Sorta silly scrapbooking question


<font color=magenta>Dared to light another candle!
Aug 18, 2001
As part of my scrapbooking I would like to add photos I have taken. Do I need to start using my 35mm camera and put away my digital for scrapbooking purposes? I suppose I could print my digital photos off my printer. Is there other ways?
Actually I think I answered my own question, but please feel free to add any ideas of your own. :)
If your printer does a good job then the only suggestion I'd have is investing in a can of Archival spray that can be found at Michael's. Its very costly but many people have said it will last a couple of years.
It sort of depends too on whether it is a "regular" printer or a photo printer. I'm a 35mm gal myself but have on occasion resorted to digital prints when I didn't take it myself, etc.

Another option (and there is a thread on this recently) is to take the media to one of the photomaker printers.

Have fun!
I'm not sure if this is what your asking, but if you've taken photos on your digital camera, you can take the memory card to most one hour photo places now and have photos printed from that which look just like what you would get from your 35mm negatives.

You also don't pay processing charges, just the re-print charge per photo...which the cheapest I've found where I live is .24cents at Costco Wholesale.

I only use digital camera these days and simply print out the photos I want to scrap at home on my hp 960c color printer on photo quality paper.

This works just great!
Or you could upload the photos to or and order prints, their prices were pretty reasonalbe last time I checked and I got a lot of prints for free from Ofoto when friends viewed the photos and 10 free for signing up.
I was just going to suggest Shutterfly. :) We've been really pleased with the quality and they run sales all the time. I also love the options they have of changing color photos to black & white, sepia or even other colors!
Another vote for

I stopped printing my own a long time ago. The cost of paper & ink, combined with time..... longevity of print. (Shutterfly's will last 100 yrs -- if I remember correctly.)

Upload & be done with it.

I've also used their feature of having prints mailed to family. You can also share the pictures on-line with family & friends from their site if you prefer.

Some folks say they don't like Shutterfly's. Most sites offer new customers a certain # of free prints. Try a test. Upload the same pics to Shutterfly, Ohoto & & others. Pick a good sampling -- like flesh tones, indoor light, outdoor light, night time..... and compare. Quality is a subjective thing -- and everyone likes their colors a bit differently.

Pick the ones YOU like the best.
That's what I'm in the process of doing. I have ordered the same 3 photos from:

* Shutterfly - free sign up photos (otherwise .49 per photo or .39 if you prepay for a # of pics)
* Ofoto (.49 per photo)
* Wal-Mart Digital Store Machine (.26 per photo)
* Costco Online (.24 per photo)

I can't wait to compare them all. I should have all of them by Monday. I've received emails from all online companies that they have been mailed.
Thanks, great ideas everyone!
I do the same as eeyorefanatic and use a digital to take the pics and then print them out on my HP printer! :) Works great for me! :)
But, ... what happens if your HP printer is not archival? I've printed off pictures onto archival paper, but what about the ink? Thanks.
I like to take my memory card to Walmart and have them print the pics for me in one hour. My only problem is that I can only seem to download pics from my camera onto my memory card, I can't figure out how to upload some. I hate to burn the pics to cd and take them in because when I burn a cd I like to put lots of pics on it and if I take a cd to WM with lots of pics on it, it takes a long time to get to the ones I want to print. I hate to burn a cd with only 25 pics on it or something. It would be so convient if I could upload pics from my harddrive to the camera (hence onto the smart card) and then take that in for printing. Sometimes (lots of times actually) I want to print pics that I downloaded months ago so this issue keeps coming up.
When you download your pictures to the computer are you using your camera connected directly to the computer or putting your memory into some other device for transfer? I use Smart Media, but I imagine the other media function similar.

You can use your camera (or other input device) as an external disk instead of "camera" on the selection. In other words, plug your camera (or other input device) into the computer and turn it on (if applicable). Go to My Computer, in there should be "my digital camera" and another option that reads something like, removable disk. Assuming you see this the same as I do, open another window to where the pictures are that you want to transfer to your card and copy them into the removable disk.

Incidentally, I always burn CDs for Sams and just keep them like negatives or throw them away. I hardly every pay more than 25 cents per CD-R if that much. Still way cheaper than a film camera.

Hope this helps.

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