Thanks EPCOT CMs!!


DIS Veteran
Dec 27, 2001
Thanks all you guys!! every time i go to WDW you know i come and see you... ALL DAY!! lol as you all most likly know the last time i was there was very hard for me!! with most of the CPs leaving and it being their last days I was very upset!! i would like to say thank you for making my 2 days there wanderful...
Kevin~ i am going to miss you!! you cant do TAPP tree anymore!! and thanks for dinner it was great!!
Adam~ i was great knowing you! next time is is going to be soo different when i come in and you arnt there
Kris~ i hope to see you next time.. out of everyone you made my time ther the best!!
Dave~ i am going to miss you!! i hope to see you on my next trip!
Mark~ when all the other CPs left thanks for hanging out with me...
Brian~ your then best.. I wish that we could have spent more time together!! u are the best "big brother" anyone could ever have... thanks for looking out for me when i am down there to!!
Jon~ i hope to see you next time i am down there.. i am gad you stayed!
Pete~ hope to see you soon... i will miss us trying to fight!!!
to all the Robs~ i am going to miss you all... some of you left and someof you stayed buts still i miss you all the same!!
If you didnt know when i left the last night i was in tears!! while writeing the comment card they asked me if i need to go to the back room and calm down... I will miss you all.. the cheating on the TAPP game, makeing paper, and all the little jokes that we had together!! I hope that i will be able to see you soon!! you made my day at INOVENTIONS the best!! also thanks for making me a Magical Moment!! i love being a forest ranger and a forest groupie!! thank you agian!! love you Forest groupie and INOVENTIONS bum... Chelsea

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