Stoller question..


Oct 20, 2000
My son will be 3 weeks from 3 years old when we go in 3 weeks(3 must be my lucky number). Anyway we are planning on taking an umbrella stroller that we bought that has a small little bag. Perfect for suntan lotion, autograph books etc. We will also hang a small diaper bag on it for his pull ups..yes potty traing also.

Question is what do you think about it not having a cover over it. I saw the little umbrella's to shade them, but I just see him playing with it and tearing it down. He usually loves to wear his hat. I am concerned about the strong sun in Florida and if he would happen to take a nap. On the other hand I am not sure how much he will spend in the stroller at one time since we will be going into lines etc. Any ideas, I don't like the idea of carrying along our compact stroller since it is a little bigger to get on off buses, etc.


Mar :cool:
how do you plan to do the parks? go until you and your husband drop? then take the bigger stroller that reclines and has a canopy. the inconvienence of the bus thing is nothing compaired to the inconvenience of an overtired preschooler with sun burn and a crick in his neck.
I look at it like this: Would I want to be pushed around being hugged by canvas, not having room to move around because my legs are squished by my seat? Would I want to HAVE to be leaning against something, making my back sweaty??? As you can see, I vote for a full sized stroller! My 3-1/2 year old napped in the stroller while we were there (and he pretty much was done with naps). IMHO, an umbrella stroller is nice for quick trips to the mall, etc., but for heavy duty strolling, I can't see that it's all that comfortable. AND, I certainly would want to be comfortable if I were spending the majority of my day being strolled around!
PLUS, you'd be surprised at how quickly the big basket underneath gets filled up! My son liked having the tray in front of him so he could put his snacks on it. Plus, there was enough room next to him to easily put his water bottle.
I'd seriously resconsider the umbrella stroller and consider taking a regular one
We rented the strollers, which were comfortable for a 40 lb 6 yo, so I'm sure they would be comfortable for your child. We didn't want to mess with a stroller on the bus. Just a different point of view :)

Have a Wonderful day, Eeyore
Just be sure and take a bright colored bandana to tie on it so you'll be able to spot which one is yours! We rented a stroller in all the parks for our almost 3 year old and it really wasn't very much trouble. Save your receipt and you can get another one for free when you return to the park after your break. Even if it is a different park.
We actually went to buy an umbrella stroller for 3 1/2 DS. When I put him into it, he looked completely uncomfortable. So, we looked around for a light weight full size stroller. (We had him in and out of at least 10 strollers that day). We ended up purchasing a Metro Light stroller. It is only 14lbs, collapses with one hand, can be dragged using it's wheels when folded, has a HUGE baket underneath, can recline easily, and best of all..... has a tray for him to play with his dinosaurs (which go everywhere we do). It cost about $70, but if it will keep him comfortable and not whiny for 8 days, I'm sure it will be well spent money. (plus he still will allow us to use the stroller in the mall and other excursions, so not lost money). This stroller is designed for kids up to 4 years old, so he will grow into it.

Now, my problem with renting... We can use the stroller in the airport before our fist flight, use it to get to connecting flights, and when we land. Plus, I wanted to have a stroller for DD and the boardwalk, waiting for the bus if he falls asleep, etc. So the conveniece of having my own far outweighed purchasing. And if we rented for 5 days (we will have a five day hopper) at $7 a day we paid for 1/2 the cost of the stroller and have nothing to show for it.

Good luck, and have a great trip. We leave May 6th and can't wait!!
I investigated the stroller question for about a month in the planning for our June trip. I ended up buying the travel savvy 2100 by had all the features I wanted for the trip: small and compact, canopy, basket beneath, it reclines & is padded(padding is also washable). I'm actually going to start using the stroller around town before the trip, it weighs 10lbs...and you can buy a strap that allows stroller to be thrown over your shoulder. I feel I made a good choice..and most important the baby will be comfy. The cost is around $80...babystyle has coupons out right now and you receive a free stroller pack...which I love. Only caution: if you are very tall this stroller may not work too well, I'm barely 5'6' and I felt a little like a gaint pushing the stroller, but it's ok.
I found one at the baby depot site. It is an umbrella with a basket and a canopy. I am so excited, it should get here a week before we leave. Thanks for your help.

Mary :cool:


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