The DIS Fit: 2019 thread. Join us in the New Hopes and Goals thread.


The "Air Miles" Lady
Mar 9, 2005
Ok gang, you wanted a thread to keep us motivated. Here we go! This is a thread for those of us in need of community motivation to get moving and keep moving.

Our goals are wide and varied. Weight loss, pain relief, improved energy levels etc.

I'm not well informed about most things fitness (just so you know) but I do like to walk.

This thread is not meant to detract from the general chit chat over on the Airmiles thread but rather it is a place where we can vent our frustration and gain insight into what others are doing to get moving.

I'll leave the next two posts as a place where informative links can be posted.

Let me know what you would like to see in this thread.
Thanks for starting this up :) I was thinking of it but had no idea where to start!

I did get moving yesterday and actually got up this morning before work to do a 1 mile "walk". I am SO sore from yesterdays exercise. I am very out of shape. I have a plan though, and it's starting pretty easy, just 20 to 30 minutes of exercise a day for the next few weeks. At least it's supposed to be easy but after doing the workout yesterday I am not sure! I am very out of shape. I hope it gets easier soon. My legs are sore and it's hard to get up and down, which is a little sad because I've also started drinking more water...

My goals are two fold, first is Disney in about 8 months. I want to lose 40 pounds by then and be able to walk 20k steps or more while on the trip without feeling so uncomfortable. Second is for my cruise in 14 months, I'd like to be in a place where I feel I can do the ropes course on the ship, maybe do a horseback riding excursion and be comfortable wearing my swimsuit in public. I will do that part any way, but I'd like to not feel quite so sausage like while doing so. Ideally I'd like to be at a "healthy" weight, which is many pounds away.

I am cleaning up my eating, not just relying on exercise, since of course weight loss is 80-90% what you eat. Sadly all those chips I bought for airmiles on Friday will now be eaten by my son (won't he be happy!). I plan to do indoor exercise until the weather warms up and then get to walking/jogging with the dog and kiddo. Maybe even some bike riding in the summer.

I have a list of little rewards set up for my mini goals, next reward will be a new lunch bag!

Lets go guys and gals!
Thanks for being the first post. I hope those who posted links over in the Airmiles thread will import them here and I will stick them in Post 2 or 3. I had to run out to the dentist this morning but wanted to get this started.

I'll have to get some advice from @Donald - my hero on how to do those fancy links she does.

My goal with getting moving is to feel better and have more energy. I know if I do those two things the weight loss will likely happen, if not Oh Well! I'd like to start with a mid-day 30 min walk outside in addition to my walking the dog 2x1km. I find if I add the increase in exercise slowly into my daily routine it becomes something I can keep up with. Too much too soon and I know I will just give up in a few weeks.

I am actively looking for a treadmill, there are so many choices out there. I decided I'm not really a get dressed, go to the gym, walk on a treadmill there, get dressed again, drive home etc kind of person. It will be walk outside or get a treadmill at home for me.
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Here's a really quick lesson on creating fancy-pants links -- someone else taught me eons ago over in the AM thread but i forget who it was! My colour and font are the characters you have to use and the red words are my description of what to do! ***No spaces between characters so get all those things in purple squooshed togther!!

[ url = cut and paste the entire URL here ] Type whatever you want to have the link called here [ / url ]

Let me know if it's not clear, I'm currently working on one of my goals for today and have already spent too much time sitting here :P I NEED to tidy my desk and all of the flat surfaces in this room... since it's the spare bedroom the flat surface is MASSIVE!
Yay! So happy to see us get started. Thank you Ottawamom. And thanks to everyone who chooses to join in. It’s feels a little hard and vulnerable to admit you aren’t happy with your curent state of health or fitness . That’s made so much easier with support, encouragement and caring from friends. :grouphug:

I was an avid walker and walked my dogs twice a day every day. I got very busy so it fell off a lot and in that same timeframe my one dog became really reactive with other dogs we come across on walks . He’s a sweet guy but he’s feels threatened when restrained. Long story short my walking fell way off the wagon because I wasn’t comfortable bringing both of them out together anymore. He’s better on his own, so I would like to switch to a short morning walk for my dog with arthritis in his knee, then drop him off and pick up the other one for a much longer one. On days that it’s too cold I am going to try the YMCA track in our town so that I don’t get out of the habit for weeks at a time.

One thing I really noticed when I was walking regularly was that my stress levels were much lower. It really gave me time to clear my head so to speak. Right now we are in the middle of moving houses and I could use the stress release benefits of regular exercise and time to think. It’s been a really rough few months around here in more than one way . Eating healthy and getting exercise is going to be my gift to myself to feel better . I’m joining Watchers Online for the diet portion and starting with walking again . I’d love to lose 60 pounds but my first goal will be 30 for the wedding I am attending in June.
I’ll try joining along!

I’ve kept a tiny human alive for 8 months. sometimes that means prioritizing convenience, so I’ve been less active and eaten less well than pre-baby.

but now, our kiddo watches everything we do, and I want to foster a healthy relationship to food and activity. plus, we’re starting to think about adding another to our family and our fertility doc suggested a bit of weight loss first. i guess i’m aiming to lose about 25 pounds, although i’m really not tied to a particular number.

i’m trying to eat less processed foods and make time to walk daily. one thing that helps me get out for daily walks, silly as it might be, is playing pokémon go. there are bonuses for walking a certain distance per week, for going out daily, etc. it isn’t tracking weight loss, just helping me set and maintain the habits i want. i also love listening to podcasts while i walk.

i’d love to hear meal ideas or favourite recipes if anyone has ones share!
Love the title,,thanks for starting the thread Ottawamom
...I was so sleepy after lunch and was thinking of taking 40 winks,,,so I just made myself go...go....go..outside.
*Get Moving*
My goal is just to be more active. I'll try (I am going to) to walk outside each day and if it's too slippery
I'll head to the Mall on the way home from work.
Hip and foot are a bit tender this time around but I'll just have to suck it up and *Get Moving*.
Hugs to everyone!
Thanks Ottawamom for starting this thread!!

I also use to be an avid walker. I walked the kids back-and-forth to school every day (4 KM); then graduated to walking on my own when they got too old (5 KM) and slowly stopped.

Last year (Jan 2018) I decided I *had* to get started again as we were going on a cruise (April 2018) and started up with Planet Fitness. In 4 months, between the treadmill and tracking my food I had lost 22 lbs by our cruise date! I kept it mostly off over summer, even though my walking lessened as I frantically worked to get a baby quilt done by September. Then plantar fasciitis flared up in October and I stopped walking completely. I've been afraid to weigh myself. I'm sure I gained most, if not all, of the weight back.

However, I'm back at PF again. I felt so good last summer with those 22 lbs gone. My back was feeling great; I could bend & move; no pain in the morning. I want that feeling back again!!

So, between my back and our trip in August, I have lots of motivation.

This morning I took my iPhone and earbuds to PF. I watched 2 1/2 episodes of Friends while I walked for an hour. My legs are sore but I couldn't keep the grin off my face the entire work-out. :)
Thanks Ottawamom for starting this thread!!

I also use to be an avid walker. I walked the kids back-and-forth to school every day (4 KM); then graduated to walking on my own when they got too old (5 KM) and slowly stopped.

Last year (Jan 2018) I decided I *had* to get started again as we were going on a cruise (April 2018) and started up with Planet Fitness. In 4 months, between the treadmill and tracking my food I had lost 22 lbs by our cruise date! I kept it mostly off over summer, even though my walking lessened as I frantically worked to get a baby quilt done by September. Then plantar fasciitis flared up in October and I stopped walking completely. I've been afraid to weigh myself. I'm sure I gained most, if not all, of the weight back.

However, I'm back at PF again. I felt so good last summer with those 22 lbs gone. My back was feeling great; I could bend & move; no pain in the morning. I want that feeling back again!!

So, between my back and our trip in August, I have lots of motivation.

This morning I took my iPhone and earbuds to PF. I watched 2 1/2 episodes of Friends while I walked for an hour. My legs are sore but I couldn't keep the grin off my face the entire work-out. :)

I so hear you. I haven't stepped on a scale in years. My new goal after walking this morning is to lose enough inches to have my fleece lined jeans fit comfortably (necessary for winter walking in Ottawa) I'm off for my afternoon walk as soon as I finish typing this.

Hi to a fellow quilter also. I've been working on 2019 Christmas presents the past two weeks (quilted table runners). My new strategy may be that I have to walk before I can sit down and quilt.

Glad to see everyone who has joined the walking group. Together we'll all have a healthier 2019.

Maybe we also need a clean this clutter thread to get on track with decluttering the house (@Donald - my hero)
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Adding my thanks to Ottawamom for starting this thread!

I'm joining this thread as a combo of wanting motivation and a bit of a vent thread because losing weight for me is harder than it should be for a woman my age. (almost 47 *gulp*)

A bit of background, some of this I may have mentioned in passing in other threads. I am sorry if any of this is TMI for anyone here, especially the gentlemen of the group but also some of the ladies! I'll hide it in spoiler tags in case people are not interested in reading it.

When I was 34, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Part way through my chemo, I found out (not surprisingly at all) that I carry one of the BRCA genetic mutations that predisposes me to not only breast but also ovarian cancer.

After my chemo was done, I decided to have a bilateral mastectomy. I was 35 at the time. Because of my BRCA mutation, it was recommended that I also have my ovaries removed, which I did when I was 38. This put me immediately into menopause which has made losing weight much harder than it used to.

Between my mastecomy and oophorectomy (ovary removal), I got my rear end in gear and lost 30ish pounds so I know I used to be able to do it. Since my ooph, I have gained 40+ pounds which I have not been able to shift.

Now, I'll be honest here and admit that I could do more to try and lose the weight. I snack on a bit too much junk, although I do eat a fairly healthy diet. I also do enjoy a drink or two too many and I know that this does not help.

I have been going to spin 2-3 times a week since last May and I work my butt off but I am really not seeing too much progress, at least not visually. I am definitely getting fitter because I don't feel like dying after every class anymore but I don't really see any change.

Getting forced into menopause at such an early age has been frustrating.

Short, cleaned up version of it is that I am at an age where losing weight is not happening as easily as before and I am getting annoyed. :)
OK, ok, i've been inspired to add some comments :P Still working away at this horrific mess i call an office but i need a break so it will be in point form
  • just turned 56 -- @Aladora , i had that happen 2 weeks before my 30th B-day and YES, so much harder to drop & keep off the pounds. Plus notice how everything just shifts southward????
  • @pigletto I've been doing WW ever since someone asked me when my baby was due and i said "13 years ago" (she'll turn 30 in March) because of the above point it took 18 months to lose 70 lbs and then after a 10 year break another 30 to bring it an even 100 I've kept it off for almost 11 years now -- once you get the hang of it and realize portion size is important it's easy(er)
  • I'm bipolar (no surprise here right??!!) and the meds required for that make point 1 even harder and just sucks the motivation out of me
  • I rarely sleep more than 6 hours a night but need about 10 so i'm a constant zombie adding to lack of motivation
  • Gastritis is currently ruling my life, seriously screwing up the diet part of my life -- carbs carbs & more carbs
  • Only form of movement i do is walking -- i LOATH anything else, too lazy perhaps??
  • I hate the way my body looks in anything that remotely resembles work-out clothing so i ain't going anywhere that is required. Also have an aversion to paying money to do something i can do for free at home or out walking
  • I have found that when i put the headphones on and listen to an audio book I'm able to walk further without getting bored, seriously, my 45 minute downtown to catch the bus at 4:45 am is much more fun! Our library has a ton to borrow, I've got several series on the go so i don't get stuck in a rut with a character and then mourn their loss when the series is done. I'm dreading finishing the Alphabet Murders because i know Sue Grafton died while writing the "Z" book
  • When I'm walking anywhere the headphones are on and since i get lost in thought with the books, it's music and i pick upbeat ones for Toronto so i can keep up with the pace. Current one on repeat is the soundtrack from Greatest Showman that does get a few sideways glances when i get carried away and the steps become a little closer to dancing :P or the odd fist pump during "This is Me"
Now for a few suggestions -- take with a HUGE grain of salt with the understanding I ain't no expert on any of this!! Set some goals for yourself that are attainable or you'll get frustrated, feel guilty, and stop when you don't make the end goal. Instead of saying I'm wanting to be in shape for a trip that's months away, make it easier to meet, perhaps I want to be in motion for 15 minutes a day. Too much? How about "I'll park at the end of the row instead of circling the lot to get a spot in the first row" Need to lose 50 lbs? That's too lofty to reach, instead try to lose 1 - 2 lbs a WEEK, seriously, if you drop it too quickly it will NOT stay off. You need to give your body a chance to realize you're not in starvation mode. You want to start a new way of life and (again this is IMHO) don't use the word "Diet" because it tends to have a start & end date setting you up for failure once you get to the "end" and start having all the things you denied yourself along the way.

Oh good grief, even starting out saying that I'm gonna be brief has led to a marathon post, sorry gang!
I so hear you. I haven't stepped on a scale in years. My new goal after walking this morning is to loose enough inches to have my fleece lined jeans fit comfortably (necessary for winter walking in Ottawa) I'm off for my afternoon walk as soon as I finish typing this.

Hi to a fellow quilter also. I've been working on 2019 Christmas presents the past two weeks (quilted table runners). My new strategy may be that I have to walk before I can sit down and quilt.

Glad to see everyone who has joined the walking group. Together we'll all have a healthier 2019.

Maybe we also need a clean this clutter thread to get on track with decluttering the house (@Donald - my hero)

Where have you found fleece lined jeans? I would love a pair! I need a size 22 though and any time I find a store that has them, they don't have a 22... (do you hear me Mark's Work Wear?!)

That quilt was only my third quilt ever and maybe a little too ambious in such a short time frame. I had started it in January but next thing I knew it was July and needed to be complete for September. The front was comprised of almost 3,000 one inch squares. I just LOVE how it turned out though and had a hard time giving it away. I would have thought between the ironing board being turned on all day and the 40 degree heat wave with no A/C that July would have melted the pounds off, right? LMAO


My first quilt was pixel art again (only much larger squares) to make a Minecraft Creeper quilt for my son. I had no idea just how much I would love making quilts.

My second quilt I am still working on. I really need to finish it. It's for my daughter. I cannot stand the design (neither she or I choose it) but she loves it. That's my goal this year. Get hers done. Then I need to sew a king-size quilt for my brother and his second wife as a wedding gift. Yeah, that won't be done until the end of 2020 if they're lucky. I have to finish mapping it out on my Excel spreadsheet but it looks like it's going to be about 10,000 one inch squares. As much as I love the pixel design I may need to rethink it and find a different design that will be easier.
Pixel quilts are sooo cool. You must have the patience of a saint. I used to make all my quilted things by hand but I bought a new sewing machine last summer and have been working on that since then.

Donald, you have inspired me with words to live by (small steps, long term change of lifestyle, portion control I have to work on). I went out for me afternoon walk. It was sunny out so that was nice. Came home ate a healthy pear and fell asleep on the sofa. Oh well. Baby steps... I'll get there. Best part of starting this thread is I've guilted myself into making certain I participate in some daily physical activity.

Tomorrows another day.
  • just turned 56 -- @Aladora , i had that happen 2 weeks before my 30th B-day and YES, so much harder to drop & keep off the pounds. Plus notice how everything just shifts southward????

Heck yes! I carry so much more weight around my mid-section now, it looks a bit strange because when I had my reconstruction done, they used tissue from me abdomen to rebuild my breasts which left me with a scar that runs hip to hip but also creates a line where above and below gain weight but the scar does not expand...if that makes sense?

If I can ask...was it naturally when you were 30 or forced like mine? (Feel free to tell me you don't want to answer, I tend to be very open with talking about my journey and sometimes forget that others are more private than I am.)

  • When I'm walking anywhere the headphones are on and since i get lost in thought with the books, it's music and i pick upbeat ones for Toronto so i can keep up with the pace. Current one on repeat is the soundtrack from Greatest Showman that does get a few sideways glances when i get carried away and the steps become a little closer to dancing :P or the odd fist pump during "This is Me"
I rent a parking spot about 750m from my office so I end up doing a 1.5km round trip each day. I used to listen to music but found my self singing along like I do when I am in my car! People would give me strange looks so I've switched to listening to podcasts instead.

If you are looking for an interesting one, check out Futility Closet, it is really fun!
Where have you found fleece lined jeans? I would love a pair! I need a size 22 though and any time I find a store that has them, they don't have a 22... (do you hear me Mark's Work Wear?!)

That quilt was only my third quilt ever and maybe a little too ambious in such a short time frame. I had started it in January but next thing I knew it was July and needed to be complete for September. The front was comprised of almost 3,000 one inch squares. I just LOVE how it turned out though and had a hard time giving it away. I would have thought between the ironing board being turned on all day and the 40 degree heat wave with no A/C that July would have melted the pounds off, right? LMAO

View attachment 375633

My first quilt was pixel art again (only much larger squares) to make a Minecraft Creeper quilt for my son. I had no idea just how much I would love making quilts.

My second quilt I am still working on. I really need to finish it. It's for my daughter. I cannot stand the design (neither she or I choose it) but she loves it. That's my goal this year. Get hers done. Then I need to sew a king-size quilt for my brother and his second wife as a wedding gift. Yeah, that won't be done until the end of 2020 if they're lucky. I have to finish mapping it out on my Excel spreadsheet but it looks like it's going to be about 10,000 one inch squares. As much as I love the pixel design I may need to rethink it and find a different design that will be easier.

That is stunning!
I'm definitely along for the ride! My goal at this point is to do cardio 3X a week (either the bike or treadmill most of the time) and then do strength training 3X a week as well. Like I said, I work in a gym, so I have no excuse. I'm the chiropractor for a health services clinic that works out of a gym.

I had half my thyroid out a month ago, so I'm now healed enough to officially back to being able to work out properly. DH and I are working together on diet, trying to limit the stuff we shouldn't be eating and increase our veggie intake. I find I need to track my food intake, which drives DH nuts. He just eats less, which I wish would work for me. I've lost a lot of weight before (I lost 60lb in 2008), but 2 more kids, a thyroid that was a bit wonky, and poor eating has caught up to me and I'm back where I was at that point.

Although dropping weight is a nice component, for me this change is because I need to be healthier and give my kids a better example. All 4 of my grandparents died of heart issues, and I want to be there for my kids.
Where have you found fleece lined jeans? I would love a pair! I need a size 22 though and any time I find a store that has them, they don't have a 22... (do you hear me Mark's Work Wear?!)

I got the jeans at Marks years ago. DS wanted a pair so I took a pair of his jeans turned them inside out. Used them as the pattern for the liner. Stitched the side seams and the crotch at the back then I hand stitched this to the waistband and around the zipper and the hem of the pants. Voila your own lined jeans. Just make sure to get polar fleece that isn't too thick (they do hold their heat). I've actually thought about doing this with one of my current pairs of pants but I'm currently squeezing myself into my old ones (uncomfortable though they are it's added motivation)


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