Something About Nothing............ #14

Yay, Keisha doing her PT. I hope you are feeling better and will back to good form again.
ASAP I hope:) Had to cancel first appt next week, issue with tooth bonding loosening trumped that for next Tuesday. Priorities ya know lol
Sorry to hear the second shot had side effects...hopefully they pass quickly!
It should run it’s course in 1-1/2 days, well worth it to be protected
I added some real crab too
Thanks, will reinstall tictok on ipad to view
One more Disney story.....
Today I was telling B and Dh about the first time I went to WDW. I think it was 1989. I kept seeing people wearing this cute, stripe, sort of ty dye shirt.

I really wanted one, but they were completely sold out of the ones in color. I finally bought one that was black and white. Tonight we were waiting in line for our bus back to our hotel. A young woman got in line behind us and she was wearing this shirt. What are the odds?
Hey all! PT has me feeling as i’ve Be en beat up, guess that means it’s working. Going to be some chilly days ahead here before warming back up on Memorial Day. Have family BD celebration scheduled monday, pool time only for the brave that day. Count me out.

Um, you’d think a time out at the very least would be in order, if not an expulsion

Haha i’ve Been getting lapped by the old gals on walking track for over 30 years. Gotta love those smiles they give as they do

Was he ok?

I tried spaetzle once using a box grater. Failboat, such a mass

Can you share sounds heavenly

Just PB my dates for fall trip. Wanted HR, will keep checking, just glad we have a confirmed place to stay

i would use a large sprayer bottle that did double duty for my house pl
ants. Worked on my DS too

Great news

Not a fan, other than what was Milk shake happy hour

Can’t get over how high it is from our market either, considering entertainment isn’t back in full force yet

One of the few places I will
eat onsite

Loved to watch her do her magic, too bad she’s been pruned for a few ye:duck:

:) thank you, yes, i get sentimental on family BDs. Feel bad tho, had his 2nd vaccine yesterday & sick as a dog today. Need to run up later with some soup & his presents.

Here, here! Sunday nights were the pits.

Yep, supposed to be good when PT hurts....or so I`m told!

Oh yes, they did smile as they screeched past, Tom is completely fine today, still not even a sore arm. Hope I`m as lucky on Tuesday.

As already said, hope your DS picks up.....ginger ale and your chicken soup will work wonders for him.

Is DiVine not there anymore? It has been a long time since we were, maybe 12 or 13 years now.....

Sunday night feeling....yep, don`t miss that one.

Making a quick morning stop in :wave2:

I seem to be procrastinating today. It goes with a cold rainy weather we have here.

Made it for a walk last night before the rain started. The forecast is for rain until tomorrow sometime. We still need it, even after the drench we got last week.

I didn't get to work on my project last night because of the rain. Hopefully I can finish it over the weekend, and get it sold. Then hopefully score another great piece to flip.

I love hearing tales about your girls! I would love to have chickens, but don't think I would always want the responsibility of them.

It will be so great to be able to do all these things we took for grated before covid! I'm sure your whole group is eager to get together in person.

When I hear about your storms there, it makes me a little happy about living where the air hurts my face. I don't like rain storms. Dh teased me last night about waiting for the rain to stop to go for my walk. I think I'm made of cotton candy and melt in the rain :lmao:

Good luck with the paperwork. Enjoy your time with your friends. It has been too long for us to be away from our friends. They are good for our souls!!!!

Enjoy that warm weather!!!

Yes...I love Fridays. Soon now that summer is here, I always leave early to enjoy my Fridays and get a jump start on my weekend :rolleyes1

Sooooo close, these next few days will fly by!

It sounds like your having a fantastic trip!!!!! Enjoy your down time today, so you can hit the parks hard tomorrow!

Well, I should go shuffle these papers around a little more.

Have a great day everyone!!!

Not a bad way to spend the day pumpkin.

Hope your weather picks up soon.....walking in rain is never fun, I hate the wind and won`t go out if it`s too windy for a walk.

Yes, it`s good to be heading in the right direction.....hopefully.

Lori.....your post doesn`t want to quote for some reason......

Hey, it`s always 5 o`clock somewhere.....but yep, maybe lunchtime is a bit early for

That would work with crab beautifully......we have some gorgeous fresh crab on this coast, I think we could eat it every day to be honest.......your food plans sound good Lori.

Had a small pink gin last night, it was very nice 🍸

It seemed to knock me out for the count though.....I always sleep well, but heck.....

NIce to see another lovely sunny day ahead. Although busy morning and will be in an office all morning, but it`s always a nice meeting. Then plan to do some grocery and fresh produce shopping so we don`t need to go out over the holiday weekend and weather has to be beautiful, so we`ll grill the weekend away.

Dinner tonight is charcuterie for Tom and I, but it`ll be a bit later as he is going to pick up our friends son and gf and take them to the showroom to pick up his new car. Tom said it should just be the two of them, but they asked if he`d meet them to make sure everything is in order and he said of course he would, bless them....first new car purchase for them and they`re so excited to get this one.

But, early start this morning.........and it`s Friday.........




Have a wonderful Friday 😁

And we have another special birthday today.

:bday: to Mr of the nicest men I have ever met has a birthday today.....and I know he`ll get some lovely treats today......🎁🎉🎈

Hope he has a lovely day Janet.........


(hope this is the right one below 🙃)



Woot! That Friday feeling is here. Alarm now turned off for the next 3 days. Yay!

And so, nothing more fun than to start the week days this coming week, on a Tuesday. Holiday weekends are great.

And rightfully, a birthday this Friday. Happy Birthday to Keisha’s DH. More cake and ice cream, yay!

Nice of Tom to continue to help that young man get his new car, Schumi. And glad to hear Tom’s side effects from the shot are gone. I hope you have none or minor, short happening side effects when you get your second shot. I had the same sore arm, though thought the first shot’s sore arm was much more painful than the second time. Second time was more like a puffy arm that was just a little sore. Both times, the sore arm went away in a few days. Hope your breakfast tea was tasty, as you were up early today.

And so, the last day this week, I’m up before the sunrise, and ready not much later. Another overcast start, with 59 out, and not a very warm day, with 62 the high, and most likely will see rain, as phone gives a 60 percent chance, and weather lady on morning news said most will see some rain today. Unseasonably cool. Yeah, as still above 50, will try with shorts, and see if pants needed when stepping out before my lunchtime walk. Though with 62 percent humidity, will feel muggy, even if not so sunny, nor hot. And the rain is here to stay, as 90 percent chance says phone tomorrow, and weather lady said will be a rainy weekend, as rain to fall mostly on Saturday, with more chances on Sunday, with high temps not even seeing 60. 52 and 57 the predicted weekend highs. Pants may be making an appearance. But both are showing a dry Monday, so yay, a dry holiday Monday. Little one has training for her camp job this summer today and this weekend. Part of her job is with those using the zip lines across the lake and between the trees. So as she is now past 18, she gets certified to do that job. Told her she’d better find her rain jacket. And she does have a pair of sneakers that are water resistant, so I guess she may wear them too.

And with little one having dinner with her coworkers tonight, and DH going over his mum’s today, should be just older one and me for dinner tonight. He said he’d be done work at 6:30 pm tonight, so I will most likely seek an afternoon snack before he gets home. Later dinnertime, and not sure what we will be having. Last night, breaded up the last of the chicken and fried it, then made mac and cheese, as requested by little one. Steamed broccoli was the other side. Nothing leftover, so will see if he wants to get something to cook, or do takeout.

And interesting, in our state news, Governor said June 28 will be the lifting of all restrictions, though masks still will be required on transportation, and where location says it is required. So far, stores and restaurants are still requiring masks. At least we are closer to all being vaccinated, as 51 percent are fully vaccinated, with over 65 aged, 72 percent are vaccinated. Governor was hoping to get to 70 percent by that date in June. I hope so, as same day, and walk in appointments are available now.

Off to get more tea. And big smile, a Fabulous Friday to all the homies, and eat some cake and ice cream, as it’s Keisha’s DH’s birthday this fabulous Friday. Woot! Woot!
Nice you are having more restrictions lifted LG, it makes such a difference in our day to day lives.

Oh he didn’t have any side effects at all from either vaccine......not even a sore arm. He enjoys anything with cars, and being able to help one of our friends kids, well, he’s more than happy to do that.

Have a good Friday......

Good to see UOR is losing mandatory masks indoors this weekend, think it’s from tomorrow. Hopefully a very positive sign.

Lovely day here.....sun is shining and it’s actually warm. Think we’ll be in the garden this afternoon. Sitting outside having Lunch right now which is the first for a while. Maybe summer has arrived after all.
J’aime I am the same with dogs - had them all my life. It was easy when Mum and Dad were available to doggy sit (apart from one time one of my retrievers ate a special birthday cake!!!!). I have been worrying about our friends who now look after Louie as N is not too well with his cancer treatment and that brings home that responsibility. I could never kennel them.

Charade you are eating in a lot of our favourite places! Great trip.

Schumi glad Tom’s vaccination was good. DS had his first one this week and no side effects. Though we do really think he had Covid in February 2020.

Had a lovely time with my friend for lunch. We have so much shared life events. Laughing and crying but much needed. Her lovely DH had a stroke 3 years ago and though he’s doing ok is not now able to play golf etc so they’ve decided to sell up their villa in Spain. Difficult to deal with from here but she’s making a start.

Meat lovers here we have a lamb delivery coming from the farm tomorrow but have duck for our meal tonight. Marinading all day hope it will be really tender.

Happy weekend to everyone!
It’s 10:30. I’m tired and sweaty and my feet hurt. We are in line to take the bus back to the hotel. A little boy, about 8 or 9 years old, keeps singing the word “hello” over and over again. I am going to lose my mind.
Oh goodness! Some kiddos have energy until all hours of the night!

Yep, supposed to be good when PT hurts....or so I`m told!

Oh yes, they did smile as they screeched past, Tom is completely fine today, still not even a sore arm. Hope I`m as lucky on Tuesday.

As already said, hope your DS picks up.....ginger ale and your chicken soup will work wonders for him.

Is DiVine not there anymore? It has been a long time since we were, maybe 12 or 13 years now.....

Sunday night feeling....yep, don`t miss that one.

Not a bad way to spend the day pumpkin.

Hope your weather picks up soon.....walking in rain is never fun, I hate the wind and won`t go out if it`s too windy for a walk.

Yes, it`s good to be heading in the right direction.....hopefully.

Lori.....your post doesn`t want to quote for some reason......

Hey, it`s always 5 o`clock somewhere.....but yep, maybe lunchtime is a bit early for

That would work with crab beautifully......we have some gorgeous fresh crab on this coast, I think we could eat it every day to be honest.......your food plans sound good Lori.

Had a small pink gin last night, it was very nice 🍸

It seemed to knock me out for the count though.....I always sleep well, but heck.....

NIce to see another lovely sunny day ahead. Although busy morning and will be in an office all morning, but it`s always a nice meeting. Then plan to do some grocery and fresh produce shopping so we don`t need to go out over the holiday weekend and weather has to be beautiful, so we`ll grill the weekend away.

Dinner tonight is charcuterie for Tom and I, but it`ll be a bit later as he is going to pick up our friends son and gf and take them to the showroom to pick up his new car. Tom said it should just be the two of them, but they asked if he`d meet them to make sure everything is in order and he said of course he would, bless them....first new car purchase for them and they`re so excited to get this one.

But, early start this morning.........and it`s Friday.........




Have a wonderful Friday 😁

I have some pink gin tucked away! Will wait for a gorgeous weather "patio day" to make some summer inspired cocktails!

Woot! That Friday feeling is here. Alarm now turned off for the next 3 days. Yay!

And so, nothing more fun than to start the week days this coming week, on a Tuesday. Holiday weekends are great.

And rightfully, a birthday this Friday. Happy Birthday to Keisha’s DH. More cake and ice cream, yay!

Nice of Tom to continue to help that young man get his new car, Schumi. And glad to hear Tom’s side effects from the shot are gone. I hope you have none or minor, short happening side effects when you get your second shot. I had the same sore arm, though thought the first shot’s sore arm was much more painful than the second time. Second time was more like a puffy arm that was just a little sore. Both times, the sore arm went away in a few days. Hope your breakfast tea was tasty, as you were up early today.

And so, the last day this week, I’m up before the sunrise, and ready not much later. Another overcast start, with 59 out, and not a very warm day, with 62 the high, and most likely will see rain, as phone gives a 60 percent chance, and weather lady on morning news said most will see some rain today. Unseasonably cool. Yeah, as still above 50, will try with shorts, and see if pants needed when stepping out before my lunchtime walk. Though with 62 percent humidity, will feel muggy, even if not so sunny, nor hot. And the rain is here to stay, as 90 percent chance says phone tomorrow, and weather lady said will be a rainy weekend, as rain to fall mostly on Saturday, with more chances on Sunday, with high temps not even seeing 60. 52 and 57 the predicted weekend highs. Pants may be making an appearance. But both are showing a dry Monday, so yay, a dry holiday Monday. Little one has training for her camp job this summer today and this weekend. Part of her job is with those using the zip lines across the lake and between the trees. So as she is now past 18, she gets certified to do that job. Told her she’d better find her rain jacket. And she does have a pair of sneakers that are water resistant, so I guess she may wear them too.

And with little one having dinner with her coworkers tonight, and DH going over his mum’s today, should be just older one and me for dinner tonight. He said he’d be done work at 6:30 pm tonight, so I will most likely seek an afternoon snack before he gets home. Later dinnertime, and not sure what we will be having. Last night, breaded up the last of the chicken and fried it, then made mac and cheese, as requested by little one. Steamed broccoli was the other side. Nothing leftover, so will see if he wants to get something to cook, or do takeout.

And interesting, in our state news, Governor said June 28 will be the lifting of all restrictions, though masks still will be required on transportation, and where location says it is required. So far, stores and restaurants are still requiring masks. At least we are closer to all being vaccinated, as 51 percent are fully vaccinated, with over 65 aged, 72 percent are vaccinated. Governor was hoping to get to 70 percent by that date in June. I hope so, as same day, and walk in appointments are available now.

Off to get more tea. And big smile, a Fabulous Friday to all the homies, and eat some cake and ice cream, as it’s Keisha’s DH’s birthday this fabulous Friday. Woot! Woot!
Is your DD planning on working with kids for her career?
Summer camp is such a great experience!

J’aime I am the same with dogs - had them all my life. It was easy when Mum and Dad were available to doggy sit (apart from one time one of my retrievers ate a special birthday cake!!!!). I have been worrying about our friends who now look after Louie as N is not too well with his cancer treatment and that brings home that responsibility. I could never kennel them.

Charade you are eating in a lot of our favourite places! Great trip.

Schumi glad Tom’s vaccination was good. DS had his first one this week and no side effects. Though we do really think he had Covid in February 2020.

Had a lovely time with my friend for lunch. We have so much shared life events. Laughing and crying but much needed. Her lovely DH had a stroke 3 years ago and though he’s doing ok is not now able to play golf etc so they’ve decided to sell up their villa in Spain. Difficult to deal with from here but she’s making a start.

Meat lovers here we have a lamb delivery coming from the farm tomorrow but have duck for our meal tonight. Marinading all day hope it will be really tender.

Happy weekend to everyone!
Sounds like two awesome meals planned!! Yum!
Glad you had a wonderful time with your friend!!

I am bursting about the possibility of masks being completely optional at Universal!!!!! Is it supposed to be official today, or tomorrow? I read so quickly, I'm not totally certain.
I never thought there was even a chance before my trip...

Myself and both girls are fully vaccinated and quite healthy, so we are very comfortable going without masks!

It is indeed a Happy Friday!
Paris, not sure, but it is a a good paying job for the Sumner. Both my kids went to and worked at the Summer Camp. This year, older one thought wanted a different job. But little one thought one more year. Makes sense, as she won’t be 21 until next end of Summer. So for the first time they are not going to the same place to work this Summer.

Well, been sunny out, and decided cool enough, lightweight pants on. Thinking may change for walking, but when our trash out, thought, pants was the better choice, as had lightweight shorts on, and a bit cool, even with sun out right now.
Oh goodness! Some kiddos have energy until all hours of the night!

I have some pink gin tucked away! Will wait for a gorgeous weather "patio day" to make some summer inspired cocktails!

Is your DD planning on working with kids for her career?
Summer camp is such a great experience!

Sounds like two awesome meals planned!! Yum!
Glad you had a wonderful time with your friend!!

I am bursting about the possibility of masks being completely optional at Universal!!!!! Is it supposed to be official today, or tomorrow? I read so quickly, I'm not totally certain.
I never thought there was even a chance before my trip...

Myself and both girls are fully vaccinated and quite healthy, so we are very comfortable going without masks!

It is indeed a Happy Friday!

It is very refreshing to drink in a tall glass. I do have one friend who drinks it like a fine brandy and sips on a small amount......she can make a drink last hours! No patio drinking today for us, after a beautiful lunch outside, it has clouded over, almost misty with a sea fret. So back inside now.

I`ve been getting overloaded with survey`s from UOR last couple of months. I did sign up to be on the panel, but the amount of survey`s on masks and their possible withdrawal and some asking for an International traveller viewpoint has been interesting.

From tomorrow apparently. One site said confirmed, but nothing official directly from UOR yet.

I think I`ll be ok until some inconsiderate and thoughtless person coughs or sneezes near me without covering their mouth or I`ll see how comfortable I am.

Yes, this will be me!


Have a great weekend Lori, it sounds lovely.
:wave2: Making a quick Friday morning stop in!!! must be Friday morning. I don't want to shuffle any papers and been procrastinating all morning. The shiny squirrel syndrome ( distractions ) left and and right all around me, and not focusing on the task at hand lol.

Didn't get out for a walk last night. I wanted to partake on the last zoom meeting last night about youngest ds's graduation that is happening next Friday. Got all the details now. Will be getting his clothing out, washed and pressed over the weekend. Menu for the weekend is mostly worked out, along with the grocery list. It will be a busy weekend, but looking forward to being with family and to celebrate in the capacity that we can.

I just wanted to pop in quick. I will probably pop in again today, as there are not many papers to shuffle today, and I really don't feel like working today.
If I were a horse they would have shot me by now. Because of the blister on my heel, I tried to find some sandals. The stores had mostly flip flops which I won’t wear. I tried some slides, but they didn’t fit my fat feet. In desperation I bought some Crocs. I wore them today and they started rubbing blisters on the top of my feet. The nurses at first aid gave me some band aids, moleskin, and suggested that I get some socks. The stores only had knee socks, so here I am being super stylish.


So how has everyone else’s day been?
Oh poor Charade. I’m sorry you are having such feet issues. Style, why yes they are. And I could never wear those, as my feet are almost narrow. Have other sneakers that fit you? I tend to wear my well worn sneakers in the parks. Too much walking in anything else. Though I do love wearing my flip flops. And thank you for the great pictures. Glad to hear you are having fun, and have been to all the parks.

Sigh, I did have to snack, still waiting for older one to finish work. I did pick up some beef in the pouring rain, of which it is again raining loudly. Oh my, quite this downpour. So thinking if maybe doing beef with peppers, as stopped at the produce place too. Ah, a late Friday dinner. Hope little one is not getting too wet at her job training and older one not wet either. Maybe his job would have given him a raincoat. Otherwise the arrival of two wet kids later tonight.
Paris, not sure, but it is a a good paying job for the Sumner. Both my kids went to and worked at the Summer Camp. This year, older one thought wanted a different job. But little one thought one more year. Makes sense, as she won’t be 21 until next end of Summer. So for the first time they are not going to the same place to work this Summer.

Well, been sunny out, and decided cool enough, lightweight pants on. Thinking may change for walking, but when our trash out, thought, pants was the better choice, as had lightweight shorts on, and a bit cool, even with sun out right now.
Always a great job and wonderful that your young adults are working with the kiddos!!
The sun finally peeked out...yay!

It is very refreshing to drink in a tall glass. I do have one friend who drinks it like a fine brandy and sips on a small amount......she can make a drink last hours! No patio drinking today for us, after a beautiful lunch outside, it has clouded over, almost misty with a sea fret. So back inside now.

I`ve been getting overloaded with survey`s from UOR last couple of months. I did sign up to be on the panel, but the amount of survey`s on masks and their possible withdrawal and some asking for an International traveller viewpoint has been interesting.

From tomorrow apparently. One site said confirmed, but nothing official directly from UOR yet.

I think I`ll be ok until some inconsiderate and thoughtless person coughs or sneezes near me without covering their mouth or I`ll see how comfortable I am.

Yes, this will be me!


Have a great weekend Lori, it sounds lovely.
Thanks Carole! It's after 5 pm here...on a holiday weekend....oh boy, lol!

Strolled into MK today around 12:30. Immediately saw some princesses.

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We are now relaxing with some snacks from Starbucks and have a great view.

View attachment 578118
Very nice, thanks for sharing!

:wave2: Making a quick Friday morning stop in!!! must be Friday morning. I don't want to shuffle any papers and been procrastinating all morning. The shiny squirrel syndrome ( distractions ) left and and right all around me, and not focusing on the task at hand lol.

Didn't get out for a walk last night. I wanted to partake on the last zoom meeting last night about youngest ds's graduation that is happening next Friday. Got all the details now. Will be getting his clothing out, washed and pressed over the weekend. Menu for the weekend is mostly worked out, along with the grocery list. It will be a busy weekend, but looking forward to being with family and to celebrate in the capacity that we can.

I just wanted to pop in quick. I will probably pop in again today, as there are not many papers to shuffle today, and I really don't feel like working today.
Have a super family weekend, and congrats to your DS!!!!

If I were a horse they would have shot me by now. Because of the blister on my heel, I tried to find some sandals. The stores had mostly flip flops which I won’t wear. I tried some slides, but they didn’t fit my fat feet. In desperation I bought some Crocs. I wore them today and they started rubbing blisters on the top of my feet. The nurses at first aid gave me some band aids, moleskin, and suggested that I get some socks. The stores only had knee socks, so here I am being super stylish.

View attachment 578194

So how has everyone else’s day been?
Oh Charade, you poor thing! Hope the first aid is helping...
Must say, I love the crocs and the socks!! You rock them!!

Happy Birthday to DH of Keisha!! It's a bday filled weekend at your house, hope it's great!!

Will bring the suitcases up from the basement soon. Since our flight is at 6am on Monday, all packing will be finished on Sunday.


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