The $6,688.00 Disney World Trip - It's a wrap 6/30, Has it really been a year? 3/2 Link to new TR 4/18

No, they're in Anza Borrego. The year when we had the super rainfall we went out to see the flowers.

Ah!! Okay, LOVE that area!

Obviously I don't have stuff they really want. I'll often pack some wine in the suitcase, and I wonder if that triggers them.

Wine could for sure. Who knows though, really.

I actually loosely plan my outfits daily. Especially travel day. I DON'T put them in baggies for each day. :rolleyes1

You mean you're not so OCD as me. :sad2: :laughing:

I know. Now I need to set up a Burke Williams session.


Wow! That's cool!


We are putting all our eggs in our Southwest credit card basket this year. We are trying for Companion status. By Fall we should be able to book flights a I fly free!

I'm thinking of getting a Chase Sapphire... need to do some more research...

Guess what? You have already seen our sum total of spending at our resort. OK I may have bought some brownie bites in an upcoming chapter, but in my recap, I'll share my full thoughts on the resort.

And I can't wait to hear those!

The room itself was very nice, but the room at Saratoga is nice too. Maybe not quite as big, but they have a spa. :sad: I'm still bitter about that.

I'd have been too if I'd had my heart set on it.

I guess my sarcasm didn't properly come through in the writing....

Ah, I should have known! My fluency in sarcasm is slipping!!

I know. I should have put it in as soon as I got the suitcases out.

I've made similar boo-boos... in fact, almost every trip. Everything from underwear to charging cords.

It was OK. There was none of the part where you go through the Twilight Zone, you just went up and down. Every time I ride it at WDW I realize how much better that one is.

Yeah, that sounded kinda boring!

I couldn't even finish my half of this dog!

It's just too much food!! The waste is astronomical. I have tried lately to look at portion sizes so as not to over-order/spend.

I know. Having to drink that Joffrey's swill another day would have been :crazy2:


Her first one is on the Tiki mug shelf which is completely full, all the rest go in storage.

Won't you sell them? Will they just sit or ???

Well I dont think it really makes ice cubes, but it gives the illusion that it does. It's a big machine on the left as you enter. Had it not been so quiet when we were there I might have missed it. Every few minutes it would shake, make some noises and then you would see a sphere pop out of a contraption near the bottom and roll into a hopper of sorts.

Oohhhh, okay. Still kinda a cool parlour trick gizmo!

Fran asked for another half of muffin with some of the leftover Ricotta on it.

I'd never thought of Ricotta as a spread!! Hmmm, I can see mixing it with a little jam, or cinnamon and sugar and putting it on Toast of English muffin. Yum!

but they put a hold on the funds, so I wasn't able to pay off our Disney Visa before we left. I needed to do that as soon as I could. The payment due date was this Saturday and I hate waiting until the last moment.

Me neither! Otherwise, what's the point of points if you're going to blow the $ on interest?

Well now we know. A room like this would cost around $600.00 per night on cash. DVC was one of the best investments we have ever made! Even the SSR room was up there in price!

Well, that certainly makes a good case for DVC.
Yes 9AM is 6AM back home and I'm doing pretty good even getting up then, but if we’re going to try for RotR in a couple days I need to up my wake time!

::yes:: You can do it! I believe in you!

I scrolled through the charges and for the day we checked in, I see a charge for $6,688.00 by Disney Resort Services…..WHAT THE….???????


They don't expect people to check stuff like this on vacation.

They...might want to come up with a better system for this.

A room like this would cost around $600.00 per night on cash. DVC was one of the best investments we have ever made! Even the SSR room was up there in price!

These prices are just astronomical. It really kills you when you're trying to find a room for 6.

It took us about 10 minutes to get there.

Probably still beats the bus.

The lady at the front of the line was trying to figure out world peace with the security guard, I mean that's what it had to be since he wasn't searching her bag and it was taking FOREVER.

Sometimes I really hate people. Especially those that hold up long lines.

Dang. Now we would have to spring for a one use bottle of water!

That will be $27.00.

The chocolate cake was tasty, but there wasn't a whole lot of the molten center. But we weren't going to toss it in the trash! So we still finished it! :laughing:

Good for you! You're not quitters!

Doh! I was able to keep her from buying an actual piece of artwork, Fran edit: She says that it was her own self who showed restraint.



Gah! Too close!
This time change is hitting me hard! Yes 9AM is 6AM back home and I'm doing pretty good even getting up then, but if we’re going to try for RotR in a couple days I need to up my wake time!
Gotta get that body clock set forward quick!
So I logged into the website and they had released the hold on the funds, so I paid the card. And then I noticed that the balance was astronomically high, so high that I was over the credit limit. Even with not having paid off the card, I still should have had several thousand dollars left before maxing it out. February is a tough month cause lots of Disney bills come up for payment around the new year, but not that tough to put me over the credit limit. I scrolled through the charges and for the day we checked in, I see a charge for $6,688.00 by Disney Resort Services…..WHAT THE….???????
Um... Wow!!! This is not good.
As I suspected it did have everything to do with my transfer from SSR. Short version, when they did the transfer, they gave my points back to my account. It was on Riviera to use them toward their accounting. In the meantime this charge would stay pending until I checked out and then it would just go away. They don't expect people to check stuff like this on vacation.
This just means their accounting system sucks. How is that even reasonable? Oh, we'll just max out their credit card and then put it back so that we can properly account for it. What would have happened if you'd have gone somewhere and needed to use the card and it gets declined because of this?
I didn’t check the credit card statement until about a week later, but I’m guessing that the charge disappeared later that day. From that time on, according to the statement provided at checkout, I had a credit balance on my hotel account and every day they whittled it down with another room charge and room taxes until the balance was zero on checkout day.
Honestly, you handled it very well. I'd have probably stood at the counter until it was gone... If you want to put a hold of $500 or whatever as pending until checkout, fine. 6K+... nope. Fix it now.
We tried to go to another line and the security guy at the line we approached must have been the one that used to work at Hoop de Doo when @pkondz was there, cause he rudely told us we couldn't go in his line and had to go back to the Scooter/stroller line and wait our turn.
Oh gosh. First of all, I hope that clown actually is gone from Hoop de Doo, but really? Come on, why do we need to be on a power trip just because we have a Mickey badge.
The lady at the front of the line was trying to figure out world peace with the security guard, I mean that's what it had to be since he wasn't searching her bag and it was taking FOREVER.
Love a friendly CM, but sometimes we just need to move along...
Fran was pretty miffed by the time we got through the line and she went right to Guest Relations and calmly explained her frustrations. Fran edit: She calls it a polite rant
Sounds like it needed to be done. Did she get any kind of a satisfactory response?
She wanted to visit the restroom and the closest one was in Morocco, so we headed there and that’s when I realized what a mistake it was to visit during the Festival of the Arts. In all the TRs that I’ve read, people showed pictures of the food, they posted pictures of them posing in the works of the Masters, but no one mentioned that there were dozens of Art Galleries throughout the park! Just about every artist you find in the Disneyana store at DL, or the other fine art stores throughout WDW had a tent or a part of a tent showcasing their paintings. Doh! I was able to keep her from buying an actual piece of artwork, Fran edit: She says that it was her own self who showed restraint. She did buy a poster at the first booth we came upon. It was for Greg McCullough
:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: I mean, the credit card is already maxed out, so what's there to worry about?
I see a charge for $6,688.00 by Disney Resort Services…..WHAT THE….???????
Well you seemed to have handled this much nicer than I would've been! That's a rather large error.

The lady at the front of the line was trying to figure out world peace with the security guard, I mean that's what it had to be since he wasn't searching her bag and it was taking FOREVER.
We were at Hollywood Studios that day so it couldn't have been my mother!

Unfortunately this turned out to be the only picture photo op we ended up doing. I guess we will have to go back!
We only managed to get two of the pictures as well. I was trying not to push my luck with the number of pictures I asked my mom to pose for. I have to use that request sparingly and she was a good sport with Galaxy's Edge photo ops.

Fran edit: She says that it was her own self who showed restraint.
Good for Fran! I was also able to restrain myself despite having an empty suitcase on the way back that I could have easily fit some artwork in. If Epcot wouldn't have been so crazy the last day I may not have had such restraint! However, I didn't show as much restraint at the World of Disney store.......
I'm here! A bit late, but here! Finally caught up on your old TR and found the link here. I know I'm one of the mostly lurkers - sorry!

I can't believe they built a resort that is so dependent on the skyliners. I mean, I suppose they could add a bus if it broke down, but it just seems like a bad plan. Especially when it also is so not scooter-friendly.

I can understand the vacuum - I think I'd be annoyed if something made a mess and there wasn't a way to clean it up when you only get maid service every 7 days. Especially with a full kitchen. I remember once we were at a party at friends' Airbnb, and someone knocked over an empty wine glass. Thankfully, there was a broom in the closet.

I totally agree on the cost savings being the reason for all those "environmentally friendly" moves, lol. I'm fine with using my sheets and towels for a few days, so that's no big deal for me. But, I think that homeless shelters are probably the biggest losers for the toiletries. We did a bunch of donation drives back when I was a Girl Scout Leader, and we gathered a lot of hotel shampoos and stuff. I have a few random things in my hall closet now that my daughter is done with Girl Scouts - I need to find someone doing a similar donation drive.

And, wowza on the $6,688 charge! Glad it got resolved, but yes, that could've been a huge problem if you needed to charge something on it!
Congratulations! That's a long time to go without visiting! Kind of like us before we bought DVC!
I come from Disney vacation loving stock my parents and siblings still go WDW regularly and I honestly thought we would too when we were younger. But as much as DH loves Disney he also wants to see more of the world so Disney cruises have been a great alternative! I have managed a few Paris trips out of him too. But I must admit I am longing for the home of WDW
If you come to CA, I can come out and meet you!
Thanks for reading and commenting! :)
That would be fun, I will bear that in mind should we ever make it back! For now DH has put his foot down and decided the 10hr flight from the UK was too much for the week we have so may go a little closer to home and try out somewhere new in Europe instead.

Day 3
I had some business to take care of this morning. We were able to rent out one of the vacant apartments the Friday before we left. I deposited the check in the bank on Saturday, but they put a hold on the funds, so I wasn't able to pay off our Disney Visa before we left. I needed to do that as soon as I could. The payment due date was this Saturday and I hate waiting until the last moment.

So I logged into the website and they had released the hold on the funds, so I paid the card. And then I noticed that the balance was astronomically high, so high that I was over the credit limit. Even with not having paid off the card, I still should have had several thousand dollars left before maxing it out. February is a tough month cause lots of Disney bills come up for payment around the new year, but not that tough to put me over the credit limit. I scrolled through the charges and for the day we checked in, I see a charge for $6,688.00 by Disney Resort Services…..WHAT THE….???????

I immediately screen shot it and emailed it to myself so I could have it on my phone. My heart was pounding so hard I was afraid I might be having a heart attack.

:scared:I think I would have nearly had a Heart attack too! I only use my credit cards to book vacations and for emergencies so this would have put me way way over my balance! Glad it all got sorted in the end.
We got one of everything food wise The melted Brie came in a little bread bowl and it was very tasty.

This looks delicious and completely up my street!

Unfortunately this turned out to be the only picture photo op we ended up doing. I guess we will have to go back!
Cute pictures! shame you didn't make it to any more but it's always best to leave reasons to go back :thumbsup2

The only thing that I wanted here was the Risotto. I thought it was really good, but Fran didn’t seem to care for it at all.

She got the Salmon Gateau, and thought it was just fabulous.

Some more good looking food right there! I am definitely going to have to make more of an effort to get to one of these festivals!! Looks like a good day so far after a stressful start. Looking forward to reading some more
PAGE 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I am late. Been on vacation (non Disney, even though we went to the Disney store more than once :rotfl2:). Will take me some time to catch up, but I am on it!
Unless I start a gym regimen, I don't see myself speeding up anytime in the future
So when do you start?

We rarely do one night stays, although if we resume road trips that may be in the cards.
And that's exactly when I do them.
They have a limit of 6 with a scooter. 10 without.
That many! Huh... Wouldn't have thought so.
I woke around 7:30 but I was just so tired, I laid back down and fell asleep for another 90 minutes.
You were tired!
but if we’re going to try for RotR in a couple days I need to up my wake time!
Sorry about the bites, it takes me a bit to get back into the TR picture taking mode!
Totally get that.

"mmm... this is good... mmm... oh shoot!"
I had some business to take care of this morning.
Please don't describe it. Do your business and take up the narrative when you come out of the bathroom.
I see a charge for $6,688.00 by Disney Resort Services…..WHAT THE….???????
Holy smokes! :faint:

(Of course... I had a very similar amount charged to my card... except it was fraud. Pretty sure I didn't spend a night in a very expensive hotel in the Ukraine.)
As I suspected it did have everything to do with my transfer from SSR. Short version, when they did the transfer, they gave my points back to my account. It was on Riviera to use them toward their accounting. In the meantime this charge would stay pending until I checked out and then it would just go away. They don't expect people to check stuff like this on vacation.
I didn’t check the credit card statement until about a week later, but I’m guessing that the charge disappeared later that day.
I'm shocked you didn't keep checking it... every hour or so!
It turns out that the line originates at CBR goes to the Riviera, makes a turn towards the Boardwalk and in front of the Boardwalk makes another turn towards Epcot. It took us about 10 minutes to get there.
10 minutes...
You could easily wait longer than that just for a bus to arrive!
We tried to go to another line and the security guy at the line we approached must have been the one that used to work at Hoop de Doo when @pkondz was there, cause he rudely told us we couldn't go in his line and had to go back to the Scooter/stroller line and wait our turn.
Wow. Thanks, dude... for nothing.
How about not being discriminatory?
The lady at the front of the line was trying to figure out world peace with the security guard, I mean that's what it had to be since he wasn't searching her bag and it was taking FOREVER.
Fran was pretty miffed by the time we got through the line and she went right to Guest Relations and calmly explained her frustrations. Fran edit: She calls it a polite rant
I ended up getting two of the baseball caps that they had. One to use and one to lose as Fran says.
I've never heard that... not sure if I'll apply that philosophy or not!
The melted Brie came in a little bread bowl and it was very tasty.
Looks good... but very heavy!
However, my favorite here was the tomato stuffed with braised beef. This was really tasty. The beef was so tender and the tomato was done just enough so it would hold the filling without being undercooked.
You know... I never in a million years would've ordered that... But now that I see it and your description... it's looking pretty good!
I like this one the best. You guys look so much in love. :love:
I was able to keep her from buying an actual piece of artwork, Fran edit: She says that it was her own self who showed restraint.
This is the piece that she ended up buying in a poster version.
I really like that! Even has the Nautilus in it! (RIP, Kirk)
The only thing that I wanted here was the Risotto. I thought it was really good, but Fran didn’t seem to care for it at all.
mmmm… risotto...
She got the Salmon Gateau, and thought it was just fabulous.
That looks really interesting. Not sure I'd order that, either. But should!
Well this really seals the deal...Fran is definitely one of my new favorite people...I have been known to do a few polite rants. Lol :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: This really cracks me up! She got a kick out of it too!

We don't lock our suitcases either; I thought to lock them is against the rules? :upsidedow

Only if you don't use TSA approved locks.

Great updated! I spy Reedy Creek fire from the skyway thing!

Yes, it flys right over it.

The food looks good! Can't wait for our F&W though it looks almost identical to last year's.

I know. I'm not as excited as I could be. There were really only a few things that I liked, but all the vegans should be overjoyed.

When I think of Fran and a polite rant, I think of velcro tape. ;)

Actually it wasn't velcro, but I know what you're talking about. :laughing:
:scared1: YIKES!!! Glad they got it resolved... But still, YIKES!!! :scared1:

I know! I was still shaken up several hours later, it took a while to get over that shock!

Love your Tigger mug!

Thanks! It's one of the things that I love in my Owner's Locker, I get to see him every trip!

Your Renoir pics are very sweet!

Thanks! I wish we had done more of them.

When we went for my 60th birthday we took lots of those types of pics. I had two of them made into mugs.

What a great idea!
I was scrolling and reading at the same time and I first read this is, "We also got the Fran Martini." :rotfl2: I had to reread it. What does it taste like? I usually like cosmos and lemon drops (all the sweet martinis).

That would be weird....:rotfl2: It was really good, not too sweet, but fruity, and the lemon lime foam on the top gave it a nice tartness to the whole thing. I liked it, and drank most of it!

So, is this the way of the future for scooters? Personally I normally try to avoid a security line with multiple strollers, because there is so much to go through. Moms/Dads need a lot of gear. We don't carry much except what can fit in the scooter basket (water bottles, rain gear) and my mini purse. Not loving the prospect of this, especially for HS mornings trying for a ROTR BG... ugh.

Well for the rest of the week, every park we went to had multiple entrances for scooters. I don't know if they "heard" us or not, but we never ran into the problem again!
Duct tape? I swear there was tape involved.

Gabby will be elated at the F&W offerings!
Thanks for pm-ing me your new TR link! I'm rarely on the DVC boards. Just so used to the regular Trip Report boards!

You're welcome! I just think that I should post over here since there aren't a lot of TRs on the DVC boards, maybe more people would write them if there are more to read.

That is just too funny!!

She is a crafty one.....

Haha that is a good idea! Is there something that makes them search your bag each time?

I'm thinking that it's the little wine boxes, you know the 500ml kind with the screwtop. But I could be wrong.

Haha that would be my reasoning too! But what a nice upgrade! I saw a one bedroom at the Riviera last time because Molly got upgraded to a 1-BR and it was so nice. Much nicer than the room we were in at CBR.

I just love my one bedrooms. So much space, no bumping into each other. We do that at home so I like not doing it on vacation.

We got the Croque monsieur there too once. I think it was actually the croque madame with the egg on top. We really liked it! I got fries with my burger one day and luckily it wasn't cold. Cold fries are no good!

You must have eaten there a lot!

It sucks you guys have to ride separately! I really like the skyliner though, it gets us to those two parks really quickly. Although really only good when you're staying at the Skyliner resorts.

I can see it as an efficient method of transport, when it is working....

It was really cool!

I can't wait to ride it again!

Haha because these are Mickey corn ear holders!

Evidently the little yellow corn ones are too small for her hands.

Is it like walking from forward to aft and taking the elevators to Palo/Remy?

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!!!!!!!!

Your food looked good! Too bad the shrimp were over cooked. We really enjoyed Topolino for brunch.

I would have like to try it, but it just didn't work out....

Yum! I would really like fresh ricotta on a raisin muffin now!

:lmao: I bet it was good!

I agree!! Even just a studio at the Poly is up there in price!

I'm just glad to have DVC points that I can use freely!

Yum I loved this!

It was very tasty!

We also got this and found it really good as well!!


This too! France is a winner during this festival!

I'm so glad we hit that one first!

LOL I guess I don't really buy that much art and when I do I get in online so I didn't do any art buying. We did browse and admire though!

There was a lot of nice pieces there!

I enjoyed this a lot!

I don't know why Fran didn't care for it!

Oooh this looks fancy! Is it smoked salmon?

I think so, but I don't eat Salmon.
Ah!! Okay, LOVE that area!

I've only been there the once, but I'm sure you've been a lot growing up near there.

Wine could for sure. Who knows though, really.

Well in the way home my bags aren't checked nearly as regularly and I've drank all the wine! 😂

You mean you're not so OCD as me. :sad2: :laughing:

I don't think I'm quite there!

I'm thinking of getting a Chase Sapphire... need to do some more research...

I've heard that product mentioned on TV, but have no idea what benefits it returns.

And I can't wait to hear those!

We got to get there first! Lots more adventures in between.

I'd have been too if I'd had my heart set on it.

I need a make up. :sad2:

Ah, I should have known! My fluency in sarcasm is slipping!!

Get on your game girl!

I've made similar boo-boos... in fact, almost every trip. Everything from underwear to charging cords.

Yes I remember both!

Yeah, that sounded kinda boring!

Guardians is way better.

It's just too much food!! The waste is astronomical. I have tried lately to look at portion sizes so as not to over-order/spend.

I'll often order an appetizer instead of a meal or Fran and I split the meal. Portions are definitely out of control.

Won't you sell them? Will they just sit or ???

Her new thing is trading the mugs with other collectors that she meets through the Trader Sam's Mug Trading Group on Facebook.

Oohhhh, okay. Still kinda a cool parlour trick gizmo!

Yes definitely! Fun to watch it do its little thing.

I'd never thought of Ricotta as a spread!! Hmmm, I can see mixing it with a little jam, or cinnamon and sugar and putting it on Toast of English muffin. Yum!

Normally she has me put cream cheese on it, so this was similar. At home she will have cream cheese and jam.

Me neither! Otherwise, what's the point of points if you're going to blow the $ on interest?

We pay everything off every month....which sometimes gets difficult.

Well, that certainly makes a good case for DVC.

::yes:: You can do it! I believe in you!

Either that or you saw it on Facebook! :rolleyes1


They...might want to come up with a better system for this.

Ya think?

These prices are just astronomical. It really kills you when you're trying to find a room for 6.

Ask me if you ever want a deal on point rental...I have a friends discount based on what the rental companies charge.

Probably still beats the bus.

Yes it is faster, and eventually I got over my fears.

Sometimes I really hate people. Especially those that hold up long lines.

It gets me that they are not even aware of what they're doing.

That will be $27.00.

Pretty much. :sad2:

Good for you! You're not quitters!

No we're not!

Gah! Too close!

Fran took that one. She thought it was cool.
Gotta get that body clock set forward quick!

It gets better soon...

Um... Wow!!! This is not good.

No not at all.

This just means their accounting system sucks. How is that even reasonable? Oh, we'll just max out their credit card and then put it back so that we can properly account for it. What would have happened if you'd have gone somewhere and needed to use the card and it gets declined because of this?

This is our Disney Visa, which we use pretty much exclusively on Disney purchases to get double miles, so guess what card we were putting all our purchases on this trip?

Honestly, you handled it very well. I'd have probably stood at the counter until it was gone... If you want to put a hold of $500 or whatever as pending until checkout, fine. 6K+... nope. Fix it now.

I'm always too nice. I deal with the tenants on most occasions, but when they're behaving badly she deals with them.

Oh gosh. First of all, I hope that clown actually is gone from Hoop de Doo, but really? Come on, why do we need to be on a power trip just because we have a Mickey badge.

I know. Really.

Love a friendly CM, but sometimes we just need to move along...

Especially when there's a bunch of people waiting. At least the CM should have noticed.

Sounds like it needed to be done. Did she get any kind of a satisfactory response?

Standard Disney response, "We will forward your concerns on to our security team." Don't know if it had any effect, but we did not see any other security checks with only one gate for scooters/strollers for the rest of the week.

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: I mean, the credit card is already maxed out, so what's there to worry about?

True, but we still had nearly $800 on the Disney rewards card, and we do have at least five other cards to fall back on, so she could have still done a lot of damage.
Well you seemed to have handled this much nicer than I would've been! That's a rather large error.

Several people have said I was nice. That's why I'm not good to deal with the bad tenants.

We were at Hollywood Studios that day so it couldn't have been my mother!


We only managed to get two of the pictures as well. I was trying not to push my luck with the number of pictures I asked my mom to pose for. I have to use that request sparingly and she was a good sport with Galaxy's Edge photo ops.

I was able to get photo ops in each of the four parks, so I'll be pleased with that.

Good for Fran! I was also able to restrain myself despite having an empty suitcase on the way back that I could have easily fit some artwork in. If Epcot wouldn't have been so crazy the last day I may not have had such restraint! However, I didn't show as much restraint at the World of Disney store.......

The good thing about WoD for us is that most of the merchandise is the same as our local store, so she doesn't go crazy there.

I'm here! A bit late, but here! Finally caught up on your old TR and found the link here. I know I'm one of the mostly lurkers - sorry!


I can't believe they built a resort that is so dependent on the skyliners. I mean, I suppose they could add a bus if it broke down, but it just seems like a bad plan. Especially when it also is so not scooter-friendly.

Yeah, we'll get to that....

I can understand the vacuum - I think I'd be annoyed if something made a mess and there wasn't a way to clean it up when you only get maid service every 7 days. Especially with a full kitchen. I remember once we were at a party at friends' Airbnb, and someone knocked over an empty wine glass. Thankfully, there was a broom in the closet.

I can see that. I guess if you have a crowd of people. We are pretty mellow....

I totally agree on the cost savings being the reason for all those "environmentally friendly" moves, lol. I'm fine with using my sheets and towels for a few days, so that's no big deal for me.

I don't mind, I can't use the shampoos anyways, so for me it's not any kind of bonus. Less for Fran to stick in the suitcase.

But, I think that homeless shelters are probably the biggest losers for the toiletries. We did a bunch of donation drives back when I was a Girl Scout Leader, and we gathered a lot of hotel shampoos and stuff. I have a few random things in my hall closet now that my daughter is done with Girl Scouts - I need to find someone

I'd love to donate our stuff. It would free up an entire cupboard under one of the sinks in my bathroom.

And, wowza on the $6,688 charge! Glad it got resolved, but yes, that could've been a huge problem if you needed to charge something on it!

We did need to charge stuff on it! Our meals and everything else on the trip!

Love the report so far. The room is beautiful!


Thanks for joining in!

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