Something About Nothing............ #14

Good evening. I think the heat and all the walking/standing is starting to get to me. On top of that I have a blister on the side of my heel.

Today we just walked along the World Showcase.We would go to a couple of countries then sit and drink water for awhile then a couple more countries, etc.

Dinner was really good. We went to Rose and Crown. I ordered fish and chips. I got 3 huge pieces of fish along with an ample portion of fries. It was very good. For dessert I had my first sticky toffee pudding. Also very good.

I haven’t been taking a lot of pictures this trip. Here’s a couple from the flower and garden festival.



We finally made a park rope drop and were greeted by Mickey and Minnie.


Yeah, and that’s a sad fact, Keisha. I try to be kind. Long ago now, I worked in a retail service position twice, but I do not fondly remember some customers, and so, I will always try my best to keep my temper.

Yay, thank you for the pictures and live reporting Charade. I hope you give your feet a rest, and hope blister does not hurt. Ouch.

Eek, did not think it was that warm out, but AC is running. Must be humidity creeping in at these later hours. But not complaining, as feels perfect temp inside. It surely will be running more tomorrow, as another sticky Summer feeling day, with back into the 90’s, is predicted. And you know, with a Summer feeling day, the chance of a Summer type thunderstorm is also predicted in the later in the day and evening. No matter, as camel also likes it hot, should have a smile for ya tomorrow.

Ack, the joy of hearing what will be a 4 hour class, that DH teaching an online class of about 40 people, live video of each other is required. And do you believe, at break, he told me, one of the student’s live video was of her having sex. :scared1: TMI, and I needed to know that?:oops: Thank goodness it is over at 10.

agreed, too often you order sunny-side up and they try to pass off over-easy ones. Nope, not the same lol
yum, if you tell us you made the tortellini from scratch :worship: He of the crushed foot makes killer ravioli and pirogi. I’m generally far too impatient to mess with fresh pasta.

Aw, so bittersweet. Sounds like it was absolutely lovely, to be followed by an amazing trip :)

Literally, you turn around and they’ve grown. Where does the time go? Other than guessing there are the Neapolitan three colors, not sure what that cake is, never heard of it.

I ordered a hockey themed cake for my two BD boys for later this week. One’s team is knocked out of playoffs, other’s are probably not far behind. Maybe I should rethink it :)


She shoots & scores

Trying to be positive least the masks kept that swamp water from going into your mouth.

It’s extraordinary

If anyone says anything unkind, kick them with your good foot JK. Keep on truckin

Unfortunately, adult ‘magical meltdowns’ at WDW (along with the other major parks) aren’t the exception to the rule.

people far too often get inside their own heads with wildly idealistic expectations. Imagine that heightened to the nth degree when at the happiest place on earth, where all your wishes are supposed to come true. :earsboy:

Have seen far too many people, who probably are otherwise calm & rational, lash out at the nearest target...whether it’s their own family, another guest or a CM.

Maybe a cake rethink is a good

Seems to be more and more entitled people around too who forget there are other people around. Such awful behaviour, and glad to see theme parks aren`t allowing staff to be treated in such a way.

Keep on truckin...... :rotfl:will do!! When we drove down to the beach yesterday for our walk, we were passed by several, shall we say much older folks didn`t go unnoticed!

Good evening. I think the heat and all the walking/standing is starting to get to me. On top of that I have a blister on the side of my heel.

Today we just walked along the World Showcase.We would go to a couple of countries then sit and drink water for awhile then a couple more countries, etc.

Dinner was really good. We went to Rose and Crown. I ordered fish and chips. I got 3 huge pieces of fish along with an ample portion of fries. It was very good. For dessert I had my first sticky toffee pudding. Also very good.

I haven’t been taking a lot of pictures this trip. Here’s a couple from the flower and garden festival.

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We finally made a park rope drop and were greeted by Mickey and Minnie.

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Lovely pictures Charade, and hope that blister doesn`t give you too much trouble.

Sticky toffee pudding is lush!

Yeah, and that’s a sad fact, Keisha. I try to be kind. Long ago now, I worked in a retail service position twice, but I do not fondly remember some customers, and so, I will always try my best to keep my temper.

Yay, thank you for the pictures and live reporting Charade. I hope you give your feet a rest, and hope blister does not hurt. Ouch.

Eek, did not think it was that warm out, but AC is running. Must be humidity creeping in at these later hours. But not complaining, as feels perfect temp inside. It surely will be running more tomorrow, as another sticky Summer feeling day, with back into the 90’s, is predicted. And you know, with a Summer feeling day, the chance of a Summer type thunderstorm is also predicted in the later in the day and evening. No matter, as camel also likes it hot, should have a smile for ya tomorrow.

Ack, the joy of hearing what will be a 4 hour class, that DH teaching an online class of about 40 people, live video of each other is required. And do you believe, at break, he told me, one of the student’s live video was of her having sex. :scared1: TMI, and I needed to know that?:oops: Thank goodness it is over at 10.

I don`t think anything much surprises me now with such plebeian behaviour from some. Standards for some, are so low. You just have to hope they grow up fast and develop higher standards for themselves.

Heavy rain this morning, although not forecast to be as heavy. Doesn`t look to be going off soon.

Tom has his second vaccine this morning, so I`ll go with him in the car. If he did feel unwell immediately, my good foot is my right foot so I could drive if I had to as the left one doesn`t do anything anyway. But, fingers crossed he`ll be right as rain like the last time.

Then I saw a dress online a few days ago and will pop into the store to see if they have it as it`s sold out online, worth a punt in case. Parking is covered for this place so my open sandals won`t get drenched walking to the store. I`m glad this didn`t happen in winter, I`d never get out.

Think a warming breakfast this morning of scrambled eggs as it looks so miserable out there......but we`re promised better weather......soon. Although the trees all around us have never looked so green......always a positive.




Happy Wednesday​
Ah yes, I’d say it would have surprised me, but I guess she was not so interested in the class. :joker: Can’t fix a person who doesn’t know better. Sigh. Yes, I hope one learns that doing unacceptable behavior is just as important to avoid doing no matter how the class is being held. And so, I’m very thankful my kids know better when they attend their online classes.

Yay for Tom to get his second shot and fully vaccinated soon. Hope you find that dress Schumi, and the rain goes away. Sending more well wishes that foot is healing and you’ll be in a shoe when ready.

Ooh, and the heat returns. Overcast and already close to 70 degrees. Partly cloudy as the day goes on, as there will be enough sun to have a high temp of 90 today. And the muggy sticky humidity ticks up so high, those Summer like thunderstorms may be fired up to enjoy rain at dinner and late in the evening. So as it’s hot, and a Wednesday, the camel is here to wish homies a Happy Wednesday:


And so, as we sashay along today, that camel hump of a day means a Friday is near. Woot! And while not thinking to make it a 4 day XL weekend, will take a shorter day working Friday, to start the holiday weekend. Woot! Woot! Woot! End of May coming up, and the official start of summer season down the shore is coming this holiday weekend. But it’s the time of the year all should have a thank you and remembering of those in the military and all the veterans.

Ah yes, AC has made the house just right, though tea, hot tea, is mostly the breakfast want drink. Time to refill and enjoy some cookies little one baked last night. She found a bag of chocolate chips while at store, so yum, sweet treats after that boring crispy cereal.

Wonderful Wednesday to all the homies.
lg....I would hope most kids know not to behave like that! Jeez.....what must have they been thinking! Well, they don`t care do they.

Holiday weekend here too, just a Bank Holiday Monday, but for those that work and get those days off, nice long weekend.


I think winter has returned here. Went out with Tom to get his 2nd vaccine and it was cold. Felt silly with sandals on and a heavy jacket.......but didn`t go into Doc`s with him, waited in car, then went into town and did get the dress I wanted. Bought it, but not sure.....I`ll keep it anyway, it might grow on me.

Rain looks like it`s not lessening anytime soon, but not going out this afternoon, will catch up with some friends on the phone I think.

Book group book finished, now looking through my books to find something to keep me out of mischief till new one is chosen.

Pulled pork for dinner tonight so will make some cornbread this afternoon too, made the BBQ sauce last night, think it needs a little more spice, will add that before mixing with the pork.

Pot of tea time........
Ooh will share my pot of tea with you, Schumi, but both our tea pots would be double nice. Can you tell, I do like tea? Brr, winter coat not need here. We have been flirting with Summer time temps last week and this week. I hope your weather improves, as you’ve had so many cool rainy days lately.

The trouble with getting up still before the sun, it’s still mid morning here. Sigh.:snail: Is it lunchtime yet? Eh, both kids do not have classes nor work today. Yesterday, only little one had a nothing to do day and had a 1pm get moving time. Wonder what time they will arise today?
Lynne our Taco Bell opened up their dining room months ago
We have eaten inside and have not seen anyone else at the tables

the one we go to is off 75 and all do the drive thru
It is an easy on, easy off and a block from returning to 75

This TB is basically drive thru due to their location

Tonight is chicken night at home
Mainly due to the fact of chicken expiration date.

Schumi if your chicken dinner turns out better than mine, will you trade with me?
I get the feeling you can cook up a storm as you’d meals always sound so delicious!

A shout out to all the homies that haven’t checked in here yet

Hope all have a relaxing day !
Do you have a "usual" order at TB?
I always used to get the pintos and cheese, then top with mild sauce. Haven't been to a TB in probably 10+ years.

Good Tuesday morning Sans family :sunny:

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Sun is shinning and it’s supposed to be a beautiful day.

Congratulations on your new baby grandson.

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Keisha sorry to hear of your sons accident at work.

Seems like there have been lots of leg and foot issues here on the Sans lately.

To you, your son, Schumi, J’aime Paris daughter and Charades mom and any other Sans family members who are ailing with Injuries I’am sending lots of get well wishes your way.

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Sending get well prayers for her.

Congratulations to your daughter. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time celebrating.

Happy belated birthday to your son.

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Congratulations on getting a boarding group for RotR. It’s not a easy thing to get.

Your trip is coming up soon. I’am sure you all will have a great time.

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It’s going to be a pretty day today. I’am going to plant some flowers. Need to amend the soil in some areas.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

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Off I go for the day View attachment 577414
Will think of you Robo when riding Minions!!!!

We are sitting in front of the America section waiting for a show to start. I can smell bbq from the restaurant nearby and it smells so good. I would love to try some, but we have dinner reservations at 6:00.

I would advise getting reservations for a Disney Springs restaurant I just pulled up tonight’s availability.

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Thanks for the info! Was able to get Tues and Thurs night. Not my 1st, 2nd or even third choice of restaurant, but I was able to get something. May check back for additional openings.

lg.....yep, had a good day and rain only interrupted one walk. Glad to hear your restrictions are being lifted and soon you`ll be back to normal. I think we passed the 60 million vaccinations the other day, and we only have around 66.5 million in our country. Not bad.

Charade, not a nice sight to see again. What is wrong with people that they need to insult others, and glad the employers don`t accept it against their staff.

Glad you`re having a lovely trip and hope the rest of the trip is uneventful.

mac....there`s a seat for you at our dining table anytime.......although I`ll just share ours as I hate tacos if that`s what you were to go was delicious!

Lori.....yes, I really do enjoy the calls. So many on their own and although some can now see family and get out, there are some that just don`t have anyone. Breaks your heart really. But, you never hear them feel sorry for themselves nor moan about their life.

Oh I`d make a booking for Disney Springs for sure. As soon as you can. the memes! And thank you for the good wishes.......hope you have a lovely day ahead of you.....enjoy that lovely sunshine!

Did manage a couple of walks today, first one we did around a mile, but turned back halfway as the rain came on. Then this afternoon we looked out and saw this ominous sky, but took the chance as the sky the other side of us was bright.


We managed 3 miles though which we were pleased with for today. And not really any foot pain.

Just made it back in before the rain did come on.

Enjoyed dinner and now thinking about putting tv on to watch Ashes to Ashes from a few years back, season 3, wonderful series but hate the ending, still watch it though even though I bawl my eyes out every time.

And maybe an elderflower spritzer tonight, alcohol free but very nice.
You and Tom really have the knack for some beautiful photos!


agreed, too often you order sunny-side up and they try to pass off over-easy ones. Nope, not the same lol
yum, if you tell us you made the tortellini from scratch :worship: He of the crushed foot makes killer ravioli and pirogi. I’m generally far too impatient to mess with fresh pasta.

Aw, so bittersweet. Sounds like it was absolutely lovely, to be followed by an amazing trip :)

Literally, you turn around and they’ve grown. Where does the time go? Other than guessing there are the Neapolitan three colors, not sure what that cake is, never heard of it.

I ordered a hockey themed cake for my two BD boys for later this week. One’s team is knocked out of playoffs, other’s are probably not far behind. Maybe I should rethink it :)


She shoots & scores

Trying to be positive least the masks kept that swamp water from going into your mouth.

It’s extraordinary

If anyone says anything unkind, kick them with your good foot JK. Keep on truckin

Unfortunately, adult ‘magical meltdowns’ at WDW (along with the other major parks) aren’t the exception to the rule.

people far too often get inside their own heads with wildly idealistic expectations. Imagine that heightened to the nth degree when at the happiest place on earth, where all your wishes are supposed to come true. :earsboy:

Have seen far too many people, who probably are otherwise calm & rational, lash out at the nearest target...whether it’s their own family, another guest or a CM.
No not from scratch...I've never attempted pasta from scratch.
I have made German spaetzle from scratch, and it was yummy!

And I promise to be on my best behavior at meltdowns from me!

Good evening. I think the heat and all the walking/standing is starting to get to me. On top of that I have a blister on the side of my heel.

Today we just walked along the World Showcase.We would go to a couple of countries then sit and drink water for awhile then a couple more countries, etc.

Dinner was really good. We went to Rose and Crown. I ordered fish and chips. I got 3 huge pieces of fish along with an ample portion of fries. It was very good. For dessert I had my first sticky toffee pudding. Also very good.

I haven’t been taking a lot of pictures this trip. Here’s a couple from the flower and garden festival.

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We finally made a park rope drop and were greeted by Mickey and Minnie.

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Very beautiful and colorful pictures!!
Hope you're doing ok....the heat this week in FL looks brutal!

Yeah, and that’s a sad fact, Keisha. I try to be kind. Long ago now, I worked in a retail service position twice, but I do not fondly remember some customers, and so, I will always try my best to keep my temper.

Yay, thank you for the pictures and live reporting Charade. I hope you give your feet a rest, and hope blister does not hurt. Ouch.

Eek, did not think it was that warm out, but AC is running. Must be humidity creeping in at these later hours. But not complaining, as feels perfect temp inside. It surely will be running more tomorrow, as another sticky Summer feeling day, with back into the 90’s, is predicted. And you know, with a Summer feeling day, the chance of a Summer type thunderstorm is also predicted in the later in the day and evening. No matter, as camel also likes it hot, should have a smile for ya tomorrow.

Ack, the joy of hearing what will be a 4 hour class, that DH teaching an online class of about 40 people, live video of each other is required. And do you believe, at break, he told me, one of the student’s live video was of her having sex. :scared1: TMI, and I needed to know that?:oops: Thank goodness it is over at 10.
WOW! Some things never fail to stun, lol!

Maybe a cake rethink is a good

Seems to be more and more entitled people around too who forget there are other people around. Such awful behaviour, and glad to see theme parks aren`t allowing staff to be treated in such a way.

Keep on truckin...... :rotfl:will do!! When we drove down to the beach yesterday for our walk, we were passed by several, shall we say much older folks didn`t go unnoticed!

Lovely pictures Charade, and hope that blister doesn`t give you too much trouble.

Sticky toffee pudding is lush!

I don`t think anything much surprises me now with such plebeian behaviour from some. Standards for some, are so low. You just have to hope they grow up fast and develop higher standards for themselves.

Heavy rain this morning, although not forecast to be as heavy. Doesn`t look to be going off soon.

Tom has his second vaccine this morning, so I`ll go with him in the car. If he did feel unwell immediately, my good foot is my right foot so I could drive if I had to as the left one doesn`t do anything anyway. But, fingers crossed he`ll be right as rain like the last time.

Then I saw a dress online a few days ago and will pop into the store to see if they have it as it`s sold out online, worth a punt in case. Parking is covered for this place so my open sandals won`t get drenched walking to the store. I`m glad this didn`t happen in winter, I`d never get out.

Think a warming breakfast this morning of scrambled eggs as it looks so miserable out there......but we`re promised better weather......soon. Although the trees all around us have never looked so green......always a positive.




Happy Wednesday​
Good luck to Tom...I'm sure he'll do well again!

Ah yes, I’d say it would have surprised me, but I guess she was not so interested in the class. :joker: Can’t fix a person who doesn’t know better. Sigh. Yes, I hope one learns that doing unacceptable behavior is just as important to avoid doing no matter how the class is being held. And so, I’m very thankful my kids know better when they attend their online classes.

Yay for Tom to get his second shot and fully vaccinated soon. Hope you find that dress Schumi, and the rain goes away. Sending more well wishes that foot is healing and you’ll be in a shoe when ready.

Ooh, and the heat returns. Overcast and already close to 70 degrees. Partly cloudy as the day goes on, as there will be enough sun to have a high temp of 90 today. And the muggy sticky humidity ticks up so high, those Summer like thunderstorms may be fired up to enjoy rain at dinner and late in the evening. So as it’s hot, and a Wednesday, the camel is here to wish homies a Happy Wednesday:

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And so, as we sashay along today, that camel hump of a day means a Friday is near. Woot! And while not thinking to make it a 4 day XL weekend, will take a shorter day working Friday, to start the holiday weekend. Woot! Woot! Woot! End of May coming up, and the official start of summer season down the shore is coming this holiday weekend. But it’s the time of the year all should have a thank you and remembering of those in the military and all the veterans.

Ah yes, AC has made the house just right, though tea, hot tea, is mostly the breakfast want drink. Time to refill and enjoy some cookies little one baked last night. She found a bag of chocolate chips while at store, so yum, sweet treats after that boring crispy cereal.

Wonderful Wednesday to all the homies.
We had a hot day yesterday, and today will be pleasant.
Happy Wednesday Lynne!

lg....I would hope most kids know not to behave like that! Jeez.....what must have they been thinking! Well, they don`t care do they.

Holiday weekend here too, just a Bank Holiday Monday, but for those that work and get those days off, nice long weekend.


I think winter has returned here. Went out with Tom to get his 2nd vaccine and it was cold. Felt silly with sandals on and a heavy jacket.......but didn`t go into Doc`s with him, waited in car, then went into town and did get the dress I wanted. Bought it, but not sure.....I`ll keep it anyway, it might grow on me.

Rain looks like it`s not lessening anytime soon, but not going out this afternoon, will catch up with some friends on the phone I think.

Book group book finished, now looking through my books to find something to keep me out of mischief till new one is chosen.

Pulled pork for dinner tonight so will make some cornbread this afternoon too, made the BBQ sauce last night, think it needs a little more spice, will add that before mixing with the pork.

Pot of tea time........
NO MORE WINTER!! There!,....that should take care of it for you, lol!

Hope Tom is feeling good still!

Yesterdays move home for DD went well. It was quite warm, so we all sweat and had a good workout. She's on the second floor.... many trips up/down the stairs. And since parking is as easy to find as a unicorn, we had to schlep everything a block away too!
Now our 3 stall of our garage is quite full. DD will be spending several days sorting through everything. No worries for me, as I still have my parking space. Hers is the one with all the 'stuff'!

Trying out a new recipe today. California sushi roll in a bowl! Saw a TikTok of how to make it. Seems simple enough and should be liked by all in this house. I also have some potstickers from Trader Joe's in the freezer. That should go well with the sushi bowls!

And this is so true! Love these!
Ah not a sushi eater, but older one loves it. Tells me where to buy as I tried different places, now only go to the two he says are the best and best selection.

Ah, kids got up before breakfast time was over at quick serving places, so had a bigger or my second breakfast around 10:30. So that or an early lunch. May make some iced coffee as too warm out on the lunchtime walk.
Looking at hotel ap rates that came out and glad I booked last year

only saw ap available at PB and HR
And only checked for my dates to see if there was a drop in price from what I booked at

I doubt these high rates will keep the crowds away
SF looked like a sweet price but it’s not one of the hotels I would stay at
I like having the premiere hotels for the ep

It’s hot out but looks like temps will drop this week where I am

I would write more but cats have decided they don’t like each other again
Have them in time out rooms...

well it worked better when it was kids I had to separate... cats have a mind of their own

Hope all the homies are doing good !
Hehe, my brother used water guns to break up his two cat fights. Like the time out rooms, Mac. Yeah, was thinking if switching dates, but almost 70 dollars higher than I have per night. So, while sorry may be missing some, hoping some will be around when I am. Still tossed between SF and the mouse. I guess I should make that decision soon. And good I booked when I did for airfare, as that too has increased. Hope that means no changes in times. And still trying that rental car rinse and repeat, as still too high for my taste, but I do like having a car.
I need to buy a water gun !
Great you mentioned that

Having some car repairs done so not sure when I can hit the stores to buy one.

Cats would behave using that!

Was watching the hotel sites changing their rates
AP discounts were at PB and HR for some dates

I booked last year for RP for this year and can live with the price
Their rates as what was listed today are $80 more
than what I booked.

No idea if rates will change and haven’t a clue of % of rooms they plan to fill
Hotel rates will go up and down the next few days
if past history repeats itself

I keep putting off booking my air
Prices still staying high for the airline I use

Just chilling in the ac and sorting out my closet today
Hope I remember where I put everything as reorganizing my study also

It is a small room and it’s a full day job since both cats are trying to “help” me
If you have cats you know this means it will take me twice as long to reorganize my room

Hope all the homies are having a great day!
Do you have a "usual" order at TB?
I always used to get the pintos and cheese, then top with mild sauce. Haven't been to a TB in probably 10+ years.

Will think of you Robo when riding Minions!!!!

Thanks for the info! Was able to get Tues and Thurs night. Not my 1st, 2nd or even third choice of restaurant, but I was able to get something. May check back for additional openings.

You and Tom really have the knack for some beautiful photos!

No not from scratch...I've never attempted pasta from scratch.
I have made German spaetzle from scratch, and it was yummy!

And I promise to be on my best behavior at meltdowns from me!

Very beautiful and colorful pictures!!
Hope you're doing ok....the heat this week in FL looks brutal!

WOW! Some things never fail to stun, lol!

Good luck to Tom...I'm sure he'll do well again!

We had a hot day yesterday, and today will be pleasant.
Happy Wednesday Lynne!

NO MORE WINTER!! There!,....that should take care of it for you, lol!

Hope Tom is feeling good still!

Yesterdays move home for DD went well. It was quite warm, so we all sweat and had a good workout. She's on the second floor.... many trips up/down the stairs. And since parking is as easy to find as a unicorn, we had to schlep everything a block away too!
Now our 3 stall of our garage is quite full. DD will be spending several days sorting through everything. No worries for me, as I still have my parking space. Hers is the one with all the 'stuff'!

Trying out a new recipe today. California sushi roll in a bowl! Saw a TikTok of how to make it. Seems simple enough and should be liked by all in this house. I also have some potstickers from Trader Joe's in the freezer. That should go well with the sushi bowls!

And this is so true! Love these!
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I did like that picture....I had just looked out the window and thought, I`ll bet that doesn`t show up the same on camera, well phone camera, but it was alright. i don`t usually like the quality on phone pics.

We love sushi.....and potstickers too! Sounds good at your house tonight again for food Lori!

Tom is fine again, thankfully, he has been lucky with no reactions so far.

Oh bless her having to sort out all her things....will keep her busy though, but least you didn`t lose a parking spot.

Let us know how the dishes turn out. I`ve never made potstickers before, or sushi now I think on it. There aren`t many good options outside of London for that over here.

I need to buy a water gun !
Great you mentioned that

Having some car repairs done so not sure when I can hit the stores to buy one.

Cats would behave using that!

Was watching the hotel sites changing their rates
AP discounts were at PB and HR for some dates

I booked last year for RP for this year and can live with the price
Their rates as what was listed today are $80 more
than what I booked.

No idea if rates will change and haven’t a clue of % of rooms they plan to fill
Hotel rates will go up and down the next few days
if past history repeats itself

I keep putting off booking my air
Prices still staying high for the airline I use

Just chilling in the ac and sorting out my closet today
Hope I remember where I put everything as reorganizing my study also

It is a small room and it’s a full day job since both cats are trying to “help” me
If you have cats you know this means it will take me twice as long to reorganize my room

Hope all the homies are having a great day!

lol.....those cats sound so cute, although maybe not when you`re trying to do a task and they`re helping...... ::yes::

Tom gets the vaccine, I get a headache......seems about right. Slept for about 2 hours today and woke up feeling much better.

Weather has seemed to have picked up, sun is out and temp has gone up, but hopefully it`ll be as nice tomorrow and we can walk.

Dinner was good, didn`t make cornbread in the end so just made spicy diced potatoes and some salad. Turned out alright. Now going to watch some tv.....well, dvd.
I hate headaches
Hope yours has lifted by now schumi!

Taking a break from reorganizing my study
It is taking longer than usual as I have two cats helping me

So far only two bottles of water were knocked over and a couple of stacks of books bit the dust.

As I empty a box, a cat climbs in one.

and my flimsy tray table needs to be replaced as it was never meant to hold two cats on it

Trying to decide which hamburger joint to go to tonight.
Steak and Shake is Mr Mac’s choice.
Arby’s got voted down...
I hate headaches
Hope yours has lifted by now schumi!

Taking a break from reorganizing my study
It is taking longer than usual as I have two cats helping me

So far only two bottles of water were knocked over and a couple of stacks of books bit the dust.

As I empty a box, a cat climbs in one.

and my flimsy tray table needs to be replaced as it was never meant to hold two cats on it

Trying to decide which hamburger joint to go to tonight.
Steak and Shake is Mr Mac’s choice.
Arby’s got voted down...

Much better thanks mac.....ready for bed though, and it’s only just after 10 here.

We tried steak & shake in LBV once.......Hope yours is better where you are and never been to Arby’s. I think we’ve had this conversation, having another deja vu moment there.

Hope you get it all done today, maybe cats will get bored......:cat:
:wave2: Finally able to make a quick stop in!!!

Had a great weekend, even though I worked both days. Enjoyed my day off for the holiday Monday. We were blessed with beautiful weather all weekend. Youngest ds had a great time camping and came home refreshed and sunburned lol. I was able to work on a project on Monday. It is a bigger piece, so I need to do it outside. The weather was perfect for it. Hopefully the wind stay down, so I can get a couple coats of clear coat protector on it. Then bring it into the house for a few staged pictures, and hopefully sell.

We had a news conference about restrictions. If we keep on our current rate of immunizations and fewer hospitalizations and active covid cases, we will be fully opening up by July. They are hoping to start the second shots in a couple of weeks. Right now, in our province, it's open for anyone born 2009 and 12 years and up. Youngest ds went on Monday for his shot. So we all have the first shot. Hopefully not much wait time anymore for the second. They haven't given details on how they will roll out the second ones. I guess time will tell. I'm just sooo excited that our restrictions are finally lifting!!! Next week we can go to restaurants for outside dining, and I can get my hair done before ds's grad.

And let me introduce our gorgeous new grandson ❤
OMGosh....sooooooo adorably cute!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
He had accident at work & broke/crushed foot. Took all this time to get MRI scheduled. Still running strict covid protocols. Just started letting a support person accompany patients
Sending healing vibes for a speedy recovery.
Graduation weekend passed in a blur! We met up with DD, her roommate and family of roommate on Saturday around 3pm. The girls wanted a photo session, with shots individually, together and with family members. The photographer did a wonderful job, and they got almost 100 great pictures! sounds like you had a great weekend! The moving home process sounded like lots of work, but I am sure you will be glad to have her home again.
DS's 15th birthday is today. Wow, how time flies. He is my one and only so I hate to see him grow up. He wants to go to Red Robin for dinner so that is where we will take him. Not my favorite but he is the birthday boy. I picked up his cake a little while ago. He wanted a Neapolitan cake, so I ordered one from a bakery/cafe near my work. Expensive but it saved me from making one and I know they did a far better job than I could. He made it easy for us by only asking for money but I got him a few gifts that he may or may not like :) In addition to just returning from UOR. :rotfl2:
Happy bellated birthday!!!!
We managed to get into a RotR boarding group at 1:00 yesterday. We were sitting next to a large family group and they were trying to do the same. It was like winning the lottery. Everyone was shouting as they got their boarding group number. I hope aloe can ride again when we go back in a few days.
It sounds like your having a great trip. I have enjoyed all the pictures and updates. I hope your mom is doing alright.
yep, had a good day and rain only interrupted one walk. Glad to hear your restrictions are being lifted and soon you`ll be back to normal. I think we passed the 60 million vaccinations the other day, and we only have around 66.5 million in our country. Not bad.
That is an amazing number on the vaccinations!!! We are slowly but surely getting it done. It is ramping up fast here now...Thank goodness. Hopefully by the end of June into July dh and I should be getting out second shot.
I'm glad your foot seems to be healing great. Good job on the walking
Ack, the joy of hearing what will be a 4 hour class, that DH teaching an online class of about 40 people, live video of each other is required. And do you believe, at break, he told me, one of the student’s live video was of her having sex. :scared1: TMI, and I needed to know that?:oops: Thank goodness it is over at 10.
Ummmmmm :eek: :sad2: Wow...just wow. Online etiquette and manners are not just a common sense thing. Speechless lol
I keep putting off booking my air
Prices still staying high for the airline I use
Dd called over the weekend, asking if older ds and dh are able to put in central air for them in their new house. Ds, is currently working in that department at work. So besides the actual cost of the unit and material, ds and dh should be able to install and get it running for them. Hopefully you get yours soon.

Well, It is time for me to go!

Have a great evening everyone!!!!
We don’t mind the Steak ‘n Shake, but none close to us. Only seen them in Florida.

Well, a small cell of some very windy rain, and gone in about 15 minutes, hearing Thunder as it gives those East of us the high winds and downpours. Think our plants are happy, as been a week of dry conditions.

Glad your headache is better, Schumi. Early bed is not a bad thing. I’m to bed early, as I need my sleep, given I get up so early. Yay, two more days of up early and ready.
Hey Pumpkin, glad to see ya post. Hope your second shots are soon, and nice to hear maybe border will be open by the middle of Summer. I hope so, so many have family on both sides of the border.
Hope the injured are healing, the sick well and the rest enjoying the day/evening.
Charade - lovely pictures! Think we've decided our next Disney park will be out of the country of Disneyland in CA. Still kicking self I didn't book the mistake fare $205 RT Japan ticket for next year...
Last day of school tomorrow for HS freshman. Full summer of band camp-but first to the lake this weekend. Sunny but cooler than this week with high in 70's. Will take boat out but the Seadoo will have to wait-too cold! It's been 80 this week-changes tomorrow with storms. Finally got in to hairstylist tomorrow too.

And ACK-airfare to Las Vegas is awful! Cost less to fly to mexico for 3 than a few states across country for 2!
But YAY to AP rates for fall-saved $225 for HHN at SF!
And the girls - hopping the fence- to get their dust bathing in. At least the boxes they are in are mostly empty right now. Although one of my rosemary plants doesn't seem to be growing like the others...I have one who looovvves rosemary.
Not much going on...


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