The Darling Family June Beach Club Trip:Hugging Ewoks and Finding Peter Pan

Great photo shoot pictures! I'm still kicking myself that I didn't do the shoot at GF when it was free if you bought the CD. :confused3

I like the one of you all walking on the beach the best. :)

And yes living so close to DLR is great. DD9 is off track in Jan., May, and Sept. which are all great times to visit DLR. Less crowds, more time to spend talking to PP photogs.
Great resort photos!!:thumbsup2--and what a good deal you got!!

I think the one of all of you walking along the beach is my favorite.:goodvibes

What a wonderful way to remind you of your trip staying at the Beach Club.:cloud9:
Love the resort photos!! My favorite is the last one with you guys holding hands:love:
How long did the photo session last?
Great pictures
You have a beautiful family.
I love the one of all of you walking on the beach holding hands.
You made a good choice deciding to have the photo shoot at the BC.
What great memories you will have.
I am going to show my DH when he gets home, I would love to have a photo shoot at the BC when we go.
How cool! That's really a great deal. So, you get 6 prints, but you also get all of the pictures added to your cd?

I love the white tops - very beachy! :)
They actually give you a CD with all the pictures from the shoot. Then they also give you a photopass card with all the pictures loaded on it. So then when I got home I added the card to my account and could do any edits and add the borders. I think it's a good deal if you prepay for the CD. If you don't I think it was twice as much:scared1:

How wonderful are those pics!

Do you set those photo shoots up at your resort? I am not sure about all the CD stuff either. When we went I didn't even know that I could give them my "keys to the world" card and have any photographer take our picture and put it on it. I didn't even know that I could get ride pics. I guess I still don't know how it all works. I guess I should find out before we are able to go back (I dream to go to BC). I would love to have those memories. I love the one with tink.

I am enjoying reading your TR. :thumbsup2 I especially love how I can go to the first page and pick which link I want to go to. It makes it easy for me to read your TR. I wish everyone would do that. I like to read TR's it makes me feel like I have just taken a vacation in my mind. Kinda like a good book.

Can't wait for more....
You don't give them your "Keys to the world" card. When you get your 1st photopass of the trip the photog will give you a photopass card. Then you give that card to all the other photogs and they add your pictures to it. The only ride pic you can put on your card is Test Track. The rest you have to buy a print in the park if you want it. Then after your trip you go online and enter the card #'s in your account and add any borders or anything. You can order prints, but they are a bit pricey I think. Or you can order a CD with all the images. You can also preorder the CD for less. This saves you around 25% I think (they just raised the prices). For us it's definitely worth it.
I'm glad you like the links in the 1st post. I always like those when I read TRs too. It makes it easy to catch up. Thanks for reading:goodvibes

I love resort photoshoots. Very nice pics!
Thanks! I'd love to do a photoshoot at all the resorts, but I don't think my family would go for that:rotfl:

Great photos!! I love all of the different family configurations you got. And I think $70 for the sitting and the 5x7s and the CD is a pretty great deal.:thumbsup2

Where will you eat? Hmmm. I'm going to go with Hurricane Hannah's at SAB.
I think it's a pretty good deal too at $70. Until recently it was only $25 if you prepuchased the CD. Now that was a steal:cool1:

Great photo shoot pictures! I'm still kicking myself that I didn't do the shoot at GF when it was free if you bought the CD. :confused3

I like the one of you all walking on the beach the best. :)

And yes living so close to DLR is great. DD9 is off track in Jan., May, and Sept. which are all great times to visit DLR. Less crowds, more time to spend talking to PP photogs.
It was free when you bought the CD!!!! WOW!!! That were probably trying to promote the idea when they first started doing them.
I like the one of us walking on the beach the best too. An 11x14 is hanging up in my house. Poor DH says it scares him to see all the pictures of us everywhere he turns:rotfl:

Great resort photos!!:thumbsup2--and what a good deal you got!!

I think the one of all of you walking along the beach is my favorite.:goodvibes

What a wonderful way to remind you of your trip staying at the Beach Club.:cloud9:
I actually requesting the walking on the beach shot at the end because I'd seen it on the boards. DH thought it seemed incredibly cheesy, but now it's his favorite too. Another thank you to DIS:goodvibes

Love the resort photos!! My favorite is the last one with you guys holding hands:love:
How long did the photo session last?
The photo session was 30 minutes. I've read reports where it sometimes goes longer, but he cut ours off right at 30 minutes. That was plenty of time for everyone except maybe Wendy who loves to get her picture taken:laughing:

Great pictures
You have a beautiful family.
I love the one of all of you walking on the beach holding hands.
You made a good choice deciding to have the photo shoot at the BC.
What great memories you will have.
I am going to show my DH when he gets home, I would love to have a photo shoot at the BC when we go.

Thank you so much. I think they are beautiful too (inside and out):love: I am really glad we decided to do the shoot at the Beach Club because it will always remind us of our wonderful time there. Both the Grand Floridian and the Poly have some great spots too. There is a thread about the photo shoots. I think it's over on the resorts board
So for $70 you got your sitting fee, 6 photos and the cd of all your pictures from the shoot. Did that also include all your other photopass pictures from the rest of your trip or did you have to purchase an extra cd for them?
So for $70 you got your sitting fee, 6 photos and the cd of all your pictures from the shoot. Did that also include all your other photopass pictures from the rest of your trip or did you have to purchase an extra cd for them?

To get the photoshoot with the cd and photos for $70 you have to prepurchase the photopass CD before your trip. The cost for doing that is $99 though I think I read somewhere it recently went up. There is a link that I can PM you if you need it to preorder the CD. So we basically paid $170 and got the photoshoot, the photo package and CD from the photo shoot and the photopass CD that included all the pictures we took in the park. It's a chunk of change, but it's a lot cheaper than buying prints directly from Disney plus it gives me all the PP pictures for my trippie:goodvibes Hope that answered your question.
To get the photoshoot with the cd and photos for $70 you have to prepurchase the photopass CD before your trip. The cost for doing that is $99 though I think I read somewhere it recently went up. There is a link that I can PM you if you need it to preorder the CD. So we basically paid $170 and got the photoshoot, the photo package and CD from the photo shoot and the photopass CD that included all the pictures we took in the park. It's a chunk of change, but it's a lot cheaper than buying prints directly from Disney plus it gives me all the PP pictures for my trippie:goodvibes Hope that answered your question.

Ok, I get it now.
That would be great if you could PM me the link.
thanks for all the info!
It was free when you bought the CD!!!! WOW!!! That were probably trying to promote the idea when they first started doing them.

Yeah it was free 2 years ago. I was in a CD Photo share group that someone else was running so I was a little leary about trying to get the free shoot since the CD was under someone elses name. Sometime after Sept. 2007 they started charging for it,but now you have a greater choice of location.:goodvibes
Cape May breakfast is one of our favorites! It's such a fun place and a good buffet too. And Minnie is so pretty. I like the mickey on your big toes - nice touch!!! The BC photoshoot is wonderful. I love the B&W pictures, they really add an elegant flair to the pictures. The one on the beach with all of you holding hands is my favorite - very nice!!! I like the lighthouse in the background! You got some good pics there!
Fantastic pictures! I debated about doing a photo shoot and ended up not doing it. So should have! I love the walking on the beach one. We did that same shot last year when we did family pics at Nags Head.

Hmmm, where did you first thought was Beaches and Cream but Christine might be right with Hurricane Hannahs or you could just grab a quick one at the Marketplace...surely one of those has to be right?!?:idea:
Ok, I get it now.
That would be great if you could PM me the link.
thanks for all the info!
PM sent:goodvibes

Yeah it was free 2 years ago. I was in a CD Photo share group that someone else was running so I was a little leary about trying to get the free shoot since the CD was under someone elses name. Sometime after Sept. 2007 they started charging for it,but not you have a greater choice of location.:goodvibes
Free vs. greater choice of location. mmmm. . . I think I'll take free:rotfl:

Cape May breakfast is one of our favorites! It's such a fun place and a good buffet too. And Minnie is so pretty. I like the mickey on your big toes - nice touch!!! The BC photoshoot is wonderful. I love the B&W pictures, they really add an elegant flair to the pictures. The one on the beach with all of you holding hands is my favorite - very nice!!! I like the lighthouse in the background! You got some good pics there!
Thanks for the complements. I like the B&W photos too. I think it really make the kids' freckles stand out.:cutie: The holding hands on the beach is my favorite too:goodvibes

Beautiful pictures! Sounds like it was well worth the price!
Definitely something we will do again!

Fantastic pictures! I debated about doing a photo shoot and ended up not doing it. So should have! I love the walking on the beach one. We did that same shot last year when we did family pics at Nags Head.

Hmmm, where did you first thought was Beaches and Cream but Christine might be right with Hurricane Hannahs or you could just grab a quick one at the Marketplace...surely one of those has to be right?!?:idea:

I've seen some great shots taken at the Poly. Maybe you can do it next time. And you're right. We ate at one of those places. Stay tuned to find out which one:goodvibes
Day 4, Part IV
(This update is short on pictures, but I figure after the last update you might be tired of our faces.);)

It was lunchtime, but no one was super hungry. What sounded good? How about some Beach Club gelato?:woohoo: Everyone liked the sound of that so we used up a few snack credits and had gelato at the Beach Club Marketplace. In case you haven’t noticed, this had been a relaxing day so far (at least by the Darling family standards.) The kids and DH wanted some action, but it was the middle of the afternoon and super hot. So what do you think we did? We went swimming of course.:cool1: This was one of my favorite afternoons at Storm Along Bay. We played in the waterfalls, went down the waterslide (except John), and rented a tube big enough for the whole family to go around the lazy river together. (DH swam and Michael swam in his vest. Wendy, John and I fit easily in a double tube). After all that fun DH and I sat in the two foot water and watched the kids build sandcastles. While we sat there we talked about how much we were loving this vacation and about future Disney plans.:cloud9: Too soon it was time to end the wonderful afternoon in the pool. It was supposed to be a rest day so I thought a nap before dinner was a good idea.
We went back to the room and everyone laid down and actually went to sleep. It was amazing. We only had about 45 minutes until we had to get up and when I woke everyone up they were not happy campers.:eek: There was tons of grumbling and complaining. I figured what the kids needed to get the blood flowing was a brisk walk. Dinner was at Chef Mickey’s so the plan was to walk through Epcot and catch the monorail to the Contemporary. We headed out and everyone was still dragging even by the time we hit Future World. At this point I was thinking maybe the nap wasn’t such a great idea.:confused3 They were much grumpier than before. We reached the front of Epcot. We hadn’t taken any pictures from the front yet this trip (since we always went in the International Gateway). My plan was to get one tonight especially because I had each of us dressed in a different Chef Mickey character shirt. So you know I couldn’t pass up the Photopass guy at the front gate. Unfortunately I had mutiny on my hands and the only one I could get in the picture with me was Michael. (And that is mostly because I could carry him into it):rotfl:. So these are what I got.


We made it on the monorail for the ride to Epcot and everyone was still grumpy.:confused: The nice couple sitting next to me commented on my lovely family. The gentleman’s comment about Wendy was “I bet she is beautiful when she smiles.”:laughing: May sound like a strange compliment, but this is how they looked on the monorail

Not looking too beautiful there is she? Note the shirts and I was wearing Mickey. Clever, isn’t it?;)

At this point I was really thinking about just skipping the whole dinner and heading back to the room to order a pizza or something. This looked like it could turn into a fiasco.:eek: However, DH had told me many times about coming to Disney World as a 12 year old and thinking it was the coolest thing in the world that the train went right into the hotel And that he had always wanted a reason to ride the train into the hotel and get off. In other words, this dinner was pretty much the one and only thing he had requested to do on this entire trip. And doing it would be a true Peter Pan moment for him.:love: I really thought we should do it, but those were some grumpy kids. So did we eat at Chef Mickey’s or just order pizza?
An afternoon at SAB...:cloud9: We never tried the gelato but we loved the bakery stuff there.

Boo to the grumpiness! I have been there, done that mulitple times with my two- just not at Disney. Maybe that's because I don't slow down enough to let them nap!:rolleyes1

I bet the magic of the monorail and Chef Mickey's will take over and the grumps will go away!:goodvibes
Sounds like you had a great afternoon.:thumbsup2 SAB sounds like so much fun!!

Aww...sorry for all the grumpiness. I hope everyone cheers up in time for Chef Mickey's!! (I'm betting that they did.;)--especially once they saw the fab five!!:goodvibes)
BC gelato sounds like a fabulous lunch.:cloud9: Especially followed by SAB.:goodvibes

Aw, I hate the grumpys, but sometimes waking up is just so hard to do. I bet they get out of their funk once they get some food. Was the last thing they had to eat gelato? Maybe a blood sugar crash was fueling the bad moods?
Woohoo yay me, I figured it out! lol

The family shot of you all walking is my favorite. :goodvibes

Ahhh, grumpy kids after naptime, not fun times, I know!

"(And that is mostly because I could carry him into it)" So funny... :rotfl: Cute picture of you two though!

I've heard this comment too! LOL: “I bet she is beautiful when she smiles.” (just insert he for she.) Poor Wendy in that picture! LOL!!! She looks tortured!!

Aww, love how Peter Pan wanted to get off the Monorail at the CR!
I wanted to say Hi and I just got caught up on your TR and have loved every second of what I have read. We are staying at the beach clubs when we go to Disney in September. Your TR has made me even more excited for our trip (I didn't know that was possible). My DH is a huge Star Wars fan and I know we will go for Star Wars Weekend at some point. I can't wait to read the rest of your TR. You have a beautiful family!

One questions, did you order your photopass CD from a certain site? I have heard of people pre ordering it but I wasn't sure where you go to do that.
I understand about being grumpy after a nap. Unless I get a LONG nap I am grumpy too. There is not enough time at WDW to take a long nap, so I don't ever nap there.

Your photo shoot pictures turned out great.


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