Temperatures in August?


<font color=teal>Pear is probably my all time favo
Mar 15, 2001
Could someone tell me what type of temperatures Flordia has in mid August? The last time we were there was the end of September, beginning of October. At that time we boarded our flight here in Pennsylvania dressed in heavy sweatshirts, jeans and jackets. It was I believe around 35 degrees here. We arrived in Orlando to 95 degree temperatures with 100% humidity. Can I expect it to be any hotter than this in mid August?

August is generally the hottest month in Florida. Expect temperatures to hit the 90s during the day and around 70s to 80s at night. Humidity will be pretty high too -- from 95% to 110% humidity.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Hot and Hotter!!! :D Actually I was there last year in Mid August and the heat and humidity were up there. But like everything else, try and plan your days with afernoon breaks if you can for a rest or just some down time at the pool!

Whatever you do, have fun... ;)

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