The Empty Nesters Magical Mystery Tour *1/28* Link to New Girl's TR p141

Great Animal Kingdom updates! So what were your injuries finally?


Fortunately, my injuries were not life threatening. :rotfl: It took a little while for the aching to go away....well, I'll fill you in during the next update!

Loved the pictures of the Lions and cheetahs.

Thanks! Those really are the best big cat pictures I've taken to date while on the safari. I'm really pleased with how well they turned out!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..

Thanks!!!!! Same to you! Wishing you plenty of this pixie dust:

Great pictures around AK! :thumbsup2 I just love that park, and you hit all the biggies knocking out Dinosaur, Everest and then the Safari! :woohoo:

And that is what I love about the new FP system. I did not have to worry about being there first thing in the morning. Instead, I had everything all lined up and ready to go. It made for a much less stressful morning. :goodvibes

How scary getting hit by the gate. :eek: I'm really surprised you weren't warned before it closed. They are always telling people to get back behind the yellow line. Somebody was asleep at the wheel it sounds like! :scared:

I was really surprised there was no "stand back from the gate" warning. That seems to be so common place at Disney. I don't know what shocked me more - getting hit by the gate OR not getting a warning that I was about to be hit by the gate. :sad2:

At least you were able to get some really great shots while you were on the safari, and especially those pictures of the grass!!! :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: So you're into grass pictures? You don't say? :rolleyes1

All caught up.

YAY!!!! :woohoo:

Sounds like 2 hit and runs, One with now Brian's car and the gate on your chest. OW.

Good thing they were about 9 months apart. :rotfl2: I honestly can't believe that car was hit within a week of being there. Of course, his beater car never got hit. :rotfl2:

And me - I felt so stupid after I got hit by that gate. I was totally stunned.

I hate that you felt so bad you just wanted off. No Bueno.

I really wanted off. Once we got to the lions and the distracted me I felt a lot better. But there were a few moments that were totally not fun prior to that.

Amazing pictures as usual. The sights atop Everest are great. I am hoping for a sunset picture from up there in Feb. :)

Thank you and w0w - wouldn't that be nice. I have to buy my tickets and make some FP reservations. We have to talk about when we are going to meet up. We are going back to Cape Canaveral for a couple days, but we have a good 48 hours there after the race and then we will be back on Thursday evening until Sunday. Can't wait. Mostly because I am already tired of winter.

Of course the Lions were out, just the distraction you needed to take your mind off the pain. :rolleyes:

They were totally the distraction I needed. They were just right there in all their glory. It was really very cool to see them up and about and not sleeping. Gotta love February and the cooler temps.

I think DHS is the only place I have not seen a doggie spot. Or many at least. :rotfl2:

If my memory serves me right (and it doesn't always) I'm pretty sure I found a doggie spot there in October. I seem to have radar for them these days. If I find it in my pics I'll be sure to post it. :thumbsup2
It's always interesting for me to have a new student's perspective because it seems like ions ago that I was going through all that. I have another friend who is in her second year of nursing school and she really puts a lot into it as well. I guess it requires that to totally change the way you are thinking.

It does, although I think I've got the critical thinking part down ok. It's the sheer amount of info they give you now. It's not enough to limit it to only what they can throw at you in a 2 hour lecture; they also now make you watch twice that outside of regular class time, print ALL the power point slides and bring them, etc... and you are responsible for that too. Sadly, a lot in our class have a hard time keeping up with the amount we are expected to have mastered as well as the re-learning how to integrate and synthesize that information into interpreting a case study or applying it and choosing the BEST answer. That, and many also have families with young kids. That's tough... really difficult.

YAYAYAYAYAY! I just subbed and I am really looking forward to reading it!

YAY!! It'll be fun to share the journey- makes the trip itself more meaningful at the end knowing that so many know the story of how it came to be. :)

OH - I am sure there are people who hold their A the entire way through. One thing that will happen is you will get better at learning how to study and at recognizing how to select the correct answer. Like I said, its just another way of thinking.

Actually, in the 2nd year class (it's a 2 year ASN program) NO ONE has an A and most are teetering on the passing 75%. 17/42 did not pass the first term. :(

glad you did. Having support is important. Just keep yourself self confident. You got this! :thumbsup2:flower3:

I have an amazing study group of 6 of us. I'll introduce you to them on my PTR at some point. :dance3::dance3:
Whew, I did it! You asked me in Alicia's TR what I was waiting for to read yours, so here I am, all caught up! :faint:

Love all your pictures! You have definitely caught a lot of details I've never noticed before. I have got to look for that Mouse Trap game in Spaceship Earth now, for instance - I used to love that game as a kid! :thumbsup2

Also neat to see other parts of Florida. I have to admit that we have not managed to leave the Disney bubble yet - though our (Disney) cruise in May will be a slight attempt at branching out. :rotfl: (Will you be writing a report about your Dream cruise, by the way?)

Along for the rest of the ride and those to come... :goodvibes
This time of year is always CRAZY! I'm behind on everything it feels like AND we're leaving in a few days! Wish I had one more week to get things done.

That totally stinks about the hit and run! But glad he wasn't inside the car when it happened. Still sucks though.

One thing I love about reading your TR's, is seeing all your pictures. You see details that I haven't seen before and I love it!

Ouch! Hope you were able to recover from that blow. I wonder how many people it's happened to? ....on the plus side, you got GREAT pictures of the lions, holy cow!
They say as long as it is in the same day, it counts. My miles start ramping up tomorrow, it will be interesting. I sat out yesterday (supposed to be a 4 mile tempo) as the ankle bugged me during my speedwork on weds (4x800)...fingers crossed the slow easy 8 tomorrow goes relatively well. I am kind of figuring that since I did the 12K last sunday, which is basically a tempo run on a day that should have been slow easy...if I have to give one up for the week the tempo one was the one to go. Who knows though.

I hope it went well for you this weekend. Thanks for all your creative suggestions for getting me out of my slump. I think if I can go out for a nice long run on NY's day, and not hate every minute of it, I'll be OK. :rotfl2:

It's a bit sad when Jeff is making quips about "the couple that rolls together, strolls together"

As in foam rolling.


OMG! That's funny! :rotfl2:

Good luck with that!

I managed to pull it off, which is a miracle considering the showed up an entire hour early. :faint: That really threw my off kilter for a bit!

It's so fabulous you like her so much!


They can't even get me in until the 5th and it will be almost a whole week out. But it will include a rental car so really not a hassle at all. It was so funny, we both ended up at the shop at the same time. Adjuster was all stressed and we were busy hugging, discussing getting together for a glass of wine and she offered Evan another babysitting gig (he's their main sitter). LOL!

That must have been a rather comical meeting. :rotfl:

It could happen to anyone!!!!!!!! That's the kind of thing I would do.

I guess it could happen to anyone, but still......

That would work for me. I think I have photo's uploaded but would definitely have time to do so this week, life gets a bit slow for the next month or so...YAY for that!

That's what I am hoping - that things settle down after this weekend and I can spend more time on the DIS. First I have to finish replies, then get an update going for this TR, then start the new one.

Fabulous shots of AK. Now I want to go back and just take more pictures! I feel the need to take more pictures....even though I am still editing pictures from 2 trips yet. :rotfl2:

You can never have too many AK pictures! I swear its an addiction. :rotfl2: I have two sets, no make that three, sets of pictures that I am editing a little bit of the time. Plus I am slowing trying to clear pictures out of my photo bucket account to open up some room. I'm trying to get them all on an external hard drive, but its taking forever!

I hope your chest stops hurting. I can see how that would be so annoying and something that would happen to me as well. :goodvibes

I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks they would make that type of clumsy mistake. It makes me feel a little bit better that I'm not alone. :rotfl: Stay tuned for the next update!

That's so silly, why would it be secret? You'd think they'd want to spread around the news so people would come to see them. It was too cold when we were there, they weren't out. I would have loved to see them though.

I have no idea. It did seem really weird, but maybe the CM I was talking to didn't know anything so he tried to cover up. I have no idea! :confused3

Thank you so much :goodvibes I'm just taking a break from TRs. Life has been really stressful with work, and I lost my grandpa last week. I just haven't had the time to be on here except to read. I will definitely let you know when I start another one. I'm sure that will be sometime next year, I have several fun adventures planned :)

Oh Pan - I'm so sorry about your grandfather. Had he been sick for a while or did something happen suddenly. So hard to lose a family member, especially around the holidays. I hope you and your family are holding up OK. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I'm glad that you have some adventures planned for this year. I can't wait to hear all about them.
It does, although I think I've got the critical thinking part down ok. It's the sheer amount of info they give you now. It's not enough to limit it to only what they can throw at you in a 2 hour lecture; they also now make you watch twice that outside of regular class time, print ALL the power point slides and bring them, etc... and you are responsible for that too. Sadly, a lot in our class have a hard time keeping up with the amount we are expected to have mastered as well as the re-learning how to integrate and synthesize that information into interpreting a case study or applying it and choosing the BEST answer. That, and many also have families with young kids. That's tough... really difficult.

It is an overwhelming amount of information when you first hear it, but with time it won't seem quite as overwhelming. Assimilating all that information is part of mastering it for your state boards. Hang in there! You are doing great so far!

YAY!! It'll be fun to share the journey- makes the trip itself more meaningful at the end knowing that so many know the story of how it came to be. :)

You are absolutely right. It's going to be a great journey getting there. I look forward to reading all about it!

Actually, in the 2nd year class (it's a 2 year ASN program) NO ONE has an A and most are teetering on the passing 75%. 17/42 did not pass the first term. :(

Wow - that's close to half the class not passing. That's sort of a red flag for me. It makes me wonder what the material is like and how is it being presented. Is the problem the material or the students or a bit of both. Does the student have the opportunity to take the class over?

I have an amazing study group of 6 of us. I'll introduce you to them on my PTR at some point. :dance3::dance3:

Having a great study group is definitely a good thing!
Oh Pam - I'm so sorry about your grandfather. Had he been sick for a while or did something happen suddenly. So hard to lose a family member, especially around the holidays. I hope you and your family are holding up OK. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I'm glad that you have some adventures planned for this year. I can't wait to hear all about them.

Thank you so much :goodvibes it was very unexpected which made it worse I think. But these things are never easy. I still can't really believe it. I see death so much at work but it's been a long time since I've lost a loved one. Thank you for your kind words :hug:
Whew, I did it! You asked me in Alicia's TR what I was waiting for to read yours, so here I am, all caught up! :faint:

:rotfl2: :welcome: Dugette! Thanks so much for coming over and reading through my TR. You are a much better DISer than I am . I am very much afraid of TRs that are too far along, so kudos to you!!!!!

Love all your pictures! You have definitely caught a lot of details I've never noticed before. I have got to look for that Mouse Trap game in Spaceship Earth now, for instance - I used to love that game as a kid! :thumbsup2

Thank you! I really enjoy taking pics. It's a lot of fun and really allows me to go back and look at details. I tend not to notice details until I see them in pictures. It's been a good hobby for me for that reason.

I can't take credit for the mousetrap. I never even knew it was there until I saw it in another DISers TR. Now I try to take a picture of it overtime, but its really dark and hard to see in there.

Also neat to see other parts of Florida. I have to admit that we have not managed to leave the Disney bubble yet - though our (Disney) cruise in May will be a slight attempt at branching out. :rotfl: (Will you be writing a report about your Dream cruise, by the way?)

I enjoy seeing other parts of Florida. It's a great state with so many cool places to explore. Denny and I want to be snowbirds, so this a great way of helping us decide our snow bird location!

I do want to write about the Dream cruise. I feel like I am just getting farther behind. I still have a girls trip to write before that one. But I think I may do both at the same time. You will love the Dream. It's fabulous! We booked onboard and have our second cruise planned for next December.

Along for the rest of the ride and those to come... :goodvibes


This time of year is always CRAZY! I'm behind on everything it feels like AND we're leaving in a few days! Wish I had one more week to get things done.

It has been especially crazy this year because I work more than usual and I have gotten used to both boy living away from home and now they are here. I hate to say it, but its just a tad disruptive. :rotfl:

I can't believe I missed your send off. I hope you are having a wonderful time so far. I have to check out your PTR to see when you left. I can't wait until you get back so I can hear all about it.

That totally stinks about the hit and run! But glad he wasn't inside the car when it happened. Still sucks though.

Totally relieved that he wasn't in the car and the car is all fixed now, but 1 week after leaving. Sheesh. How does THAT happen? :confused3

One thing I love about reading your TR's, is seeing all your pictures. You see details that I haven't seen before and I love it!

Thank you! I'm so glad you like my pictures! :goodvibes

Ouch! Hope you were able to recover from that blow. I wonder how many people it's happened to? ....on the plus side, you got GREAT pictures of the lions, holy cow!

Well, I think if the CM pays attention for fools like me, it really shouldn't happen to anyone. Although I'm sure it has. :rolleyes1 I feel pretty stupid for not being aware of what was going on around me.

Thank you so much :goodvibes it was very unexpected which made it worse I think. But these things are never easy. I still can't really believe it. I see death so much at work but it's been a long time since I've lost a loved one. Thank you for your kind words :hug:

Oh No Pam! That does make it so much worse. I am just so sorry. I wish much peace to everyone in your family during this difficult time. I guess the only blessing about dying suddenly is that suffering is reduced. Or so we think, but we don't ever really know.
Oh my word, Mary Ellen, I know that the bars hitting you in the chest had to hurt. Ouch! Isn't it funny how our "picture taking instincts" kick though. The pictures that you took on the safari are fantastic!
Oh my word, Mary Ellen, I know that the bars hitting you in the chest had to hurt. Ouch! Isn't it funny how our "picture taking instincts" kick though. The pictures that you took on the safari are fantastic!

It really did hurt and it was so unexpected. Super ouch. But, yes, when there's a chance to get pictures of the lions, picture taking instincts MUST prevail. :rotfl2:
The World’s Strongest Rita

Happy New Years Everyone. Hope 2015 is a great year for everyone!

In my last update we had just finished riding the Safari and I was fortunate enough to take my best picture EVER of the male lion.

How awesome is he?

But, as you may recall, I got hit with the loading gate at the beginning of the Safari and I was still feeling the ache right in the middle of my chest.

When we got off the Safari we had an ADR at Tusker House, but I really didn’t feel like eating. I just didn’t like the ache in my chest.

Denny said, “let’s just skip it and leave”.

I reminded him that there was a charge for no shows and I didn’t want to pay that, so we went over to the restaurant and I asked to speak with a manager.

I explained to the manager that I got hit in the chest before boarding the Safari and I didn’t feel much like eating. He was very nice about it and asked me if I wanted to get checked out by the medics. I didn’t. But he gave me the other option of just sitting for a bit and delaying our reservation until I felt better.

That worked. We sat for about 20 minutes and then we asked to get checked in. The same manager actually escorted us to our seats and offered to take pictures of us. He was very nice and he may have given us some FP’s. I don’t remember, because we never used them if we had them.

I hate all the pictures of me because I sort of look a mess, but here are a few - all take with my cell.

Yikes, right?

Here’s a decent picture of Denny, but I looked like crap in every picture he took of me, so I deleted them.

Even though I still didn’t have the greatest appetite, I filled my plate like I did!

Everything was pretty tasty, although I remember enjoying lunch more the first time we dined here. I remember Denny raving about how great the food was, so this was supposed to be a surprise for him because he asked several times to go back there.

I’ll be honest. I didn’t realize lunch was a character meal. I don’t think it was the first time we did lunch there. I could be wrong because we sat in a quiet corner. This time we were dead center of the big room and it was pretty hard to miss all the chaos and character interaction.

As much as we like the variety of food, this place was just too chaotic and the meal was a tad on the expensive side (even with the TIW discount), so we probably won’t be back for awhile.

Of course, I had to fill my dessert plate, but I don’t really remember anything standing our as super yummy.

I don’t know if its me or what, but I do think there has been a decline in some Disney food. I think desserts have taken a big hit. They are OK, but never seem worth the massive calories. High on sugar and flour, low to medium on taste. *sigh*

I will admit that I DID feel better after eating. I guess that makes sense because we really didn’t have a proper breakfast and didn’t eat anything substantial on our trip over from Tarpon Springs.

Once I did feel better I pulled out the real camera for a few “after thought” pictures in the restaurants.

Once outside I got back into picture taking mode. My chest no longer hurt and I was sure I was going to live to see tomorrow. Dramatic, I know!

It was turning into a lovely day with perfect temps and light blue skies.

One more for the road

A hasty TOL shot

Checking out the wait times


We decided to leave and go get checked into our accommodations for the night. As you may recall, we stayed at AS Sports on our first night of the trip, but tonight we were using points to stay at the Beach Club Villas.

I was excited because Denny had never stayed here before (although he’s parked in the lot more times than I can count) and I was curious to see what he thought.

Here’s some pics on the way out of the park

Totally T-shirt worthy, don’t you think Rob?

Continued In Next Post
That is one crazy beak!

I found the black swans to be absolutely fascinating and I am about to share way too many pictures of them.

This was too fun to watch

The water almost looks like tiny pieces of confetti


Guess I finally got tired of them. I actually was good and skipped over quite a few pictures.

You’re welcome.

Bye Animal Kingdom - see you next time!

The next pictures I have are here!

The Beach Club Villas!

Even though it was only one night, I requested a high floor. I loved the view!

Hey look - its warm enough to swim!

It looks like all the pictures I took were facing to the right. I think its because there were people on the balcony to my left and I didn’t want to be perceived as invading their personal space.

I insisted that we go down and check out SAB.

We found a private area on the side over by the Yacht Club

Continued In the Next Post

I do recall enjoying several hours of pure bliss just lounging around in the afternoon sun.

I did go in the water and I was really hoping for a tube to enjoy the lazy river, but they were all in use and no one was about to give theirs up. I remember watching this one woman, who appeared to be in her mid to late forties. I would have to label her a cougar. Is that too judgemental? MEOW! She was rather attractive and every time she would float by one of the male life guards she made sure she got his attention. It was comical and sad all at the same time.

I know these pics aren’t great because I took them with my phone. Hey - you get what you get, right?

After a couple of hours we headed back to the room. We showered and got ready to go into Epcot for the evening. We may or may not have snuck an adult beverage into the park in our mugs.

The first Epcot picture I have is here.

I can’t believe it took me that long to get my camera out again!

It was a lovely evening and the sun was starting to set

We stopped at one of the kiosks, but I don’t think we purchased anything. Of course, that bacon cupcake did catch my eye. But I remember Katmark getting it later that week and claiming it wasn’t all that great. I’m glad I passed on it.

Looks like we made it to Italy.

Like I said - it was a lovely night!

Probably needed a tripod for this shot.

Another kiosk

I absolutely loved the dwarf topiaries. They were awesome!

I feel like this A LOT!

How pretty is she?

What???? A foot!

I LOVE this picture!

Continued In the Next Post
I could not stop taking pictures this evening. I remember thinking the lighting was so fantastic and the weather was perfect.

We walked back to the United States to visit the American Adventure. We probably checked the next show time and decided to walk up to Germany and back. Since we arrived early we decided to visit the Kinsley collection.

This was definitely a new addition that I had never seen before.

I took a few pictures while we were looking around

I found the concept of a Buffalo soldier interesting

From wiki -

Buffalo Soldiers originally were members of the U.S. 10th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army, formed on September 21, 1866 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. This nickname was given to the "Negro Cavalry" by the Native American tribes they fought; the term eventually became synonymous with all of the African-Americanregiments formed in 1866:

Bob Marley wrote a song about buffalo soldiers. This is an interesting commentary into our past and, IMHO, shows that how far we have come.

This was a nice display, but anyone who knows me knows I do much better with educational exhibits in the morning, so some of it was lost on me.

Next up

The American Adventure is one of my favorite animatronics show. I try to see if every few visits.

My goal during this show was to take pictures without anyone noticing. Of course, as always, there was no flash involved.

I wish this picture had turned out better because I like this scene

Go Susan B. You tell ‘em!

Continued In the Next Post

Another successful show of patriotism comes to a close

Looks like I put the camera away for awhile because the next picture I have is HERE! Clearly I was on a mission to get my favorite drink in all of Disney World.

Look at all the pretty bottles!!!!!

There it is - the jalapeño margarita!

Denny and I got our “to go” ritas and headed back outside, but it had started to rain. We basically made it down the steps when it started to pour, so we went back inside to wait out the rain.

Of course, there wasn’t much to do but sit and sip and take a few random indoor pictures.

I mean a few BORING, random pictures!

I discovered that my margarita was overpowering strong. WOW! I have had the jalapeño rita on many occasions, but this one tasted like pure alcohol which meant I had to slowly slip it. It “almost” didn’t even taste great, but I soldiered on and was probably buzzed a third of the way in.

We decided to go visit Donald while we were waiting out the rain. I know I couldn’t possibly have finished my rita that quickly, so I probably poured it in my mug and took it along for the ride. Convenient, right?

By the time we were done visiting Donald we had had it with the Mexican pavilion. Rain or not, it was time to move on.

And it was definitely still raining.

As we walked on the rain finally stopped. The question was - would there be Illuminations that evening? I really couldn’t call it.

Before long I saw this


Disclaimer: Having just finished the stronger Margarita EVER, my pictures aren’t that great. Truth!

Let’s see what I got, shall we?

Typical starter picture where it looks like the entire lagoon is on fire.

Continued In Next Post
And that, my friends, is a wrap on a drizzly Illuminations. We watched from near Germany. It was a nice perspective for a change.

I loved the way the buildings were lit up.

Watching from a new perspective, this was the first time I had noticed the Siemens sign.

We did the slow walk home to the Boardwalk. I could have been sad because it was our last night of vacation, but I knew I would be back in just a few shorts months on my girl’s trip with Cynthia.

I had wanted to visit here for a drink, but after getting holed up for the rain, it didn’t happen. No worries. I would be back in May!

I guess I tried to take a picture of the patio. Maybe?

A quick picture in France

I love this picture.

Good night Epcot!

Oh - and if you are wondering what we had for dinner - Left over Greek food that we brought back from Tarpon Springs. Yum!

Up Next - The first day of Flower & Garden and a much anticipated DIS meet!
Glad it didn't take too long before you were feeling better!

Beautiful pictures of AK and Epcot! You always have the loveliest pics :thumbsup2

It's so nice when you can't feel sad about leaving because you know you'll be back soon :goodvibes
Glad it didn't take too long before you were feeling better!

I only felt bad for about an hour, so that was good. It was just an odd, unexpected thing to happen.

Beautiful pictures of AK and Epcot! You always have the loveliest pics :thumbsup2

Thank you! :goodvibes

It's so nice when you can't feel sad about leaving because you know you'll be back soon :goodvibes

I know YOU know that feeling! Must be wonderful to know it's literally in your back yard. :thumbsup2

2015 will be a good year for me because I'll be visiting three times, but I have promised to scale back on 2016. I still really want to visit DL and I want to go back to HHI. So torn....:confused3
I LOVE your pictures of the black swan and the spoonbills. If not for the smell I could watch those guys for ages.

Too bad Tusker House wasn't as good as you remembered. But the manager seemed to be top notch.

Oh my about the cougar at the pool.

I love being able to walk back to the resort from Epcot, that is just he best.


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