Something About Nothing............ #14

Quick hello. I just realized that I have not posted since Sunday. Work has been very busy this week. I have labeled January as the Monday of the year. I have mostly been dealing with new insurance plans and the influx of people who have made taking care of their mental health a New Year’s resolution. I have already had to waitlist several people.

I`m still not sure I even want to see it at all, I`m hearing mixed reviews from Wicked/Wizard of Oz fans, so still deciding.
I think we are finally going to see it tomorrow. The good thing is since we are seeing it so late the theater probably won’t be very crowded.

What do you do when you have plenty of time your hands, make hotel reservations for trips I would like to take. Did look at date windows that would work for me if the trips are possible.
That’s a great way to spend some free time.

I did get by to the locally owned and recommended shoe store that does fitting for shoes and tennis shoes. It has been on my radar for awhile. It was quite the process. They do foot measurements and have you strep on computer generated machine that looks to address stress issues on your feet.
We have a place like that in our small city. They cater mostly to runners, but are great with helping to find proper shoes for people with foot issues.

JK, booked a cruise out of TPA end of May into June on RCCL. We were on one of biggest ships in December, this time, the smallest lol. However, bucket list ports he’s wanted to see. Should be happy as a clam when he finds out…otherwise I’ll need to get a she-shed
I’m sure he will love that. I wouldn’t mind having a she-shed though.

And kids sent me this picture last night:

We are going into the deep freeze this weekend with lows in the -30's and highs in the -teens!!! With the wind chill added, I don't even want to think how cold it will be.
Yikes! I guess I shouldn’t complain about our single digit lows that we’re expecting next week.

Gonna stock up on hot chocolate because next week low raw, wet and gnarly.
Good plan. I like having hot chocolate when we get winter storms. We may be getting more snow on Sunday.

I should be housecleaning right now but have been distracted by out new Magic Bands that arrived yesterday. We are 50 days away from our trip.
Hey all, quiet here. DS has had stomach bug, nice of him to share it with me. Milder than his, just issues late last night, today a good, old-fashioned, lingering stomach ache.

The mr picked up the new soundbar system to replace the one that tanked. Glad I added on the extra insurance for the previous one. Pretty sweet installation, plug in the power cord to wall and attach the subwoofer to slot on tv. Need to read instructions to fig out the lay the phone on the soundbar feature and songs play.

next week low raw, wet and gnarly.
Are we talking weather here? JK that’s wild weather for FL.

We once again rolled the dice and will head down on the 29th. Just hoping no rain, “cold” I can handle and anything out of the 40’s will feel downright tropical to us at this point.
I have labeled January as the Monday of the year
You are definitely onto something there!

I haven’t looked to see what they have exciting in MB for some time. The mr loves the new version. Meh, for me, it’s too big for my wrist and just another thing I’d need to remember to charge lol
I think we are finally going to see it tomorrow
We’ve yet to see it either. Did notice it’s available to rent for $19.99, might be an option for us
Yikes! I guess I shouldn’t complain about our single digit lows that we’re expecting next week.
Pumpkin & Ruth are made of hearty stuff!

Oh, I’m still going to whine, in spades. It’s the -12 on Tuesday AM that will bring me to my knees. Have dr appts early am both Monday & Thursday, I won’t be able to hide from the cold
Snow. Yep. Snowy Sunday for us. Saying anywhere from 1 to 3 or 5 or more inches. I’m hoping the least number of inches.

We had an inch last night, but with the full day of sun, almost all gone. Roads are clear. Not looking forward to that single digit temps next week. Sigh. But at least a short week day routine for me next week.

Fabulous Friday all.

Wahoo alarm tuned off.
Hopefully, you get a heat wave soon
It’s all relative but, it sure seems as tho it’s been a nasty weather month here.
Saying anywhere from 1 to 3 or 5 or more inches.
I love how they hedge their bets. there’s a world of difference between 1 to 5+ inches. Looks like a big storm brewing to head up the east coast this weekend, a slow mover…run for the hills…doesn’t portend well with snowfall.

The soup came out good and hit the spot, a potato/corn/cheddar chowda…topped with just a bit of bacon.
Me too Keisha. I just know, I will be shoveling snow in Monday morning. And not the first time our football team has played in the snow. And local news is saying, will snow steady the whole game. Good thing the kids watched them two week ago, when it was just very cold.

I have the salt for the walkways at the front of the garage, with the shovel. 40 today, the high, will drop crazy lower days later. Polar vortex. Yeah. Giving chances of snow to Fla.

Quiet and DH is in bed before me. I had him walk in the mall, instead of the park, I’m not one to walk slow in even 40 degree, with a cold wind. He enjoyed it enough, I’ll take him there early tomorrow took.
I did go to bed at a decent time but woke up sick and just plain miserable ☹️ about midnight.

unable to get back to sleep
it’s going to be a long day for me today
i’m not pleased it having this lack of sleep
must have eaten something that has not agreed with me at dinner

baked chicken was the only food we had last night
it had no spices in it

good thing I don’t have any reason to be up early in the morning
hope i can catch some winks before it’s 8/9 in the morning.

will give mister mac the grocery in the morning if i am still under the weather

we are due a cold spell in a few days

he can hit the grocery store for me in the morning

I don’t like being sick.
Good Thursday morning Sans family :wave2:

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Thanks Lynne. Hubby is making some progress. He got his hair cut and was happy with the results. The lady that does his hair is wonderful.

Wow….sound like you are being productive with all the cleaning. Beef veggie soup sound yummy.

Yes, for sure each foot can be slightly different. My left food pronates more than my right one. It does really cause issues if shoes are not just right.

I have inserts from podiatrists that were just redone last Fall. I have never been able to wear those longterm without them bothering my achilles tendon. I have been searching for a good quality fitting tennis shoe that will work for me. I hope these new shoes work. I have a problem with blisters forming on the medial side of my foot and on the ball of my feet when hiking in the parks.

I have found some great tape that helped with that this past September just needed some good shoes.

I hope you are feeling better and your eye swelling has resolved.

Thank you Carole. Granddaughter is dong well post surgery. Daughter in laws knee surgery is in 2 weeks.

I hope your mom is doing well. Have continued to keep you sister and family in prayer.

Yes, hoping these new shoes help a lot. Looking forward to giving them a good try out for Mardi Gras if possible.

If all works well as planned we hope to head south in a week. Fingers and toes crossed.

Carole, Happy Birthday to Kyle. Enjoy celebrating your sweet son.

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Another cold day here in Southern Indiana. We still have some snow and ice in the yards. The roads are clear thankfully so getting out is not an issues. Just have to be careful when walking in parking lots etc.. as not all the pockets of ice have melted.

We are supposed to have a 40 degree day tomorrow so that will help melt some snow and ice. That will help with the clean up after all the tree damage after the ice storm.

We have started the clean up around our house. The guy we hired started on Tuesday getting the major limbs that are down cleaned up. It will be a process.

Going to pick my little great-nephew J up from his school today. I have not been able to see him for a while so looking forward to hanging out with him. I will let him decide What he wants to do.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Thank you Robbie, he did have a lovely birthday and yes, we`re still celebrating tonight!

Mum is doing ok thanks, she has a tough week ahead but she`s such a trooper she`ll come through it all well.

Continued good wishes for your family Robbie, and for your DiL especially going forward, you do have a lot there and we can`t help but worry.

Oh Robbie, seems like you have had your share of family surgeries. I hope your granddaughter is doing well and your DIL does well with her surgery

Janet, all of that sounds wonderful. Veggie soup sound so good in these cold days. I am making beef stew today which is always good in cold weather.

I hope the steroids work for you and you get back to normal soon.

Yes, I second that!

I love cornbread too. I learned how to make Southern cornbread from my sisterinlaw who was raised in the South. I have tweaked it a little making it Northern corn bread now, LOL. I'm going to make white beans and ham (I know you don't like beans and are scrunching up your face right now:) this week. Also cornbread.

Congratulations to Kyle for his birthday!

Another celebration sounds wonderful:) We celebrated Mom's birthday one time for a week. It was so much fun to eat out, fix a nice supper, and go shopping and the casino:)

That photo looks great. Wish I was there.

Yes, I remember waiting for the blessed Friday's to come when I worked. Not too far away for you now.

I didn't know you were going on a cruise! Where are you going? I know you will have a great time on your cruise. I hope your eye problem clears up soon!

Pumpkin and Charade, Mac, and DJ: I'm sorry but I only looked back a couple of days to try to catch up. I appreciated all your kind thoughts while I was working through my sadness. I promise to catch up with you guys soon.

I just got off the phone with a dear friend from Tennessee. We talked for over an hour!!!! She is one of my best friends and keep in touch and I confess, we talk way too long, LOL.
I then hurried up and made beef stew for tonight. It should be done in a couple of hours, I hope.

We are going into the deep freeze this weekend with lows in the -30's and highs in the -teens!!! With the wind chill added, I don't even want to think how cold it will be.
We went to the grocery store today and are planning on staying inside until this cold passes. It's so nice to be able to do that now that we are both retired.

I have been reading some of the SANs every day or so trying to catch up. Reading these posts helped me when I was not doing well:)

I will try and post more now. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and send warm thoughts our way:)


Thank you Ruth, we definitely like to keep the party going as long as possible!!

You know me so well, yes, beans of any kind are not for me, but I`m always happy to try something new and white beans with ham does sound nice. Oh goodness, cornbread is something I could happily eat every day! But, I don`t.

Good to see you post Ruth and hope things are getting better and the family are all doing well too.

“The” way to roll for one’s birthday, hope Kyle is riding the wave
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Doing the my xmas present finally came in dance, can’t wait to use the All Clad set of cookwear that finally was delivered!

Lasagne in the oven, spaghetti & meat balls for one Dave, the other gets buttered noodles if his Camaro can make it up the mountain to our house. Salad, nice crisp baguettes and homer’s donuts for dessert. A real carb-fest

Looks like across lake from Riviera? Taken from the gondolas?

If you can’t find something to eat you like on a cruise, you just aren’t trying lol

Well, I used to own a cleaning company. Sold it after I found myself actually filling in once too many for ahem unreliable workers who just weren’t feeling it. Actually, had one girl tell me that in a call off once lol

I’m all about KT tape in the parks for feet/ankles etc.

Good to hear. Curious, trend here last few years is to advise people to go on a special pre surgery diet for at least a couple of weeks. Interesting concept, clean sort of food & increased movement. do they suggest that in your neck of the woods?

Thanks Janet, he does like your memes!! And abslutely stretching out the celebrations, I know he was out last night with friends for his birthday and tonight again with us, why`s nice to celebrate!!!

I Googled your cookwear, I hadn`t heard of them before, and wow they look amazing!! You`ll certainly enjoy using them.

lol....I think sometimes that`s one of the reasons I won`t cruise (yes as well as my other worries haha) is I`d eat till I`d burst!!! So many tempting looking dishes on those ships.

TGIF! Hope everyone is well!
Day before the storm here. Rain and an arctic front ahead. Jax forcast actually has a chance of snow.
Gonna stock up on hot chocolate because next week low raw, wet and gnarly.

It is cold there this week!!! My friend Raymond was at the media day for the new hotel opening at Epic on Thursday and he said everyone was freezing and all wrapped up, I saw one or two videos and he was right, heavy jackets and long pants all round!!

Get that hot chocolate in you and stay warm and cosy!!

Hot chocolate was something I never liked.
Jack Daniels was more my thing.

I do like a very good hot chocolate, not the stuff you get in some places, but has to be worth it and good quality.

JD in a cocktail for me where I can`t taste it haha

Quick hello. I just realized that I have not posted since Sunday. Work has been very busy this week. I have labeled January as the Monday of the year. I have mostly been dealing with new insurance plans and the influx of people who have made taking care of their mental health a New Year’s resolution. I have already had to waitlist several people.

I think we are finally going to see it tomorrow. The good thing is since we are seeing it so late the theater probably won’t be very crowded.

That’s a great way to spend some free time.

We have a place like that in our small city. They cater mostly to runners, but are great with helping to find proper shoes for people with foot issues.

I’m sure he will love that. I wouldn’t mind having a she-shed though.


Yikes! I guess I shouldn’t complain about our single digit lows that we’re expecting next week.

Good plan. I like having hot chocolate when we get winter storms. We may be getting more snow on Sunday.

I should be housecleaning right now but have been distracted by out new Magic Bands that arrived yesterday. We are 50 days away from our trip.

Hope you enjoy it when you see it Charade, most seem to love it.

Hey all, quiet here. DS has had stomach bug, nice of him to share it with me. Milder than his, just issues late last night, today a good, old-fashioned, lingering stomach ache.

The mr picked up the new soundbar system to replace the one that tanked. Glad I added on the extra insurance for the previous one. Pretty sweet installation, plug in the power cord to wall and attach the subwoofer to slot on tv. Need to read instructions to fig out the lay the phone on the soundbar feature and songs play.

Are we talking weather here? JK that’s wild weather for FL.

We once again rolled the dice and will head down on the 29th. Just hoping no rain, “cold” I can handle and anything out of the 40’s will feel downright tropical to us at this point.

You are definitely onto something there!

I haven’t looked to see what they have exciting in MB for some time. The mr loves the new version. Meh, for me, it’s too big for my wrist and just another thing I’d need to remember to charge lol

We’ve yet to see it either. Did notice it’s available to rent for $19.99, might be an option for us

Pumpkin & Ruth are made of hearty stuff!

Oh, I’m still going to whine, in spades. It’s the -12 on Tuesday AM that will bring me to my knees. Have dr appts early am both Monday & Thursday, I won’t be able to hide from the cold
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Hope you`re doing better Janet, yes, those bugs love to share around!!!

Glad you got the sound bar sorted. It always annoys me though, modern, brand new expensive tv`s need a sound bar!!!

Yes, I wonder if we should just rent it from our cable supplier for one night, we have the big screen movie thingy to watch it on, but I think I`m worried I`ll be disappointed?? Let me know what you think if you do watch it.

Whine away, cold is miserable wherever you are!! But I`m sure by the time you get to Orlando, it`ll have warmed up, sure hope so!

Love the meme!!!

It’s all relative but, it sure seems as tho it’s been a nasty weather month here.

I love how they hedge their bets. there’s a world of difference between 1 to 5+ inches. Looks like a big storm brewing to head up the east coast this weekend, a slow mover…run for the hills…doesn’t portend well with snowfall.

The soup came out good and hit the spot, a potato/corn/cheddar chowda…topped with just a bit of bacon.

I`ve never had a soup with cheese in it yet, but the other stuff sounds lovely!!

It`s horrible to hear of big storms brewing, hope it misses you and you can get to your appointments ok next week.

I did go to bed at a decent time but woke up sick and just plain miserable ☹️ about midnight.

unable to get back to sleep
it’s going to be a long day for me today
i’m not pleased it having this lack of sleep
must have eaten something that has not agreed with me at dinner

baked chicken was the only food we had last night
it had no spices in it

good thing I don’t have any reason to be up early in the morning
hope i can catch some winks before it’s 8/9 in the morning.

will give mister mac the grocery in the morning if i am still under the weather

we are due a cold spell in a few days

he can hit the grocery store for me in the morning

I don’t like being sick.

Aww, nasty!! Hope you feel better soon and get some sleep, best thing for you.

Yes, it is a luxury not having to be anywhere at any set time!!!

Busy few days!

Despite the cold, we have enjoyed a lot of walks this year so far, quite early for us but while the sun was shining, we had to take advantage. Friends in Orlando can sympathise for sure as they looked co-ld!!! My friend had a scarf on with gloves on Thursday while he was at the media event, something I`ve never seen before!

Night out tonight at a lovely steak restaurant, we are looking forward to it and this morning I`m getting a real pampering....that word can be so overused at times :rolleyes: but the lady who does my hair now has a beauty side to the salon too where they do all sorts of treatments and one of them is massage. Kyle had got me a voucher for a morning "pamper" session and one of my friends got the same one from her husband so we`re both going this morning.

Massage including Indian head massage, facial and waxing. Plan to do an Olaplex treatment this afternoon then do my own hair later before we go out and get make up done then, always nice getting ready for a dressy night out and yes, another extended birthday celebration for our boy!!

Tom is popping out this morning to one of the farm stores we use locally, they are having a reopening ceremony and have some new products so hopefully he comes back with some goodies!! Hoping to have a light charcuterie for lunch when I get back in from the pampering session. We are so lucky where we live that we have many fresh produce places and farm stores around.

Heading off soon, we have to be there at 10, part of the treat is champagne, but as I`m still doing Dry January will give it a pass, she said we`ll each get a bottle to take away with us then which is nice, we`ll keep it for after January.

Happy Saturday :goodvibes



Last night was miserable for me but the xtra sleep did me good.

I am much better now but Mr Mac is the one that is a sicky now.

He is still sleeping.
It’s after 10 now.

Had to be something we ate is my guess.

Going to be a day of taking it easy

Believe I will fully recover before he does.

Think I am on team Janet…….lol
can’t wait to use the All Clad set of cookwear that finally was delivered!
I'm not familiar with that brand, Janet. But am glad you got your Christmas present!
as making a three day weekend to end next week, with also taking Friday off.
Used to love those 3 day weekends. My daughter has Friday off too and is looking forward to having Monday off too:) even though it's too dang cold to do anything.
because next week low raw, wet and gnarly.
LOL, we are having raw, extreme cold, and gnarly:)
Yikes! I guess I shouldn’t complain about our single digit lows that we’re expecting next week.
Well, Charade, it's worse now. They are calling for -50 degree wind chills over the next 3 or 4 days. BRRR that is even cold for me, a displaced Northerner, LOL. We will stay in and hibernate watching good TV (me the football games, and husband the movies, lol)
I should be housecleaning right now but have been distracted by out new Magic Bands that arrived yesterday. We are 50 days away from our trip.
That sounds like something to be distracted by. The 50 days will pass quickly:)
DS has had stomach bug, nice of him to share it with me.
There is a flu/cold type illness going through our town. It seems everyone has had it. My husband had the cough, fever type and I had just cold symptoms, which were irritating but not as bad as Rogers. I hope you feel better soon.
We’ve yet to see it either. Did notice it’s available to rent for $19.99,
I saw Wicked advertised on Amazon and have been debating whether I want to see it or not. I am curious though. Let us know what you think of it if you see it. I'm still debating.
Pumpkin & Ruth are made of hearty stuff!
LOL, just COLD stuff! speaking for myself. I am used to very cold weather now and know how to dress if I have to go out. I do look like the Michelin Man when I go out. I'm covered head to toe:)

I did go to bed at a decent time but woke up sick and just plain miserable
Mac, I hope you are not getting that flu that's going around.
lol....I think sometimes that`s one of the reasons I won`t cruise (yes as well as my other worries haha)
Well, Roger and I are the only people who dont want to do a cruise that I know of. There is just something about being out in all that water with loads of people? I really don't know why I don't want to do it, but I know alot of people who love it. Some of my best friends do a lot of cruises and love them. We are the odd ones out, it seems.
Night out tonight at a lovely steak restaurant, we are looking forward to it and this morning I`m getting a real pampering....that word can be so overused at times
Wow, Carole, that sounds like a wonderful way to be pampered. Love it. I finally get my monthly massage next week and am looking forward to it:) Have fun tonight:)
I am much better now but Mr Mac is the one that is a sicky now.
Oh no, I hope Mr. Mac gets better soon. Roger was nice enough to give me the flu too! At least it seems not to last very long, so that's one positive thing.

Today I am snuggled down with my blanket on in my recliner. I am looking forward to the NFL games which start here at 2:30PM through 9pm ish..... Left over beef stew for us so I dont' have to cook:) Roger is at Robins working in her work shop on some new bowls and wooden items to put on Etsy. They really enjoy working together.

I am doing much better now with my loss, but it is a daily reminder that hits when you don't expect it to. Time will help. I feel for the people in California who have lost their homes, all their personal possessions, and some lost their lives, in the fires. I don't know what's going to happen to them all. It takes a while to build a house and they have thousands to do. I imagine there is a big amount of debrie cleanup that has to be done so things are safe too. It makes you realize how lucky you are at times like this.

have a great long weekend everyone,

We finally saw Wicked today. I was a little skeptical going in, but ended up really liking it. I have only seen the stage version once and that was back in 2016, so I had already forgotten some of it.

Hey all, quiet here. DS has had stomach bug, nice of him to share it with me. Milder than his, just issues late last night, today a good, old-fashioned, lingering stomach ache.
How miserable. Hope you are both feeling better tonight.

I haven’t looked to see what they have exciting in MB for some time. The mr loves the new version. Meh, for me, it’s too big for my wrist and just another thing I’d need to remember to charge lol
I like the convenience of them. These are our first of the new version. I am curious to see what all they do.

Snow. Yep. Snowy Sunday for us. Saying anywhere from 1 to 3 or 5 or more inches. I’m hoping the least number of inches.
I have heard a coating to 3 inches here. Who knows. One year we were told a coating to an inch and got almost 7 inches.

I did go to bed at a decent time but woke up sick and just plain miserable ☹️ about midnight.

I am much better now but Mr Mac is the one that is a sicky now.
I do hope it’s just something you ate and nit a stomach bug. Hope y’all are feeling better tonight.

Well, Charade, it's worse now. They are calling for -50 degree wind chills over the next 3 or 4 days. BRRR that is even cold for me, a displaced Northerner,
Remind me please what state you live in. I don’t think I could handle living much farther north.

Well, Roger and I are the only people who dont want to do a cruise that I know of.
I have no desire to cruise either. I don’t mind short, day cruises like we did in Alaska, but I do not want to be on a ship for several days.

I have a question for those of you who use the Universal app. Is there a way to add a profile picture? It seems like there should be, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
We finally saw Wicked today. I was a little skeptical going in, but ended up really liking it. I have only seen the stage version once and that was back in 2016, so I had already forgotten some of it.

How miserable. Hope you are both feeling better tonight.

I like the convenience of them. These are our first of the new version. I am curious to see what all they do.

I have heard a coating to 3 inches here. Who knows. One year we were told a coating to an inch and got almost 7 inches.

I do hope it’s just something you ate and nit a stomach bug. Hope y’all are feeling better tonight.

Remind me please what state you live in. I don’t think I could handle living much farther north.

I have no desire to cruise either. I don’t mind short, day cruises like we did in Alaska, but I do not want to be on a ship for several days.

I have a question for those of you who use the Universal app. Is there a way to add a profile picture? It seems like there should be, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
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Got no help here, a few years ago I chose Shrek somewhere and thats the profile pic that comes up on certyain pages. I just tried the Ap and online to no avail.
I'm not familiar with that brand, Janet. But am glad you got your Christmas present!

Used to love those 3 day weekends. My daughter has Friday off too and is looking forward to having Monday off too:) even though it's too dang cold to do anything.

LOL, we are having raw, extreme cold, and gnarly:)

Well, Charade, it's worse now. They are calling for -50 degree wind chills over the next 3 or 4 days. BRRR that is even cold for me, a displaced Northerner, LOL. We will stay in and hibernate watching good TV (me the football games, and husband the movies, lol)

That sounds like something to be distracted by. The 50 days will pass quickly:)

There is a flu/cold type illness going through our town. It seems everyone has had it. My husband had the cough, fever type and I had just cold symptoms, which were irritating but not as bad as Rogers. I hope you feel better soon.

I saw Wicked advertised on Amazon and have been debating whether I want to see it or not. I am curious though. Let us know what you think of it if you see it. I'm still debating.

LOL, just COLD stuff! speaking for myself. I am used to very cold weather now and know how to dress if I have to go out. I do look like the Michelin Man when I go out. I'm covered head to toe:)

Mac, I hope you are not getting that flu that's going around.

Well, Roger and I are the only people who dont want to do a cruise that I know of. There is just something about being out in all that water with loads of people? I really don't know why I don't want to do it, but I know alot of people who love it. Some of my best friends do a lot of cruises and love them. We are the odd ones out, it seems.

Wow, Carole, that sounds like a wonderful way to be pampered. Love it. I finally get my monthly massage next week and am looking forward to it:) Have fun tonight:)

Oh no, I hope Mr. Mac gets better soon. Roger was nice enough to give me the flu too! At least it seems not to last very long, so that's one positive thing.

Today I am snuggled down with my blanket on in my recliner. I am looking forward to the NFL games which start here at 2:30PM through 9pm ish..... Left over beef stew for us so I dont' have to cook:) Roger is at Robins working in her work shop on some new bowls and wooden items to put on Etsy. They really enjoy working together.

I am doing much better now with my loss, but it is a daily reminder that hits when you don't expect it to. Time will help. I feel for the people in California who have lost their homes, all their personal possessions, and some lost their lives, in the fires. I don't know what's going to happen to them all. It takes a while to build a house and they have thousands to do. I imagine there is a big amount of debrie cleanup that has to be done so things are safe too. It makes you realize how lucky you are at times like this.

have a great long weekend everyone,


Hibernating sounds good Ruth with the weather you have and enjoy that sport!! Sorry your got the bug though, men do like to share!

Yes, Tom would cruise, or he thinks he would until he thinks of the Petrie Dish description lol.....when he first spoke of early retirement he wanted to do the round the world cruise and give Orlando a miss for a year, but I told him he`d be on his own but I`d visit him when the ship docked in Miami lol....Janet does sell them very well though, they always have such a good time and pictures look lovely. We have some friends that cruise and some like us that won`t.

I think I told you Ruth, I`m not overly fond of full body massages, but she did back, neck and shoulders as well as feet and hands and it was very nice and the facial was nice too, but I don`t think I`d do it again, maybe neck and shoulders would do. Enjoy your massage next week, I know it helps you a lot.

Yes, seeing the disaster in California is heartbreaking, every time they show it one is reminded of a disaster movie!

We finally saw Wicked today. I was a little skeptical going in, but ended up really liking it. I have only seen the stage version once and that was back in 2016, so I had already forgotten some of it.

How miserable. Hope you are both feeling better tonight.

I like the convenience of them. These are our first of the new version. I am curious to see what all they do.

I have heard a coating to 3 inches here. Who knows. One year we were told a coating to an inch and got almost 7 inches.

I do hope it’s just something you ate and nit a stomach bug. Hope y’all are feeling better tonight.

Remind me please what state you live in. I don’t think I could handle living much farther north.

I have no desire to cruise either. I don’t mind short, day cruises like we did in Alaska, but I do not want to be on a ship for several days.

I have a question for those of you who use the Universal app. Is there a way to add a profile picture? It seems like there should be, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
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Glad you enjoyed it.

I just looked at our App and we don`t have profile picture, never bothered with one, sorry can`t help with that one.

Mr Mac perked up today and so did I.

We did not want to push our luck so just did a salad for dinner.

Simple light meal worked for us.

Weather here still on the cold side but won’t be long until it heats up more.

Cat feeding time at my house…. back later!

Glad you`re doing better!! And yes, warmer weather will be on the way for you unlike Orlando, not going to be nice this week either!!

We had a blast last night, new steak restaurant is beautiful, not a huge place but very busy, staff did a wonderful job and food was amazing. Perfectly cooked steaks, all of us chose rare and my goodness they were as requested. And they had some lovely mocktails to choose from, we had some mango and passion fruit ones that were very nice indeed. But it was a very nice restaurant to extend our boys birthday celebrations.

We`ll go back when we`re not doing Dry January as they had a beautiful wine list.

But it is freezing, when we came out of the restaurant last night everything was white with frost, and still cold this morning and very misty, it hasn`t brightened up the whole day and we`ve had the lamps on in the sitting room this afternoon.

We did crazily go out a walk this morning to meet some friends in one of our village tearooms, walking through the path in the fields was very eerie indeed, so silent everywhere and it was strange not seeing our church steeple in the distance. But, glad we did, fresh air is always nice, even when it`s barely 0c.

Strange Sunday dinner for us tonight, made some chicken noodle soup and having it with brie, turkey and cranberry grilled sandwiches, we just felt like it today instead of a full dinner. About to have a nice pot of tea, we`re in the kitchen now and it is weird how dark it`s stayed today, but it is cosy inside so no complaints there.

Hope your Sunday is a good one!



We finally saw Wicked today. I was a little skeptical going in, but ended up really liking it. I have only seen the stage version once and that was back in 2016, so I had already forgotten some of it.

How miserable. Hope you are both feeling better tonight.

I like the convenience of them. These are our first of the new version. I am curious to see what all they do.

I have heard a coating to 3 inches here. Who knows. One year we were told a coating to an inch and got almost 7 inches.

I do hope it’s just something you ate and nit a stomach bug. Hope y’all are feeling better tonight.

Remind me please what state you live in. I don’t think I could handle living much farther north.

I have no desire to cruise either. I don’t mind short, day cruises like we did in Alaska, but I do not want to be on a ship for several days.

I have a question for those of you who use the Universal app. Is there a way to add a profile picture? It seems like there should be, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
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Hi Charade. We live in extreme northern Minnesota. We live a 4 hour drive north of Minneapolis, and are located in the central part of the north, if that makes sense. Duluth has worse weather than us, as does Fargo, ND, so there are worse places to live:cold:, LOL.
so there are worse places to live:cold:, LOL.
Maybe Yakutsk in Siberia?????

When I was doing my Engineering Degree I met someone who went there as part of their degree, some kind of mining from memory, he said it was the worst experience of his life and would never go back! Looking at it, not for me either lol.....

Stay cosy Ruth.

Another cold one today but above freezing which will be nice but January and February are our worst months, if there`s sunshine along the way, that helps.

Today, volunteering this morning, then taking two pillows back we bought, both are too hard, so will change them for something a bit softer, but not too soft! It`s quite hard to find the right one until you sleep with them. Tom is just bemused that we have so many cushions and pillows on the bed but none of them are for sleeping on lol.....

Tom will be out this morning too doing his part, he is cutting back a little as they are getting more volunteers now, glad to hear it.

Doing salmon for dinner tonight, roasted quickly with some assorted veg, lunch will be chicken noodle soup I made and maybe a little bread, but poached egg first before we head out this morning and a large pot of tea! Couldn`t start the day without a couple of them.

But, Happy Monday!!! January 20th already, this January is passing faster than any other January so far!




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