My Weight Watchers meetings are big and pretty rowdy. We have as many as 70 members show up, and as few as 40. Between 50 and 60 is probably the norm.
I find this very energizing, and look forward to seeing my friends there each week. It's fun to have a big group, because you get lots of interaction and tips from different points of view, and it's NEVER boring! Our leader is a bundle of energy, and she does a great job of keeping this mob excited, yet under control.
Because the meetings are near my home, many of the members are people I already know (from DS's school, my neighborhood, work, etc.)
Unfortunately, we found out yesterday that WW has lost the lease at our meeting site. It's a church, and they've raised the rent to an unmanageable amount. We'll have to see if we can find another suitable location nearby... I hate to see such a successful meeting move, and I hope we don't lose members as a result!