The Darlings Caved Already! A Sept. '12 PTR -- Sept. 26 - TR link posted!

I'm so glad Teeka is scary that must have been for you!

Yay for 25 days! I understand the camera dilemma, and I only have three to choose from! I do love taking photos at WDW!

I have very loud hot pink Crocs that are SO comfy and have the added benefit of the "Are you really going to wear THOSE shoes?" effect on my family. :lmao:
OMG - I am glad Teeka is OK. I guess its like a scalp wound - they bleed and bleed. Poor girl.

You have an impressive array of cameras. How awesome to have so many choices. I really want to get an underwater camera before I go on the cruise next year. I guess I have plenty of time to decide.

Cute sandals! :)
Very true, it would be a lot like a scalp wound! Their skin on their lower legs is so thin and tender too.
I love under water cameras! Pentax makes a nice one, it has great image quality! And Canon's is nice too!

Poor Teeka!! I'm glad she's okay!!

Wow, you have quite the assortment of cameras to choose from!!! :worship:
Thanks, me too! She had me worried! (Still does, to be honest!)
Too many cameras, it would be so much easier if I only had one choice! :rotfl2:

I'm so glad Teeka is scary that must have been for you!

Yay for 25 days! I understand the camera dilemma, and I only have three to choose from! I do love taking photos at WDW!

I have very loud hot pink Crocs that are SO comfy and have the added benefit of the "Are you really going to wear THOSE shoes?" effect on my family. :lmao:
Thanks, it was pretty terrifying I have to say! I love my girl and horses' legs are so very precious.
Honestly, at Disney fashion goes out the window a little in favour of comfort. :confused3 No one I see there will ever see me again anyway! If crocs were comfy on my feet, I'd wear 'em too!
I'd say take one DSLR, the small Canon, and the waterproof Fuji. That way you'd have a waterproof one for rainy days, or in case you wanted to get some shots on Splash or Kali, a small pocket camera, and your "good one". :thumbsup2

Also, very glad to hear Teeka is okay. I was really worried for a second there :hug:

Those sandals look very comfy! It kind of makes me want a pair :laughing: I really shouldn't though, I already got my "Disney shoes"...back in March :laughing:
Love the sandals and that they're made from yoga mats! 5 cameras, huh? Need an extra suitcase just for them :rotfl2:
Hey guys,

I'm having some bad pet mojo this week. First Teeka's leg on Wednesday morning and now my kitty is missing.


This is Oliver. He used to be an all outdoor cat, but this past winter he lived in my house a lot of the time. This summer he hasn't been coming indoors much because we've had a hot, dry summer. Still he never goes far, between being on my step, my parents' step (next door) and in the barn (between us). He's always around for meals and often greets my mother in the early morning when she's going to work.

We know we saw him Tuesday night, and then Wednesday morning when I found Teeka I was so distracted that I didn't notice him missing that morning. He hasn't been seen since Tuesday night. That might be normal for some outdoor cats, but my boy is neutered and never gone that long. Twice in his almost 9 years has he gone missing for a few days. I'm hoping this is just one of those times but a few things have me worried; 1. Harry, my other cat is always looking to get inside my house, which he never does. (Is he missing Oliver? Scared of a close large animal? I don't know but I'm keeping him inside.) 2. The neighbours said they're missing a cat too. Bad timing? Strange irony? A clandestine love affair? Or something big and bad on the loose? 3. Teeka's leg gets cut bad, she bleeds like crazy and in the same day, Oliver goes missing. What if her leg wasn't cut by a kick from the other guy? What if something tried to get her too?

Anyway, if you could please spare a second to say a prayer, send a thought or good vibe or jingle for my kitty's safe return, that would be very much appreciated. :(

I'm definitely sending good vibes your way in hopes that your kitty has a safe return :goodvibes I don't like stories like these :sad2: I really hope he's okay :hug:
I'll keep you in my thoughts. It does sound a little strange but I will stay hopeful that he shows up. I know how important your pet family is to you.
Hi everyone, happy Monday!

Not for me unfortunately. My kitty is still missing. It will be a week tomorrow since I've seen him. :sad1: I called the SPCA and filed a missing kitty report, contacted the vets', put up posters and am circulating his picture on Facebook. I go for a walk every day calling his name and shaking the treat bag, no luck. It's scary because we live in the woods and there are so many predators around here -- coyotes, foxes, hawks, eagles, owls... not fun guys. I'm still praying he finds his way home.

I need to get my mind off my boy a little so I can stop crying before I have to go to work, so I decided to do a Disney update! Let's hope this works. As of right now, I'm not even excited to go. :sad2:


Alright so, Disney!

For the first time this year, Air Canada is charging for every checked bag (pre-2008 it was two, then one, now none, yet their rates are higher than ever. Go figure) so anyway Johnny and I would have to pay $25 per bag, per direction. Yesterday we bought Johnny a new suitcase. He got a large London Fog soft-side spinner. It's really nice! Very smooth. I didn't think I would like the 4 wheels but I really do. We decided to see if we could fit both of our stuff in the one bag to save a little money. We packed enough stuff for 7 days plus extras and still had room to spare! Plus we will each take a large carry-on so it looks like we will have lots of space for souvenirs! Also we are bringing almost empty shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, facial cleanser, etc. and leaving the bottles behind thereby making even more room on the way home. So can a get a woot woot for saving $50?

I'm going to finish off Day 4's plans and then have to take off for work!

Day 4, part 2
Wednesday, September 19

We were just heading over to the World Showcase!

I have no real plans here, just wonder around the WS and see everything there is to see, take pictures of everything, and that's about it really! So here's a preview:









When 5:50 rolls around, we'll be heading to Germany to eat at a favourite of mine, the Biergarten!


When we leave, the plan is to find a nice spot for IllumiNations, get my tripod out of the locker and relax until the show!

So that's day 4!

Less than 3 weeks to go! :dance3:
Oh no, praying that your kitty comes home soon. :sad2: That's such a terrible feeling, and since I live behind woods myself, I can understand your fears. We have bears that prowl the streets at night, and I'm always on alert. Hopefully, someone will see your posters and/or he'll show up at one of the shelters.

As far as your plans go, I think it's always important to take time and go through WS really slowly. You get to see so much, and you don't tire out as quickly. I have to say, I'm already looking forward to seeing your IllumiNation photos that you'll take with your tripod.
Ugh Wendy, losing one of my cats is one of my worst fears. I am so sorry Oliver is still missing.

Although, I have to tell you a story that will give you hope. One of my good friend's had a cat who disappeared for over a week. Just vanished and then showed up again a week or so later. They will never really know what happened to him. They think he may have gotten inside a delivery truck or fallen asleep in an open garage.

I really hope he comes home, and if he doesn't, I hope he wandered somewhere where a kind soul takes him in.

Yeah for a gigantic suitcase that fits everything. That's awesome! :thumbsup2
Oh no, praying that your kitty comes home soon. :sad2: That's such a terrible feeling, and since I live behind woods myself, I can understand your fears. We have bears that prowl the streets at night, and I'm always on alert. Hopefully, someone will see your posters and/or he'll show up at one of the shelters.

As far as your plans go, I think it's always important to take time and go through WS really slowly. You get to see so much, and you don't tire out as quickly. I have to say, I'm already looking forward to seeing your IllumiNation photos that you'll take with your tripod.
Thanks, still no sign of him but I'm still holding onto some hope.
I have an aunt who always wanted to take her time through WS but her family always pulled her through it at top speed. She finally got to take her time, slowly through it this spring when she went with my parents. I think of that a lot and it makes me even more determined to appreciate my slow time through the countries!

Ugh Wendy, losing one of my cats is one of my worst fears. I am so sorry Oliver is still missing.

Although, I have to tell you a story that will give you hope. One of my good friend's had a cat who disappeared for over a week. Just vanished and then showed up again a week or so later. They will never really know what happened to him. They think he may have gotten inside a delivery truck or fallen asleep in an open garage.

I really hope he comes home, and if he doesn't, I hope he wandered somewhere where a kind soul takes him in.

Yeah for a gigantic suitcase that fits everything. That's awesome! :thumbsup2
With barn cats I know it's a reality -- they go missing, but that's why I wanted him in the house more. He's always in when it's cold, I keep thinking if only I could have just locked him inside, like it or not. But of course then he would have been unhappy. :sad2: I can't win here, and I certainly can't start blaming myself or I really will go crazy. I had a cat who got locked in a neighbour's barn for 9 days and came home, so it could definitely still happen. I put on my fliers; "Loves to get inside open barns, sheds and vehicles -- please check around for him!" so hopefully something comes of it.
I love our new giant suitcase!
Hello again!

It's officially what I consider "Crunch time" for a Disney trip --


We're in the teens!

:dance3: :cool1: :cheer2: :banana: :banana: :banana: :dancer: :yay: :yay: :jumping1: party: :jumping3: :Pinkbounc

Thankfully, this past weekend we got SO MUCH DONE! We were on a mission! Here are some of the things we accomplished for the trip:

- Lithium AA batteries (for the Powershot camera)
- Dog, cat, and fish food
- Granola bars
- Tide to go pen
- Razors
- Tiny tripod to fit in the lockers!
- A credit card wallet that I am re-purposing for an SD card wallet

Other things we did:
- Got some American cash
- paid Amy for my half of the photopass CD
- Found and packed my headphones (they've been hiding for months)
- Finished "Must-do" lists
- Bought a new suitcase

Yep, I have officially started packing! Johnny is almost finished packing!

We also picked up our MICKEY MAIL!!



I have a lot more on my to do list, some things I can't do until the last minute of course. One of those things is to cut and paint my nails. I've been debating what to do with them for a while, wanting to do something really fun. I have a white and a black nail art pen, and on the weekend I bought something to solidify a plan:


It's an OPI polish and the colour is called "The Color of Minnie"

!!! How cute is that?

It's from this Disney collection:


So here's my plan. Red nails, white french style tips and with my black pen, some simple drawn-on Mickey silhouettes. I can't wait to give it a trial run, but I'm not allowed anything but traditional colors at work. (although I do have the red on now, and I love it!)

I have lots more to do, but a good portion of the list are things I can't do yet so I'm basically unpacking and repacking the suitcase, rearranging things and just generally looking at everything I have ready for now. I've been trying all my shorts and I think I might have finally lost a pound or so, because some of them are fitting better!

Anyway, I'm off to work again, but now I'm getting into a better rhythm with time management so I should be able to finish up in the next 19 days!!
Yay down to the teens!!!!:cool1::cheer2:

Your trip is getting closer! And horray for getting so much accomplished! I can never seem to get packed ahead of time, so I'm always amazed when others get it down to a fine art.

You'll have to post pictures of your nails when you do them, I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out!:goodvibes
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear your kitty is missing! :( One of my cats, Winston, who is the biggest scared-y cat you will ever meet, got out (all of my cats are indoor cats) a few years ago, and he was gone for 3 WEEKS! Until I came home one night and saw him sitting in front of my I got out of my car to grab him and he ran away from me! So I followed him to the back, and finally he gave up and let me pick him up...he was so skinny and covered in ticks. We brought him to the vet the next day and he had a fever, so he had to take antibiotics for a couple of days, but he's fine! So don't give up hope! :goodvibes

Yay, 19 days!!! :dance3: Your trip is so close!

I love those Minnie nail polish colors, I want all of them! :rotfl:
:cool1::dance3::cheer2: Woo Hoo for 19 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pixiedust::cool1::cheer2:

Love the nail polish!
Now 18!! I can't believe how the time is flying!
And thanks!

Yay down to the teens!!!!:cool1::cheer2:

Your trip is getting closer! And horray for getting so much accomplished! I can never seem to get packed ahead of time, so I'm always amazed when others get it down to a fine art.

You'll have to post pictures of your nails when you do them, I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out!:goodvibes
I love being prepared early, and this year it's really important -- Johnny has a car race he's going to on the Friday and Saturday before we leave on Sunday, plus he's working with the military Thursday night, so everything has to be ready by Wednesday!

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear your kitty is missing! :( One of my cats, Winston, who is the biggest scared-y cat you will ever meet, got out (all of my cats are indoor cats) a few years ago, and he was gone for 3 WEEKS! Until I came home one night and saw him sitting in front of my I got out of my car to grab him and he ran away from me! So I followed him to the back, and finally he gave up and let me pick him up...he was so skinny and covered in ticks. We brought him to the vet the next day and he had a fever, so he had to take antibiotics for a couple of days, but he's fine! So don't give up hope! :goodvibes

Yay, 19 days!!! :dance3: Your trip is so close!

I love those Minnie nail polish colors, I want all of them! :rotfl:
Wow, three weeks and he came home!? That's amazing, and it does give me some hope! My boy has some outdoor survival skills (as well as practiced use of his claws!) so hopefully he'll find his way back.

The nail polish sounds awesome! :thumbsup2

Also, wahoo for the teens!!! :woohoo: :dance3: :yay: :banana:
I love the teens, I think out of all the countdown numbers, the teens are my favourite. Sounds weird, I know, but it's because any further and it's too far, any closer and I'm panicking because I have so much left to do! So I'm enjoying the sweet spot right about now. :goodvibes


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