Taking kids out of school for cruise?

We'll be pulling the kids out for 4 days in September (Labor day week) to go to Disney - New school year, new teachers. I hope we are as lucky with the teachers next year. The kids will be in 5th and 4th grade then. I'm sure it will be harder to makeup the work as the kids get older. I try to pick a week that has at least one holiday in it, that way the kids don't miss a full week and (maybe it's my imagination) the teacher don't seem to assign as much work on weeks that have a day off.
We have taken our son out of school for up to a week each year since 1999. Including a week for a Disney cruise and a week in Disney World. He is now in fifth grade. He does very well in school and we have no problem taking him out, we know he will have no problem catching up with his fellow classmates once he returns. We give the teacher plenty of advanced notice and bring homework along with us. Once he's in jr. high it may be a different story.
Originally posted by dianthus
This is such an interesting thread to read!

I didn't think a public school system could seek any type of retribution on a student or parent because of an absence that was approved by a parent/guardian, regardless of reason. I can see concern if a child has poor grades, but if a student can handle it , it really shouldn't matter. It amazing what some of you have encountered


Unforunately, pulling your kids out of school for vacation is considered traunancy (spelling)! That is what we are told by our district. Just because you are the legal guardian you can't just pull your kid out just because! There are only couple of things that are considered excusable like funerals, sickness, etc... Vacations are not included. Our district is very strict on this policy. However, I still might take the risk and pull my child out because of the savings. I can't justify paying double.
Originally posted by OurDogCisco
Unforunately, pulling your kids out of school for vacation is considered traunancy (spelling)! That is what we are told by our district. Just because you are the legal guardian you can't just pull your kid out just because! There are only couple of things that are considered excusable like funerals, sickness, etc... Vacations are not included. Our district is very strict on this policy. However, I still might take the risk and pull my child out because of the savings. I can't justify paying double.

Let me see if I have this right. Your tax dollars go to funding your local school district yet they have the right to tell you how to parent your children? Interesting. :rolleyes:
Uh, dmadman, they're not telling you how to parent you're child, they're telling you their rules for the district. :)

In my daughter's district we had to get her week-long absence in second grade approved by the school district as independent study. Luckily her teacher was an AVID cruiser (I really think that makes a huge difference) and put in all the paperwork to get it approved. Thus her week away was NOT counted as an absence. My daughter did have to do a daily cruise journal with several different study areas covered plus had to do homework daily. It was NOT fun trying to have her do schoolwork during a "vacation" but she did it.

Every parent has to decide for themselves, but many school districts take a dim view on absences for vacations and that's just the way it is. Every district has its rules.
Hi all,
This is a really interesting thread and it is amazing how radically different school districts are. We have pulled our kids (now 6, 12 and 15) out of school for one to two weeks over the past three years. Three trips to WDW (one combined with our first cruise) and one 7 day crusie. We went to WDW the first week of December in 2002 and we're on the Magic this coming Feb 1st.

Our schools have all been fine with it. We always send letters in advance and try to get as much work in advance as possible. Because we know that we don't want to be tied down with school work on the trip. So far they all have had no problem keeping caught up and getting back on track.

However, my kids all know that they have certain standards that they must maintain in order to earn these trips. They must have no less than a B in every class (well at least my hs sophmore and 7th grader, the first grader doesn't get these kinds of grades yet) otherwise they can't go on these special trips. In fact my dd (10th grade) did not go with us to WDW, because she had not maintained her grades. She's solid now, won't miss a cruise.

We want them to understand that these trips are a privelage, not a right and in order to justify taking them out with the shcools, they need to show that they can handle it. My 7th grader is boarder line in one of his classes, we are working closely with the teacher to make sure he gets his grade where it needs to be, his report card comes out the day before we leave. He gets awesome test grades, but has a little memory problem when it comes to doing and turning in homework.

We don't really like to travel during the summers, especially to hot places. Usually too crowded and expensive. We also think that the experiences they have had, the people they meet and the places they have seen have enriched them more than some of the class time they are missing. Plus, if your kids are good or above average students, they probably aren't missing as much as you think. Class time is devoted to kids of all ranges so sometimes your child might not be getting anything new anyway.

Well this has gotten long. Just wanted to share our experiences.
This thread really had me scared! When I booked my cruise last February for this coming February my son was at a different school where the principal had stated they were in favor of families taking vacations together, even if it meant taking them out of school. So I thought great, and booked it.

Then, due to a new school being built, my son changed schools, I didn't even think to ask the new principal about it. I did talk to his teacher at the beginning of the year and she said fine, just let her know a few weeks in advance. (he's in first grade). So, when I sent the note into school yesterday to his teacher, she replied that I also had to let the office know. That is when I got scared, we are only 4 weeks away, what if I had a problem.

I went into the office this morning, and talked to the secretary, all she did was write it down, and said have a great time! No questions about why we are doing it or where we are going, I just said family vacation.

I guess every school is different, but I am sure glad I have a school that is in favor of families taking vacations together, even if it is during school.
We pulled both kids out of school for a week last year ,DD was a senior in HS and DS was a 9th grader. Both had no problem with the teachers. This year we will pull DS out for a week in March during DD's college break, of course they don't have the same week off! I thought it would be better for DS to miss a week of HS than his sister to miss a week of college as her grades need to stay above a 3.3 to keep scholarships. DS is not the best student, just doesnt like it much, but we stay on top of him! I figure how many more vacations can we take as a family before they are on their own! As DH travels alot this is a way for us to have some family time. Some families can not get time off when the kid's have breaks at school and the districts should realize this and be glad some families want to spend quality time together. It is not just the going on a vacation it is that they are away together with no outside distractions(friends etc.) Just my opinion!:p
I agree!

quote - Some families can not get time off when the kid's have breaks at school and the districts should realize this and be glad some families want to spend quality time together. It is not just the going on a vacation it is that they are away together........

So true.

Families have all kinds of schedules and circumstances. I do think that a school district trying to enforce strict policy on this does indeed amount to legislating my parenting decisions.


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