Something About Nothing............ #14

Wow! Just had an intense thunderstorm, thunder sounded like a jet engine, and a lightning strike so close, the hair on my arms stood up. Electricity in the air for sure. A few minutes after that very close strike, heard fire whistle go off. So something got hit. Glad it’s almost over, after huge downpour blowing rain in sheets across the road.

Yay, MonyK post. Score on AP rates. Did not see any for my third week of September, but I will keep looking.

Almost time for bed, for me. Hope all have that sound andpeaceful night.
Late check in. Today was Animal Kingdom day. We thought it would be a short day, but we were there almost the entire time they were open.
They let us in before the park was officially open. We went straight to Flight of Passage and there was already a 65 minute wait. I really enjoyed the ride though. Maybe someday I will watch the movie.
Lunch was at Yak and Yeti, and it was really good. I have been eating way too much on this trip.

Tonly pictures I took today were at the Lion King show.





I have always been impressed that some people can walk on stilts. I am totally amazed that these people can dance on them.

I love that Lion King show!
Lucky Ducky!!!

it was closed when we went late January

Your pictures are really nice
Bet you are still humming their ending song they did

Animal Kingdom is a full day for me when I do that park.
I enjoy a lot of things there
Pumpkin, that is good news on the vaccinations taking a jump, and inside dining has become a very exciting to do over here again, so I`m sure you`ll be happy with that returning, and yes, hair salons!!

I think we are rightfully proud with the vaccination programme roll out here, most seem to be jumping at the opportunity. I only know one person who is refusing to get it and it`s for the silliest of reasons. Glad you`re all done now, it`s a good feeling knowing that the 2nd vax isn`t too far away. Thank you, it`s a slow one to heal properly, but getting there.....

Monyk, good to see you.....another rosemary fan here. Planted a whole new herb garden this spring, well, I didn`t do it, but it`s growing so well. We have had epic amounts of rain, so I guess that`s helped. Glad all is well for you.

Lg, love a good thunderstorm, clears the air nicely.

Charade.....glad you`re having such a good time. And don`t worry, you`re supposed to eat more than you should on vacation, it`s the law!

mac, it`s so long since we went to AK I barely remember it.....we did see a baby elephant nursing with it`s mummy, that was a highlight. Seeing DiVine up close and Expedition Everest were our highlights from memory. But it was 2007/08......I`m sure there was more.

I do remember the line for the safari to see the animals was huge, and we were standing discussing how we wouldn`t get on it as we were leaving the park, when a young man in a CM outifit asked us if we would like to go on it and we said yes, but the line was too long. He said he would take us so we could get on it, it was 2007 and our first visit, so we had no idea of pixie dust. We said we`d love to, and he escorted us to the front of the line, no memory of how long time wise, but it was a very long line! We were so grateful and loved it. I always remember the young man told us he was leaving Disney in a week to go train as a pilot and often wondered what happened to him.

I did go to bed early last night, and slept till just after 6.30 this morning which is like a sleep in......but nice. I thought it was earlier as we had left the drapes and blinds slightly open as the windows were open, I thought it was earlier, maybe around 4am as there was a little light. It was just dull......

But, it`ll brighten up and we do plan to go a walk this morning. Not ideal in a sandal, but better than nothing, we just won`t go as far as we usually do. The sea looks very calm this morning so it`ll be pleasant.

The book group is meeting on zoom this afternoon, that shouldn`t take too long.....and the lady who is choosing next says she`ll let us know in a few days the next choice as she hasn`t decided yet. I think we all can`t wait to get together in a proper group again.

Thinking fish for dinner tonight as we`re at the beach this morning, we have several outlets down there to buy fresh from, and everyone loves fish. Lunch is turkey, bacon, romaine lettuce and tomato sandwiches, no idea yet for breakfast.

And it`s a thirsty Thursday again.........




Happy Thirsty Thursday :)

Aw, thirsty was our ground, so had quite the rain dumping last night. It was impressive, the sound of that thunder. Yeah, knew we would get rain, as was out at dinner time, getting some steaks, as the kids wanted them for dinner. Well, as we were driving home, the wind picked up, and the tree leaves were upside down. Yep, and not much after we got home, downpour, but just a rain dump, no thunder or any lightning seen. But then, we were certainly rocking and rolling last night. That amount of lightning seen. Wow.

And yep, Schumi, did clear out the sky, but not enough to have seen a glorious golden East horizon. Still enough clouds around it's not as bright out as it will be soon. As yes, a full day of a beautiful sunny sky and cooler temps. Though still not that cool overnight as 64 F out, with 81 the high. A most perfect Spring day. 81 the high, so shorts it is, once again.

And so, a Thirsty Thursday to all.

And, a very happy birthday to Keisha’s son.

Good Morning Schumi. Hope the weather did get brighter and had a pleasant walk. Yes, it will be nice when all get together for friend meetings. Hope you will enjoy the next book choice, when it is decided.

And I’m thirsty, so off to get more tea. It’s going to be that kind of day. Woke up as alarm went off, but had to look at clock, as thought it was said by the news guy, that it was an hour later then it really was. I guess I may have misheard him, or he mistakenly said wrong hour. Eh, either way, I hope all those not feeling well are better today, and sending get well wishes to all that need some. And a good morning this last Thursday in May. A Keisha birthday boy one too. Woot!
Quick hello everyone and thank you for all the good wishes. Baby and parents doing well. Resisting the temptation of wanting to “help” and letting them have this precious time - enjoyed being able to see him so soon and went again with Em on Tuesday evening but did a drive by with some supplies yesterday and just left them in the porch. Invited to go again with my brother and SIL on Saturday.

Lovely pictures and updates Charade! Sounds like a great trip.

Busy week prepping legal paperwork but tomorrow I’m meeting one of my oldest friends for lunch at a local garden centre. Very nice weather today and Kev is gardening.

Keep well everyone x
LG, glad you have such a lovely day after such a storm.......sounds like nice weather for you.

mac, yes Keisha will be having some lovely memories today, birthdays are always good to remember.......

Had a dull and cool morning, enjoyed a 3 mile walk along the waterfront, it was fairly quiet there too.

This afternoon we are enjoying some gorgeous sunshine and heat........sitting just outside the garden room on the patio, had to put the shade up as it was so bright. 95f in that room, not just as warm outside, think we have high 60’s with the trees sheltering us from any breeze. But, it’s the nicest day we’ve had for a while.

Didn’t get any fish this morning, but as it’s warm, we’ll grill outside tonight, so I’ll make up some burgers instead.
I did like that picture....I had just looked out the window and thought, I`ll bet that doesn`t show up the same on camera, well phone camera, but it was alright. i don`t usually like the quality on phone pics.

We love sushi.....and potstickers too! Sounds good at your house tonight again for food Lori!

Tom is fine again, thankfully, he has been lucky with no reactions so far.

Oh bless her having to sort out all her things....will keep her busy though, but least you didn`t lose a parking spot.

Let us know how the dishes turn out. I`ve never made potstickers before, or sushi now I think on it. There aren`t many good options outside of London for that over here.

lol.....those cats sound so cute, although maybe not when you`re trying to do a task and they`re helping...... ::yes::

Tom gets the vaccine, I get a headache......seems about right. Slept for about 2 hours today and woke up feeling much better.

Weather has seemed to have picked up, sun is out and temp has gone up, but hopefully it`ll be as nice tomorrow and we can walk.

Dinner was good, didn`t make cornbread in the end so just made spicy diced potatoes and some salad. Turned out alright. Now going to watch some tv.....well, dvd.
The food was a big success! And very easy to prepare.
DH and DD definitely want me to make it again. And DH said I should search for other variations too, such as with tuna.

:wave2: Finally able to make a quick stop in!!!

Had a great weekend, even though I worked both days. Enjoyed my day off for the holiday Monday. We were blessed with beautiful weather all weekend. Youngest ds had a great time camping and came home refreshed and sunburned lol. I was able to work on a project on Monday. It is a bigger piece, so I need to do it outside. The weather was perfect for it. Hopefully the wind stay down, so I can get a couple coats of clear coat protector on it. Then bring it into the house for a few staged pictures, and hopefully sell.

We had a news conference about restrictions. If we keep on our current rate of immunizations and fewer hospitalizations and active covid cases, we will be fully opening up by July. They are hoping to start the second shots in a couple of weeks. Right now, in our province, it's open for anyone born 2009 and 12 years and up. Youngest ds went on Monday for his shot. So we all have the first shot. Hopefully not much wait time anymore for the second. They haven't given details on how they will roll out the second ones. I guess time will tell. I'm just sooo excited that our restrictions are finally lifting!!! Next week we can go to restaurants for outside dining, and I can get my hair done before ds's grad.

OMGosh....sooooooo adorably cute!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

Sending healing vibes for a speedy recovery. sounds like you had a great weekend! The moving home process sounded like lots of work, but I am sure you will be glad to have her home again.

Happy bellated birthday!!!!

It sounds like your having a great trip. I have enjoyed all the pictures and updates. I hope your mom is doing alright.

That is an amazing number on the vaccinations!!! We are slowly but surely getting it done. It is ramping up fast here now...Thank goodness. Hopefully by the end of June into July dh and I should be getting out second shot.
I'm glad your foot seems to be healing great. Good job on the walking

Ummmmmm :eek: :sad2: Wow...just wow. Online etiquette and manners are not just a common sense thing. Speechless lol

Dd called over the weekend, asking if older ds and dh are able to put in central air for them in their new house. Ds, is currently working in that department at work. So besides the actual cost of the unit and material, ds and dh should be able to install and get it running for them. Hopefully you get yours soon.

Well, It is time for me to go!

Have a great evening everyone!!!!
So nice your DS had a great time! Well deserved!

Hope the injured are healing, the sick well and the rest enjoying the day/evening.
Charade - lovely pictures! Think we've decided our next Disney park will be out of the country of Disneyland in CA. Still kicking self I didn't book the mistake fare $205 RT Japan ticket for next year...
Last day of school tomorrow for HS freshman. Full summer of band camp-but first to the lake this weekend. Sunny but cooler than this week with high in 70's. Will take boat out but the Seadoo will have to wait-too cold! It's been 80 this week-changes tomorrow with storms. Finally got in to hairstylist tomorrow too.

And ACK-airfare to Las Vegas is awful! Cost less to fly to mexico for 3 than a few states across country for 2!
But YAY to AP rates for fall-saved $225 for HHN at SF!
And the girls - hopping the fence- to get their dust bathing in. At least the boxes they are in are mostly empty right now. Although one of my rosemary plants doesn't seem to be growing like the others...I have one who looovvves rosemary.
Not much going on...
Enjoy your time at the lake!

Late check in. Today was Animal Kingdom day. We thought it would be a short day, but we were there almost the entire time they were open.
They let us in before the park was officially open. We went straight to Flight of Passage and there was already a 65 minute wait. I really enjoyed the ride though. Maybe someday I will watch the movie.
Lunch was at Yak and Yeti, and it was really good. I have been eating way too much on this trip.

Tonly pictures I took today were at the Lion King show.

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I have always been impressed that some people can walk on stilts. I am totally amazed that these people can dance on them.

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FoP is such a great ride!
Thx for the Lion King photos, love that show!!

Aw, thirsty was our ground, so had quite the rain dumping last night. It was impressive, the sound of that thunder. Yeah, knew we would get rain, as was out at dinner time, getting some steaks, as the kids wanted them for dinner. Well, as we were driving home, the wind picked up, and the tree leaves were upside down. Yep, and not much after we got home, downpour, but just a rain dump, no thunder or any lightning seen. But then, we were certainly rocking and rolling last night. That amount of lightning seen. Wow.

And yep, Schumi, did clear out the sky, but not enough to have seen a glorious golden East horizon. Still enough clouds around it's not as bright out as it will be soon. As yes, a full day of a beautiful sunny sky and cooler temps. Though still not that cool overnight as 64 F out, with 81 the high. A most perfect Spring day. 81 the high, so shorts it is, once again.

And so, a Thirsty Thursday to all.

And, a very happy birthday to Keisha’s son.

Good Morning Schumi. Hope the weather did get brighter and had a pleasant walk. Yes, it will be nice when all get together for friend meetings. Hope you will enjoy the next book choice, when it is decided.

And I’m thirsty, so off to get more tea. It’s going to be that kind of day. Woke up as alarm went off, but had to look at clock, as thought it was said by the news guy, that it was an hour later then it really was. I guess I may have misheard him, or he mistakenly said wrong hour. Eh, either way, I hope all those not feeling well are better today, and sending get well wishes to all that need some. And a good morning this last Thursday in May. A Keisha birthday boy one too. Woot!
That sort of thunderstorm would have had our lab in a state of panic! She is afraid of such loud noise.
Our little dog wouldn't have even been fazed in the slightest...

Quick hello everyone and thank you for all the good wishes. Baby and parents doing well. Resisting the temptation of wanting to “help” and letting them have this precious time - enjoyed being able to see him so soon and went again with Em on Tuesday evening but did a drive by with some supplies yesterday and just left them in the porch. Invited to go again with my brother and SIL on Saturday.

Lovely pictures and updates Charade! Sounds like a great trip.

Busy week prepping legal paperwork but tomorrow I’m meeting one of my oldest friends for lunch at a local garden centre. Very nice weather today and Kev is gardening.

Keep well everyone x
Enjoy your lunch! Always great to reconnect with a friend!

Happy Bday to Keisha's DS!!! :bday:
Also, belated Happy Bday to Cam's DS, I think a few quotes went missing:bday:

Have some errands to run today. Getting some groceries and will meal prep for DH while DD and I are away. We are grilling out on Sunday, so will make extra meat for leftovers. DH loves his grilled meat, so he will be happy!

I also need to prep dog food mom has kindly offered to watch the fur babies while we are away. Even though DH will be home, he works long the pets are alone more than they are used to.
Mom is retired and loves spoiling them!

I bought sunscreen yesterday. Always like a new bottle for vacation. Need to check my travel toiletries to see if anything else needs replacing.

4 more days...
Yeah, I was lucky Paris. Neither of my labs cared that the fire whistle went off two blocks away, not the fireworks less than a mile from our home, and no storms bothered them either. Heck, my male lab liked nothing better than lay in the dirt hole he dug, and get all muddy as the storming Summer rains fell on him. Calls to come in as raining, were given not even a look. My DH really wants another lab, but I’m still not ready for that commitment, given that while all are home now, will not be that way forever, and we are a busy family, so introducing a lab now, I’m still a no. But we have fond memories of our two yellow labs.

Poh almost ready for my lunchtime walk, and yay, water bottle and shades needed. Sun had come out in the mid morning, with beautiful blue skies.
The food was a big success! And very easy to prepare.
DH and DD definitely want me to make it again. And DH said I should search for other variations too, such as with tuna.

So nice your DS had a great time! Well deserved!

Enjoy your time at the lake!

FoP is such a great ride!
Thx for the Lion King photos, love that show!!

That sort of thunderstorm would have had our lab in a state of panic! She is afraid of such loud noise.
Our little dog wouldn't have even been fazed in the slightest...

Enjoy your lunch! Always great to reconnect with a friend!

Happy Bday to Keisha's DS!!! :bday:
Also, belated Happy Bday to Cam's DS, I think a few quotes went missing:bday:

Have some errands to run today. Getting some groceries and will meal prep for DH while DD and I are away. We are grilling out on Sunday, so will make extra meat for leftovers. DH loves his grilled meat, so he will be happy!

I also need to prep dog food mom has kindly offered to watch the fur babies while we are away. Even though DH will be home, he works long the pets are alone more than they are used to.
Mom is retired and loves spoiling them!

I bought sunscreen yesterday. Always like a new bottle for vacation. Need to check my travel toiletries to see if anything else needs replacing.

4 more days...
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Oh I’m glad it was a success! I love fresh tuna and do make sashimi now and again, but never sushi.

Grilling sounds good......yes, we are big meat eaters and thankfully none of our friends are vegetarians, well, one of my closest friends sister claims to be vegan.......she was caught once by another friend eating a bacon sandwich in a cafe lol.....she denies it was bacon! It was.

Nice your mum can look after the dogs. Tom used to think he‘d like a dog once he retired, but, we go away too often for it to be fair. And to be honest, I don’t really have time for a dog anyway. I’ve never grown up with them so I don‘t have that yearning. Once covid is over and normal life returns, no thoughts of a dog will come our way. I remember you saying though how much your mum loves looking after’s handy she’s so close. And you do have beautiful dogs.

Now I’m thinking I want some sushi.......

Have a great day Lori........:wave2:

Decided to go with burgers and some chicken kebab skewers for tonight......marinading the chicken pieces now and will thread them before Tom cooks them, some teriyaki and some spicy bbq. Burgers are just the ground down meat with some seasonings.......don’t need anything else. of wine time........🍷
Quick good afternoon. We are taking a rest day today. No parks. I am going to do a couple of loads of laundry. Fortunately the laundry room is close by.
Tonight we have dinner reservations at Raglan Road in Disney Springs. After dinner we will do a little shopping. I am hoping to find some good sandals. I still have the blister on the side of my heel.
Hey all! PT has me feeling as i’ve Be en beat up, guess that means it’s working. Going to be some chilly days ahead here before warming back up on Memorial Day. Have family BD celebration scheduled monday, pool time only for the brave that day. Count me out.

at break, he told me, one of the student’s live video was of her having sex. :scared1: TMI, and I needed to know that?:oops: Thank goodness it is over at 10.
Um, you’d think a time out at the very least would be in order, if not an expulsion

When we drove down to the beach yesterday for our walk, we were passed by several, shall we say much older folks didn`t go unnoticed!
Haha i’ve Been getting lapped by the old gals on walking track for over 30 years. Gotta love those smiles they give as they do
Tom has his second vaccine this morning, so I`ll go with him in the car. If he did feel unwell immediately, my good foot is my right foot so I could drive if I had to as the left one doesn`t do anything anyway. But, fingers crossed he`ll be right as rain like the last time.
Was he ok?
No not from scratch...I've never attempted pasta from scratch.
I have made German spaetzle from scratch, and it was yummy!
I tried spaetzle once using a box grater. Failboat, such a mass
California sushi roll in a bowl!
Can you share sounds heavenly
only saw ap available at PB and HR
Just PB my dates for fall trip. Wanted HR, will keep checking, just glad we have a confirmed place to stay
Hehe, my brother used water guns to break up his two cat fights. Like the time out rooms
i would use a large sprayer bottle that did double duty for my house pl
ants. Worked on my DS too
We had a news conference about restrictions. If we keep on our current rate of immunizations and fewer hospitalizations and active covid cases, we will be fully opening up by July.

Great news
We don’t mind the Steak ‘n Shake, but none close to us. Only seen them in Florida.
Not a fan, other than what was Milk shake happy hour
And ACK-airfare to Las Vegas is awful! Cost less to fly to mexico for 3 than a few states across country for 2!
Can’t get over how high it is from our market either, considering entertainment isn’t back in full force yet
Lunch was at Yak and Yeti, and it was really good.
One of the few places I will
eat onsite
Seeing DiVine up close and Expedition Everest were our highlights from memory. But it was 2007/08......I`m sure there was more.
Loved to watch her do her magic, too bad she’s been pruned for a few ye:duck:

to Keishashadow son

Janet will be thinking back today about this lovely time in her life

:) thank you, yes, i get sentimental on family BDs. Feel bad tho, had his 2nd vaccine yesterday & sick as a dog today. Need to run up later with some soup & his presents.
When I did work, I lived for Friday’s ...hahahaha
Here, here! Sunday nights were the pits.
Making a quick morning stop in :wave2:

I seem to be procrastinating today. It goes with a cold rainy weather we have here.

Made it for a walk last night before the rain started. The forecast is for rain until tomorrow sometime. We still need it, even after the drench we got last week.

I didn't get to work on my project last night because of the rain. Hopefully I can finish it over the weekend, and get it sold. Then hopefully score another great piece to flip.

And the girls - hopping the fence- to get their dust bathing in. At least the boxes they are in are mostly empty right now. Although one of my rosemary plants doesn't seem to be growing like the others...I have one who looovvves rosemary.
I love hearing tales about your girls! I would love to have chickens, but don't think I would always want the responsibility of them.
The book group is meeting on zoom this afternoon, that shouldn`t take too long.....and the lady who is choosing next says she`ll let us know in a few days the next choice as she hasn`t decided yet. I think we all can`t wait to get together in a proper group again.
It will be so great to be able to do all these things we took for grated before covid! I'm sure your whole group is eager to get together in person.
Aw, thirsty was our ground, so had quite the rain dumping last night. It was impressive, the sound of that thunder. Yeah, knew we would get rain, as was out at dinner time, getting some steaks, as the kids wanted them for dinner. Well, as we were driving home, the wind picked up, and the tree leaves were upside down. Yep, and not much after we got home, downpour, but just a rain dump, no thunder or any lightning seen. But then, we were certainly rocking and rolling last night. That amount of lightning seen. Wow
When I hear about your storms there, it makes me a little happy about living where the air hurts my face. I don't like rain storms. Dh teased me last night about waiting for the rain to stop to go for my walk. I think I'm made of cotton candy and melt in the rain :lmao:
Busy week prepping legal paperwork but tomorrow I’m meeting one of my oldest friends for lunch at a local garden centre. Very nice weather today and Kev is gardening.
Good luck with the paperwork. Enjoy your time with your friends. It has been too long for us to be away from our friends. They are good for our souls!!!!
This afternoon we are enjoying some gorgeous sunshine and heat........sitting just outside the garden room on the patio, had to put the shade up as it was so bright. 95f in that room, not just as warm outside, think we have high 60’s with the trees sheltering us from any breeze. But, it’s the nicest day we’ve had for a while.
Enjoy that warm weather!!!
ust need to get to Friday and weekend will begin

When I did work, I lived for Friday’s ...hahahaha
Yes...I love Fridays. Soon now that summer is here, I always leave early to enjoy my Fridays and get a jump start on my weekend :rolleyes1
4 more days...
Sooooo close, these next few days will fly by!
Quick good afternoon. We are taking a rest day today. No parks. I am going to do a couple of loads of laundry. Fortunately the laundry room is close by.
Tonight we have dinner reservations at Raglan Road in Disney Springs. After dinner we will do a little shopping. I am hoping to find some good sandals. I still have the blister on the side of my heel.
It sounds like your having a fantastic trip!!!!! Enjoy your down time today, so you can hit the parks hard tomorrow!

Well, I should go shuffle these papers around a little more.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Ack, that lunchtime walk was very warm. But enjoyed this nice weather.

Oh Pumpkin, we do get some nasty thunderstorms, usually because we have those very humid Summers. Heck, yesterday, the humidity was at 70 percent. Sticky it was. But at least the storm left us with a beautiful day, and low humidity.

Yay, Keisha doing her PT. I hope you are feeling better and will back to good form again.

And a woot! 4 day countdown for Paris, almost missed that. Yay, yay, yay.

Ah, little one made some coffee, so I put ice in my cup. AC has been running since around lunchtime. Yep, still warm, though will be much cooler, and rainy this weekend. Oh well. Been a crap shoot for Memorial Days. Many have been a washout, some cool enough for jacket, and a few, hotter than the sun. So forecast says our Monday holiday will be partly cloudy, with 72 degrees the high. That sounds like a nice day in my book.
Yeah, I was lucky Paris. Neither of my labs cared that the fire whistle went off two blocks away, not the fireworks less than a mile from our home, and no storms bothered them either. Heck, my male lab liked nothing better than lay in the dirt hole he dug, and get all muddy as the storming Summer rains fell on him. Calls to come in as raining, were given not even a look. My DH really wants another lab, but I’m still not ready for that commitment, given that while all are home now, will not be that way forever, and we are a busy family, so introducing a lab now, I’m still a no. But we have fond memories of our two yellow labs.

Poh almost ready for my lunchtime walk, and yay, water bottle and shades needed. Sun had come out in the mid morning, with beautiful blue skies.
Even though I'm ready for a break when our 3 eventually cross the rainbow bridge, I know it'll feel weird. DH and I have had a pet all throughout our marriage. And we both had pets at home growing up.

Oh I’m glad it was a success! I love fresh tuna and do make sashimi now and again, but never sushi.

Grilling sounds good......yes, we are big meat eaters and thankfully none of our friends are vegetarians, well, one of my closest friends sister claims to be vegan.......she was caught once by another friend eating a bacon sandwich in a cafe lol.....she denies it was bacon! It was.

Nice your mum can look after the dogs. Tom used to think he‘d like a dog once he retired, but, we go away too often for it to be fair. And to be honest, I don’t really have time for a dog anyway. I’ve never grown up with them so I don‘t have that yearning. Once covid is over and normal life returns, no thoughts of a dog will come our way. I remember you saying though how much your mum loves looking after’s handy she’s so close. And you do have beautiful dogs.

Now I’m thinking I want some sushi.......

Have a great day Lori........:wave2:

Decided to go with burgers and some chicken kebab skewers for tonight......marinading the chicken pieces now and will thread them before Tom cooks them, some teriyaki and some spicy bbq. Burgers are just the ground down meat with some seasonings.......don’t need anything else. of wine time........🍷
Yes, we are very lucky to have family that loves our pets!

And now you have me thinking wine, lol! A bit too early, since it's only lunchtime here.

Quick good afternoon. We are taking a rest day today. No parks. I am going to do a couple of loads of laundry. Fortunately the laundry room is close by.
Tonight we have dinner reservations at Raglan Road in Disney Springs. After dinner we will do a little shopping. I am hoping to find some good sandals. I still have the blister on the side of my heel.
Enjoy that rest day! Sounds like a nice evening is planned!

Hey all! PT has me feeling as i’ve Be en beat up, guess that means it’s working. Going to be some chilly days ahead here before warming back up on Memorial Day. Have family BD celebration scheduled monday, pool time only for the brave that day. Count me out.

Um, you’d think a time out at the very least would be in order, if not an expulsion

Haha i’ve Been getting lapped by the old gals on walking track for over 30 years. Gotta love those smiles they give as they do

Was he ok?

I tried spaetzle once using a box grater. Failboat, such a mass

Can you share sounds heavenly

Just PB my dates for fall trip. Wanted HR, will keep checking, just glad we have a confirmed place to stay

i would use a large sprayer bottle that did double duty for my house pl
ants. Worked on my DS too

Great news

Not a fan, other than what was Milk shake happy hour

Can’t get over how high it is from our market either, considering entertainment isn’t back in full force yet

One of the few places I will
eat onsite

Loved to watch her do her magic, too bad she’s been pruned for a few ye:duck:

:) thank you, yes, i get sentimental on family BDs. Feel bad tho, had his 2nd vaccine yesterday & sick as a dog today. Need to run up later with some soup & his presents.

Here, here! Sunday nights were the pits.
Sorry to hear the second shot had side effects...hopefully they pass quickly!

I'm gonna try to attach the TikTok for the recipe.
I added some real crab too. You could add Nori flakes for the seaweed taste to really make it seem like sushi.
Was delish!

Making a quick morning stop in :wave2:

I seem to be procrastinating today. It goes with a cold rainy weather we have here.

Made it for a walk last night before the rain started. The forecast is for rain until tomorrow sometime. We still need it, even after the drench we got last week.

I didn't get to work on my project last night because of the rain. Hopefully I can finish it over the weekend, and get it sold. Then hopefully score another great piece to flip.

I love hearing tales about your girls! I would love to have chickens, but don't think I would always want the responsibility of them.

It will be so great to be able to do all these things we took for grated before covid! I'm sure your whole group is eager to get together in person.

When I hear about your storms there, it makes me a little happy about living where the air hurts my face. I don't like rain storms. Dh teased me last night about waiting for the rain to stop to go for my walk. I think I'm made of cotton candy and melt in the rain :lmao:

Good luck with the paperwork. Enjoy your time with your friends. It has been too long for us to be away from our friends. They are good for our souls!!!!

Enjoy that warm weather!!!

Yes...I love Fridays. Soon now that summer is here, I always leave early to enjoy my Fridays and get a jump start on my weekend :rolleyes1

Sooooo close, these next few days will fly by!

It sounds like your having a fantastic trip!!!!! Enjoy your down time today, so you can hit the parks hard tomorrow!

Well, I should go shuffle these papers around a little more.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Thank you! Yes, it will be here soon!
Love the cotton candy reference! I feel that way too sometimes, especially if I just washed/styled my hair.

Swedish meatballs on the dinner menu for tonight, with a veggie side. Tomorrow will be BBQ Chicken pasta casserole. Another new recipe I'm trying. Saturday night will be either leftovers or pizza I think.
Will shop Sunday morning for the grilling meat. Meals are sorted for a few days...


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