So how did it start...

What a great thread!!

After years of wishing, I finally was able to visit Disney World in January with my DH, DD (7) and DS (4). I stood on Main Street looking up at the Castle (in 32 degree weather...brrr), listening to When You Wish Upon a Star, and the tears just started rolling. We did the land and sea and had an absolutely wonderful, magical time.

We hadn't planned on going back so soon, but in May I had a miscarriage/stillbirth halfway through my pregnancy. To get me through this devastating ordeal I talked non-stop about Disney. While in the hospital, I made DH promise to take us back, this time with my parents. So we're going again in December for three days at the Wilderness Lodge and four on the Wonder. The thought of going back has helped me so much.

Now if only I could persuade DH to share my hopeless devotion so that we can go back EVERY year ... do you think WL will do it? Here's wishing ....
:eek: :eek: :eek:

This was supposed to be under NHMickey's "so when did it start?" thread (see below). I'm still a rookie! Sorry!
I am so sorry for your loss.......If you are a sentimental person who gets emotional like I do, you had best pack two boxes of Kleenex if you are doing WL...One because it is WL and one because it is WL at Christmas. My hubby took me there for dinner many years ago in December and I sat and cried all through the meal. I grew up near New York City, had done the Rocketts and Rockefeller Center all my life, Macey's window and thought I had seen Christmas..........You have not seen Christmas til you have experienced Wilderness Lodge with the gingerbread houses, lighted garlands HUGE tree, fire in the fireplace etc. Honey, if this does not get him, nothing will. I shall think of you in Dec..........Nothing is more romantic or beautiful than this resort at Christmas in my opinion except being at home with my grandkids. If I did not have their bright eyes to watch on Christmas morning I would be off to Wilderness in a heartbeat. My hubby had not wanted to go for ten yrs.WE have been annual passholders since he saw my face at Wilderness....11 yrs ago. This is a win win situation.:D :sunny:
To Mivvers,
I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. My biggest hugs and wishes are sent out to you. But I know how you feel. I myself have just had a miscarriage. My DH and I have been trying for another baby. We have a 2yro DD. I know it is heart breaking. But i felt the same way you did about going back to WDW. It is actually what I was thinking the whole time. But unfortunately my DH said we could go next year as we just bought a new house. Well now it's in my hands! I am planning a suprise B-day trip fro my DH. It's wonderful how it keeps my mind busy.
Good luck on your trip and my prayers are w/ you all!


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