So, Did I Miss Anything???


Your Disney friend from the Future!<br><font color
Apr 11, 2003

Yep, I'm still alive and - after taking a looooooong but needed break from the DIS boards to indulge in some trivial things like career changes and going back to school (I'm gonna be a TEACHER!) - I'm diving back into the wild & whirling world that is the DVC Forums.

Color me slightly bemused, as some of the first threads that I noticed were:

eBay/DVC Rental
Max Occupancy at DVC Resorts
How Does DVC Work?

and that oldie but goodie:

A new spin on "buy where you want to stay" vs. "points are points"

So call the kids and wake the neighbors (Wait. Strike that. Reverse it) - DrTomorrow is back, ready to offer helpful advice and madcap whimsy!

Be well - and it's good to be back!
How could you miss the shameless Tag Fairy pandering (illegal in most states north of FL) threads? :banana:Let me be 1st among the multitudes...welcome home!
Welcome back, Mr. Kotter. (Get it, going into teaching).
Glad you have returned. Looking forward to your posts.
Well, yes, looks like you missed 'something', since your post was moved to another forum! :rotfl:

Don't worry, I missed all of that too since I took a brief breather a few weeks ago.

Welcome back, I don't 'know' you but your name is veeeeeery familiar!!!
Welcome Back!
Good Luck with your teaching career! What grade level are you hoping to teach?
Having DVC helps to plan those vacations because you end up trying to plan during the busy times!
Welcome back! Believe it or not - - - -

I actually used the word WHIMSY in a sentence today. How wierd is that?

Glad you are back and all is well. While you were away there was no one here to prevent a paradox! :teeth: Get back to doing what you do best on the boards! :goodvibes
Sheez, 'bout time you showed up again. Did you know there was an entire thread devoted to your whereabouts? Click here for all the juicy details!

Welcome Back !!!
I am glad you're back too. all that speculating....
I too, welcome you back. I usually don't post too much in the forums (Just read' em all)- and when I heard that you were missing in action it kind of saddened me.

I like the oldies but goodies. :goodvibes
Glad to have you back! We have missed your DVC input. BTW, most of my friends from college are teachers. It's a very rewarding profession. :) You did miss some crazy threads on the old DVC community board. The old community board is now the DVC planning board...that was a little confusing, at least for me! Again, glad to have you back! :cheer2:
I am so happy to have you back on the boards. I have missed your whimsical comments! They often make me smile! Congrats on the changes.

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