So if you had to pick one... And


<font color=red>I'm A Disneyana Collector!<font co
Dec 24, 1999
only ONE!!! What is your favorite Disney Movie?
Cinderella....hands down! It's probably the first Disney movie I remember, from my childhood, and I'm a romantic at heart!
This is a toughie.....

I think I can narrow it down to two:

Mary Poppins


Beauty and the Beast
SNOW WHITE, probably the first Disney movie I saw.

If you go with non-animated any of the ones with Kurt Russell, I am still jealous of Goldie Hawn!!!
My favorite is Mary Poppins although my mother would say I should say Snow White since that is the first movie she took me to in a movie theater :).
Mary Poppins!!!:D :D :D :D

But I also have very found memories of Pinocchio. My Mom and Grandmother took me uptown on the bus to see it when I was very small. I can remember my Grandmother left her purse on the bus and had to leave immediately to go to the bus station to recover it. The theater was so huge and we sat in the balcony. It was all dark and velvety. I think my Mom said I was 4 and she has no idea how i remember so much about that day. But hey when we were kids you didnt go out alot....

No question about it.. Beauty and the Beast. Especially seeing it again on IMAX.. WOW!

Nat, what is yours?

I'd have to say Sleeping Beauty. But there are several others that run a VERY close second!
Song Of The South. Such a shame that it is currently considered 'politically incorrect'. It's a great movie that should be seen and enjoyed by children today.
I can't do it...I just can't do it. I can't; I can't; I can't :p

Darn it Nat, it's just too hard to pick just one. I tried and tried and tried.

Jungle Book has a special place for me though, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite. Not only was it the first VHS movie I purchased, I love the lines that the buzzards use...Oh, I don't know, what do you want to do? (etc.) That comes up VERY often around here (complete with asking each other over and over until one says "now don't start that again!")

I guess you would have to be there for it to be funny, but it cracks us up every time!

Sue Ellen
No doubt about it and I can not believe no one has said it yet:::

Lady and the Tramp :) :) :)
Easy question, Lion King. I'm surprised I'm the first one to pick it. I just saw Beauty and Beast, I-Max version last night. Wonderful. Lion King is coming soon, can't wait.
Beauty and the Beast is my favorite, not only because I really like the movie and the music, but it was the first one our now 10 yr old daughter got into. I also have a soft spot for Toy Story.
Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Did you see there is a sequel coming out March 19th? yippee.


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