems to have moved out of my chest, and my lungs aren't snap, crackle, and popping anymore. Now I just have that annoying tickle cough that never seems to quite go away. I have offered to sleep in the living room or the guest room, but she won't hear of it. I kinda worry she's losing sleep because of my coughing spells, but she says she's fine, sooooooooooo...

Next week I have to reserve my FP+ for our November trip. That means this week I have to fully commit to my touring plan and get settled on those FP+ I need.

So excited!
So good that you're feeling better! This year has been bad for so many people, including me. Down here (Atlanta) we've had really bad drought, which made allergies horrible -- and they are already pretty horrible in Atlanta! Because of that I ended up with two colds and a sinus infection all spanning two months, so I can relate to the coughing, hacking and throat tickle. It made things really bad for me because I work in the music industry and my hearing was completely shot from my ears being stuffed up. It affected my work tremendously. Two months later, I was starting to worry that I could not kick this before my October trip to WDW (NOTHING comes between me and Disney!), but finally my doctor put me on antibiotics and it cleared everything up within a week. Luckily, you still have time to get fully back to normal before your trip, too!
I'm glad you're feeling better, but ugggghhh I hate that tickle cough so much.

Ah, FP+s. Wish you the best of luck with those. :faint: This will be my first trip with them, I hope it's not as nail-biting as it seems.

It's my first day back at work and I'm so ready for this week to be over. :surfweb:
It all does seem nail biting! I decided to read the The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World 2016 and, if I was not stressed about my WDW trip before, I am now! LOL. And I have actually been to WDW about 20 times already, but I guess ignorance is indeed bliss. I never knew there were SO many things to stress about a WDW trip! Thankfully, that guide opened doors to new I decided to say the heck with it and I will go with the flow. That, of course, after I secured my three daily Fast Passes and planned out my entire week, so I seem to have a strange idea of what 'going with the flow' is. LOL.
so I decided to say the heck with it and I will go with the flow. That, of course, after I secured my three daily Fast Passes and planned out my entire week, so I seem to have a strange idea of what 'going with the flow' is. LOL.

I finally made my FP+ reservations about 2 weeks ago myself. I don't know if I stressed more on the FP+ for just me, when I am by myself, or the ones with my friends (there are 5 of us).

Since I am arriving 2 days before my friends, I went ahead and booked FP+ for everything and then just added my friends when I was able to. For the most part, that worked out just fine and didn't encounter any problems. HOWEVER, Frozen Ever After became the bane of my existence for about 30 minutes. Five adult gay men are doing the Princess lunch at Norway Pavillion and so I wanted to do Frozen afterwards to minimize walking later. But nooooo. Two days after I booked my FP+ for Frozen, that time slot was no longer available for the 5 of us. I almost couldn't find a time, but found one later in the day. Totally screwed up my plan to minimize walking. *sigh*. But oh well, more steps for me that day!

For the 2 days I am there by myself, I keep questioning my ADRs, which does bleed into my FP+ choices a little. I also decided to do MNSSHP my first evening. I think I am more stressed about the dinner ADRs and whether or not I have picked some good restaurants. For some reason I am not as stressed about the morning ADRs. The day I arrive I have an early dinner at Art Smith's new restaurant in Disney Spring. My stress is whether or not I should try an even earlier time than 4:10pm so that I can get to the MK earlier to do things before the MNSSHP party. I know they let MNSSHP guests in at 4, but I probably wouldn't get there until closer to 6 once I get back from Disney Springs. Then on Saturday, I had planned on going to Citricos. Never eaten there, but don't know if I want to leave MK. I am also doing the Fireworks Dessert party that night. It was so much easier making the ADRs for the group than just for myself.
I finally made my FP+ reservations about 2 weeks ago myself. I don't know if I stressed more on the FP+ for just me, when I am by myself, or the ones with my friends (there are 5 of us).

Since I am arriving 2 days before my friends, I went ahead and booked FP+ for everything and then just added my friends when I was able to. For the most part, that worked out just fine and didn't encounter any problems. HOWEVER, Frozen Ever After became the bane of my existence for about 30 minutes. Five adult gay men are doing the Princess lunch at Norway Pavillion and so I wanted to do Frozen afterwards to minimize walking later. But nooooo. Two days after I booked my FP+ for Frozen, that time slot was no longer available for the 5 of us. I almost couldn't find a time, but found one later in the day. Totally screwed up my plan to minimize walking. *sigh*. But oh well, more steps for me that day!

For the 2 days I am there by myself, I keep questioning my ADRs, which does bleed into my FP+ choices a little. I also decided to do MNSSHP my first evening. I think I am more stressed about the dinner ADRs and whether or not I have picked some good restaurants. For some reason I am not as stressed about the morning ADRs. The day I arrive I have an early dinner at Art Smith's new restaurant in Disney Spring. My stress is whether or not I should try an even earlier time than 4:10pm so that I can get to the MK earlier to do things before the MNSSHP party. I know they let MNSSHP guests in at 4, but I probably wouldn't get there until closer to 6 once I get back from Disney Springs. Then on Saturday, I had planned on going to Citricos. Never eaten there, but don't know if I want to leave MK. I am also doing the Fireworks Dessert party that night. It was so much easier making the ADRs for the group than just for myself.

Welcome to the "Gays Stressed Club" LOL. I thought a lot before making my ADR's but since I am going alone, I am the only one to please. That made things easier. If I was going with five people, that would kill me! I hear you about FROZEN! I booked my FP+ for it, but it took some doing. Since I never watched the movie (I saw previous and it really didn't call me), I am going because I always loved the Norway ride and this will probably be just as good. But I'll go on it once. I prefer Soarin' and other EPCOT rides. I am braving myself and will do MISSION: SPACE Orange. I did green when I was there with my partner and wanted to do Orange, but he'd have never made it out alive. Now I am wondering if I will myself!

I think the ADR that I stressed the most about was Cinderella's Round Table, because you pay $75 upfront and I have never been. My fear, being an introvert, was that it would be kindergarten hell. However, since it is pretty booked, I landed at 11PM and at that time I am pretty sure the kid to adult ratio will be low. And I don't mind eating later (after all, I am part European -- we eat late!). I also made an ADR for Tokyo Dining since I love Sushi and have been there for my birthday. It is quiet and a nice atmosphere. No stress there. I also made an ADR for dinner at Coral Reef on Friday evening, as MK closes at 7 PM for MNSSHP (I am doing the MNSSHP the night before). I figured with EPCOT doing the Food & Wine, Friday -- my last day at WDW -- the World Showcase would be crazy, so I am decided to eat in Future World. Another ADR I made was at Liberty Tree Tavern for 6PM the day I am staying for the MNSSHP, since I am doing the park during the day as well. My only other ADR was for lunch at Restaurant Marrakesh at a time I plan to be at the World Showcase, since I will do Future World in the AM. Other than that, my other meals will be counter service and no-stress.

Whatever you do, though, DON'T READ The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. It is a great guide, but if you think you're stressed now, that would put you over the edge. LOL.
I'm right there with you. I always feel out of place.
I haven't been to a gay club since 2002! I did not even like going when I was in my 20's and my friends used to have to drag me out. I am an introvert, so that did not help. After I turned 40, there was little appeal for me to go (I am 48 now), and since I have been with my partner since I was 37, staying at home or having dinner with friends is more appealing.
Me and my other half are both fans of musicals, got to see Sunset Boulevard earlier in the year, and we've got tickets for Rocky Horror in a couple of weeks. Can't wait. Although not a musical we did try and get tickets for the new Harry Potter play but after being in an online queue for 12 hours when it finally came to our turn there were no decent tickets left :(

Did somebody say Rocky Horror? This is me, Brad not Frank. I am not super short. Frank was just really tall and in heels.


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Whatever you do, though, DON'T READ The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. It is a great guide, but if you think you're stressed now, that would put you over the edge. LOL.
Agreed. I got it and I'm reading through it for tips, but oh WOW does it stress me out!

I just want this to be really magical. It's hard for my family to make these trips and it'll be my niece's first trip and bla bla bla :charac2:tiny violin go but hey at least I can say that I read the guidebook! .... Guidebooks! Definitely read more than one.


PP, I am incredibly jealous of the good doctor's gloves!! That looks like it was a lot of fun.
Whatever you do, though, DON'T READ The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. It is a great guide, but if you think you're stressed now, that would put you over the edge. LOL.

:rotfl2:At this point I am only looking at the DIS Boards and the various DIS Unplugged vlogs/podcasts. I am also watching other contributors on YouTube.

If I was going with five people, that would kill me!

Actually planning the FP+ for myself with my friends, outside of the Frozen item I mentioned, it really wasn't bad. We all got together one Friday night and talked about the items that we wanted to do. Since I also had made all of the ADRs, I knew the times and how much padding I needed to include. Granted I did forget to mention the stress of trying to find TS places for us all to eat. :rotfl:

I do know that once we get there any planning I had made will be subject to change. I am ok with that and am not stressed about it at all. And if we all start getting on each other, I will just tell them "be at 'x' by 'y' time". Then I will go off on my own if needed. One reason I prefer to have my own room, not to mention I am at a totally different resort!!
:rotfl2: And if we all start getting on each other, I will just tell them "be at 'x' by 'y' time". Then I will go off on my own if needed. One reason I prefer to have my own room, not to mention I am at a totally different resort!!

I knew I liked you for a reason! LOL
Whatever you do, though, DON'T READ The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. It is a great guide, but if you think you're stressed now, that would put you over the edge. LOL.

Part of me is curious to know what this book is, but the other part of me worries to find out now. I already have a slight planning obsession. I wonder if it would help my planning...


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