Somebody's Gonna Pee in a Cup, West Coast - Link to new TR 1/21

I was just going to pop in and see how the farming is going. From the fact that you're taking tomorrow off from work, I'm guessing that means the pen spring fix is working out well?
I love the nighttime shot of the machines, and I hope things continue to go well!
Yeah the spring is holding up. The mechanic told us we should never have a problem with it but at least if we do, noW we know the first thing to check.

@pkondz that's more hours than I worked today. Late start this morning after some rain overnight. Just about 13 hours for me today.
And that dust/AC discussion we had... yeah the AC quit yesterday. I don't know if you can see but this is the trim on the door. It is supposed to be black. It has been over 80 degrees F so I've had to choose between dust or Inferno.


Good night!!
Things have been going well the past few days. I've decided to take Wednesday off from work this week but have to go back Thursday. Might get some time to check in then.

But now back to work. Just taking a quick 11PM break to stretch my legs. Should be done with this field in about an hour and then off to bed.


Makin' progress.
May the equipment keep running smoothly for the rest of the planting.

Check back in with us when ever you get around to it.
We'll be here.

Andy that's a cool night shot. :thumbsup2

I was thinking of you actually today.
I worked 3pm-11pm yesterday.
Got called in to work from 7am-11pm today.
Work tomorrow 7am-3pm.

I was thinking... those are Andy's hours!

That's some nasty hours right there.
If they're always that erratic that can get right hard on a body
(and at times, as a sole as well)
That's some nasty hours right there.
If they're always that erratic that can get right hard on a body
(and at times, as a sole as well)

Yeah, I would'nt want to do that too often.
Doesn't happen often... I think it's only the second time this year?
I don't know if you can see but this is the trim on the door. It is supposed to be black. It has been over 80 degrees F so I've had to choose between dust or Inferno.

I'm glad you explained that because otherwise I thought you were pulling a @pkondz and taking pictures of the bottom of your phone for some reason.

Don't look now, but there is a huge swarm of killer bees behind you.
wow, not sure if I have ever seen the words "only" and "80 acres" in the same sentence but the scope of land for a city boy is definitely a tad different than for a farmer
Yeah, the point of reference is everything. Not having to come into the office yesterday, I was able to do about 250 acres and I even had to stop several times to go help put seed in the planter

really sucks about your phone ... though, getting to sit front row for Space Mountain is pretty good consolidation. Glad you got on a lot of the dark rides that are different than at WDW - definitely something I am looking forward to when we go.
It was frustrating to lose the phone. But as I'd been having problems with it I wasn't terribly upset. At least I'd get a new one with insurance instead of having to upgrade and buy a new one. I guess it worked out ok after all.

Space was a lot of fun. I'm really glad I did front row, because it really is so dark there that you can't see what's coming when nobody is in front of you.

man on man, seriously, the things we have to do as parents ;)
I know. So brutal... :rolleyes1

Totally agree with this ... New Fantasyland is great, but Toontown was just so much fun!

So ... apparently Mickey's M&G area has totally changed since December 2012. When I was there, you walked through his house, out to his film barn, and took a picture with Mickey in a bandleader-type outfit.
It looked like this:
Well, we walked through the house, garden and barn area, stood in a small theater and then they called us through a door a few families at a time to go meet him.

Well, Goofy's a big guy, that can get scary when you're a little kid.
Now that she's 3 and officially a big girl, I'm sure she won't be scared anymore.
Yeah, good point. :rolleyes1

I also love the movie, so it's a ride I always enjoy. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it too. Although one thing I also love about the ride is the queue area (which is very well themed), not sure how much of that you see on the FP line, so here's a picture of some DIP for you ...
It does look like it is well themed. Kind of stinks that we didn't get to check out the queue, but then again, we also didn't have to wait in line to ride it so I can accept that sacrifice.

Well, if you have to have a last picture, at least it's of the castle ...
Good point.

I broke my sister's phone on line for Dumbo a few years ago, but at least the touchscreen still worked. I can't imagine the touchscreen not working ... that's horrible.
And ... I just realized that this was all caused by the problems with the Otterbox case. If you had the case on when it fell, it probably wouldn't have broken - the lip on the case is supposed to prevent the touchscreen from actually hitting the ground. Man, stupid phone case causing problems!
Absolutely. I've dropped it like that several times in the case and never had a problem. If it hadn't been turning off on me, I probably never would have taken it out of the case and it wouldn't have happened. Oh well, I guess that's why we pay for insurance on them.

This is one ride (Space Mountain is another) that I tend to think of as two different rides entirely ... it's the same name and the same general story, but a different experience.
But yeah, stop trying to compare rides just to annoy me!
True. I definitely agree with that.

But I'm still going to compare just for a frame of reference.

And, of course, because it annoys you. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

Again, I just love how the characters are just so present and approachable around the parks there.

:rotfl: Gotta love the age where this still works!

Well, at least it was a good one! :rotfl:

Don't you love how these things tend to work?
Always seems to be my luck.
It's a hard life at times I tell ya! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:
I know. Some of the things we have to do...
Awesome glad the weather is on your side too!
Yeah. We've actually had a great week. We've done a LOT more than I ever expected. The 3 days I was able to take off have been huge. From Sunday afternoon through last night I've been able to get across a lot of ground and I'm actually close to getting everything tilled so the corn can be planted. Maybe a couple more late nights is all I'll need. I'm really glad I was able to take that time off and get a lot done.
:rotfl2::rotfl: You need this! :lmao:

I'm not even going to try looking up Frozen Free Fall. I don't want DH to catch any glimpses of new games! He's almost beat Candy Crush Soda Saga so i'm sure he'll be wanting something new soon.:sad2:
It basically is Candy Crush, but Frozen themed.

Have you gone through that many phones?!
Well... Kind of. I've run over one, but it was due for an upgrade anyway so I don't count that one. The only other one I've had to replace early was the one I forgot was in my pocket when I waded into the Gulf of Mexico a couple of years ago.

And frankly, I didn't like that phone, so it worked out well. :rotfl2:

Isn't the music amazing? Totally adds to the ride!

And then DW would be wondering why in the world you were ignoring her calls. Probably not good.:rolleyes1
Yeah, no kidding!

:rotfl: That's so me!
Gotta use the kids to your advantage!

It's cool to see the pictures and read about the farming. I even read the comments which I usually skip. ;)
Thanks, glad to share. It is something that I really enjoy doing

There aren't many farms where we live and certainly none that are that large since our state is so small and congested. Hearing about all the equipment and technology is fascinating. What crops do you plant?
Corn and soybeans.

The pics of the kids are great in this update.

I'm sorry about your phone. That stinks. :sad2:
It does. It was very frustrating, and definitely made it difficult for us to split up and meet back up after that.

That's funny about having to finish your daughter's popsicle. I'm at the point now with my boys where I have to share my food with them after they've finished their's. :rotfl2:
Oh gosh... I'm not sure I could handle that. :rotfl2:

Being a parent is hard

Toontown was one of my favorite things as a kid. Its good that the kids got to experience it here now that it is gone from WDW.
I'm definitely glad we got to go check it out.

I am sorry about your phone, its especially sucky that you only had this for pictures :sad1:
Well, we do at least have some PP pictures and I was able to get a few from DW's phone. That was just the last one my phone took.

Glad you liked Space, its awesome that you can experience all these attractions in a new way.
It definitely was a fun ride. I' really enjoyed seeing the counterparts of some of my long time favorites. They really are a different experience. I know some people don't like my comparisons though. Right @SarahDisney ?
You should have more free time.
We benefit when you do.
More free time would be awesome!

Next time, ditch the kids and take photos.
Think of us, man!
Nobody else monitors their kids in public anymore. Why should I? :rotfl2:

Never went to Toontown. Avoided it like the plague.
Ditto with the new Circus section.
I was definitely that way in the past. And if it wasn't for the kids... well, I'd probably still feel that way.

Was he one of the new talking Mickey's?

:laughing: Kids always distracted with whatever's right in front of 'em. Parents always looking ahead so they can distract the kids with something else.
like a game of cat and mouse... :thumbsup2

My DDs were like that at first with... every character in the world.
I was completely shocked when DD4 wanted to see (and hug!) Winnie the Pooh
I know. DD has always just kind of been that way. Sometimes she likes them, sometimes she doesn't.

Unless it is a princess. Then she always likes them.

First movie I can recall that mixed live action with animation.
And I thought it was amazing.
I was more impressed that it was the first movie I saw with Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse. The fact that pretty much any toon you could ever imagine was included in that movie was just awesome!

I just wish it was Captain Nemo instead of Nemo the fish.

Pretty good one too.
I like the way the canopy is forming a frame to the castle.
Yeah, I meant to do that. :rolleyes1

Well..... yes.
Me too. I actually had the thought that I should probably put it back in my pocket before I drop it.

I'm not positive (wasn't taking notes at the time :rolleyes:) but I'm pretty sure that was my first cartoon movie.
I'll buy it. Not like I know.

Noooo!!!! No work while on vacation!!!
You're ruining it!!!
Well, it wasn't work. It was an organization I'm part of. President of, actually. Someone was texting to tell me they'd be at the meeting late. I just let him know he had the wrong week.

Uh, oh. Here we go.

You should've gotten yourself a drink, relaxed for a bit and then tried to grab it.
You might've had a better chance.
Drinking always improves hand-eye coordination. :thumbsup2 :drinking1 :rotfl:


And who was getting more angry? Her? Because you weren't picking up. Or you? Because she was calling and you couldn't answer.
We'll call it a draw.

Small children were trampled underfoot.
Might've been a dwarf or two, too.
Now we know why Grumpy is grumpy.

"Heard your name"
Uh, huh.
Probably more like "Andy! Answer your darned phone!"

So I've heard.
And I doubt I'll ever see it.
2 years ago, I was saying the exact same thing about Carsland.

Just sayin'

Nice of you to spread a little pixie dust there.
I do what I can.

Nothing but sacrifices.
I hope the little ingrates appreciate us finishing their popsicles.
I know. My tongue was starting to get really cold. I could hardly stand it.

Oh, sure. Five, ten bucks tops.
Well, that's probably what they'll charge us for the stupid ink pen they destroyed. :rotfl2:

::yes:: I said I can't even make it up.
Nobody else monitors their kids in public anymore. Why should I? :rotfl2:


I was definitely that way in the past. And if it wasn't for the kids... well, I'd probably still feel that way.

I hear ya. In some ways I'm sad that the girls are older.
In some ways... not so much.

I was more impressed that it was the first movie I saw with Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse. The fact that pretty much any toon you could ever imagine was included in that movie was just awesome!

Oh, that's right! I forgot about that. Geez they had everyone in that didn't they?

We'll call it a draw.

Good luck with your planting. I know this must be a very busy time of year.
It is. But quite frankly, the time I've taken off work has been HUGE. We've really gotten a lot done. We're moving at record speed this year. Still a lot to do, but I'm almost done doing tillage work for corn that needs to be planted. We could possibly have all the corn at least planted within a few days!

OMG to the your phone. I totally got the visual of it flying up in the air and flipping over and over and over and...... OOPS! So I'm thinking there is probably nothing worse than hearing a call or text come in and not being able to answer it. :faint:
Yeah. I was hitting all kinds of combinations of the physical buttons on the outside of the phone hoping I'd unlock some kind of secret combination to let me answer it. It didn't work.

I love all the PP pictures of the kids again. I also loved seeing Toontown because, honestly, I sort of miss it.
Yeah, I do too. I kind of prefer what replaced it, but it is kind of odd that Mickey doesn't even have a home in the park that was essentially built because of/for him!

I have heard repeatedly that Space Mountain is better at DL. I really want to try it.
It definitely is! So much smoother and just an all around better experience!

And BTMMR - not matter what the version - its like you said - its BTMMR - what's not to LOVE! :love:

Happy belated birthday to your DD! A princess dress that sings...that has to be fun to have around. :lmao:
Thanks! Yeah... I don't know who ever thought a dress needs to sing. Obviously not a parent.

Baseball! That's a rite of passage for any boy. I grew up with both my brothers playing, and I can't imagine springs where you didn't go to games. Your pictures made me excited for my DS to get old enough to start playing.
It is fun watching him play. I grew up playing every summer so it is fun to be able to work with him and watch him play. Even if he's going to stand at third base, watching something in right field and get hit in the foot with a ground ball that he never saw coming.

Yes, that happened in a game.

Wow, no Fastpasses in Fantasyland? That has to be a madhouse during really busy seasons. Sounds like PP at DL is even worse than WDW's version in terms of waiting.
Without a doubt. Especially considering the new queue at WDW.

An outside loading dock for Small World?! I had to look closely at your picture, at first, becaue I thought that's what it looked like, but I couldn't believe it.
It was kind of shocking for me too! I mean you wouldn't imagine them ever having and indoor attraction with a queue and loading area in the elements at WDW!

Some of the differences between the two parks are incredible.
::yes:: I know it isn't necessarily fair to compare every little detail, but I'm just trying to mention some of the things that really stood out to me after all my visits to WDW.

Look at all the characters just hanging out around Toontown. That had to be really cool.
::yes:: The really cool thing is that characters just hang around in DL in general. Yes, you've got toons in Toontown, but one day Cinderella was standing just inside the turnstiles at the park entrance. We'd see Aurora on a pathway near the castle from time to time. They just seem to randomly pop out. And aside from A&E and Olaf, they might have a line gather, but it didn't seem to be too crazy.

Goofy is pretty tall, so I can see how your DD was aprehensive of him.
True. Although she did fine with him by the time we left WDW!

By the way, your shirt is awesome! So many cool things happening on it at once.
Thank you! I couldn't resist. I mean Astro Orbiter isn't necessarily my favorite ride. Maybe a BTMRR car instead would really set it off the charts in awesomeness. But in any case, I'm happy with my choice.

Your phone! Oh no! The cracked screen of death. (I cracked 2 screens in 2 weeks last month. Thankfully, I had a glass protector on it that the company gave me free replacements on, but still, I understand your pain very well.)
I was telling another DISer that had phone issues on her trip that being in the parks has to be the worst time to have your phone break. The place is so big and so crowded that you just have to rely on luck to meet back up with the other members of your party.
I know! Of course it has to happen when we are separated as well! If she had been trying to call and tell me they'd moved on to somewhere else, I don't know what I'd do.

But man...first your DS gets sick, then you get that unique room view, then RSR is down both mornings, your view of Fantasmic was obscured, and then your phone breaks. When it rains, it pours for you.
We definitely had our share of bad luck. Yet I've got nothing but fond memories of the park and our trip. Just goes to show how the fun times and memories offset the bad.

So frustrating when you get hit with curve balls like this.

Ouch sorry to hear. Hope things get figured out soon!
Thankfully we did. And we've managed to really get a lot done at the end of last week and the 3 days I took off this week. I won't have to work nearly as many late nights as usual after getting as much done during my 3 days off as I did.
“No. I'LL drive, I'M the cab! Outta my way, pencil neck!”

“Thith ith the latht time I work with thomeone with a th-peech impediment.”

“What's wrong with Toontown? Every Joe loves Toontown.”

“I suppose you think no one's going to notice Toontown's disappeared?”

“I can't believe they locked me up for driving on the sidewalk.”

“I'm leaving you with your favorite friend, Roger.
He's going to take very, very good care of you, because if he doesn't...


“What an unfortunate accident. Nothing more treacherous than a slippery road…
especially when driving in a maniacal toon vehicle.”
Ok. I'm going to be lazy and not reply to every single quote. But I've got to say, you did quite well finding appropriate quotes for everything. I'm impressed. I have a hard enough time just coming up with one to do a chapter title.

Any major differences between the versions of that one?
Alison answered below, but yeah, that's the main difference. You can pick the gun up and move it around. The layout is a little bit different, but otherwise it is the same basic thing.

At least it’s an interesting picture.
Would have been sad if the last one was something like an out of focus shot of you shoe or such.
That would have been more appropriate. A close up of my shoe as it hit the deck. :rotfl:

The suspense it building…

[<<ominous music begins to swell>>

<<string section hold on dissident chord>>
<< Cue slow motion cameras>>

<<music soundtrack goes silent>>
<<only sound heard is deep breathing>>

<<Foley Artists create intense sound of shattering glass>>
If I ever make a movie about my life, you're directing. Or at least arranging the music.

Oh the humanity!!

And fate looks kindly on you after such tragedy.
I really need to get out there and experience the DL versions of the rides I known so long.

Now it’s just taunting you.
Pretty much. :headache:

“I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way. “

A dad’s gott’a do what a dad’s gott’a do.
Well, it was the Fairy Godmother. Now if Jessica Rabbit had been there, I don't know that I would have reacted the same way. :rotfl2:

Deep breath - Ahhhhh… all is well.

That’s crazy…
I’ve never seen it that low on this coast unless the park was just shy of closing.
I've seen it that way a few times... but on second though, yeah, it was on my night rides near closing time. Which is actually one of my favorite times to ride.

I need to get out there

Does make you feel good when you can help someone else find a bit more magic.
I love when I can help folks like that in the parks.
You don good sir.
::yes:: Thanks.

Such sacrifices…
The things we do...

Sorry to read about your phone. Butterfingers.
:sad2: :headache:

You should've called MacGyver first. Have him take a look at your phone too.
I actually was thinking the same thing. Forget the John Deere service techs. I'm calling MacGyver next time! :rotfl:
Yes, it is very common. I always wonder about that one too. I pretty much almost always ride ST with FP so I always wonder why the queue is so empty. It kind of sucks because you miss all the pre show with C3PO and R2D2.
That just seems odd. I understand that the fact that the park is older and queues might not be set up for FP quite as seamlessly making for a need for alternate methods. But a ride like this, that was just re done and seems to be set up for 2 lines, I just don't see why they won't put people in there to enjoy the queue. I'd much rather see everything inside there than stand in a switchback outside.

I never realized that was a FP ride! I've only been on it once, so I'll have to make that right.
::yes:: It is a fun one.


The front row is totally the best!
::yes:: At least that's my story now. It isn't like I have any other frame of reference for comparison.

I have that shirt and I'm wearing it right now in honor of May the 4th! :thumbsup2
I already like you, but you just became a lot cooler in my book.

Just one of those things. I'm glad it was something minor... but not crazy about the lost day trying to find it!

Let's see: new roller coast vs. crowded character greeting area. Sorry, dude, new coaster wins every time.
I can't argue with you there. I mean, I'd like to have Toontown somewhere so you can visit Mickey's house, but I definitely like the new things.

:idea: I think I just thought of the theme for a new Value resort.


That could work really well. I know values don't typically have table service, but that would be a great character meal location too. :scratchin

And we've established how much you love the tea cups!:thumbsup2
Yes. How much I love them.

Well, when you just don't sleep, and force your kids to keep marching into the wee hours, you can do a lot!
Well, you had Drew so it isn't like anybody was going to be sleeping even if they wanted to.

:sad2: :headache:

I love the soundtrack too. Did it seem faster to you, or was it just me?
It did seem faster, but I kind of think it is just because it is so much smoother.

Those two are very close. I just loved the new effects at DL.

Ugh! So frustrating when nothing goes as planned. Hopefully everything is back up and running in working order by today!! :thumbsup2
Thanks! We did get back up and running and have had a fantastic week so far!
Makin' progress.
May the equipment keep running smoothly for the rest of the planting.

Check back in with us when ever you get around to it.
We'll be here.
Thanks. Had to go back to the office today. Which sucks, because I'd rather be elsewhere, clearly. But it is kind of nice to have some time to slack off... :rolleyes1

Things have been going very smoothly since we got back up and running Saturday night. With the 3 days I took off, I have covered a LOT of acres. We're making great progress and could potentially be finished planting corn in record time. I might have a couple of late nights left, but that's about it. Of course, we'll have to apply nitrogen and spray once the corn is up, but we'll get a couple of slow weeks in between.

A few hours? What time did you start? Sunup?
About 6. I wasn't sitting in the tractor at 6, but I was up getting stuff ready.

I'm glad you explained that because otherwise I thought you were pulling a @pkondz and taking pictures of the bottom of your phone for some reason.
It is a bad picture. Hard to see. I took this one last night before I took a shower. I just wiped off part of my arm to show how dusty it was. I miss my A/C. I even had it serviced 2 weeks ago so it would be working well when we got going.

Needless to say, there was literally mud on the floor of the shower.

Don't look now, but there is a huge swarm of killer bees behind you.


Oh. Wait. Those are bees..... Maybe I shouldn't have laughed.
:sad2: :rotfl2:

Oh, that's right! I forgot about that. Geez they had everyone in that didn't they?
::yes:: I think that is what impressed me most about the whole thing. No way they'd ever get everyone on the same page to do something like that these days!
The problem... a stuck valve. One of many on the planter so it was an all day game of cat and mouse trying to find the problem.

The solution... you can't even make this up. A spring from an ink pen. Stuck it in the valve to give it some tension and everything worked like it should.

And how much did they charge you for this?! :scared1:

yeah the AC quit yesterday. I don't know if you can see but this is the trim on the door. It is supposed to be black. It has been over 80 degrees F so I've had to choose between dust or Inferno.

Yuck that would just plain suck.

Cool selfie! Like the perspective :thumbsup2

t is a bad picture. Hard to see. I took this one last night before I took a shower. I just wiped off part of my arm to show how dusty it was. I miss my A/C. I even had it serviced 2 weeks ago so it would be working well when we got going.

That's a solid inch of dirt you got collected there.
I just wiped off part of my arm to show how dusty it was.

Needless to say, there was literally mud on the floor of the shower.

Why? Just go to bed. Weren't you tired?
Skip the shower next time.
That's what I do.

Well, we walked through the house, garden and barn area, stood in a small theater and then they called us through a door a few families at a time to go meet him.

Hmm ... I'm wondering if they have two separate M&G areas after the screening room ... it would certainly help with capacity (although it would be a wild coincidence that I got the same one twice).
That or they changed things between December 2012 & January 2015 ...
I really gotta get back to California

It does look like it is well themed. Kind of stinks that we didn't get to check out the queue, but then again, we also didn't have to wait in line to ride it so I can accept that sacrifice.

Not waiting in line is definitely better, but if you ever go back and happen to see a short line ... it's definitely worth checking out. I would share more pictures, but I don't have good pictures of most of the better stuff.

And, of course, because it annoys you. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

Real nice, Andy!

I know some people don't like my comparisons though. Right @SarahDisney ?

What? Me complain about comparisons? I have no idea what you're talking about ...


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