~The NeverEnding Story:TR-Turned-Baby-Turned-Pre-TR~LINK TO NEW PRE-TR...p189

So sorry about your Winter, Dawn. You have our weather, and we have yours - sunny and 50. I'm sure it's temporary for all of us.

Love the pics of Seth! He is getting so big! And Miss Margot is getting so grown up!

The Donkey? Things that make you go hmmmmm.:confused3
Cute pictures. Margot and Seth are both just sweet little treasures.
Good to see an update.
When are you going to (or are you going to?) start an official pre-trip for the up and coming Seth's first Disney World visit?
I am right there with you, Dawn, about this weather. I am so over it! I want warm temperatures and sunshine!

Love all the pictures of Seth and Margot. The one with Seth meeting Donkey is too funny! :lmao:
I have to join in on the weather too - I understand that I live in the NE but I'm tired of all the snow! We have to creep out of side streets because we can't see beyond the snow banks. Craziness!
When are you going to (or are you going to?) start an official pre-trip for the up and coming Seth's first Disney World visit?

I'm thinking I will probably start one just prior to when I can make my ADRs. There's really no planning that can be done prior to that, you know? I figure once I am done playing catch-up here, then it will be a good time to start an official pre-TR. April 2nd is the big day I can make our ADRs....can't wait!

Oh, and since we were all discussing the weather....today isGroundhog Day and GENERAL BEAUREGARD LEE (Georgia's official groundhog) DID NOT SEE HIS SHADOW THIS MORNING, WHICH MEANS SPRING IS ON ITS WAY!!!! I REALLY hope the little rodent is accurate. I'm ready for sunshine and warm temps!!! :flower3:

Okay, so on to more pictures of our Thanksgiving trip. This was the Friday after Thanksgiving and after meeting Donkey, we met my dad, brother and Margot for lunch at Genghis Grill, then went to my brother and his girlfriend's(Margot's mom) apartment to open Margot's Christmas presents from us.

Here she is dancing to one of her favorites, Barney...


Time for presents! She loves to model any sort of clothes she gets.




Seth was really excited about his bottle....I mean Margot's gifts.



A sit and spin!!!!


I just hope she doesn't break her neck. :rolleyes1

My brother putting it together for her....


I've got a video somewhere of her trying it out but it's not on this computer, so I'll have to post it later (if I remember).

Seth and Uncle Brett...


Margot took her hair out of the little pony tail it was in and it was sticking straight up! :laughing:


She did NOT like her mom holding Seth! My dad had to take her outside to play for a few minutes just so she could hold him.


When she came back in she wanted to hold him.....


Then when we went to take him away she started squeezing him and didn't want to let him go.....:scared1: Luckily no damage was done.

After that we went back to my grandmother's house. Seth had to have a wardrobe change due to diaper issues. :rolleyes:


And then guess who came to see Seth?


Brooklynn and Bella!!!! (And of course Jill and Memom too. ;) )



I think the girls had fun playing around with Sherman and Eli....



It was so good to see everyone and I'm glad they stopped by to meet Seth!

That's all the pictures I took that trip. That night we went back to my mom's house for pizza and just to hang out, then we left the next morning.

I'll be back with some more pictures leading up to Christmas, then Christmas and then maybe we'll be caught up! Then I'll start the "official" pre-TR. Thanks for hanging out with me! :grouphug:
How cute that Margot didn't want to let Seth go. I hope they grow up to be close cousins. :) Very cool you got to meet up with MeMom, Jill, Brooklynn and Bella too.
Hi Dawn,

Not to be a debbie downer, but...I read a story with some of my students yesterday about Groundhog's Day and it said that his predictions have only been 39% accurate over the years - and its been around since 1896. Here's hoping this is a year he is right - for your sake!

I can't wait for you to start your next pre-trip report!

Seth is still such a cutie - I can't believe how "grown up" he is looking (thinking of fb pics here).
Yay Dawn! Another update! Margot is such a little cutie pie!! I remember I got a sit n spin for my 4th birthday and I loved that thing! Seth is getting so big! Brooklyn and Bella look like they had a good time! They're adorable! Thanks for the update!
Loving the updates! Can't wait for the Pre TR! And really looking forward to those quotes you are getting for me! If we actually get to take the trip (all depends upon hubby's vacation time once he gets his paying job in a month or two - I hope), it will have been since Dec 2007 since I have gone and since Epcot first opened for my hubs! Crazy! :)
Yet again the disboards erased an entire update from me. SO FLIPPING FRUSTRATING WHEN I DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME DO THESE THINGS ANYWAY!!!!!!!! :headache::headache::headache:
Okay, so it seems (to me) that I've lost most of my readers. Seeing as I barely have time to breathe these days, I'm shutting this baby down. I won't leave you guys hanging. I'm going to finish up in this installment by posting just some of my random favorite pictures between Thanksgiving and now in no particular order. And then I'll do the next update with Christmas pictures. Then I'll start a pre-TR for our October trip within the next few weeks. :)

So here we go....the last 2 months in pictures!


Watching TV with Daddy....


Laughing at silly Daddy....


He fell asleep like this!


Helping with wrapping Christmas presents....


And helping Mommy with some typing!


I LOVE this one!


I forgot the flash was on....


My mom showed me this when I was home for Thanksgiving. It's me. I thought Seth looked soooo much like Ray until I saw this. But now I do see myself in him, too. Do you?


NOT happy with the Bumbo seat!



All dressed up for New Year's!


1st day of school.....


1st time eating rice cereal.....


Continued in next post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=39854953&postcount=2775

In his new big boy high chair.....






1st "real" food, carrots....


I have this as my wallpaper at work right now....



1st art sent home from school.....


Talking away!


I think I mentioned these before but I've been doing monthly pictures with these little stickers I got. See how much he's grown.....

About 4 days old.....


1 month old.....


2 months old.....


3 months old......


4 months old......


5 months old (these were taken yesterday).....


A couple bonus from yesterday that I love......



I'll be back with some Christmas pictures and then shut this thing down! :goodvibes
Hi. I haven't posted for ages but it is lovely to see how your little man is growing. Will be great to read a new PTR.
Great pics of your sweet little man! He is growing so fast! Cute pic of you, but I have to say, I still see Ray:goodvibes The look on his face where he's holding the Mickey is exactly like some you've posted of Ray.

I'll be looking forward to your PTR - please remember to let us know when you start it!
Dawn-Been silently following along. Seth is getting so big and cuter by the day. I love the pic with his little hiney :)

Will definately be reading your PTR.
Seth has really grown! He's such a beautiful little boy! I do think he looks like you :goodvibes I'll be looking forward to your pre-trip report.


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