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Sunset has the giraffe, so is often seen as the one to be on. There are no giraffe on Arusha as the barn on that side is not set up for them.
Arusha savanna has always had Giraffes, it shares a barn with Uzima savanna. Sunset savanna has it’s own barn as does the smaller Pembe savanna.
The savanna that never has giraffes is Pembe, over by Kidani, its’ barn isn’t tall enough to house giraffes, & at only 4 acres it’s not best suited for them, although Pembe tends to have Okapi who are close relatives of giraffe.
The giraffe in my avatar is Gordon (who’s no longer w/ us.) He moved from the savanna at the Kilimanjaro safari ride in the park over to Uzima savanna at the lodge, I took the avatar photo of him several years ago when I was on a Wanyama safari & he poked his head into our safari vehicle while we were driving through Uzima savanna. When we next stayed at the Lodge a couple years later, Gordon had been moved from Uzima to Arusha savanna & I saw him (along w/ Dixon -his mischief making buddy) from my Zebra trail villa balcony overlooking Arusha savanna frequently that trip.
Here’s a photo of a giraffe on Arusha savanna taken from my Kudu trail villa in 2017:

Here’s a photo taken last Dec. of the Arusha savanna animals starting to gather at the gate between Arusha & Uzima savannas waiting to go for their morning barn visit - see giraffe in the back:
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Just booked a 5-night stay at Kadani in October 2024. We haven't stayed here in years. How far of a walk is Kadani to the main building?

Be aware there is bus that runs continuously day and evening between the front entrances of Kidani and Jambo. As noted for walking it depends on where your room is. The Kidani building end to end is near 2/3 mile long. Front entrance Kidani to front entrance Jambo is close 1/2 mile, but if you have an end room on the north wing of Kidani (front entrance faces west, pool and Pembe savanna are outside the north wing), it is about 1/3 mile just to get to the lobby. If you are on the south wing, not close to the lobby, you can go to the Zazu elevator (last one on the south wing), take it to bottom, garage floor, and walk from there to Jambo lobby, which is only about 1/4 mile.
Here’s a photo of the shuttle bus that runs between Kidani & Jambo that @drusba mentioned:
Sunset has the giraffe, so is often seen as the one to be on. There are no giraffe on Arusha as the barn on that side is not set up for them.

I think you are misktaken on this, as I have stayed on Arusha when I stayed once and saw plenty of Giraffe. This was many many years ago though unless something changed.
Here’s a photo of the shuttle bus that runs between Kidani & Jambo that @drusba mentioned:
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Just know that the shuttle bus is not ECV friendly. But depending on where your room is, it sometimes feels closer to the Jambo lobby than to the Kidani lobby. At least that's how I felt when I was way out by [I think it was] the Zazu elevator. Or you can take the bus if it's stopping at Jambo next. I think the DS bus does.
Can you walk along the outside and see the savannah?
You cannot see the savannas in the walk between Jambo & Kidani.
The outside savanna observation areas are behind the lobbies (Kidani lobby outlook for Sunset savanna, Jambo lobby outlook for Arusha savanna,) & by the pools (Jambo’s pool for Uzima savanna, Kidani’s pool for Pembe savanna.) The hallways have windows along them & there are a few places where you can exit the hallways in Jambo to sit on small balconies outside as well - not sure if Kidani’s hallways have those.
Sunset has the giraffe, so is often seen as the one to be on. There are no giraffe on Arusha as the barn on that side is not set up for them.
All the savannas have giraffes except Pembe savanna at Kidani.
Are the rooms next to the elevators loud at Jambo House? Zebra Trail. Seem to have nice views but a little worried about noise.

Hi! account was just approved! We are WDW veterans and own at Animal Kingdom. Looking forward to joining in on the conversation!
Welcome to the conversations!
Wild Guess based on your screenname - Are you also A BlueGreen Vacation Club Member ??
How late does dinner, not late-night dining, served at the Mara? My sisters won't arrive until after 9P or 9:30P. We are not renting a car. It is the most convenient place to eat that late at night. Won't be doing parks, just resort vacation. The Mara dinner options sure look interesting, it they are still available. The late-night dining is usually slim pickings of what left of sandwiches and salads, and frequently pretty sold out of options.
How late does dinner, not late-night dining, served at the Mara? My sisters won't arrive until after 9P or 9:30P. We are not renting a car. It is the most convenient place to eat that late at night. Won't be doing parks, just resort vacation. The Mara dinner options sure look interesting, it they are still available. The late-night dining is usually slim pickings of what left of sandwiches and salads, and frequently pretty sold out of options.
The DIS wdwinfo says 11:00.
Do the Jambo 1 bedroom villas have 2 bathrooms or just the master bath. Even though this is our home resort we have not stayed here in a few years.
Do the Jambo 1 bedroom villas have 2 bathrooms or just the master bath. Even though this is our home resort we have not stayed here in a few years.
No. Jambo 1 bedrooms have only 1bath. That’s why many, myself included book Kidani when I need a 1bedroom… Kidani has 2 full baths.
Welcome to the conversations!
Wild Guess based on your screenname - Are you also A BlueGreen Vacation Club Member ??

No, lol, I had to google search that. I am not sure where BlueGreen came from originally. It was my AOL sign in way back in the dial-up days.
How late does dinner, not late-night dining, served at the Mara? My sisters won't arrive until after 9P or 9:30P. We are not renting a car. It is the most convenient place to eat that late at night. Won't be doing parks, just resort vacation. The Mara dinner options sure look interesting, it they are still available. The late-night dining is usually slim pickings of what left of sandwiches and salads, and frequently pretty sold out of options.

It's been a couple years since I stayed there, but I'm pretty sure the dinner menu stopped at 9pm.
How late does dinner, not late-night dining, served at the Mara? My sisters won't arrive until after 9P or 9:30P. We are not renting a car. It is the most convenient place to eat that late at night. Won't be doing parks, just resort vacation. The Mara dinner options sure look interesting, it they are still available. The late-night dining is usually slim pickings of what left of sandwiches and salads, and frequently pretty sold out of options.
MDE says dinner 5-10; late night dining 10-11.

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