Shopping on the Islands


Sep 30, 2001
I love shopping but have never been on a cruise or anything before. How do you know where to go for shopping on the islands. I assume you take a taxi. Where do you go to shop on the islands?
They have a "shop talk" just for people like you. It's held in the one of the theatres on the day you embark... and a video from this presentation is aired continually on the stateroom televisions. There are also shopping guides they publish with maps and suggested stores. Don't worry... when it comes to figuring out how to get you to strengthen the economy of these island ports, you'll have no problem.

I definitly agree with Dave, just watch your stateroom tv or go to the shopping talk and they will direct you on what shops offer what. Also, check the book in your stateroom as the shopping ads are pretty helpful and it also offers a map of the island. You really won't need to take a taxi to get around town as it's all within walking distance. Hubby and I on Monday did all of our shopping within two hours and were back on the boat by lunchtime (but we have now been to Nassau four times and knew excatly what we wanted).

As a first time cruiser (not until next winter.. boo hoo!) please tell us what you shopped for. I would not have any idea what to even look for or consider a good deal. Thanks!
As a first time cruiser (not until next winter.. boo hoo!) please tell us what you shopped for. I would not have any idea what to even look for or consider a good deal. Thanks!

Originally posted by snowiit
As a first time cruiser (not until next winter.. boo hoo!) please tell us what you shopped for. I would not have any idea what to even look for or consider a good deal. Thanks!


I would also love to know what you shopped for. Dh and I will be cruising in April and I would appreciate any information you could share with us:)

DVC Member '96 Vero & OKW
Next trip: DVC 10th Anniversary Cruise 4/7-4/11
Sorry for the double post! It went to a page that couldn't be displayed the first time so I didn't know if it went through....
I am so excited about cruising for the first time. My DH was so great to suprise me with a 4 night cruise for our 20th anniversary.<G>

Hi all,

Gee, I guess I can name a few things that we shopped for. Just keep in mind that we have been there four times and everytime we go we are shopping for different situations or people. We have bought gold necklaces and bracelets, watches, and last week from Clombia Emerald's hubby got me a 14k bi-color necklace and matching bracelet. :)

We have also gotten the typical tourist stuff like surongs, Jamacian coffee, baseball style caps, a bag of beach sand, cuban cigars, t-shirts and hand carved wooden flutes and pipes.

Last cruise we even found a great store in Nassua down past Planet Hollywod way to the left that had women and children's clothing that was two stories with a functional escalator. I had specially gone on a hunt last month to find kids clothes, because my niece who had come with us for a family trip was not paked any dress's for dinner by her mother. Arggh! Anyway, we found plenty there at that store to get her through the cruise.

Have fun shopping...Mmketeer


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