~The NeverEnding Story:TR-Turned-Baby-Turned-Pre-TR~LINK TO NEW PRE-TR...p189

Seth makes such a cute cheeky monkey! :cutie:

Oh my goodness, the pooping on Santa story is hilarious! :lmao:

where i will get one of these!!!!!


oh, heaven in a pineapple, how i've missed you!!!!

What am I missing out on? I do not know about this heaven in a pineapple. Is it better than a dole whip?
Great updates Dawn! Loved all of the cute pictures of Seth! I love his little monkey costume! So cute! The little girl I babysat for did the same thing as Seth with santa when I took her to the mall in 09' to get her picture taken! It was the funniest thing ever!!!
Aw, I love all of Seth's little Monkey halloween pictures! I still say he was the cutest little monkey I had ever seen!! :)
thanks for all your compliments on my little seth-man! :)

What am I missing out on? I do not know about this heaven in a pineapple. Is it better than a dole whip?

YES!!! but only if you drink alcohol. it's a lapu lapu. you can get them at kona cafe, ohana, the lounge near ohana and i *think* at the pool bar at the poly. here's the description: Myer's rum, Bacardi 151, orange juice, sour mix, served in a fresh cut pineapple.

thanks for all your compliments on my little seth-man! :)

YES!!! but only if you drink alcohol. it's a lapu lapu. you can get them at kona cafe, ohana, the lounge near ohana and i *think* at the pool bar at the poly. here's the description: Myer's rum, Bacardi 151, orange juice, sour mix, served in a fresh cut pineapple.


I couldn't agree more! This is seriously my favorite drink at Disney!! Oh my gosh, I can't wait to have one again when we go back this year. I think I crave it even more right now since I'm pregnant and can't consume alcohol. :laughing:
Yummy on the lapu lapu, never had one but I did get to have my first Dole whip in December 2010
I'm still here:flower3:

Life has been busy with Abby and Ellie. Ellie just had her 9 month appt. Time is flying by too fast.

Seth is adorable. His smile just melted my heart.

Congrats on your new job. I work out of the home. I agree... I think it would be way too hard for me to work at home with Ellie there.
hey, guys! well, seth had his 4-month well checkup yesterday. we went to a new pediatrician because with my job change i wanted someone near my office. she was a bit odd at first but i ended up liking her - she was VERY thorough! she said seth was, "perfect....i think i'd keep him!" :rotfl: he now weighs 15 pounds 10 ounces and is 26 inches long! he's getting so long that i can't use the changing table thing on his pack-n-play anymore b/c his head is hitting the bar at the top! he did okay with his shots. he squalled of course and i cried a little bit but daddy quickly calmed him down by rocking him while i was filling out some paperwork. this morning he has a little red dot on his right leg but the left one is fine. i've been giving him some tylenol and he slept the night away last night. so he's doing okay!

oh, and he started school on thursday and apparently he loves it. the teachers tell me he laughs constantly and they just love his laugh! and get this - i called around 3:00 on thursday to see how he was doing and his teacher mentioned that he rolled over. i was like, "WHAT?????" she goes, "you mean he's never rolled over for you before?" UM....NO!!!! he rolled from back to belly first and from what i understand it's usually the opposite first. my child is a freak! :laughing:

in trip news.....we have future trip plans!!!!! so we're going the first week of october this year. well, terrie (ray's sister) asked when we'd be going back after this trip. i told her i wasn't sure yet. she said her and josh (her 14yo son) want to go see the harry potter stuff at universal. SO DO I!!!! so after some discussion about dates we decided that we'd shoot for october 2012 during josh's fall break. we thought about april 2012 during his spring break but from what i understand the crowds are horrendouse in early to mid april. plus they want to see the halloween stuff at disney while we're there. i love autumn at disney so that's fine by me! :thumbsup2

this trip will be a little different. i think what we're gonna do is 2 days at disney, 2 days at universal and then one day of relaxation and go to MNSSHP that night. i checked into getting a 1-bedroom villa at SSR (to be close to DTD) and it's a little out of our financial range. so i think we're going to go back to the condos we stayed in during our december 2008 trip for this trip. since we won't be at disney the whole time, being off property won't be so awful. i'm not worried about the dining plan since we won't be at disney the entire trip. and i doubt we'd use EMH that much since seth will be 2 years old and won't be staying up late. anyway, it's a good ways off but at least i will have a new ticker after the current one expires! :lmao:

i thought i'd go ahead and start on my thanksgiving weekend update. i've got a lot to do this morning so i probably won't get far, but here's a start for you!

first of all, on the way up to nashville we met lynda (disneyfreak92) and her husband josh, their baby avery (born just a few days before seth) and their doggie bailey. they were on their way to florida....for good! they were moving there. they are now a short drive away from disney all the time...i'm jealous!


when we got to my mom's house we went to cracker barrel to eat dinner...yum! here's mom and seth-man....


thanksgiving morning my mom cooked breakfast for us and my stepdad's sons and their families. here is seth with my nephew noah....


we also opened presents while we were there b/c ray, seth and i wouldn't be back for christmas. that's my sister-in-law jen, her daughter madison and our niece kayla.


mouse trap!!!!


granny and seth-man!


my nephew conner trying on grandpa's shirt!


mom and carl with all their grandkids: noah, seth, conner, madison and kayla.


seth checking out the christmas tree. he LOVED christmas trees!!!


played out!


all the kids! we take this picture on the stairs every year.


next we went over to my grandmother's house that evening for thanksgiving dinner but i'll do those pictures next time. hope everyone has a great weekend!
It is definitely the belly to back roll first. Rolling from back to belly requires more strength in the shoulders and neck muscles. He's a strong boy already!
Omgosshh I am so out of the loop. It has been soo long since I've been on here.. I've been so busy with student teaching that I just don't have time to post much.. in fact I missed most of your TR. BUT I know that after I'm done in April, I will sit and read it all because it will get me all excited for our trip in May! I've been debating starting a ptr but I'm just worried I'll fall behind.. soo for now it's just a hello.

Anyways, this is the first time I've seen pics of Seth and he is 4 months!!! I didn't think it has been thatttt longgg! But apparently I have been a busy bee and didn't realize! He is very cute! and YAY for rolling over.

I am also jealous of the moving to Florida for good thing.. I'm getting ready to graduate in May and we are strongly considering it! Do you know what county or city she moved to? We were looking into Osceola county (Kissimmee area).
How cute Seth is having a great time at school! :) He sounds like he has such a good disposition.
Yay for healthy baby report! And don't you just love having cousin get togethers? We used to take vacations with on set of cousins every year. It was SO much fun! My first trip to Disney was with those cousins.
Hi Dawn! Seth is such a cutie! Of course your nieces and nephews are adorable too. I'm glad Seth is perfect!:goodvibes

Yay for trip plans!!!:yay: Sounds like a fun plan, and those condos are really nice! I'm thinking the DP isn't so great anymore anyway.

Looking forward to more pics!
Yeah for the new ticker! I don't know when I'll have a new one - probably won't be allowed to go back for another 3-4 years. My DH is not the Disney fan as I.


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