Somebody's Gonna Pee in a Cup, West Coast - Link to new TR 1/21

Nice that they (obviously) had a place for your DS to land his F14.
Very thoughtful of them.
Well, once he buzzed the tower they made sure he could come in for his @$& chewing.

Children. Wanting hotdogs?
What next? The apocalypse?
The apocalypse or chicken nuggets.

Uh, huh. Enjoy it while it lasts.
She'll figure you out oh.... I'd say in another year or two.
Oh, she's already getting there. I'm not that complicated to begin with.

Ew. Too bad you didn't take them back for a refund instead of dumping them.
I'd be interested to know what they'd say.
Did you get the kids anything else to eat?
Or were they okay with the fries?
They were ok with them for the time being. They'd snacked on some goldfish and pretzels and various other things on the plane during the times when they weren't being a PITA. Our kids are kind of grazers anyway. They never asked for anymore to eat after that, so I guess they were fine?

First thought. Battery.
I would have thought that too... but I actually bought a new battery about a month prior.

No way! Cool!
Yes way. And it was cool!

Oh, boy. I can already see where this is going.
Yeah... :rolleyes1

Uh, huh. Did you even think about that at the time?
Or were you too busy being excited about the ship?
I knew there was a potential for trouble. Which is why I chose to put her up on my shoulders walking to the ship. I figured having her weight centered would be better than holding her on one side or the other and then using the lower back muscles to compensate for my balance.

Not that any of this mattered when I was balancing her dead weight on one shoulder later while she was sleeping.

I seriously could have spent all day there.

Yup. Still thinking battery.
I don't know what it was. And may never find out.

One of my favourite planes!
I used to watch (and love) a show called Baa Baa Black Sheep (later called Black Sheep Squadron)
that had some great F4U Corsair flying footage.
DS loved this one because it reminded him of Skipper from Planes.


Seriously... so much cool stuff to see.

Uh, huh. Here it comes folks.

"With drool running down the back of my neck."
Nothing to worry about. It blended with the sweat. Couldn't tell the difference.

Good plan.
A product of desperation.

Oh, really? Gee, I'm so surprised to hear that. :sad2:
At least I had them! And they helped immensely. We did use the stroller for the rest of the time in San Diego. Aside from that evening, my back might hurt if I sat in a chair during a conference session for a long time, but I really didn't have any more major issues while there.

Wait! Stop! What????
Love Cheesecake Factory.
Well, except for one little problem.
Their meals are so huge that occasionally I run out of room for... well, the cheesecake! :laughing:
The nice thing about getting the food carryout...

cheesecake for breakfast. :thumbsup2

Awww... Poor tuckered out little tyke.
Yeah... poor her. Riding in style all day long. :rolleyes1

Yeah... major, major screw up on my part.

:sad2: Way to acclimatize yourself, dude. :laughing:
The funny thing is, I used to go to Oregon and Washington for 2 - 3 weeks at a time once or twice a year for my past job. I always did the same thing to get used to the time change and it was very seamless. I never did fully adjust this trip. Which honestly didn't bother me. Disneyland didn't have late hours, so going to bed at 8 or 9 every night was fine by me. Made it easier to transition back to Eastern time.

Okay, that's pretty cool.
::yes:: He was great. I downloaded his book on my phone's kindle app right after he finished. So he's clearly a good salesman if nothing else.

I would've been too. You'd figure he'd be a great speaker.
Yeah. I had high expectations for that one. He just really disappointed.

That sucks.
::yes:: Apparently he doesn't know very many jokes that don't involve feminine hygiene products.

Or prostitutes.

Whoa! That's really bad! :eek:
It was. I kept thinking it's got to get better.... then it was over. And it was better. :rotfl:

That strikes me as really funny.
We're stupid that way.. no?
And if you're like me... we never learn...

You should have known something was up when she let you eat it ... you shouldn't have needed that bite. Really.
:rotfl2: Good point. It looked good. I thought maybe taking a bite would help prod her along.

I had a similar problem with my last phone - whenever I took it out of my pocket, it had either just restarted or was in the middle of restarting (for no apparent reason). And it took forever (like 10 minutes) to restart.
But I'm guessing your problem may have been more complicated ...
I'll never know what the problem ultimately was. I just thought it was odd that I could squeeze the Otterbox and turn it of, yet it wouldn't turn off without the Otterbox. And it isn't like the Otterbox was pushing the power button or anything. It never gave me the shutdown screen, it just went black.

Sounds really interesting ... I'm glad you enjoyed it!
It really was. I'd recommend it to anyone going to San Diego.

I've never seen planes, so I don't know what the Flysenhower is, but ... isn't the whole point of an aircraft carrier the planes? (Yes, I know there's other stuff there, I've been on multiple aircraft carriers ... but the planes are often a big part of it)
Well, I've been on a carrier before and it didn't really have planes like this one does. It was an impressive display.

And here's the Flysenhower...



Yeah, jet lag is fun. I think my first day in California was the first time in my life that I was awake and vibrant by 6 AM (I had been up since about 4:30)
I truthfully would rather have it that way than the other. I'm fine with waking up early. But if I had to make myself get up an extra 3 hours early, I'm not sure I'd have liked that much.

It never rains in Southern California ... it pours, man, it pours

From my first trip to Disneyland ...
Oh... brutal. :faint:

Always nice to have a speaker that is interesting and engaging!
::yes:: He did an excellent job.

Did he at least make farm jokes?
Well the first one... the one that I laughed at kind of was. They showed a video before he came out about his car collection and he was showing off an old steam powered tractor he has in his collection. Those things had very little power and required a crew to run them and were difficult to steer.

He was driving the tractor in the video and came out and joked that all of us who use diesels are a bunch of candy @#$es. Seriously, that was the funniest thing he said the whole time.

Maybe it was headed to Disneyland to drop off some Dole Whip mix.
That was my theory too. Should have gone for it!

Maybe ... but I'm still guessing it was more complicated than that.
Well, it seemed to be working. It hadn't shut off again while it was in my pocket.

Did you wrap up the leftovers and take them home for later consumption? (Do normal people do that or is it just me?)
I might do it time to time depending on the circumstance. But since I was going to be going back to the conference for a few hours, I didn't take it with me.
The apocalypse or chicken nuggets.


I figured having her weight centered would be better than holding her on one side or the other and then using the lower back muscles to compensate for my balance.

Oh, that's right. That definitely would've been worse.

Nothing to worry about. It blended with the sweat. Couldn't tell the difference.

I believe the proper response here is.... ew.

At least I had them! And they helped immensely. We did use the stroller for the rest of the time in San Diego. Aside from that evening, my back might hurt if I sat in a chair during a conference session for a long time, but I really didn't have any more major issues while there.

That's good.

cheesecake for breakfast.

Oh man.... Yes!

Yeah... poor her. Riding in style all day long. :rolleyes1

I downloaded his book on my phone's kindle app right after he finished.

And? Read it yet?

Apparently he doesn't know very many jokes that don't involve feminine hygiene products.

Or prostitutes.

Lovely. Perfect for the family.
I've never been impressed with Leno.
Of course nobody can touch Carson, but Fallon's definitely better.

I kept thinking it's got to get better.... then it was over. And it was better.


And if you're like me... we never learn...

Learn what?

I briefly clicked on the TR links for him? her? Please a NAME?!! I am on WAY too many to keep up as it is. But I saw "intriguing" writing- which always draws me in. Do I dare?? Of course, I'm always looking for new readers too.... ;)
Multi quoting the red text multi quote is hard to do on this device. So I'm just going to say this. Gray matter??????:eek::faint::crazy2:

I need to start getting commission for bringing new readers to a TR.

The Midway is an excellent way to spend a few hours! Good choice. But please tell me you took note of the Star of India as well!
I knew it was there... but we didn't see it. There was a cruise ship between us and where I think it was docked... so we couldn't see it there and didn't feel like walking any farther that direction.

I'll bet your back was KILLING you! Good call on the muscle relaxant and pain med.
I'm glad I had them with me!

Sorry Jay was so disappointing. I guess that is why we have the FCC- self-control and self- censoring can be sadly lacking in some cases. :( (The late night show, I surmise, would be rather raunchier without)
It was just not even funny. I mean his jokes were like 3/4 about feminine hygiene products and 1/4 prostitution.

I'll bet the folks in Cali are wishing they'd have rain like that for hte next several months straight; I hear mandatory restrictions are now in place up to 25%. They are in rather dire straights at the moment.
Yuck... I don't envy that.

And yes, all guys need a "pirate fix". I rather enjoyed Captain Philips, but then again it was Tom Hanks.
I still haven't seen that movie. I really want to though.

Sounds like LIttle Miss! :rotfl:
It's just a little girl thing, I guess!

Major screw up on my part. Not only was I stressing about it, but I felt like an idiot for missing that detail. Rookie mistake.:sad2:

Man, I'm in the south and 60's is considered spring like weather!:rotfl:
You give me 50's in mid January and I'm going without a jacket! :rotfl:

Yikes what a disappointment!
::yes:: I was really looking forward to it too.

It was certainly brutal.

Why do I get a strong feeling this is leading to something?
Well... :rolleyes1

See? All you had to do was ask.... or demand.... whatever.
Apparently I'm just pimping you out to other TR's now.
Apparently I'm just pimping you out to other TR's now.

I'm okay with that. I'm used to it.
"Oh... you shouldn't lift that. It looks heavy. I'll call my husband and make... ask... him to do it."
My name is Rob and I’m afraid I allow other things (like work and… and… oh yah, more work) to get in the way of my Disney addiction.
I keep seeing that "work" word. You do way too much of that.

You are way too good about keeping up with your TRs (unlike the idiot who shall remain nameless that looks back at me from my mirror). I hit my annually imposed Dis Board black-out time in February and March, and when I finally get back over here not only have you already finished the entire TR, now you adding a whole separate trip onto the end of it. :headache:

Now how am I supposed to be giving you inordinate amounts of grief if you go and finish entire TR’s during the time when I can’t be giving you inordinate amounts of grief!
I saw that your dead for a year and half TR was resurrected today. I didn't get there yet, but I promise you a strong dose of sarcasm and put downs will be headed your way soon.

Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.

Sorry, Goose, but it's time to buzz a tower.
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Hard to go wrong there…
well, Toco Bell would be going wrong, but does that really count as a “Mexican place”?
Nor does it count as "food"

Much to learn, they still have. Much.
::yes:: Not that there's anything wrong with a good hot dog every once in a while. But there was plenty wrong with that hot dog!

If that’s how she deals with you now, I can’t wait to see what she’ll be doing to your sanity based on any opinion you might care to express on any guy she wants to date.

I can see it now…

You take that bite, give two about two chews, then stop suddenly… an expression of horror close akin to being told that a Disney park if full to capacity just as you were the next person in line at the gate quickly washes over your face… you wait a moment, give it one more chew… and then start looking for somewhere to spit without the kids seeing it directly.

Oh how I wish I had the pictures of that moment. :lmao:

Consider it fair warning, now you know what to expect when your DD doesn’t fight you.
Think Dumb and Dumber when the trooper drinks from the beer bottle... that should give you a pretty good idea of about how it went down.

<<queue ominous background music >>
See... that's what we've been missing. Rob's sound track!

Yes... a ship. A thing that floats on water. You know, I think you've visited 1 or 2 of them... :rolleyes1


You got to board a ship…
That is on my list of must sees…
And that I can’t get to!

<< an expression of horror close akin to being told that a Disney park if full to capacity just as I happen to be the next person in line at the gate quickly washes over my face>>


<<mumbles under breath>> Payback’s a bit**, ain’t it.”
Hey, if you ever make it out there... it's definitely worth the trip.

Well it’s about time you considered doing that, at least.
Knowledge is power. :thumbsup2

Yea, yea… twist the knife why don’t ya’.
Don't mind if I do!

That’s a lot of carrying there.

Dead weight…. Dead weight…

We now return you to the Andy Show; sponsored by Glaxo-Smith-Kline…
Another dose and it will be a show somewhere near the quality of something Jay Leno does these days.

Cheesecake Factory… and yet she actually shared it with you?
You’re a lucky man.
Well, she didn't take her key. How else was she going to get back into the room?

Major screw up on my part.:sad2:

Yah, I had that shipped out there special, just for you.
Thanks! I'm just glad you picked that day instead of a Disneyland day!

Bless their hearts….
The worst put down a southerner can ever give you.

I’d like to have heard him speak as well.
I imagine that was absolutely fascinating.
He definitely was.

Well, he is retired, ya’ know.
And retiring from late-night telle, ain’t quite the same as retiring from something like, say… The SEALs.
::yes:: I mean, I'd have appreciated a good story about his time hosting the show, or about his cars or just talk about anything and sprinkle a few good jokes in. But a stand up routine was not what I expected in that situation.

I mean, just: wow.
And that pretty much sums it up. It kind of left me speechless.



Dole Whips for everyone!!!

What could possibly go wrong?
Oh... you know... :rolleyes1


Duly noted…
Not that HRC would be high on the list of anyone going there anyway.... but the building was crappy and small. And the memorabilia wasn't terribly impressive. I'd have preferred to have checked out another local place.

Now you’re talkin’.

And there’s another knife you can drive right into my back.
Have fun twistin' it there buddy.
I think I will!
Caught up. got here in time to read all about San Diego.

OMG - a 5:30am flight???? You guys are brave! On the bright side - you got there by 9am. Nice!

Lovely afternoon at the Seaport. It looks like a lot of fun. Boo to the nasty hotdogs. Yuck!

I forgot you were heading out there for a conference. The Navy SEAL guy sounds so interesting, but who knew Jay Leno could be so bad. Sorry he stunk.

Sorry about the whole entire day of rain. That would be my luck too.

I sense we are going somewhere with this phone and I know its not going to be good. :faint:

That meal of the Mexican place sounds yummy! If I ever make it out to San Diego it sounds like a must do.

Looking forward to reading about the DL part of the trip.

Glad you got a furnace that you are happy with.
Oh, man! I'm so upset with myself for not posting that!!! :sad2:
I knew I was setting someone up with that line. Little did I know it would be my sworn Disdad nemesis.

Trust me...
I don't get very many wins.

Right Andy?
Wins are certainly few and far between for you. I guess you can have this one... for now...

I believe the proper response here is.... ew.
I can't argue that point. I really wanted that shower.

And? Read it yet?
Yeah. Not bad at all. Maybe not the best book I've ever read, but he talks a lot about the mentality it takes to be a SEAL and why he chose that path. He also spent a few years on Coronado training SEALS so between his personal training and then as a leader, it is a great way to learn about the SEAL training regimen. It is called Damn Few if you want to check it out.

Lovely. Perfect for the family.
I've never been impressed with Leno.
Of course nobody can touch Carson, but Fallon's definitely better.
I've always preferred Letterman to Leno. Although I know he'd be offensive in a non-FCC regulated environment. Leno just always seemed more multi-faceted than that. He's got enough interests and has been involved in enough things, you'd think he could be a great speaker. If I wanted stand up, I could go to a comedy club.

Learn what?

Learn? Huh? What were we talking about again?

I'm okay with that. I'm used to it.
"Oh... you shouldn't lift that. It looks heavy. I'll call my husband and make... ask... him to do it."
Finally at one point I told DD I’d eat her hot dog if she wouldn’t. As stubborn and independent as she is, this almost always works. She gets downright mad when I threaten to eat her food and will pretty much down anything just out of spite so that I can’t eat it.
That usually works around here too! :thumbsup2 That's annoying that the hot dogs were so bad - what a waste! :sad2:

While we were sitting there, I took my phone out of my pocket to check the time. It had turned off somehow. Hmmm…. odd.
Well, that doesn't sound so good...:eek:

We chose not to bring the stroller with us.
I pretty much always bring the stroller. Unless I know I'm barely going anywhere or it's not allowed. And my back is fine! :rotfl: Glad you survived all that DD carrying. :faint:

While we were there, I took my phone out of my pocket to take some pictures. It was off. Again. What the heck is going on???
Yeah, not good at all...:scared:

But no… We were told we could get a cab. Well, we’d need a cab with 2 child seats so we braved the rain and walked.
So, the whole family went to this conference - interesting, I hadn't realized that. I'm impressed that the kids stayed occupied through it.

On the other end of the spectrum, we had Jay Leno. He was the keynote speaker at our closing session. I was really excited to see him, but I was extremely disappointed.
Ugh, sorry he wasn't a better keynote. :headache: Sounds like he bombed big time. I'm sure he took out one of his cars for a long drive later to reflect on where he went wrong. :car:

During the conference, I was continuing to have problems with my phone. Just about every time I’d put my phone in my pocket it would turn off.

I figured I’d just carry it without the Otterbox until I got home, then I’d see about getting a new phone. Problem solved...
I don't like where this is headed...:scared1:
I keep seeing that "work" word. You do way too much of that.

It’s a rather strange operation I work for. There are long stretches where I can easily take a bit time to do things like keep up over here or perhaps even write a little, but then there are nasty stretches, where you can’t even come up for air much less tend to anything else.
Then I compound the problem by trying not to be online too much when I’m at home.

I saw that your dead for a year and half TR was resurrected today. I didn't get there yet, but I promise you a strong dose of sarcasm and put downs will be headed your way soon.

I can live with that (heck, I deserve it most of the time)

I allowed too many things to get in the way and gave in to too many excuses for not starting back.
Time to fix that. Beside, we both know there’s a Law that states I must finish that one prior to the next trip. I’ve got until May 22 to get it done. Wann’a take bets on whether or not I can pull that one off?

Think Dumb and Dumber when the trooper drinks from the beer bottle... that should give you a pretty good idea of about how it went down.

Yep… image now ingrained. :scared:

Well, she didn't take her key. How else was she going to get back into the room?

A sound bit of blackmail there.
Good work.

Thanks! I'm just glad you picked that day instead of a Disneyland day!

Hay, I’m evil…
not heartless.

The worst put down a southerner can ever give you.

See… he can be taught.

Not that HRC would be high on the list of anyone going there anyway.... but the building was crappy and small. And the memorabilia wasn't terribly impressive. I'd have preferred to have checked out another local place.

Local would likely have been better. It certinaly would have been a new experiance.
The HRCs I’ve been to vary a lot as well. I wasn’t that impressed with a couple of ‘em.

I knew I was setting someone up with that line. Little did I know it would be my sworn Disdad nemesis.

To paraphrase Napoleon…
I saw the crown just lying there in the dust, I merely picked it up.

Wins are certainly few and far between for you. I guess you can have this one... for now...

And I’ll take it.

For now.

I've always preferred Letterman to Leno.

Hummmm…. Ya’ know, I must agree with you there.
Somehow that can’t be a good thing.
Goofy stole my line! How 'bout this one? --Sorry Goose, but it’s time to buzz a tower. That is one of my husband's favorite movies. I've seen it more times than I can count. My favorite lines seem to be not-so-DIS-appropriate though LOL

Sounds like a good time in San Diego! Beautiful city isn't it? That tour sounds fun! Definitely DH, like you, would have been able to spend hours exploring.

Poor daddy. All of that shoulder carrying can get very old I'm sure. Nothin' wrong with Cheesecake Factory and decent Mexican food though! Yum!
Nice review of your time in San Diego.

How do you screw up a hot dog?!? I mean they are already bad without putting in any special effort, but imagine what it takes to make them inedible!

Glad you all seemed to enjoy your time on the Midway. It must have been so impressive!

Interesting conference speakers. The Navy SEAL was a great choice. Too bad Leno didn't keep his day (night?) job!

Sounds like you had more hits than misses in the meals department. That is what defines a successful trip for me.

OMG - a 5:30am flight???? You guys are brave! On the bright side - you got there by 9am. Nice!
We were brave... and cheap. But mostly cheap.

Lovely afternoon at the Seaport. It looks like a lot of fun. Boo to the nasty hotdogs. Yuck!
It was horrible. I'd have complained, but I'm not sure how much good it would have done.

I forgot you were heading out there for a conference. The Navy SEAL guy sounds so interesting, but who knew Jay Leno could be so bad. Sorry he stunk.
Definitely not what I expected at all.

Sorry about the whole entire day of rain. That would be my luck too.
Yeah... it could have come on a worse day though, so I can't complain too much.

I sense we are going somewhere with this phone and I know its not going to be good. :faint:
Your senses are good.

That meal of the Mexican place sounds yummy! If I ever make it out to San Diego it sounds like a must do.
it really was great for just a meal sold out of a window! And surprisingly, it came out the same building as the hotdog.

Looking forward to reading about the DL part of the trip.
I'll try to get something going soon!

Glad you got a furnace that you are happy with.
Well... one we can live with anyway. I'd still rather have the big dinosaur.

That usually works around here too! :thumbsup2 That's annoying that the hot dogs were so bad - what a waste! :sad2:
That's all I could think about at the time. How much money I was throwing away. Those were not cheap hot dogs

Well, that doesn't sound so good...:eek:
No... not at all.

I pretty much always bring the stroller. Unless I know I'm barely going anywhere or it's not allowed. And my back is fine! :rotfl: Glad you survived all that DD carrying. :faint:
We probably should have brought it. But it wouldn't really be very handy on the carrier anyway. But it would have made the walk to and from much easier.

Yeah, not good at all...:scared:

So, the whole family went to this conference - interesting, I hadn't realized that. I'm impressed that the kids stayed occupied through it.
Yes. For the general sessions where everyone was together for the main speakers anyway. They usually don't last long and are pretty family friendly. We were far from the only stroller parked in there. During the day though, I went to a few other sessions and DW took the kids back to the room on Sunday afternoon for a few hours, and I took DD back for a couple of hours Monday while DW went to a session she wanted to see.

Ugh, sorry he wasn't a better keynote. :headache: Sounds like he bombed big time. I'm sure he took out one of his cars for a long drive later to reflect on where he went wrong. :car:
It really did bomb. Didn't go over well at all and just wasn't even that funny.

I don't like where this is headed...:scared1:
It’s a rather strange operation I work for. There are long stretches where I can easily take a bit time to do things like keep up over here or perhaps even write a little, but then there are nasty stretches, where you can’t even come up for air much less tend to anything else.
Then I compound the problem by trying not to be online too much when I’m at home.
I hear ya. That's exactly how it goes for me. I don't spend much time on the computer at home either.

Beside, we both know there’s a Law that states I must finish that one prior to the next trip. I’ve got until May 22 to get it done. Wann’a take bets on whether or not I can pull that one off?
Good luck, we're all counting on you.

Hummmm…. Ya’ know, I must agree with you there.
Somehow that can’t be a good thing.
Hell just froze over.

Goofy stole my line! How 'bout this one? --Sorry Goose, but it’s time to buzz a tower. That is one of my husband's favorite movies. I've seen it more times than I can count. My favorite lines seem to be not-so-DIS-appropriate though LOL
Um... he took that line too. So what else have you got? :rolleyes1

Sounds like a good time in San Diego! Beautiful city isn't it? That tour sounds fun! Definitely DH, like you, would have been able to spend hours exploring.
It is a very nice city. Really a lot of interesting things to see. I might have been willing to spend more time there if a certain park in Anaheim wasn't calling my name.

Poor daddy. All of that shoulder carrying can get very old I'm sure. Nothin' wrong with Cheesecake Factory and decent Mexican food though! Yum!
We did eat well, that's for sure. I really can't complain about any of our meals except for that hot dog.

Nice review of your time in San Diego.

How do you screw up a hot dog?!? I mean they are already bad without putting in any special effort, but imagine what it takes to make them inedible!
I don't mind a good hot dog. That one was anything but good. I don't know how they screwed it up but I'm not sure I want to know what that one was made of.

Glad you all seemed to enjoy your time on the Midway. It must have been so impressive!
It really was. I enjoyed it.

Interesting conference speakers. The Navy SEAL was a great choice. Too bad Leno didn't keep his day (night?) job!
:rotfl: Leno just bombed. Big time. I'd have been fine with it if it was funny. But it just wasn't.

Sounds like you had more hits than misses in the meals department. That is what defines a successful trip for me.
Definitely! Aside from the hot dog, I'd have to say all the meals were good. Even HRC. I'd just not choose to go there over something local if I had it to do over again.
That's really weird about your phone going off in your pocket. :confused3

Glad you enjoyed the Midway (something my husband would like).

You can't beat Cheesecake that place.

Pretty view from where you were letting the kids run off some steam.

Sorry about the rain in Southern California.

I've never been a big Jay Leno fan to begin with.
Just joining and all caught up. It sounds like you had a great time. I can't wait to hear about the differences between the two. I was just wondering about the memory maker. If it's linked to your magic band do the ride photos only sync to your band or does it work for everyone's band? How does it work after a ride? Do you have to scan your band when you're finished riding or do the pictures "magically" get put on your account? I'm starting to plan for our next trip, but we've been debating when to go. We want to see The Christmas decorations, since we've never been. The last two times we've gone late September, early October and we squeezed the beach in. We did the Halloween party, but would like to try the Christmas party. I was just wondering if you've ever been in November. We want to fit the beach in and be able to swim and use the water parks, but wasn't sure it would be warm enough. Can't wait to read on!
Worst hot dog ever.

It was just downright disgusting. I’m not sure why, but that thing was just nasty. We threw about $12 worth of hot dog in the trash.
Poor kids! :( (Willow had a hotdog experience like that at Hollywood Brown Derby once; luckily, they nicely gave her another meal.)

While we were sitting there, I took my phone out of my pocket to check the time. It had turned off somehow. Hmmm…. odd.

The Midway was a great way to spend a few hours.
This seemed like a GREAT thing to do. Very cool

While we were there, I took my phone out of my pocket to take some pictures. It was off. Again. What the heck is going on???
Very strange........ :scratchin

She went right back to sleep and never even woke up to eat that evening.
Wow - that was one tired kid!

DW returned with our food from Cheesecake Factory and we had a nice laid back dinner in the room.
I think that's a perfect way to end the day after so much travel.

Uh… what race?

It rained on Sunday.

All day.

In Southern California.

Where they tell me it isn’t supposed to rain.
Weird because Willow and I were not there at the same time. We are infamous for bringing rain to SoCal. Every.Time. :rolleyes:

On the other end of the spectrum, we had Jay Leno. He was the keynote speaker at our closing session. I was really excited to see him, but I was extremely disappointed.
Wow - I would have been looking forward to this too. It sounds like he was just terrible though!

People were getting up and walking out. It was bad enough that email apologies from higher ups in the organization were coming out the following week. They claim that they had had some discussions with him and he totally just went off script.
REALLY terrible. WOW!

I figured I’d just carry it without the Otterbox until I got home, then I’d see about getting a new phone. Problem solved...
Yeah, I'm sure that will work...... :rolleyes1
Multi quoting the red text multi quote is hard to do on this device. So I'm just going to say this. Gray matter??????:eek::faint::crazy2:

Yeah, it was pretty bad. The good news was that Switzerland has some excellent trauma centers because of the ski areas and touristy stuff. I guess they see a lot of head trauma stuff, so he was in good hands.

I need to start getting commission for bringing new readers to a TR.

Glennbo is actually pretty good at it too. You should be in cahoots with him.

I knew it was there... but we didn't see it. There was a cruise ship between us and where I think it was docked... so we couldn't see it there and didn't feel like walking any farther that direction.

Especially with all the dead weight you were carrying. I mean, not that she was actually dead, but well... you get the idea.

I'm glad I had them with me!

I have no idea what this was in reference too, but I'm glad you did too!!! :lmao:

It was just not even funny. I mean his jokes were like 3/4 about feminine hygiene products and 1/4 prostitution.

Ewwwww! Keepin' it (NOT) classy, San Diego. :cool::sad2:

I still haven't seen that movie. I really want to though.

Tom Hanks. What more can I say?

Apparently I'm just pimping you out to other TR's now.

Why thanks! ;) I owe you one. By the way, sometime during my PTR, I actually do put up a Hall of Fame, so to speak and pimp the favorites that I'm reading. Good writing always gets Grand prizes. Pictures score for something, etc... I'm sure your name will make an appearance. :rolleyes1
That's really weird about your phone going off in your pocket. :confused3
::yes:: It was frustrating waiting to power it on whenever I took it out.

Glad you enjoyed the Midway (something my husband would like).
It was pretty cool. I'd gladly go back.

You can't beat Cheesecake that place.
I know. The food's good... expensive, but good. And the cheesecake is excellent.

Pretty view from where you were letting the kids run off some steam.
It really was. A great place to just relax off the beaten path.

Sorry about the rain in Southern California.
It was a pain... but it could have rained harder and been colder.

I've never been a big Jay Leno fan to begin with.
Me neither, truthfully. But I was still looking forward to seeing him until he opened his mouth. :rotfl:

Just joining and all caught up. It sounds like you had a great time. I can't wait to hear about the differences between the two.
Thanks! We really did. Both trips had their ups and downs, but we enjoyed both!

I was just wondering about the memory maker. If it's linked to your magic band do the ride photos only sync to your band or does it work for everyone's band? How does it work after a ride? Do you have to scan your band when you're finished riding or do the pictures "magically" get put on your account?
Ok, with memory maker, you'll have to assign the memory maker purchase to one individual in your group. But, anyone who is linked in MDE to the person with memory maker can use their magic band to get pictures. So if you and I are friends in MDE and memory maker is attached to your account... if I scan my band and get a picture, we can both see it. Same goes for if you scan your band for a picture. As for the rides... I have no idea how it works, but they just magically appear. I didn't scan for any of the rides and the only one we didn't end up getting on our account was Buzz Lightyear.

I hope that cleared it up. If you have any more questions feel free to ask and I'll try to help. It really is an overwhelming system to try to understand if you've never used it before. I had a hard time figuring out how it all worked. But it really is a pretty seamless system once you understand it and put it in action.

I'm starting to plan for our next trip, but we've been debating when to go. We want to see The Christmas decorations, since we've never been. The last two times we've gone late September, early October and we squeezed the beach in. We did the Halloween party, but would like to try the Christmas party. I was just wondering if you've ever been in November. We want to fit the beach in and be able to swim and use the water parks, but wasn't sure it would be warm enough.
The earliest I've been was the week after Thanksgiving a few years ago. I can't speak for earlier in Nov, but that week is a great time to go. You are after the Thanksgiving crowds and before Pop Warner. It really is a pretty low crowd week. As for weather, it can be hit or miss. We did the beach the Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving to let the parks clear out before we headed to WDW, and it was fine. Warm enough to swim in a heated pool or hang out on the beach but definitely not warm enough to swim in the ocean.

The nice thing about the pools at WDW though is that they are heated. We swam this trip in 50 degree weather and it wasn't too bad until you got out of the water. If you have an afternoon of downtime, you'll likely find some 70 degree weather to go out and swim unless the week you go happens to be one of those colder than normal weeks that they tend to have a couple of times each year. Most of the time, the temps are probably in the 50's during the night and 70's by mid afternoon. So I'd say you could probably do a waterpark and be alright if you go during mid-day for a few hours. They always close one of the water parks at a a time for refurbs that time of year, but you might miss that if you can go before Thanksgiving.

Poor kids! :( (Willow had a hotdog experience like that at Hollywood Brown Derby once; luckily, they nicely gave her another meal.)
Well, that's Disney service. This was a hot dog stand in the middle of San Diego. Big difference. :rotfl:


This seemed like a GREAT thing to do. Very cool
It really was. I'm glad we went!

Very strange........ :scratchin
And I haven't even thrown it against a wall. Yet.

Wow - that was one tired kid!
::yes:: She tends to do that though. She'll resist sleeping at all costs and then just crash for like a day. Seriously. We had a busy weekend full of family and Easter Egg hunts. She fell asleep in the car on the way home yesterday. When I left the house this morning she was still asleep. That was 13 hours after she crashed.

I think that's a perfect way to end the day after so much travel.
::yes:: It was great.

Weird because Willow and I were not there at the same time. We are infamous for bringing rain to SoCal. Every.Time. :rolleyes:
Maybe you left some residual moisture in the area. You were just there the week before, right?

Wow - I would have been looking forward to this too. It sounds like he was just terrible though!
It really was. A huge disappointment.

REALLY terrible. WOW!

And to be completely honest... we may not have walked out, but I started playing games on my phone. :rotfl2:

Yeah, I'm sure that will work...... :rolleyes1
What's the worst that could happen? :rolleyes1

I have no idea what this was in reference too, but I'm glad you did too!!! :lmao:
It was in reference to the orange pill bottles. :thumbsup2

Ewwwww! Keepin' it (NOT) classy, San Diego. :cool::sad2:
Why thanks! ;) I owe you one. By the way, sometime during my PTR, I actually do put up a Hall of Fame, so to speak and pimp the favorites that I'm reading. Good writing always gets Grand prizes. Pictures score for something, etc... I'm sure your name will make an appearance. :rolleyes1
Well if pictures score for something, I won't hold my breath. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:


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