Straps for water bottles


Earning My Ears
Sep 26, 2000
I have read that you can buy straps for water bottles at the parks. My question is, are these straps for the small, personal size water botttles and if so, how do they strap on? I was wondering which was better, the straps or buying an insulated cover with a strap attached? Also about how much is a strap, as I need to buy 8.
Thank you
Carol :D
I seem to remember the straps being $2.50 or $3.00 each. They are a neoprene strap with a stretchy loop attached and a plastic 'slider'. The slider allowed you to customize the size from a regular bike water bottle (thick) to a filtered water bottle (very thin). I use them on my DD's sippy cups.

-- Robin
and the straps are $3.00 each we started out with one for DD cuz she wouldn't carry a fanny pack. Dh and I had a stretchy cargo net on our fanny packs to carry water bottles!!

1/2 way thro Dd lost the strap. and as we were at Wal-mart[3/$10.] we bought the insulated bottles. this worked 10 times better the water stayed at a temp. that you could drink all day! with the other strap 3/4 of the way thro the water would be too warm.

Try to get the bottles with adjustable straps.

Thanks for responding guys! We sell the insulated water bottles where I work and they are $4.99 each, but with the rate of exchange the way it is right now, I think I would be better off buying them anyway.
Thanks again
Carol :D


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