Simple Thing a Cast Member Did...

There's too many to count (that's why we love Disney!), but I don't think I've shared this one from our last trip before...

My husband and I had been enjoying Extra Magic Hours at Epcot one evening, and as we were making our way out to the front of the park, we decided to swing by the Seas to ride Nemo.

It was nearly empty. We walked all the way through the queue, and came up behind just a small group of teens getting on. There were maybe three people behind us. The cast member told us to stop and said, "Let a few cars go by empty. I'll make sure no one gets on after you, and the two of you can have a nice romantic ride together all by yourselves."

I can't remember what we said besides, "Thank you!" I suspect I did a lot of blushing and giggling.

And it was a very romantic ride, too - we held hands and snuggled and sang along. My husband still talks about it as one of his favourite moments from the trip, when we had Nemo all to ourselves.
There are so many sweet and nice stories, but this is one of my favorites. Very sweet.
These are all amazing to read.

Our last trip, DS was wearing a "Happy Birthday" button and received some pixie dust of his own.

First, we went to MK, and in Fantasyland we went into the big top store there to get a drink. It was really hot outside! This sweet CM behind the counter saw his button, and gave us a big bag of caramel popcorn. He said "Mickey wants to say Happy Birthday!". It was delish!

Second, we went to Hollywood Studios which is not one of our favourite parks. We were dying of thirst again. DH went to the washrooms, and DS and I went in search of a cart selling drinks. We happened upon one of those candied nut carts and they smelled amazing. We asked for a package of nuts, and a drink, but the CM said the nuts weren't ready yet. We paid for our drinks, and waited around. A gentleman came up behind us and asked for the same, but was VERY rude to the poor CM when he was told the nuts weren't ready yet. I felt so bad for the poor girl. After he stormed off with his nuts, she came over to us and handed us a bag of nuts and wished my DS a happy birthday. It was awesome - as were the nuts!

Third, at MK again, we were riding Pirates several times - I think it ended up being 8 times in a row. The CM let us sit at the front of the boat with no one else in it. It was fun for my son on our last night, and on his favourite ride.
Last Wednesday, we were in the FP line for Buzz Lightyear. The line wasn't moving at all and the loud, constant drumming playing over the speakers was too much for my autistic 7 yr old. I excused us out of the line & when we got to the CMs they asked why we were leaving. I explained & told them it wasn't a big deal and that we'd try again later. Instead, the girl asked us to follow her and she led us all the way around the building. She took us in a side door and they put us directly on the ride. Then when we left, I noticed something white in our stroller tray. It turned out to be Buzz Lightyear stickers :)
I have a couple more...

I was on my first solo trip and I either use a GAC or wheelchair on some days to help me get through the day in the parks because of a chronic illness. Anywho, this day I decided I would go by myself and just used the GAC when I needed it. So, all is going well, after an hr. of going on maybe two rides I notice I am tired...I mean super tired. I guess I am noticeably hobbling and limping along over to pirates as I could use a good ten minutes sitting in a cool area. As I make my way, a CM pirate yells out "you there!" I turn around and he has a cane to which he points to his real peg leg and says " you need one of these! " I laughed and played along by saying that was the reason I came, I was going to 'shop around' for a better leg on the ride. He said if I couldn't find one better than his...he would gladly let me have it." simple. It was a two minute interaction..yet made my short( I left after that because I was just too tired) trip wonderful.

This one happened yesterday...and nope I wasn't there.
I ordered a sweatshirt from the Disney store about a week ago. I started wondering about it and checked the status to which there was an error and said it had not even been shipped. I kind of got a little disappointed and shrugged it off. Well I got some packages yesterday, and the first one was books for a class (ick) not greatest of mail. The next one just looked as unremarkable and thought they just sent the other book that was still missing in a bigger package. I open the tape, and then one flap of the package..and who do I see but a bright blue Mickey staring back at me! In awe, I opened the other flap, there is Tink,and decorations and on the other sides with the quote " big dreams...small package". :p I have been reading this thread for the past couple of days to keep up my spirits and this was amazing! So small, but so big to me! That is my magical moment...a box! And yes the sweatshirt is even more amazing and...I am keeping the box! :goodvibes
I apologize for not quoting here, but I'm writing from my phone and don't know how/if I can even do it when not on the desktop.

I received one of those boxes recently too! It made me giddy and so happy. Lol I even closed it up again and again so my kids and my DH could also feel the joy of opening that plain old box to find Disney magic on the inside flaps!
When DS was in 1st grade, we went to the Ohana breakfast. He gave Mickey a picture he had drawn of Mickey and Minnie. Mickey loved it and wrote something in DS's autograph book about how he should come and work as an artist for Mickey.
In DTD, DS bought a pin and turned right around and presented it to me as a gift. A CM saw him and gave him a special Tink pin for spreading pixie dust,
We took DD the first time when she was 3, in 1996. "Meet & Greets" were not as prominent in those years. She adored Winnie the Pooh, and we were strolling in the back garden in UK, when Pooh and his gang appeared. They played with her for a good 15 minutes! Pooh played "ring around the Rosie", Tigger played hide and seek, and Eeyore danced with her. She had them ALL to herself!

Same trip, she was wearing a red, white, blue romper with a big bow in her hair and we happened a character show outside at the American Adventure. Donald Duck was dressed just like her (minus the bow lol) and he came up to her and marched to the beat of the music. He made such a fuss, then brought a few characters over and kept pointing to her outfit & then his. People were stopping and taking pictures,it was so adorable.

Later, she met Snow White, and hugged her real tight. When SW started chatting with her, DD gave her another hug & put her head on her shoulder. Snow White started to cry, she was so touched by this little peanut adoring her. :-)

16 years later, DD is planning on applying for DCP in her last year of college and hopes to work for Disney in character entertainment/production/casting.
On our trip this January, our now 19 year old had a wonderful time interacting with characters and chatting with CMs. The Magic never ends!

"SingingMom" ....Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
I sent a letter to Guest Services about several CMs who were really kind & helpful on our trip last week. A supervisor from Guest Services called me today to personally thank me for sending such a nice letter and said that they would be sending copies to their supervisors to make sure they got the recognition they deserve. I've gotten an email back before but never a phone call. The CMs were great so I really hope they get something good from my feedback :)
My wonderful husband and I went to Disney for what we hoped was a wonderful 2 week trip. From getting on the plane (Southwest Flight Attendants got on the intercom and had the whole plane say congrats) to ME to checking in to Coronado Springs it was amazing!! Our first full day is MK (Monday) and its amazing!! And then that night we get an emergency phone call from home. My dad had an accident and he had been life-flight to a major hospital here. Now I couldn't stand to stay in the hotel the next days and I wasn't able to figure out how to get home so I walked around in a fog the whole next day. On Wednesday we went to AK and while at Rafiki's Planet Watch I get the call that I had been dreading. We had made the decision to take him off life support on Tuesday and but they kept him on because we were donating organs. The CM's told me about a small pathways off the the side (because there isn't a quiet spot in the whole building, lol) so I go to say my final goodbye. And of course I am bawling. This wonderful CM comes out of the gate from backstage right where I am sitting just bawling. She asks what is wrong and my poor DH had to tell her what was going on. She just sat there with and told me she understood and cried with me. I have no clue her name but I do remember the city New York, New York (we used the song by Frank at our wedding so it was rather fresh on my brain). She didn't do anything other than talk to me for a bit and cry with me but it meant so much to have somebody there with me who had been in a similar situation.

The next day we are in DHS (my poor DH was following the schedule we had come up with because I couldn't figure out what do to other than that!) and I decided that we have to figure out how to get home right then! I go in and talk with a wonderful CM to see if they can put a hold on our tickets because we wanted to come back to try again but we were not going to be able to purchase an AP (I had no clue how we were getting home or if Southwest would work with us...they did!!). She asks to see our tickets and drivers licence and looks at everything and then she prints off two cards and hands them to me. Then she tells us that she has upgraded us to AP because they want us to come back and have a real honeymoon. I immediately tried to hand them back because I told her we couldn't pay for them because we still had to try to get flights home. She looked at me and said "honey, Disney just upgraded you because we want you to come back and have a real honeymoon. It is on us". I (again!) bawled like a baby. Disney meant so much to us because it was our first real trip together, my DH gave me my promise ring (we are so old-fashioned!), and proposed to me on the Poly Beach. She said it was her last bit of magic in the parks because she was going over to the cruise line. Even my big 6 ft tall-football-player-looking hubby cried. Even the poor Bell Service guys took pity on us because we had forgotten to make an apt and they came and got us on ME right on time. They truly got us home.

We finally made it back a few months later and our hotel was amazing. They must have documentation in the file of what happened because when we went to check in (again we took ME and preregistered) they wanted to know if we were the "XXXXX Family". I think I must have gone white because we were so afraid something else had gone wrong, because the manager quickly said that they had a gift for us and that we did not have to wait in line to check in. They gave us a card, balloons, and had everything so perfect. The hotel even sent up flowers from the Disney Florist. We went on to have a magical honeymoon with Wishes Dessert Party, MNSSHP, MVMCP, La Nouba and 2 wonderful weeks of Disney magic! pixiedust:

Why are we going back in the Fall and why don't we vacation anywhere else now....because when I couldn't figure out what to do and went from such a high to such a low, Disney CM's were there to pick me up and carry us. The CM's who helped us have no idea how much it meant. When we couldn't do anything but cry (me) and hold (DH) they got us through it all.
threads like these restore my hope in simple compassion and kindness. :goodvibes

this one isn't a huge deal, but about a month ago two of my closest friends and i took a two-day trip (which we powerhoused through and managed to do most, if not all of the things we wanted to at every park :laughing:), but when we went to buy our tickets at the ttc, my friend's card was declined, and it took us about 15 minutes of being on the phone with his bank to sort the issue. we got it running again, but the cm at the ticket window gave us a fastpass for any time, any ride we wanted! it wasn't even a problem caused by disney, and she still made sure we had a magical vacation with the limited time we had. i regret not asking for her name :worried:
Ours happened with one of the characters at Animal Kingdom.

Out youngest daughter is in the autism spectrum and was 7 years old at the time. She is verbal and and loves characters, so before we left for Disney I had printed off a bunch of autograph pages with the characters names and cartoon pictures to help her remember who she was looking for.

So many of the characters made such a fuss over these pictures - they really seemed to enjoy the fact that we had these. This was especially true of less familiar characters such as the stepsisters, princes, and other friends of main characters.

When we got to where King Louie was meeting children at AK, his handler told us that King Louie will pose for pictures, but he can not sign autographs. I think it is probably difficult for him to sign because he can't really move his fingers the way some other characters can.

My daughter was so excited to see him, she ran up to him and gave him a big hug and said, "Look King Louie I have your picture!" as she showed him the autograph picture page she had. I reminded her that King Louie wouldn't be able to sign the page, and then I stepped back to take her picture.

Louie signaled for me to come back to him and then tried to get the handler's attention. She did not know what he wanted, so when she came closer, he pantomimed signing the page. She said "It's ok Louie I already told them you don't sign." He kept signaling to her and then began pointing to our marker and then at his fingers. He did this several times and she said "Do you want to sign?" and he shook his head yes! She took the cap off and put the marker between his fingers like he way showing her, and sure enough he signed it for us!

I don't know if it was because he realized my daughter has special needs, if it was because she had shown him his picture, or if he just wanted to sign because she seemed to love him, so much, but he really made our day. She still talks about King Louie signing her book!

Kim :)
I don't know if it was because he realized my daughter has special needs, if it was because she had shown him his picture, or if he just wanted to sign because she seemed to love him, so much, but he really made our day. She still talks about King Louie signing her book!

Kim :)

....... and rightly so. Great story! :)
Our kids' first trip was last year. We spent a lot of time in Magic Kingdom. One of those mornings a CM spent 30 minutes blowing bubbles for my daughter. She was absolutely delighted running around in this small space chasing bubbles. The CM used up all of the bubble solution that she had on her! It was a wonderful moment for my daughter (DS enjoyed it too, but not nearly as much).
On our last MK day we rid on Buzz Lightyear. I got my highest ever score but MUm's gun wasn't working. She said that to a CM at the end of the ride and she let us go round again!
Last year when we pulled up to the booth to pay for parking the CM said "Have a magical day" and waved us through. It was the best way to start the day!
My son lost one of the backs of a pin last year. I went to one of the kiosks on Animal Kingdom to try to the buy one to replace it. I asked the cm if they sold any replacements. She said "We do, how many do you need?" when I said just one, she started rummaging through her bag, saying "I know I have one here". She found one and when I offered to pay her she waved me away. Such a simple but very appreciated gesture!
There was a CM that was at the DVC kiosks most of the time we saw her at BWV and for years she remembered my DD's by name (really amazing). They always went looking for her when we first got to the resort, big reunion, very cute. Sometimes she would be at other locations, we ran into her at Epcot once and the same reaction, big reunion and hugs.

Also, for several years my youngest DD (she would have been 9-11 range) would go to the art store on BWV and became friends with the manager. Very funny, you would not expect a manager at a higher end art studio to be so welcoming to a young person.

Another time a CM for whatever reason took a liking to my youngest DD (she was 8ish) while we were waiting in the FP line at SM. He let us go on over and over again going the back way (I think it was the assisted loading area). He radioed ahead and every time we looped back through the other CM's just waived us through as we approached.
Oh yeah, and on our first MK day a lovely CM at Guest Relations replaced Mum's Keys To The Kingdom Badge that had fallen off her bag and been lost. And at Hollywood Studios she got a trophy bead necklace because it was her birthday and they wanted to give her an award or something. I was in the restroom so missed it.
I have one that has finally come to mind after reading pages & pages of this thread.

We were at MK in January of 2012 for my son's birthday. His birthday wasn't actually until the next day, but since we were going to be travelling home on his birthday, we treated that last day as his birthday for the most part. He loved Buzz Lightyear (sadly, he's moved past Toy Story characters now) so we went to have our picture taken with Buzz in the afternoon/early evening over in Tomorrowland. Buzz held up 6-fingers for my son's birthday & everything. Looking over the pictures as we waited in a line, I came to find out the picture was blurry. I was bummed, to say the least. Buzz was only out until a certain time & when we made it back to Tomorrowland, he was still out, but the line had been cut off. I asked the CM if we could do a redo, didn't need an autograph & explained what happened. I was told to come back the next day, but explained that we'd be driving back to NC. It appeared as if we weren't going to get the redo, but she finally said she had to ask Buzz if it was okay. He gave approval & we got the final shot of the day. It's not much, I know, but it was enough to make that little boy & his mommy happy!
We were having dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table when I noticed tears well up in my DD7's eyes. I glanced at the table where she was looking and saw that the "Wishing Star" that she received upon entering the dining hall had broken. Before the first tear fell, I saw another wishing star appear. A Character Handler had noticed what had happened and handed DD7 another star. No words were spoken except a heartfelt thank you for an act of kindness I will never forget.


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