Swap Photo Gallery

New England Eeyore

DIS Veteran
Dec 20, 2004
Looking at other people’s work is one of my favorite ways to get inspiration for a swap so I thought it would be nice to have links to completed swaps all together in one place.

Here is a list of swaps since the “swap” sub-board was founded. I know there were other swaps this year, but I couldn’t find pictures. If anyone has anything I missed, let me know. Hostesses of future swaps let me know the link to the photos and I’ll add it to the list.

Swap items in use - Links to our Monthly challenges to actually use swap items:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Round 7 Round 8 Round 9
Round 10 Round 11 Round 12
Round 13 Round 14 Round 15
Round 16 Round 17 Round 18
Round 19 Round 20 Round 21
Round 22 Round 23 Round 24
Round 25 Round 26 Round 27
Permanent Sticky Thread

Swap Photos:

2012 Completed Swaps

Color Page Sketch Swap, 12/30 Hosted by AWM
Partner Paintcan Swap, 2/7 Hosted by JLD

2011 Completed Swaps
MK Swap, 1/10 Hosted by tyniknate/M2MRB
Tag Swap, 1/11 Hosted by rlovew
Park & Icon Swap, 1/26 Hosted by MCPT
Rides- 2" letter swap, 2/24 Hosted by LM3Ks
School Swap, 2/28 Hosted by WDWM
Deco Squares, 3/5 Hosted by MT
Super Sports & More, 3/6 Hosted by AWM
Pet Swap, 3/18 Hosted by DB
Epcot Elements, 4/22 Hosted by PN96
Altered Paperclips, 4/25 Hosted by M2MRB
Character Elements, 5/2 Hosted by tyniknate/M2MRB
Out of the Parks, 5/9 Hosted by LM3Ks
DCL/Cruise,6/29 Hosted by MM2000
AK Swp, 6/30 Hosted by LM3Ks
Disney Event, 7/11 Hosted by WDWM
Card Swap, 7/13 Hosted by MM2000
Planner Swap, 7/15 Hosted by rlovew
Sketch Swap, 7/24 Hosted by AWM

** WILL UPDATE THIS section NEXT Week (for Aug - Dec)...

2010 Completed Swaps
Holiday Elements, 10/10, hosted by 123SA

Disney Duos/Couples, 10/10, hosted by tyniknate

Slide Mounts, 9/10, hosted by lm3ks

ABC Letter Swap, 9/10, hosted by AWM

Oustide the Parks/Universal, SW, Kennedy, 9/10, hosted by momto2princesses

Disney Dining, 8/10, hosted by rlovew

4x4 Monthly Rolodes, 8/10, hosted by Partyof3

Disney/Non-Disney A-ZRolodex, 8/10, hosted by Partyof3

Everyday Swap, 7/10, hosted by DIT

Resort Swap, 7/10, hosted by hopemax Altered Letters Elements

Animal Kingdom Swap, 6/10, hosted by PrincessNancy96

Topper & Tag Swap, 6/10, hosted by AlexWyattMommy

Hollywood Studios Swap, 5/10, hosted by morgansmom2000

Super Sports & More Swap, 5/10, hosted by AlexWyattMommy

Disneyland Altered Letters Swap, 4/10, hosted by Hopemax

School Swap, 4/10, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Magic Kingdom Swap, 4/10, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Event Swap, 2/10, hosted by 123SA

Epcot/DHS/Event/Outside the Parks Page Swap, 2/10. hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Outside the Parks Swap, 2/10, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

2009 Completed Swaps
Everyday Elements Swap, 10/09, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Topper & Tag Swap, 10/09, hosted by AlexWyattMommy

Holiday/Seasons Page Swap, 10/09, hosted by AlexWyattMommy

AK Elements Swap, 10/09, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

AK Pages Swap, 10/09, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Resort Swap, 9/09, hosted by New England Eeyore

Cruise Swap, 8/09, hosted by MichellePooh

Character Autograph Book Page Swap, 8/09, hosted by rlovew

ABC and General Disney Page Swap, 8/09, hosted by rlovew

Color Swap Pages, 8/09, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Color Swap Elements, 8/09, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Card Swap, 8/09, hosted by morgansmom2000

WDW Event Swap, 7/09, hosted by TPCSHauna

Surprise Swap, 7/09, hosed by Mischief Managed

Tag Book Swap, 6/09, hosted by AlexWyattMommy

Disneyland/DCA Swap, 5/09, hosted by hopemax

Super Sports and More Pages Swap, 5/09, hosted by AlexWyattMommy

Super Sports and More Elements Swap, 5/09, hosted by AlexWyattMommy

Character Swap, 5/09, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Flock Swap, 4/09, hosted by hopemax

Paper Piecing Swap, 4/09, hosted by hopemax

Pet Swap, 4/09, hosted by AlexWyatMommy

Magic Kingdom Elements Swap, 3/09, hosted by 123SA

Magic Kingdom Completed Page Swap, 3/06, hosted by 123SA

Weird 12x12 Completed Page Swap, 2/09, hosted by Tinkerbean

Surprise Swap, 1/09, hosted by AlexWyattMommy

School Swap, 1/09, hosted by DisneyIsTerrific

Disney Hollywood Studios Swap, 1/09, hosted by 123SA

Make A Wish Autograph Album, 1/09, hosted by NemoMom07

What alot of work!!! You did an AWESOME JOB!!! :thumbsup2 Great examples!

Thanks so much!!!
I don't know why I didn't see this until today! This is awesome!! Thanks again, NEE!!!
Are there any recipe swap pics that anyone has? I'd love to see some. This is a great thread, as is the swap glossary...ok, there're all great:thumbsup2

Over on the Valentine's Day Swap thread, there are some of the recipes photos posted.
Are there any pics of any of these? Especially the "sign in" page - I'm having trouble envisaging and I like to get ahead :goodvibes
Are there any pics of any of these? Especially the "sign in" page - I'm having trouble envisaging and I like to get ahead :goodvibes

no I don't think there are but if you search circle journal on 2peas you'll find a lot of things. Most everyone does some sort of library pocket to put the tags in. For my last CJ I made mine look like a bulletin board. I had a sheet of cork and made cards that looked like business cards and everyone decorated those and tacked them up using brads.
They were even nicer in person. All of my Girl Scout leader friends are going to be jealous of all my nice stuff!
Just bumping up to let you know I've updated and cleaned up the OP. There were a couple broken links. And look what I figured out how to do - get rid of all the ugly URLs! I swear that option wasn't there when I originally started this thread - I tried and tried to get it to work then. I think it looks much nicer now.

As usual - let me know if I've missed any swaps along the way.


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