The Flat Adventures of Weird and Ninja


I have to get to class at 7:30 and I leave at 2:45 on the bus (second run) It's most likely because your in a private school?

Wow, that's so early! Yes, I do work at a private school. It includes Pre-K all the way to 8th grade so maybe that's why we have times like that. How long are your periods? Ours are 42 minutes each and there are 8 each day. AM homeroom is from 8:25-8:45 and PM homeroom is from 2:38-2:45. My students don't really have electives though. They have music once a week and computers once a week. Gym is twice a week. The rest are all classes. They have Bible as a major stubject too so that's 5x a week.

Did you finish the year already?

Quick note, we'll be going to Six Flags so it looks like the flats will be joining us for quite an adventure! Safari Zone! Wooot!

I hope we do make it to the safari! There are a bunch of different cars going from all over so I don't know how we're all going to meet. But yes, we will be getting some pictures with the flats to post. Hopefully we won't be too hot because it's supposed to be 96 degrees. Yuck. Ninja doesn't have shorts ... :eek:
No, I get out the same time as you. My school hours are 7:30-2:45. I'm jealous
of my neighbor her school got ripped up by a tornado. XD All that happened
to our school was our band wall fell off. How unfair!

Aww what a cutie you were .. oops I mean are ;)

And if you're interested ... I'm going to post some older WDW pictures on my TR ;) ... you know, this TR: A DISer's Trip of Firsts!

Shame-less TR plug :lmao:

I love the lego pics too, maybe I will have to give that book a read. You sound like a fun teacher. :thumbsup2
I'm going to start working on a Six Flags installment with the flats. I'm sure Weird will post his point of view and his pictures as well, but just to let you know ... haha, we don't really have many pictures with the flats. It was so incredibly hot and humid that people were literally dropping like flies and throwing up everywhere. Really. Everywhere. Medics with stretchers passed by every 2 minutes. Unfortunately, the group we went with also suffered from fainting and heat stroke and other blechness ... myself included! I hope everyone stays cool!
I'm going to start working on a Six Flags installment with the flats. I'm sure Weird will post his point of view and his pictures as well, but just to let you know ... haha, we don't really have many pictures with the flats. It was so incredibly hot and humid that people were literally dropping like flies and throwing up everywhere. Really. Everywhere. Medics with stretchers passed by every 2 minutes. Unfortunately, the group we went with also suffered from fainting and heat stroke and other blechness ... myself included! I hope everyone stays cool!

Haha, I will be ... resting my hurting head. It's actually throbbing right now but yes, as Ninja said, I probably will have my own point of view since I went on the Dark Knight (just as a teaser ... it was LAME :mad: ) However, we did see a lot of :faint: :worried: :confused: :( so that pretty much sums up the day in smileys. Oh, last smiley, I promise. Imagine the computer is Six Flags ... :badpc:

Not to totally put down Six Flags, though, I really did enjoy the safari since it was air-conditioned. Oh wait, nevermind, that was my car :ssst:
Haha, I will be ... resting my hurting head. It's actually throbbing right now but yes, as Ninja said, I probably will have my own point of view since I went on the Dark Knight (just as a teaser ... it was LAME :mad: ) However, we did see a lot of :faint: :worried: :confused: :( so that pretty much sums up the day in smileys. Oh, last smiley, I promise. Imagine the computer is Six Flags ... :badpc:

Not to totally put down Six Flags, though, I really did enjoy the safari since it was air-conditioned. Oh wait, nevermind, that was my car :ssst:

The Dark Knight, as in the new Batman movie,was lame?!


I hope the two of you didn't suffer too much from the heat! I can imagine the setting Ninja described, sounds bad!:sick:
The Dark Knight, as in the new Batman movie,was lame?!


I hope the two of you didn't suffer too much from the heat! I can imagine the setting Ninja described, sounds bad!:sick:

Yeah, the Dark Knight, as in the new Batman movie. This was the ride for it though, I'm sure the movie is gonna be awesome. But yeah, the ride was definitely not worth the wait. We waited around an hour and a half (because we didn't bother getting FlashPasses because the line for that would've probably been an hour and it wouldn't have been worth it for us) for a 45 second ride. I would highly highly highly suggest you leave that for either the end of the day when there aren't so many people or if you have FlashPass because it is not worth the waiting. But to look on the brighter side, I got a nice tan. ;)
We waited around an hour and a half (because we didn't bother getting FlashPasses because the line for that would've probably been an hour and it wouldn't have been worth it for us) for a 45 second ride.

But to look on the brighter side, I got a nice tan. ;)

It was longer than an hour and a half, wasn't it? I think I waited close to that and then I got off the line and there was still a half hour left.

And I got a nice burn ... that will skip turning into a tan ... and I'll continue to be pale. Haha.

Such a cute picture.

Hope you have fun at Six Flags. Will HowWeird, you, and the flats be riding any coasters? Not sure which Six Flags your going to, but is by chance the one with Kingda Ka? I can't wait to get there this summer. ::yes:: Love my coasters.
It looks like you guys are having a great time with your flats. I need to get making some! I just need to get the nerve to get them laminated. LOL!
Here is my flat. I can finally have adventures of my own. hehe

I think i see why AmberDaze says to do it in the Everest room. It would of been a lot easier if this picture was taken in the Everest room, I did it in the tiki room, big mistake.
It was longer than an hour and a half, wasn't it? I think I waited close to that and then I got off the line and there was still a half hour left.

And I got a nice burn ... that will skip turning into a tan ... and I'll continue to be pale. Haha.

Ah, I believe you are right. Yeah, it was probably about 2 hours if not more. Definitely not worth it. Oh well, it'll make WDW that much better when we go.

Such a cute picture.

Hope you have fun at Six Flags. Will HowWeird, you, and the flats be riding any coasters? Not sure which Six Flags your going to, but is by chance the one with Kingda Ka? I can't wait to get there this summer. ::yes:: Love my coasters.

I totally agree about the picture disva ;)

Ninja and I are actually not coaster people, at least not the ones of Kingda Ka level. We're more of Skull Mountain, Runaway Train, Congo Rapids, those sorts of things. We're still working on our recaps but I'll tell you that the weather was just so hot there we ended up leaving early. It was not a good day to be out, especially in the sun. I hope you have better luck when you go, or you can get the FlashPass to make the wait shorter! :goodvibes

It looks like you guys are having a great time with your flats. I need to get making some! I just need to get the nerve to get them laminated. LOL!

Hahaha I actually stood around until Ninja just asked the lady how much it was to get something laminated. Then I stood around again the second time after we finished cutting the flats in the car. It was not as dramatic as we thought since the guy was just like, sure, and he took our flats and put them on the sheets to be laminated. Haha it's definitely worth it because if you saw how happy Ninja was after they were laminated, you'd want to rush to your nearest Staples and get yours laminated too! :thumbsup2

Ahhahaha xDD love this thread, cute idea! xD :thumbsup2

Thanks! I hope you keep reading! And maybe have flat adventures of your own :)

I think i see why AmberDaze says to do it in the Everest room. It would of been a lot easier if this picture was taken in the Everest room, I did it in the tiki room, big mistake.

Great flat! I'm so jealous of your Sparrow and Stitch. I never got those for Weird so he's never gotten a picture with that costume. He did get to wear it for a little while because Ninja got it and lent it to him so he could share in the joy (ah, good memories) so he got a little taste of what it was like to wear Sparrow.

Yeah, the Everest room lets you use the magic wand in Photoshop so it's less choppy when you clean it up. I actually did one in the dark room with dark clothes on which was a pretty bad idea since it was hard to tell where the clothes ended/started! I think if you just print it with the background, you can smooth out the edges just by cutting them out. I look forward to reading about your adventures! :thumbsup2
Hahaha I actually stood around until Ninja just asked the lady how much it was to get something laminated. Then I stood around again the second time after we finished cutting the flats in the car. It was not as dramatic as we thought since the guy was just like, sure, and he took our flats and put them
on the sheets to be laminated. Haha it's definitely worth it because if you saw how happy Ninja was after they were laminated, you'd want to rush to your nearest Staples and get yours laminated too! :thumbsup2

Great flat! I'm so jealous of your Sparrow and Stitch. I never got those for Weird so he's never gotten a picture with that costume. He did get to wear it for a little while because Ninja got it and lent it to him so he could share in the joy (ah, good memories) so he got a little taste of what it was like to wear Sparrow.

Yeah, the Everest room lets you use the magic wand in Photoshop so it's less choppy when you clean it up. I actually did one in the dark room with dark clothes on which was a pretty bad idea since it was hard to tell where the clothes ended/started! I think if you just print it with the background, you can smooth out the edges just by cutting them out. I look forward to reading about your adventures! :thumbsup2

LOL! I am going to get mine laminated today! But I am going to make my parents do it. hehe.

Yeah I was gifted my sparrow and stitch and I also was able to get a minnie hat on the last day. They were gifted to me by fellow disers. I was able to have my dream come true before vmk closed, I love dis so much. Everyone is so amazing!
Ninja and I are actually not coaster people, at least not the ones of Kingda Ka level. We're more of Skull Mountain, Runaway Train, Congo Rapids, those sorts of things.

I used to ride the coasters. The first time I went to Six Flags with the intention of getting over my fear and riding coasters, I rode Batman, Scream Machine, and Medusa. The next time I went (during Fright Fest, eek!), I tried Superman. That was SO MUCH FUN (except for when it flipped over and my body slammed back into the seat). But ... I got older. Haha, the rides get me dizzy and disoriented. Then I just don't have the guts or desire to do anything like Nitro or Kingda Ka! I know so many people enjoy them, and I would have LOVED to join that coaster group, but I know what to avoid. I guess that comes with age!

Hahaha I actually stood around until Ninja just asked the lady how much it was to get something laminated. Then I stood around again the second time after we finished cutting the flats in the car.

Yeah. You stink. :P

Great flat! I'm so jealous of your Sparrow and Stitch. I never got those for Weird so he's never gotten a picture with that costume. He did get to wear it for a little while because Ninja got it and lent it to him so he could share in the joy (ah, good memories) so he got a little taste of what it was like to wear Sparrow.

I always thought I'd be able to get the Sparrow again. I thought I had the time! I actually got the hat and top in a trade specifically to use in a trade for my Minnie hat. But then ... time ran out. And well, I never got it again for me or Weird.

LOL! I am going to get mine laminated today! But I am going to make my parents do it. hehe.

YAY! I'm so excited! Haha, my mom would have been like ... "Um, no?" if I had asked her. She was the one always telling me to stop spending so much time on VMK!

Okie dokie ... I have some pictures of Weird and Ninja that I haven't yet posted so ... next post!
In the early morning hours before homeroom, I headed on over to the computer lab. Weird and Ninja came along because they wanted to keep me company.

I don't spend time decorating my homeroom since I only teach there one period a week. Another teacher who uses my room often decorates it though so there's a bit of cheer in there! Weird and Ninja walked around (or were carried around~) to take a look at the patriotic decorations.

They loved it so much, they wanted to be part of it!

Ninja is an excellent student. She's a perfectionist and wants to someday graduate valedictorian. She focused so much in class ... I was so proud of her!

THIS is what Weird was doing during class! He took advantage of his flatness and decided to hide in the folder pocket to take a nap.

They took a break from class (or napping~) to eat lunch. Yep! More chicken! Grilled chicken wrap with roasted red peppers and balsamic vinegar.

A few students have the backpacks on wheels because they carry so many books! Weird and Ninja wanted to hop on for a ride.

It's really because they're lazy (or they ate too much). But can you blame them? One step for humans would be like, a hundred steps for the flats!

Weird knows that Ninja has a fear of sea animals. He's trying to get her used to all these things so that even something like the Finding Nemo ride won't be frightening. He oh-so-casually asked Ninja to see the fishtank in the science lab. Ninja had to be a good host and show it to him.

It didn't really work. Don't you see that look of terror on Ninja's face?!?

After that scare, Ninja was ready to go home! Good thing it was time for dismissal!
Lots more great pictures.

Love the gecko pic.

Seems like the flats really got to explore school!
My son is a 7th grader & he saw this thread, now he wants a flat! :rotfl:

That's great that Ninja is such a good student. :laughing:
The notebook pics are great.

That's too bad that you had such hot weather for Six Flags. It was so hot this weekend (& today).
Wonderful funny photos.

I have some flats of my girl and boy characters that we took to DragonCon 2 years ago but I've just been too lazy to post them online.
Seems like the flats really got to explore school!
My son is a 7th grader & he saw this thread, now he wants a flat! :rotfl:

That's great that Ninja is such a good student. :laughing:
The notebook pics are great.

That's too bad that you had such hot weather for Six Flags. It was so hot this weekend (& today).

I wish I could bring them to the PreK room so that they could explore that area too! I'm in that room 4x a week, but the little kiddies would definitely notice!

Flats are so much fun! Now I understand the draw of Flat Stanley! If I taught younger kids, I'd definitely do that book.

Haha, I wouldn't hear of it if Ninja didn't take her schooling seriously! Education is very important for us :)

If we didn't have such hot weather, we would have been able to get more flat pictures in the park. I'm bummed about that! This weather is just too gross!

Wonderful funny photos.

I have some flats of my girl and boy characters that we took to DragonCon 2 years ago but I've just been too lazy to post them online.

Well, it's great that you do have them! Maybe one day you'll feel the great urge to post them for all of us to see :hyper:

Ninja is all the food you post from your school cafeteria? It all looks so good popcorn::

We actually don't have a school cafeteria. The students' lunch is catered. I used to get that because then I didn't have to pack my own lunch. Everyone got sick of it though because it's the same schedule every two weeks (AND it was $4.50 a day and not filling!). Then I started ordering my lunch with the other teachers (didn't quite know they did that ...) from a local pizzeria/restaurant. My lunch runs about $6 a day, but I think it's so much more worth it since I typically only eat half of my meal at school so that I'm full. Then I still have leftovers for my after school "snack"!


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