SPACE RESTAURANT WATCH THREAD—Entrance photos post #1609!!

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it always seems as if Disney is keeping us in suspense for one thing or another. Just announce the date and call it a day. lol

It's really annoying. I don't mind the fact that we are taking a break from Disney for a couple of years after our APs expire in February.
It's really annoying. I don't mind the fact that we are taking a break from Disney for a couple of years after our APs expire in February.

Totally agree and every year we hope that DD gets over her Disney obsession - we tell her there's a huge world out there to see/explore. Now that she's going on 13, we hope she shows more interest. :)
Going second week of January! Hope all the kinks will be worked out before we go!
I think September will be too early but it would be awesome if it was open then. I'd eat here in a heartbeat just for the atmosphere. It looks so cool.
I definitely want to see the menu, but I’ll be trying to book here regardless. My husband is an aerospace engineer and he’s *obsessed* with all things aerospace. He doesn’t keep up with/care about Disney news, and I’ve purposely kept my mouth shut about this restaurant. I’ve love to be able to surprise him with an ADR here over Thanksgiving. I’ve been prepping him for the Thanksgiving crowds and I think this will be a highlight for him if WDW is as crowded as I expect.
Really hoping for the week after Thanksgiving! My son is a space nut, so he would love this restaurant!
Anytime in Dec. before xmas eve! But hoping for sooner, so I might have a better chance of a res. If it's only open 2 days before I leave, the odds plummet.....
I'm foolishly hoping this is open in time for our late August trip... I know it's a reach but I'm going to keep hoping.
I read where the exec chef from Mario & Enzo's and Enzo's Hideaway is coming over to be the same thing at this new place. I must say that we were mildly surprised at how much we liked Enzo's, and we'd like to think he'll bring a deft touch to his new culinary home. We'll be at the World in December, so we'll be watching closely for the opening. Frankly, they had me at ". . .over 1,000 bottles of wine. . ." pirate:
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