The official SINGLES SEEKING SINGLES dating thread- PROFILES ONLY!!!

Okay, I guess I might as well throw my virtual hat into the ring here....:)

A little bit about yourself: I'll come right out and admit it-I'm a geek. I'm obviously a Disney freak, but my favorite Holiday is, and always will be Halloween. Love horror movies and haunted houses. It should be no surprise that my favorite attraction is the Haunted Mansion and I know the entire script for the whole ride. And yes, I'm a Rennie. If you know what that word means, you are as much of a geek as me! Ha!

Still a kid at heart, despite disguising myself as a responsible adult. I love fireworks and thunderstorms, so basically loud noises and light in the dark sky. The lack of proper grammar drives me crazy, and I strangely prefer the European spelling of words (doesn't "colour" just plain look better?). Not a big sports guy, despite constantly getting asked if I ever played football due to my stocky build. I'd rather go to an art show or a play. Would love to live in a castle (haunted is optional). Liable to break out into song at random intervals.

Snipped a bunch there, but I can't even express how much we have in common... I would be a Rennie, if I could afford the garb. ;-)

You're the first person to ever make me wish I didn't live in Texas. :thumbsup2

I can't believe I had forgotten about this thread... I need to go repost my profile.

Just reposting my profile since it was so long ago...

First Name: Gina

Location: Pearland, TX

Age: 46-going-on-15

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/dark auburn

Body Type: Full-figured

Ethnicity: Caucasian (Italian)

Occupation: Invoice Coordinator

Do you have any kids: 1 son, 17

Do you have any pets: 2 crazy cats (redundant, I know)

Interests: Reading, video games, MMORPG's (currently playing Aion), light saber battles in the living room, cruise vacations, Caribbean beaches (or any beaches), watching football, medieval history, archery, doing cross stitch, reading some more. :-)

Favorite movies: Wall-E, Lilo & Stitch, original Star Wars trilogy, Armageddon, The Crow, Splendor in the Grass, Oh Brother Where Art Thou

Favorite color(s): Pink! Soft, pastel pink.

Favorite Disney character(s): Minnie, Belle

A little bit about yourself: A big kid cleverly disguised as a grownup, gamer grrl, devoted Band Mom, beach bum drawn to the ocean like metal to a magnet, silly, a passion for life, a daily commitment to laughter.

A little bit about your ideal match: Fellow Disney nut (of course), big goofball, family man, brainiac but not an intellectual snob, bookworm, great smile, big kid at heart, energetic, animated, outgoing. I know you're out there somewhere... :goodvibes

DS and I on either Mariner or Voyager, I can't remember :blush: :


At Disneyland:


Onboard Mariner of the Seas:

Snipped a bunch there, but I can't even express how much we have in common... I would be a Rennie, if I could afford the garb. ;-)

You're the first person to ever make me wish I didn't live in Texas. :thumbsup2

I can't believe I had forgotten about this thread... I need to go repost my profile.


That's so sweet, Gina! Thanks!! And, yeah, we do seem to have a lot in common, don't we?
Ok, So I figure I will give this a shot and see how it goes!

First Name: Regina

Location: Oregon

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Body Type: 5’2”, petite and slender

Ethnicity: Caucasion

Occupation: Caseworker

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Labradoodle 4 years old

Favorite activities: Running, Traveling, Reading, Socializing

Favorite movie: Harry Potter Movies and as for Disney Movies: Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Tangled and the Princess and the Frog

Favorite color(s): Purple and Teal

Favorite Disney character(s): Goofy

A little bit about yourself: I like to run and travel. I am not a fast runner by any means, but I go until I finish. I am currently signed up for the ToT 10 miler race and it is my goal to sign up for the Goofy race in 2015. The ToT 10 miler trip will be my first solo trip to WDW. I enjoy getting to know new people and socializing with friends. I am very direct and do not beat around the bush and sometimes people have a hard time with that *Note, I am not rude, just straight forward*. I am always up for an adventure and look for the enjoyment in life. I am a glass half full kind of girl. Life is and should be fun.

A little bit about your ideal match: A man who can handle a strong, independent woman and appreciates me for me, imperfections and all. I would like a man that is able to openly communicate with me, loves to experience new things and is up for new adventures with me, has a great sense of humor and obviously we both have to be attracted to the other.

I am apparently not very computer savvy because I tried to put my picture into my Avatar and was not successful in doing so.

If you think we may have one or more things in common let me know!
In past I've put my profile on here and taken it down because I'm a chicken.. but decided to come back and list it again.. so here it goes..

First Name: Bettyann.. but I go by Betty

Location: Near Dallas, Texas (within 15 minutes)

Age: 43

Sex: female

Hair/Eye Color: brunette/hazel eyes. I love hazel eyes.. I am a little biased, but I love how they change colors..

Body Type: Average (working on my goal of losing my last 20 pounds)

Ethnicity: Caucasion

Occupation: Customer Service for health insurance company.. I have been in the healthcare industry for pretty much the last 20 plus years.

Do you have any kids: Yes, 3. Oldest is about to turn 22, middle child is about to turn 20 and my baby is about to be 16! Yikes and starting her sophomore year in a few weeks.. She already has her permit and working towards her drivers license. Needless to say, I am a proud mom!

Do you have any pets: 3 dogs- Tinkerbell, Daisy (Tinks momma) and Mathew. 1 cat named Midnight.

Favorite activities: watching movies, love to read, love spending time outdoors. I enjoy walking and any outdoor activities. In my recent days, I am really enjoying working out and playing racquetball. I also love cooking!

Favorite movie: This changes as new movies come out.. but my all time favorites are Tomb Stone, Selena, Footloose.. Too many to name.. I love love love movies!!!

Favorite disney movies: Again, this is hard to pinpoint to just one.. I am a huge movie lover and when you mix Disney with that.. What can I say?? I get caarazy!! I love to sing along to the songs in the movies and can watch them over and over again!! Lion King has to be my all time favorite, followed by Beauty and the Beast.. Classic story of true love.. I love the Cars movies and am looking forwarding to seeing Planes next weekend and of course I love the Toy Story movies..

Favorite color(s): Purple, Pink and Red.

Favorite Disney character(s):Tinkerbell, Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, Donald (major cutie!).. Gaston and of course Belle and the Beast..

A little bit about yourself: I am definitely a girlie girl.. What can I say?? I love shoes and purses/bags.. I love spending time outdoors, doing anything!! I enjoy the heat in Texas, but wish I was closer to the Disney magic. I love baseball and am biased with loving the New York Yankees.. I was born in Connecticut and my dad was a lifelong Yankee fan, as is my son, but I will watch anyone play. I will pretty much watch any sport, but nothing holds my heart like baseball. I am a HUGE animal lover-- all of my animals except one are rescued furbabies.. They are like my children! I certainly adore them! And have I mentioned that I LOVE Mexican food??

A little bit about your ideal match: I am looking for someone who is down to earth and loves to laugh and enjoy themselves.. Life is too short! I'm not a materialistic person and prefer someone who is not also.. sure I like nice things, but there is more to life than "things".. I don't think that to be happy you have to have everything in common, but it certainly helps to have a few things in common. Its always nice to try new things, but also a comfort for the things you already know. Disney is a huge thing for me and I'd love to find a man who at least has some of that same spark, although doesn't have to be Disney crazy, but maybe a little.. and did I mention my love for cruising?

If you want to talk, send me a pm.. I love talking Disney and enjoy making friends..
First Name: Bekah

Location: Utah

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Hair is long and brown, eyes are grey-blue

Body Type: Curvy

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: I masquerade as a techie during the day, but at night I reveal myself to be a poor, struggling illustrator.

Do you have any kids: Nope

Do you have any pets: Nope

Favorite activities: I love to draw, write, and read. I read pretty much any genre under the sun. I love going to concerts, both rock and classical. I like going to plays and I love to travel. Of course, it goes without saying, I love any activity that is Disney related. I would put going to Disneyland at the top of this list, but I can't go as nearly as often as I would like because I have to beg on hands and knees to get someone to drive down there with me.

Favorite movie: I love movies too much to pick a favorite.

Favorite color(s): Yellow and Orange.

Favorite Disney character(s): Does Darth Vader count now? ;) If talking about the animated films, I would have to say Maleficent as my favorite villain. As for the good guys, I can't really decide but I find I like the side kicks more than the heroes/heroins.

A little bit about yourself: What more can I say? Disney is an obsession of mine, which unfortunately my friends do not share. I'm a very easy-going, laid back lady. I am a bit of an introvert, so I am quite happy just people watching and observing or staying in for a movie. I like going to sporting events, however I find watching sports on television can get boring. I am a daydreamer and creative type, hence my chosen career in illustration. Drawing is probably as big of a passion for me as Disney is. I love to laugh, too.

A little bit about your ideal match: I'm not picky. If you love Disney as much as I do, I think we will get along fine.

I would love to meet people and if you are interested, shoot me a pm. :)
First Name: Susan

Location: Northern California

Age: 41 (But don't tell my heart that it thinks it's still a kid)

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown (for now!) / Blue

Body Type: Pooh sized
Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Nurse Assistant

Do you have any kids: Nope

Do you have any pets: Cole the Amazing Miniature Pincher and Rajah "Thinks he's really a Bengal Tiger" the Cat

Favorite activities: Movies, books, spending time with my amazing 3 yr old grand-Niece, camping, walking, music, friends and family time, wine and beer tasting-I'm sure there is more, get to know me and we can find them together :flower3:

Favorite movie: Disney - Brave (I'm half Scottish) Non-Disney - Hunger Games right now (it changes frequently), Princess Bride, Indiana Jones Trilogy, James Bond flicks.

Favorite color(s): Purple, Blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Mickey Mouse-specifically Sorcerer Mickey and Steamboat Willie; Merida (LOVE her hair), Eeyore

A little bit about yourself: I love trying new things and meeting new people and helping anyone I can. I found my passion earlier this year when I became a Nurse Assistant. I love to laugh and find joy in simple things. I am pretty liberal in my views but I despise talking about politics. Uhm and being a California girl, I LOVE the ocean!

A little bit about your ideal match: Fun loving, good sense of humor, willing to try new things, comfortable sitting at home watching Survivor or going to a drive in movie in the middle of the week. Of course, since I'm a girl-I do like the romance :flower3:

PM away, hordes of eager suitors!
Name: Shannon
Location: North Carolina
Age: 33
Sex: Female
Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green
Body Type: Pooh Sized
Occupation: Medical Assistant
Do You Have Any Kids: Yes, 2 girls and 2 boys
Do You Have Any Pets: 2 Guinea Pigs and 2 Dogs
Favorite Movie: Harold and Maude, The Legend of 1900
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Disney Character: Dumbo
About Me: I'm a pretty spontaneous person and I love road trips- I love to just pack everyone up and go as often as possible. I like to be away from home a lot, I guess. I love to laugh and have fun. My life has been pretty much all work lately and I would like to change that a little bit.
About My Match: They definitely need to love kids and be ok with including them and being around my kids. Someone who doesn't need to schedule things and just wants to enjoy life.
Long (okay, not so long) time lady lurker here, looking for friends and, ah, let's dream a bit, maybe a prince - or a princess - charming ? Who knows ?

First Name:
almost everyone use "Alaïs", even if it's not my real name (mine's shorter)

Belgium, in Europe (yeah, I know, very far away from 98% of you :sad:)

Age: 23

: female

Hair/Eye Color: light brown with a violet streak, but currently thinking about becoming red again. Blue-grey eyes with glasses.

Body Type: fat, but working on it pretty seriously !

Ethnicity: caucasian (the kind of caucasian that burn when exposed to the sunlight)

Occupation: student in psychology/criminology that wants to work in the "fireworks and pyrotechnics" field (nothing in common with each other, I know).

Do you have any kids: no

Do you have any pets: a cat (Tractopelle) and a betta splendens (siamese fighting fish named Raymond)

Favorite activities: reading, learning about every single interesting thing, discovering cities and wilderness, travelling, going to the Disney Parks, informing myself about the Disney Parks, listenning about Disney Parks' music, cooking, writing,....Oh ! And let's not forget : lurking on the internet and being your usual tumblr-addict.

Favorite movie(s):
Mary Poppins, The Aristocats, Singing in The Rain, The Band Wagon....(and soooo much more !)

Favorite color(s):
greeeeeeeeeeen. And black and purple/violet.

Favorite Disney character(s): Mary Poppins, Eeyore, Thomas O'Malley, Loki, Tony Stark (I'm sure Marvel counts as Disney now ;))

A little bit about yourself:
quirky young lady, pretty eclectic in her reading, muscial and cinematographical tastes. I'm independant and tend to like some lonely time by myself, but I'm very social in the end. A bit of an History geek too. I can be pretty crazy (in the good way, like, discovering Paris at night with two friends just because we like it) and quiet in the same time. I love life in all its good and bad sides, want to work for Disney one day, love cats and animals in general, like to go out (but not partying as if it's the end of the world), to discover new things,...

A little bit about your ideal match: I kind of like the nerdy/geeky/quirky (but not pretentious) type, down to earth, good sense of humor, who likes Disney, discussing and discovering things and stuff with openmindness, who knows what "being independant" and "needing some me-time" mean....and, huh, I don't want to be too "difficult", but, if you're not a smoker, that would be great.

But, hum, anyway, I think it's difficult to give a good answer to that question...sometimes you discuss with someone and it works instantly, sometimes you talk with him/her and it doesn't work and there're times when you need a bit of time to discover the other so, huh, feel free to pm me, I still like meeting new people and making new friends anyway (and writing 3 lines long sentences) :flower3:

P.S. I've heard strange stories about sandwiches. I like sandwiches.
Figured since things have changed a little from the ages ago I posted my last profile, I'd do an updated one.

First Name: Ariane

Location: Central Florida/Near Orlando

Age: 27

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Dark brown/ blue

Body Type: Curvy- currently getting more into shape with plans to do TOT 10m next year

Ethnicity: white

Occupation: Chef- though going back to school for a career change next year

Do you have any kids: Nope. One day though.

Do you have any pets: One- a cat, Papas.

Favorite activities: Besides the parks, I like to read, write, watch movies, try new places to eat, spend time with friends, drink, explore Florida

Favorite movie: Disney- Little Mermaid, Wreck It Ralph, Brave Others? I love horror, classic films, drama and comedy

Favorite color(s): Red, black and silver

Favorite Disney character(s): Ariel, Jasmine, Ursula, Merida, Donald

A little bit about yourself: I’ve moved around the country ever since I was born. It’s instilled a wanderlust in me and I relish relocating every few years. I'm new to Florida and excited to explore when I'm not working. Watching people get massacred on screen in horror movies makes me giggle but I’ll geek out about things like Disney and going on the swings in a playground just after the credits roll. I love trying to figure people out and like to ask questions. When time permits, I like to be spontaneous and just do something fun out of the blue.
Oh- and I've got quite my share of tattoos- 11 in all right now, with hopes for more

A little bit about your ideal match: Witty, ambitious, passionate, attractive( to me at least) a movie buff, adventurous, and is someone who can make me laugh.

I like your profile .. I would love to know more about you !!
Name: Ben
Location: Near New Orleans
Age: 45
Sex: Male
Hair/Eye Color: Shaved head and Hazel eyes
Body Type: Average
Occupation: Head of Production of Educational Media for Libraries.
Do You Have Any Kids: Nope
Do You Have Any Pets: I feed the birds and squirrels around here.
Favorite Movies: 500 Days of Summer, Hugo, Almost Famous, High Fidelity, Splendor in the Grass. Disney films: Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, True Live Adventures, Disney Nature series, and any behind the scenes documentaries about Disney history or production.
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Disney Character: Oswald, Alice, Winnie, Jiminy Cricket
About Me: Music is my life: composing, performing, recording. I also enjoy video production, photography, cooking, reading, and learning all I can about the history of the Disney Company (Ub Iwerks, Nine Old Men, Pixar, Imagineering, etc). Every few years, I get an Annual Pass and travel solo to WDW several times that year. It never gets old.
About My Match: Qualities that I find important are kindness, humility, sense of humor with a sharp wit. She must love to laugh.
First Name: James

Location: Bunnell, Fl (about 15 mins north of Daytona Beach)

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Hair is Auburn Eyes are Hazel

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Courier for a State College

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Cockatiels

Favorite activities: Going to the parks of course. Watching movies, going for drives, finding local restaurants to try (non chain) even though sometimes I go to a chain.

Favorite movie: Back To The Future

Favorite color(s): Grabber Blue (it's a ford color on mustangs) Orange

Favorite Disney character(s): Roger Rabbit

A little bit about yourself: Just a normal guy. I am honest, sweet caring. Looking for someone to be my other half. I am a bit of a southern gent so with me Chivalry isn't dead. Out of a short marriage several months ago and looking for someone that might want to have a relationship (if its right). Worst case make some friends.

A little bit about your ideal match: Sense of humor, Honest, Sweet, Caring. Willing to work with me not against. Someone that knows how a relationship should be. Someone not Materialistic. Can have fun going to the parks or just sitting at home watching a movie or on the porch with a beer or wine.

And I do have a pic if your interested.
First Name: Stacey

Location: Long Island, NY

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown / Brown

Body Type: Pooh Sized

Ethnicity: Caucasion

Occupation: Disney Vacation Planner :wizard:

Do you have any kids: 1

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Going to Disney, Talking on the phone, Hanging with friends, Watching movies

Favorite Disney movie:Tangled because I love the story

Favorite color(s): Pink

Favorite Disney character(s): Dopey and Jiminey Cricket

A little bit about yourself: Recently Divorced
I absolutely love Disney and everything about it.
I have a little boy that is obsessed with Cars, we watch it every day - sometimes several times daily.

A little bit about your ideal match: I am looking for someone who shares my love for all things Disney. I want him to be willing to go on trips and he of course, must accept the fact that I have an amazing little boy <3


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